Telluric Grid Theory

 Table of Contents


01. Preface

03. Alchemy

17. The Dawn of Civilization

18. The Earths Electromagnetic Field & Atmospheric Energy

20. Telluric Energy

23. Pyramids

28. Piezoelectric Crystals

31. Similar Creation Mythology

37. Divining and Dowsing 

40. Animals and EMF

41. Hair

43. The Pineal Gland/Third Eye    

46. The Information Purges

47. Sex and Power

48. Generational Poisoning

49. Fall of the Ancients

50. Creativity Farming

51. Symbolism in Media                                      

52. Destruction of Ancient Sites

53. A Scientific Confirmation of Astrology

54. Conclusion 

55. Index



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Let me start out by saying that I am an investigator and do not take all of these things as fact. I am a scientifically minded person and what I do is investigate unusual/occult/esoteric claims often found in the conspiracy and pseudoscience communities for any tangible evidence or applicable knowledge. What I found while doing this over the years was that a good majority of these claims often had some truth to them but were blown out of proportion by extremists. Despite these exaggerations the actual facts from these matters turned out to be just as extraordinary as some of the over bloated claims about them.

What I found was that there are some truly bizarre borderline “magic” elements at play in some of these instances and because of the exaggerations from conspiracy theorists etc these actual bizarre subjects were often forgotten, overlooked or instantly dismissed by the majority of the population. I am not talking about aliens or extra dimensions or anything like that, I am talking about things like electroreception, rocks that give off a voltage when squeezed and ancient symbols that can be used as blueprints to create combustion engines. This is just a hobby for me and in no way consumes my life or personality like many “conspiracy theorists” or “truthers” so let me put you at ease about that. I wrote this to share the fruits of my labors with others and in no way will be using this for clout or to sell some book or YouTube channel etc.

 As I began to accumulate more and more of this unusual knowledge it began to form an overall picture. I had to reconsider humanities past as a species and what I had been taught about ancient peoples and how advanced they were. The deeper I dug the more sophisticated some of them seemed to be, grasping ideas and concepts that we in modern society had not discovered without the aid of modern scientific equipment. The mastery some of these ancient peoples had over some of these subjects was astonishing even by today’s standards.

I am not talking about things like really smooth stone cuts in ancient Egypt (though they are mentioned). I am talking about things like being able to engineer a giant pyramid temple to bounce the sound of clapping back in a way that mimics the call of a native bird that the temple was created to worship. Being able to attune structures to set frequencies that match the same frequency as the earths “heartbeat” better known as “the Schumann Resonance”. Having an advanced understanding of chemistry, turning it into a sort of mystery religion and then using advanced yet simple symbology to represent chemical processes and applied methods. Things that are truly hard to ignore when you find out about them.

Information on these subjects has yet to be collected and put together in a place that people talking about such matters could easily draw from. This is intended to be an educational encyclopedia of rare and unusual knowledge and information anyone can use to strengthen their understanding concerning these topics because said topics are awash with misunderstandings, misinformation and con artists. Copy and paste all you want I claim no ownership over this and I created it with an intent to help people in their quest for knowledge. Use it as you will.

This theory is my own personal analysis but if you don’t agree with it don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater so to speak. The information each section provides has been meticulously and thoroughly examined and compiled. I did everything I could to just leave the objective facts and scientific evidence. I do not ask you to believe my claims, only that you look over the evidence yourself.

In order for you to see the full picture of this you need to take in all the information I am about to convey. It connects various fields of scientific research and historical knowledge. I have spent a little over a decade compiling and researching these things out of my own interests in the mysteries of the past and hidden or suppressed knowledge. Although an overall theory is established each section stands on its own.

Entertaining Ideas without accepting them as fact is the core of investigation. With all that being said lets get into it.

Are crystals “magic”? What is the pineal gland all about? Where did hollow earth theory come from (I am not a flat/hollow earther settle down), what exactly is intuition? Would you like to learn how to use the philosophers stone? Not to make gold mind you (though I did include some alleged formulas) as the stone itself is a method/symbol. I can teach you about all of these and its very easy, all you have to do is read.

I found that many of these topics were not “magic” or aliens but very easy to understand logic based system with real world demonstrable applications, misunderstood because of murky/mystical terminology. Believe me I know how that sounds but you will soon find out there is some truth to these strange topics worthy of attention. Let me reassure you that we will not be talking about strange demons and spirits or elevated states of consciousness, nothing like that. This paper is meant to be purely academic. I have spent a little over a decade scouring this “ocean” of strange topics for real, tangible information that could be used.

You will find no mention of aliens within this body of work. No lizard men, spiritualism, extra dimensional visitors, satanic baby eaters, politicians, meditation or stargates…though the stuff we will cover is no less incredible. Be forewarned, In order for you to understand some of the information you have to have at least a basic understanding of chemistry and basic critical thinking skills. Nothing advanced literally just understanding what chemistry is and how to use un-biased deductive reasoning for investigation, objective thinking.





It is going to be quite a bit of reading but I promise you that if you read through it with an open mind and a willingness to learn, what you learn will change how you view life, the things that play out around us every day and you will begin to understand the world and universe a little better. I am not a spiritualist and will be approaching everything with a rational scientific point of view. I will have to make few assumptions when information is not available but when I do they will be thoroughly explained and labeled as such.

We cant rush through this because for you to understand and fully comprehend this information its going to take a little time. There is no way around this, if you want to learn algebra you have to learn math first. I have done my best to organize the sections and if you want to skip around that’s fine, each section has something fascinating for you to learn about our world and history. Though some of them will seem a little silly without adding in the rest of the information (looking at you hair section) so its important to read all of it because it all fits together to form a sort of picture of whats going on in our world and what has been going on all through recorded history.

Now…the theory. We will start with a relative quote.

We are whirling through endless space, with and inconceivable speed, all around everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere there is energy. There must be some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly. Then, with the light obtained from the medium, with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from the store forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides. The mere contemplation of these magnificent possibilities expand our minds, strengthens our hopes and and fills our hearts with supreme delight.

  • Nikola Tesla

The Theory

Before or during the last ice age a global culture existed on earth, not one that was in contact globally but rather a sort of globally practiced way of thinking and inherited traditions. Not a technologically advanced one like ours but one who fully understood nature and its machinations through centuries of observation. Inevitably this culture noticed static electricity and the natural electrical flows of the earth and the many energies that play out on and within it. Eventually they learned how to focus, control and interact with these energy flows like one could control the flow of water with a funnel or damn.

They did this by building giant megalithic structures know to us as pyramids and temples that were passed down from one generation to the next. The purpose of some of these original temples were to artificially alter the electrical environment and possibly use it to propagate plant and crop growth via electrical stimulation. Not to harness electricity for technological purposes but to act as a natural “spring” or dam to release and control electrical pressure and energy within the environment. They were constructed to focus energy in its many forms and possibly to bring about generation and regeneration of life around them by stimulating and focusing the earths natural electrical energy.

As you will see these pyramid building ancient cultures had a shared practice in the form of geomancy and used what they called "the geomantic act" to pick the right place to build their sacred structures and megaliths. This practice survives to this day in the form of Feng shui, the Chinese art of placement. This is gone over in the shared mythology section. We will also go over "electroreception" and its role in evolution and how animals and life in general interact with the earths various electric fields and energies. 

They were able to accomplish this by constructing these temples attuned to nature and its processes. They had to be in the right place, the right height, the right shape, the correct angles and built from the right materials much like today's radio towers and wireless devices adhere to these same rules. Some of these places were even built with acoustic resonance in mind, being so precise that they could manipulate sound or transform one sound into another sound intentionally. These temples also interacted with the "atmospheric potential gradient" which we will cover the science of in a later section.

They used geomagnetic energy and electromagnetic energy via orientation and position and atmospheric static electricity gathered at an altitude from the atmospheric potential gradient. Combining all three to form a sort of electric funnel into/out of the earth. What they used this energy for is purely speculative however some information regarding their use has survived. The one thing that is clear about them is that these temples had multiple functions and purposes, the same as modern day generators having multiple purposes.

Over time they established more and more of these temples worldwide forming a sort of grid on the surface of the earth with them. A geomagnetic or telluric grid. This was either a worldwide grid to control the earths interior energy, using the various “stations” to control the overall pressure and flow of earths interior energies the same way lightning balances out the earths ionosphere and ground currents just artificially and less intensive. Or these temples were just sort of town centers that performed this task locally and not on a global scale.

They came about this knowledge from the ancient art known as Alchemy. An objective science that gave birth to modern chemistry and was practiced world wide for a large portion of human history. Alchemy gave them objective knowledge of energy, they may not have understood the technical details or specifics of energy but the ancient texts of alchemy make it very clear that they objectively understood energy in its various forms and how it behaved.

More importantly, this knowledge of energy and electricity was intricately hidden inside their teachings and texts by the use of symbology and other coded communication. This brings about the question of who exactly they were hiding this knowledge from and why? This theory asserts that powerful people of the past were hunting down this knowledge of energy and destroying it and anyone who knew of it. Destroying all traces of humanities ancient past and the things they discovered.

This paper fully fleshes out how these temples function or could function on a scientific basis, provides peer reviewed studies to confirm some of the assertions, an exhaustive amount of evidence to further support the claims also going over the culture that made them and what happened to them. Also it has an extensive list of all the documented times information was destroyed throughout human history and by whom.








This section deals with alchemy and symbolism and its history so for those of you looking for the hard science I suggest you save this section for last and proceed to the other sections. Many of you may be familiar with alchemy and the famous quest to turn lead into gold. This is was only one of its goals and the scope of alchemy is much, much bigger than that task.

This is going to be one of the biggest sections because it is important to the overall theory and contains the philosophers stone info but if you want to skip it and come back that’s fine. There is plenty for you to learn about in the other sections. However do not skip anything within this section or you will not fully understand the rest of alchemy and its ideology. Alchemy is more than just a primitive form of chemistry and this section fully fleshes that out.

Also be warned that alchemists purposefully used words to hide what they were really talking about. Each word being a sort of code to keep the formula safe from common folk and deviants etc. They will say things like “holy fire”, “celestial nitre”, “holy energy” etc. You have to remember that they had no scientific understandings of these forces and were just coming across them for the first time so the words they used to describe them were a bit fanciful. Though my point is that they are not imaginary forces they are just using a more primitive terminology to describe them

The other thing I will cover in this section is the ingestion of gold as a medicine. Though that sounds strange the alchemists of old thought of gold as a sort of perfect substance and found ways to use it as a potent medicine. This has been pretty much confirmed by modern science and we will get into it a little later within this section.

Through a decade of research I and others have discovered that before recorded history there seems to have been a global culture that centered around a singular belief/philosophical system expressed through symbology and mythological stories. This system would be the precursor to almost all modern religion and it seems to be the original philosophical system that organized religion ITSELF replaced even going as far as to adopt its symbology and stories under the label of “paganism”. This philosophical system is what came to be known to us as hermetics and alchemy or the theology of chemistry.

These ancient people were not as technologically advanced as we are today, they were chemically advanced and masters of symbology. Our modern use of symbology stops at numbers and letters but these ancient peoples went beyond that and used more complex symbols to represent ideas and entire methods. This knowledge provided them with almost everything they needed and through alchemy they could solve almost all of their problems (and yes these techniques will be demonstrated and explained thoroughly).

They gained this knowledge because their belief system bestowed upon them an almost complete understanding of the reactions that occur within the universe and using symbology they discovered one of natures greatest catalysts for transformation which some called “the philosophers stone”. To briefly simplify it alchemy is the belief that all changes that can be made to a material substance through chemistry can also be made in your mind to change your personality/thinking/how you feel, to social constructs, physical problems and to your “spiritual” substance which we will de-mystify later. This is one of the meanings of the popular saying “as above so below” meaning things that happen in the mind effect the environment and vice versa, that it is a two way system of interaction. That is to say that every chemical reaction that happens in the “material” universe physically, has a counterpart inside your mind and also in what they termed the “spiritual” universe or the electro-chemical matrix of your body that establishes how you feel emotionally or how energetic you feel mentally, etc (we will also go into scientific detail about this later). 

That man is of two bodies one “spiritual”, one physical and a mind to control them both forming a sort of trinity of mind, body and “soul”.

To further explain I have included the following chapter from Manly P. Hall’s book “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” that summarizes alchemy, the book was published in 1923. It is an encyclopedia of occult, esoteric and hermetic wisdom gathered from the ages. Cataloguing the various secret societies, hermetic orders, mystery schools and fraternities known to us throughout history and their practices, beliefs, teachings and historical influence. 

If you want to read the book in its entirety you can here for free:

If you want to read the book in its entirety you can here for free:


As you just read some mythology is actually alchemy disguised or hidden, one scene, picture or story can be made to represent multiple situations symbolically and even chemical formulas. This is why most mythology is interpretive, it was meant to be. There is usually a surface level story but that story also has a symbolic one which is interpretive (mind, body and spirit). So its wrong to just view these myths and symbols one way because as we have seen from the people who claimed to have made them that each one has a 3 fold meaning like their beliefs.

The alchemist believe that everything has a three fold meaning, a meaning to the mind, a meaning to the body and a meaning to the “spirit”. That what happens in one of these spheres echos into the others and manifests as a counterpart in those sphere. We will fully go over examples of this later in this section.

Now for those of you new to symbolism I will give you an objective example. Consider what drawing is, primitive people drew on cave walls all the things they saw and encountered outside of the cave. They used similar shapes to represent the animals and plants etc. To them they were just trying to draw well but in actuality drawing is symbolism, the thing being drawn is (usually) not as detailed as the actual thing and is therefore a type of “symbol” for that thing.

Back to what we just read.

One part of a myth or story is physical (the pictures and symbols of the story), one spiritual (the symbolic story it can represent) and what those two interpretations mean when put together in the mind is the final part. These myths and symbols are being viewed one way or the other but they were intended to be viewed as a whole using multiple perceptions. So its wrong to throw out different interpretations of these myths and symbols and only accept one as the true meaning behind them. Even wrong to think some of them never happened in that sense.

Its wrong because these stories first and for most exist to teach people and help them better themselves through example. So at one point some of them could have been made up stories…but if somebody modeled their life around the teachings they convey and became just like some of these mythological hero’s in said stories than some of these myths may have become self fulfilling prophesies. Like how Christians try to be like Jesus, if somebody just started acting and dressing like Jesus and called themself Jesus then through their good deeds they could become a local legend, thus becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. Some guy who does the same things Jesus did whose name is also Jesus now exists thus becoming a self fulfilling prophecy in a way.

This may take some time to fully set in, it took me a few days to realize the scope of it and I am still currently trying to figure out how to apply it. The universe follows a pattern for how it behaves and forms…on all levels, even the ones that only happen in our minds. I will demonstrate how it functions with examples later in this section. For now lets go over what we just read and try to “digest” some of it…are you getting these alchemical puns yet? you will.





As we just went over the alchemist life has two bodies that exist in union, this union is the “spiritual” which for now we will label as electro-chemical and the “material” (matter) that forms life, another interpretation or terminology would be the “soul” and body. There is no question that electricity is what makes all living things alive and energy plays a part in all moving things in some way shape or form. Without energy you don’t have movement period. It is electricity inside us running through and over our brains that allow us to think, our heart generating electricity that allows us to be alive, electrical signals that run through our nerves that allow us to move and feel.

To further elaborate on spirit being electrical lets talk about nerves and cells in the body for a brief moment.

“Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents. Electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body and to the brain, making it possible for us to move, think and feel. Almost all of our cells can use these charged elements, called ions, to generate electricity.

Read more about it here. 

 So to the alchemist and ancient world the “spiritual self” usually means the electrical “energy” part of us, not some imaginary ghost but the actual electrical energy that composes and animates your body seen as a whole. This bodily union mirrors the planetary body of matter and the electromagnetic sphere of the earth and other planets like it, which in turn mirrors the electromagnetic sphere of the sun and its physical body which is composed of hydrogen and plasma. The ground of the earth being the “body” and the electromagnetic sphere being the “spirit” of the earth or its electrical body. The supposed iron core of the earth being the “heart” of both of it’s bodies as its rotation is what gives our planet a magnetic field.

To the alchemists people are the child of the earth and sun. The sun (father) radiates energy, the earth (mother) provides materials or a womb for the energy. When the two combine they create life or living matter, the energy from the sun combines with the materials of the earth. Living things move like energy but are physical like matter.

Examining these thoughts today with the eyes of modern science we know that what the alchemists believed is objectively true, the earth has two “bodies” one electromagnetic and one physical. They are however sort of separate as the electromagnetic body can move freely of the physical one. This is why the north and south poles of the planet move from time to time or appear to wander.

You can read about it here.

You can read about it here.


 You could further this comparison of the earth to the human body and say the “nerves” of the planet are the magma/lava systems within its crust. The alchemists also believed that energy in its various forms all come from a singular force and the various forms of energy are just different “frequencies” of this primary energy force. Demonstrably, the energy the sun radiates is more than just light. It also brings heat, electricity and can trigger various chemical reactions in matter with its solar radiation. They were actually pretty spot on with this observation. 

Science confirmed this with the discovery of various forms of electromagnetic radiation. Visible light being one of them, you can read more about it in this article.


    They called this force (electromagnetic radiation) a few different names such as Aether, aether fire, magic, ether, life force, spirit, divine energy, fire of the gods etc. To them nature was/is god, the "grand alchemist". The way things carried out naturally without the interference of an intelligent being was to them the "will of god", the natural order, the great alchemy, nature or god was the great creator or alchemist. Nature had brought about this creation of life and was viewed by them as the originator of life. 

    The energy being our "father" because energy can inhabit matter (impregnate) and the matter being our "mother" because the body of life was constructed from matter (such as a baby is in the womb). One of the alchemists goals was to align and attune themselves to this natural flow and pattern of nature or the "will of god". To become holy or one with "god", it has many names across many cultures. When one accomplished this union with "god" they became a holy person who the "will of god" acted through. 

     This is one of the origin of priests, or holy men in today's modern religions. Quite literally when one sees nature moving in a certain direction and then chooses to assist that movement (whatever or however that may be) that person is indeed helping out the natural order of movement. Like being a worker for the universe, becoming one with the universe, an agent of nature, a helper, the hand of god if you will. It's all in how you term things, the ancient peoples of earth simply had different words and terms than us to describe things.   



  The alchemists believed that our bodies and minds developed the way they did because of the environment in which they developed, believing our minds and bodies to be part of the environment itself and thus not separate from it. That all life is basically a smaller version of the universe that it inhabits and its various biological systems mirror the various systems of nature because it is itself part of nature and exists within these systems. Which if you know anything about history this is an incredibly logical “religion” coming from ancient times.

Basically they believed that all of reality is fractal and not just the material or physical parts. That things that happen physically “echo” through the mind and “spirit” and vice versa which is part of their three fold belief system of mind, body and spirit. Think of it in terms of shapes, in 2D you have a square, the “echo” of that in 3D is a cube and the echo of that in 4D is a tesseract. So if something happens in one of the categories (mind, body, spirit) it then it has a form in the other two categories as well.

Think of it like this, in your mind if you are frustrated that then can “transmute” into your spirit (emotions) as anger then those emotions can transmute into the physical world as violence or violent acts. Lets try it from the reverse direction; somebody randomly just attacks you for no reason (violence), that makes you angry and then after you have time to think about it you become frustrated with that persons actions. When something happens in one of these “realms” it manifests in the others sort of like an echo. Lets try another example, you are depressed emotionally (spirit) and you always feel sad, that transmutes into your mind by making you always think of gloomy or sad thoughts sort of like dyeing all of your thoughts in a shade of blue (mind), then that overall sadness and gloom and doom causes you to stop eating as much (common sign of depression) and your body begins to wither (body). 

What happens in one “realm” has representations in the others that manifest sort of like an echo. If you want to read it in their own words I suggest reading the book I posted, The Secret Teachings of All Ages.

Within that book they lay out how they believed life and the universe came to be. It is explained in terminology we would not easily recognize today and even further than that some of it is intentionally hidden or misconstrued. I will now (attempt) to translate how they think life started to a scientific point of view by interpreting the mythological and symbolic story of their beliefs laid out in the book I linked earlier. However this is all my own interpretation into modern terminology so feel free to skip it, it is not vital to the overall theory.

I included it to demonstrate that before organized religion there existed a philosophical system based entirely on observation.

(those that wish to skip it proceed to page 6)

Picture and consider the following series of events…and keep in mind this story comes from the borders of prehistory;

  • First there was nothing but a void or empty space,

  •  then the first occasion or event happened and the first movement in the universe occurred,

  • change literally came into existence so its called the beginning of time,

  • A "big bang" in the nothingness,

  • this bang spread out in all directions because nothing existed to impede its movement or momentum,

  •  from this central mass energy all movement or energy start to spread outward,

  • as matter forms within this big bang the energy pouring out of this central point hits the matter like a current of a river and begins to make it spin,

  • in a vacuum spinning is the natural reaction on a body to an action if energy is coming from a central point hitting a sphere


  • there is no friction or gravity to correct or guide movement and since this energy stream comes from a sigular point the surface of an object closest to the force will receive more of it,

  •  thus one spot is being pushed more than another on any given object and that force creates a spin because the object is floating in space,


Lets pause for a second so we can talk about this rotation on scientific terms. The following statement is from...


From the above link:

Person A: “Anyway, the bottom line is that stars like the Sun spin from the original angular momentum that was there in the solar nebula from which it formed. Not only that, all orbital motion of the planets (including the spin) is due to this original angular momentum.

Person B: You are saying that original angular momentum of the cloud causes orbital motions and rotations of the planets(mostly). But in the case of orbital motions we have gravitational force that gives us some restrictions of movement(Kepler laws,for example).

Person A: What I am saying is that there will be no planets if there was no initial angular momentum in the primordial solar nebula. If a nebula with absolutely no rotation collapses, then there will only be a central non-rotating star and there will not be any planets. Planets form out of a protostellar disk, which itself forms only because of the initial angular momentum of the cloud. The dynamics of a rotating body is of course controlled by forces like gravity. Kepler’s laws are a direct consequence of gravity.

So according to our own modern scientific understandings this view on rotation in space was accurate…in a time when they did not know about space or that planets spin.

Let us also considered the shape of the suns heliosphere in space. The heliosphere is the solar wind, emanating from the Sun, which creates a bubble that extends far past the orbits of the planets. This bubble is the heliosphere, shaped like a long wind sock as it moves with the Sun through interstellar space.



See that it bows from the movement and in reaction from shielding us from the galaxies radiation…which comes from a single direction. So objectively the alchemists were right in this belief, an astonishing observation given they had no way to observe space weather in this kind of detail. It also behaves exactly like earths own magnetic shield which in turn protects us from the sun.

As above so below as they say. Or a fractal pattern or an “echo”.

So what the alchemists thought was objectively true, there is some original force out there that makes things spin and that same force is what gives things life. Electromagnetic radiation as we will see later is most probably the origin of life.

I actually dug deeper into trying to find out why anything spins to begin with but the sad truth of it is we wont know or cant know because we did no see the universe form. The best answer I found is in the below link but it still does not explain the origin of the spin.

 "The Universe starts out as a nearly perfectly smooth distribution of matter with tiny perturbations to the density and velocity distributions across it. If you pick any region of this early Universe, it almost certainly has an angular momentum, or in other words it has a slow net spinning motion. As matter collapses under gravity, angular momentum is conserved and the slow spin of a large object becomes the fast spin of a more compact object. This is analogous to spinning on a chair with your arms out then pulling them in - you spin faster."


 It explains how things spin but not why, as it said even the early universe had angular momentum. 


Back to the explanation though.


  • the universe and galaxies begin to form,

  •  then they start to spin,

  • the stars within them also begin to spin from the energy these galaxies emit from their centers,

  • stars radiate out huge amounts of solar energy that manifest in various forms such as light, electricity,  magnetism, heat and so forth,


  •  planets begin to form around those stars,

  •  a repeating pattern of movement, growth and thus development has begun,

  •  a pattern forms from chaos into order,

  • then moves, grows and develops,

  • it hits an apex of perfection or form,

  • then it begins to break down, atrophies then dies,

  • its parts scatter back into chaos,

  •  eventually a spark or catalyst in the chaos ignites a reaction,

     The only change that can be made in total true order because they are concepts and patterns of movement that form a duality.  Meaning without balance they will always move towards each other naturally.  Think of this process like a wheel...spinning, the chaos transforms into order again and order then repeat its journey back into chaos naturally in a sort of cycle.  Maybe it will be easier to imagine it as climbing over a mountain, you get to the peak and then its all down hill.


  • now eventually the core of our planet begins to form (it is made of iron in theory),

  • the solar energy hits the iron core and electricity, heat, light and so forth pour over the cores surface,

  • as it continues to form it begins to take shape and as it takes shape it begins to spin from the energy that's hitting it (just as our stars and the galaxies do) it too mimics the movement of the universal pattern or spinning,

  • this spinning begins to conform the shape of the core to the universal pattern of a spherical shape (mimicking the galaxies and stars),

  •  because of its iron body its axis of rotation begins to form magnetic polarity,


  • because of this the core forms a sort of second body comprised of energy,


  • the electromagnetic field of the earth is formed

  •  the spin and mass also create gravity around the iron core and slowly as time goes on it attracts stardust and exotic matter which begins to accumulate on it's surface,

  •  as the matter accumulates on the surface of the iron core electricity, magnetism, heat and light all begin to interact and react to and with the matter,

  • a naturally occurring chemical process eventually begins,

  •  the various energies begin to take hold of the matter and at one point matter begins to accumulate around the energies,

  •  energized matter is formed in its most simplistic form,

 Though perhaps its just a new type of energized matter, we will picture them as little electric balls of clay.

  •  these "energized balls" of matter then begin to mimic the universal pattern of spinning,

  • as they mimic the same spinning pattern of the universe matter starts to form around these "energized balls" as it is drawn to it naturally through gravity or magnetism etc,

  •  over time this matter begins to accumulate more around the electricity and the electricity is absorbed within it and it comes to inhabit it,

  • within the matter more and more movement begins to happen,

  •  the energy causes movement within the matter causing it to change,

  • inside the matter it begins mixing and bringing it through various chemical processes,

  •  a liquid chaos has formed from the solid material that was once the inside of the matter,

  • a spark ignites a change within it and a small "galaxy" is formed within the matter to play out a tiny version of the natural movement of things,

 This little electric ball now has a liquid "universe" inside of it

  • the energy and matter eventually reach an apex,

  • the point between growth and atrophy, the tip of a metaphorical mountain,

  •  the balance between order and chaos,

  •  energy and matter sythesize into a single thing,

  •  life is born.

    Pretty progressive thinking for people from the borders of prehistory wouldn't you say? They believed inside of us there are counterpoints for the various things/cycles/energies/forces in the material universe. "As above, so below" is a somewhat popular saying that describes this and actually originates from alchemy. You can see this a little further down in this section in the tarot card "The magician", tarot cards you will see were actually alchemical formulas represented symbolically as to keep them safe and secret.

It is also worth pointing out the accepted scientific theory about how life started or can start naturally. You can irradiate simple elements and that combination will produce amino acids. The "building blocks of life" as they are called. You can read about them and why they call them that below.


It is very interesting and of note that it took 4 elements mixed with energy to produce life in the scientific explanation and in the alchemical explanation man is also created by mixing the 4 “elements” (wind, water, fire, earth) then given life with a 5th ingredient. The same belief just different terminology. We will also discuss later that when the alchemists talked about the 4 “elements” they did not mean it in a psychical sense but in generalized properties of the universe.





They have a few sayings that represent this kind of pattern of as above so below or fractal patterns “the superior agrees with the inferior and the inferior agrees with the superior” or “as above, so below”. To further clarify this it means that the small can effect the big just as the big can effect the small, or using another perspective the mind can effect matter and matter can effect the mind and they can exist in a state of harmony or discord. The universe can influence and effect the mind and the mind can influence and effect the universe. Meaning the environment in its many forms can mold your mind via experiences and your mind with its many arts, sciences and imagination can mold the universe.

A virus can kill an animal and an animal (humans) can kill a virus, The planet can cause devastation on humanity and humanity can devastate the planet, your mind can panic and cause your body to tense or your body can suddenly tense and cause the mind to panic. It is a two way system, three way system.

Trying to recognize these mental counter points in the universe is the origin the zodiac and the symbolism used in tarot cards. Ancient knowledge passed down to us and kept safe and alive through symbolism, myths and allegories. This is one of the reason zodiac signs and various gods and planets are associated with different body parts in ancient mythology and religion.

They would look for events in the stars and then try to find the “echos” of those events on earth or within their bodies. This is the origin of the zodiac and astrology. I found that many occult and esoteric systems like this all shared this purpose or originated from such observations. It seems that over time the practices got to convoluted and specific in their interpretations but the overall belief of these “echos” or counterpoints as I termed it is based in reality and logic.

To prove that tarot cards have hidden symbols we will compare the medieval alchemical symbols with the old and new tarot card system. Within each card is an alchemical symbol and just as the book states they contain hidden symbolism for various crafts and trades. If you would like a proper analysis I have included a chapter from The Secret Teachings of All Ages regarding the matter that you can read through yourself.






The book is a compact version of the original and does not contain all the pictures so I have included some below for you to compare the symbolism with yourself. I included both types of tarot decks (I guess there are revised versions?) and a few different alchemical tables for posterity and comparison.


The Egyptian Tarrot is pretty forward with the symbology and even includes the actual symbols

What did you think? I myself saw some pretty hard to ignore similarities. Personally I am convinced that these cards are indeed what this book claims but that’s just my opinion. I actually found that many esoteric or occult symbols were alchemical formulas or representations of materials used in them. Much of the occult stems from alchemy, occult literally means hidden and alchemy is known as the dark (hidden) art because the alchemists had to remain hidden out of fear of being religiously prosecuted or exploited by powerful people.




 Our very lives could be viewed as an alchemical/chemical formula with the processes slowly playing out over the course of them. Slowly adding things to our psyche to stimulate change and growth…or destruction and decay, like a stew. Ones life can play out in often predictable patterns much like a chemical formula or recipe. Become a drug addict and things probably will go down hill for you in your life, invest time in making art and a few years down the road you will probably be better at it, have a super traumatic experience when you are younger and you could suffer greatly from its memory thus drastically effecting your life later on.

Life has its predictable patterns, it has action and reaction it just can be a very complicated reaction that takes a long time to play out so it goes unnoticed or the connection is never made.

Computers mimic and use the logic of reality and abide by it. Computers also use symbols to function, 0s and 1s are the symbols they use so computing itself functions on symbolism. They then (to simplify it) combine those symbols in all sorts of ways to manifest images and functions on the screen and within the computer. In fact symbolism and thus symbols can be used as a sort of universal language. Think of it like this, if you visited another country and did not know the language what would you use to communicate to the locals? Drawing, pictures and drawing are one of the oldest form of communication that we have. You don’t have to be able to read or speak the language to understand them (ideally).

Now that you have learned a little about symbology and alchemy we can talk about what rituals and ceremonies are on a fundamental and objective level. Rituals in practice are the process of using items to invoke thoughts, feelings and cultivate a general environment around you and in your mind. It works a bit like the placebo effect where the items you use only work if you believe they will. If a certain item makes you think of something specific than that item functions sort of symbolically for you as that specific thought or feeling.

The idea behind rituals is the same one the alchemists believed about the “echos”. People did rituals to trigger a feeling within themselves or establish an environment around themselves in hope that it would echo out into the other “realms” and manifest. Rituals would be used for very specific results in this fashion. The idea being that if I do this…then this will happen, it is the same belief as the alchemists mind, body, spirit “echos”.

To reiterate this perspective picture the following. You go into an old spooky abandoned mental hospital. The psychical environment is dark and in disrepair, this creeps you out and sort of scares you, being creeped out puts you on edge and you begin to imagine all the gruesome possibilities like people hiding in the darkness waiting to kill you. The physical environment of dark and creepy “echos” into the other two “realms” manifesting as feeling scared and imagining creepy dark stuff.

Rituals are machines spiritual counterpart, to the people who practice them they are like a machine that always has the same result if all the processes take place in the right order and at the right time. Since rituals came before humanity had machinery you could say machines are just physical rituals. Every part in a machine has a set purpose and is needed for the entire contraption to function. Also like a ritual each machine has a set purpose and the various parts of it and how they are aligned and placed determine what it will do, machines are physical rituals.

They are the same process being used in different “spheres” one being a ritual for the body or mind and one being used as a ritual for the environment, certain items have to be arranged and placed in specif positions and times to perform the end task. The only problem is the processes wont be the same for everyone for the “spiritual” rituals because the individual items used in each ritual will be different as items can mean something symbolically different for different people, symbolically it has to mean the same thing in the overall “formula”. Chemistry and its formulas can use the same processes as machines and their gears and the mind and its machinations, same process same results given the right ingredients.

What this means is that some symbols can be viewed in these three kinds of ways (Mind, body and spirit). They have a meaning in the invisible “realm” of the mind and its thoughts and imagination (mind). A meaning in the physical environment and its life, materials and processes (body). Finally it has meaning the bridge between those two “realms” here known as the spirit…(spirit). 

Without this three fold perspective you lose the “wisdom” that these symbols truly conceal. Most people only view them in one way or even argue with each other about which way they should be viewed. The arguments usually being that each symbol only symbolizes one thing but the reality is they are meant to represent multiple thoughts. This perspective is actually still used in some Asian languages such as mandarin with each character in their language representing multiple things.


This “language” called symbolism and mythology turns up in every corner of the ancient globe but is dismissed as just “humans being humans”, people being bored and imaginative, etc. The epic stories always carrying with it hidden lessons and I found often times being the same stories or symbols representing the same thing or lesson, in each individual culture (demonstrated later in the mythology section). There is no way incredibly different ancient cultures with no knowledge or contact of or with each other came up with the exact same system, symbology and stories, at least it’s incredibly improbable.

Somebody spread these symbols to the world or they originated from the same place. In every culture there are stories of mysterious visitors passing through town and bestowing upon the population incredible knowledge and wisdom. These visitors acting almost like symbolic missionaries, the same way the christian church sent out its beliefs all over the world through missionaries…but we will cover that in depth in a later section. For now lets move on to the practice of alchemy in a form you will certainly recognize but perhaps not in this way.

Alchemist think that art (all art which includes chemistry) is just the alchemical process of speeding up growth and evolution of the mind through exposure of experience or exposing it to new things. A faster version of nature and exploration. Instead of exploring and coming across this growth naturally, art brings that growth to you in various forms and media types. Alchemists argue that all exists in the universe in every way shape and form because reality is infinite and contains all. Witnessing new things in the universe helps the mind grow but it would take aeons if not forever to witness all of the universe to find out where in it all these things are happening and when.

However with the power of imagination and art you can manifest anything the universe contains…given the right talent, process and effort (mind, body, spirit). So to them art is an attempt to help the mind grow by exposing it to new things. This is why media and art in its many forms is absolutely packed full of symbolism in the modern world. The reason many art forms are interpretive like paintings (just like myths and symbols) is because art is symbology and a kind of alchemy when viewed as a tool for growth.





Lets start with music, some people when listening to music play out little stories in their heads to make sense of the lyrics, some people think of past memories, others still try to listen to the story the lyrics tell and interpret what the artist means. Lyrics in music have famously been misunderstood by people and are themselves open to interpretation. Painted art on a canvas or pictures are also famously interpretive, “what do you think the artist was trying to say by this piece” is a famous art critic line we are all familiar with or “this is a very important piece” important to what you ask? for growth. Stories in television and movies not only display actual stories but also can tell or re-tell symbolic stories as well.

The hero’s journey is a very famous story trope that is constantly retold through different stories and movies. For instance Americas “The Dark Knight” was used during wartime to garner support for the leaders of that nation by making the audience sympathize with a hero who had to do bad things for the good of the people (batman story and a symbolic story in one).

The endings of movies are famously interpretive as well and argued about constantly on the internet. Bickering over what a scene meant or a what a characters body language or movements implied in a scene etc. We are all familiar with this on the internet….to familiar even.

Lets continue on by discussing how alchemy and its processes can be used on people and in our minds for such a growth. Remember the 14 different processes of chemistry from earlier? Lets go over something else from that section.


Lets go over the formula for transforming metal into gold with the use of a catalyst from that section again (no I don’t know if it works, I cant afford the lab and materials). It can double as a demonstration of the internal process for growth.

The final part of the process called “projection” and seems to mean that the philosophical counterpoints to this process within you need to sync up with the chemical processes being done to the material in front of you. That the alchemist and the material have to have gone through the process of purification, one physically and one philosophically together. This is crystalized philosophy or in other words materialized philosophy. Whether any of this is true is yet to be seen but lets take a look at some relative information on how the mind might be able to effect matter or vice versa.


This is all done to change the "lead" of the person into "gold". While we are on the subject lets talk about gold and why alchemists ate it and used it for medicine. They did not eat it raw mind you but in a powdered form after a lengthy process. You can find descriptions of these processes in almost any alchemical text.


 As somebody who came to alchemy from a modern scientific background I feel it is important to lay out the confirmed science about some of the claims ancient alchemists made concerning their art. Also to show people new to the subject the validity of these claims and legitimacy of the art in general. Personally I feel it is important to see the modern perspective on these matters as well as the traditional or classical. I have chosen two subjects to cover, eating gold and the philosophers stone.

One of alchemy's main claims is using gold as a sort of perfect medicine. The alchemists of ancient times claimed they found different ways to break it down and ingest it so that the body could actually absorb it. Today modern medicine is slowly confirming their beliefs as fact, using gold in a whole host of applications in the medical field with some pretty shocking results.


To start here is a good overview of the various uses people have found for gold, confirming it as having a variety of uses.

"Gold has been known to humans for more than 5000 years. Owing to its rarity and vivid color that is maintained without oxidization in air or water, gold is considered a symbol of fortune to its owners and has been used in coinage, jewelry and ornaments, and other art works. Later, the malleable, ductile and nontoxic properties brought gold into dentistry for use in tooth restoration. In modern medicine, implants made of gold alloys have been used in a variety of medical fields other than dentistry, including eyelid closure, middle ear reconstruction, and voice prostheses1. In these cases, the high biocompatibility of gold with minimal tissue reaction is an important advantage. In addition, gold is used in biomedical research. In immunogold electron microscopy colloidal gold particles are conjugated to antibodies to detect specific antigens for visualizing their location. Apart from implants and research tools, gold has pharmacological effects.

Gold was considered to be a precious drug and had multiple beneficial health effects in ancient times. In an important book of Tao entitled Bauputz, the author, Hung Kir (283–363 ad) stated: “ingest gold to live a gold-like longevity”. Traditional Chinese medicine has used gold to treat palpitations, seizures, and skin infection. Nowadays gold leaf, flake or dust is used on or in some foods and drinks, however, the purpose is only for decoration. Although there is no evidence that the gold leaf, flake or dust is absorbed by the body, a recent study of zebra fish exposed to gold nanoparticles of two sizes (12 nm and 50 nm) at very low doses (36–106 ng gold/fish/day) showed alteration of genome composition, as well as expression of genes involved in DNA repair, detoxification processes, apoptosis, mitochondrial metabolism, and oxidative stress. These data suggest the toxicity of long-term low-dose gold exposure2. In addition, gold ions do have pharmacological effects. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, gold ions have been used to reduce joint pain for nearly 80 years3. Several gold compounds have been developed for parenteral or oral administration. Among these, gold sodium thiomalate has been the most extensively studied4. For this purpose, gold compounds can be used alone or in combination with other drugs. In a recent randomized, double-blind, double-observer, placebo-controlled multicenter trial (the METGO study) in rheumatoid arthritis patients with a suboptimal response to methotrexate, adding weekly intramuscular gold caused significant clinical improvement5. The mechanisms are not fully understood but attenuation of inflammation in the diseased joints is though to play a major role. In vitro studies have shown that gold ions inhibit T lymphocyte activation and antigen presentation6, as well as inhibit overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines, cyclooxygenase expression, and prostaglandin E2 production in macrophages7. Interestingly, whether the anti-inflammatory effect of gold ions occurs at the cell membrane or requires entrance of gold into the cytoplasm remains unclear. Different compounds may vary in their effects. Concern has been raised about long-term use, for example, immune suppression may occur after administration of auranofin, an oral gold compound4.

In patient with coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous balloon angioplasty with stenting, inhibition of inflammation after stent placement has been demonstrated to be an effective way to attenuate neointima formation and hence prevent in-stent restenosis. The anti-inflammatory effect of gold has been tested. Clinical studies comparing gold-coated stainless steel stents with uncoated bare stents showed worse outcome in the gold-coated stent group8. This implies that other effects of gold promoting in-stent restenosis outweigh the anti-inflammatory properties."

Here is another small article that covers its uses in the modern world.

And here is a list of gold containing drugs.

Alchemists claimed they could extract gold using a variety of methods such as with oils and liquids. Here is a confirmed way to extract gold with a chemical solution, making a sort of "oil of gold". Confirming those claims by the alchemists.

Alchemy teaches us to break down materials into their three basic parts, improve them then recombine them into a superior form. These parts traditionally are called salt, sulfur and mercury which are not always literally those substances but more place holder words for the overall concept of the three basic parts of everything.

This is what is known as the salt of gold to the scientific community.

This is a type of gold salt used to treat arthrtis.

Using gold as medicine isn't a new claim and people had been doing it all over the world for hundreds if not thousands of years. Though it seems throughout history the knowledge of this was eventually suppressed and left in the hands of authority figures and the rich upper class of the world, such as kings and queens etc. Alchemy was known as the royal art after all. This is actually a practice mentioned often in ancient texts and the like, for instance it is mentioned in the bible.

exodus 32:20

"And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it."

If we view this from the alchemy perspective it could be viewed as moses saying gold isn't meant to be worshiped it is an important medicine. Why else would he make them eat it? Strange to say the least when viewed objectively.

Another claim by alchemy is that pure gold cannot be found in nature and has to be perfected by art alone. This is actually true (to our current understanding) Natural gold is not found in nature and has to be purified by art.

So it stands to reason that all those claims about using it as a potent medicine were not made up but factual.


Another thing that I found very interesting is their claim that some metals resonate with certain planets. All the metals they used except lead were electrical conductors. 

1. Mercury, planet Mercury: the substance, the Matter to be worked on. originally you have to find out what it is. For the Hermetic Alchemists it is of course you yourself, what includes your body, your mind (=emotions and thoughts) and your divine essence.

2. Lead, planet Saturn: the beginning of the state of Blackness. The Matter is putrefying and dissolving.  

3. Tin, planet Jupiter: the color gray that appears at the end of the process of Blackness, when the Matter has been purified to almost a perfect white. Jupiter is the son of Saturn, therefore he is the next stage.

4. Copper, planet Venus: the citrine color. Venus is the next stage because she was born when the testicles of Jupiter, cut off by his father Saturn, fell into the sea.

5. Silver, the Moon: the white color, corresponding to the state of Whiteness or Albedo. The Matter has been completely purified. In Greek mythology the Moon is symbolized by the huntress goddess Diane. Diane is the daughter of Jupiter and Latone.

6. Iron, planet Mars: Mars is the friend and lover of Venus. Orange or rust-red color, like the light of dawn. It is the state during which the Matter starts to become red.

7. Gold, the Sun: this is the last state; the red color or Rubedo. Here the Matter is called Red Sulfur, among other terms. The sun god Apollo. 

This seems like superstitious nonsense at first but after further investigating I found that these metals would react to geomagnetic storms (which can be cause by "flux rope events" from other planets hitting the sun and causing a solar storm). When geomagnetic storms happened on earth these metals would produce magnetic anomalies. We will cover these flux rope events and the other ways planets in our solar system can effect and interact with earths various energy fields in the astrology section.

It is possible for magnetic anomalies to be produced at the Earth's surface above certain mineral deposits during geomagnetic storms. Geomagnetic storms are caused by disturbances in Earth's magnetosphere due to interactions between the solar wind and the planet's magnetic field. These disturbances can induce electric currents in the Earth's crust, particularly in regions with high electrical conductivity, such as mineral deposits.

When electric currents flow through the Earth's crust, they create secondary magnetic fields that can be detected at the surface. These secondary magnetic fields can interact with the existing magnetic field, leading to localized magnetic anomalies. The strength and extent of these anomalies depend on various factors, including the conductivity of the minerals, the size and depth of the deposit, and the intensity of the geomagnetic storm.

Certain mineral deposits, such as iron ore, can have higher electrical conductivity compared to the surrounding rocks. During a geomagnetic storm, when electric currents are induced in the Earth's crust, these conductive mineral deposits can generate stronger magnetic anomalies at the surface. By measuring and mapping these magnetic anomalies, geoscientists can infer the presence and characteristics of mineral deposits beneath the surface.

It's worth noting that while geomagnetic storms can enhance the detectability of magnetic anomalies associated with mineral deposits, other geological and geophysical methods are typically employed to explore and locate mineral resources with higher precision and accuracy.

There have been several studies and research efforts to investigate the relationship between geomagnetic storms, magnetic anomalies, and mineral deposits. Here are a few examples:

"Geomagnetic Storms and their Effects on Magnetic Anomalies: A Case Study of the Central Andean Subduction Zone" by Raul E. Racca et al. (2018): This study focuses on the Central Andean region and examines the influence of geomagnetic storms on magnetic anomalies associated with mineral deposits. It explores the correlation between storm activity and changes in magnetic field parameters."

"The Relationship between Magnetic Anomalies and Geomagnetic Storms at Low Latitudes" by Fabio E. Pacheco et al. (2016): This research investigates the connection between geomagnetic storms and magnetic anomalies in low-latitude regions. It examines the variations in magnetic fields during different storm events and discusses their potential implications for mineral exploration."

"Geomagnetic Storms and Their Effects on Mineral Exploration Using Airborne Magnetic Data" by Muhammad Ali Nasir et al. (2015): This study focuses on the impact of geomagnetic storms on airborne magnetic surveys used for mineral exploration. It analyzes the changes in magnetic data caused by storm activity and discusses their significance in identifying potential mineral targets."


These studies demonstrate the interest in understanding the relationship between geomagnetic storms, magnetic anomalies, and mineral deposits. While they provide valuable insights, it's important to note that the specific effects can vary depending on the geological setting, mineralization type, and other factors. Therefore, further research and case-specific studies are continually conducted to deepen our understanding of this relationship and its practical applications in mineral exploration.


The last thing I came across was the confirmation that a latent energy exists within morning dew and rain drops that the alchemists claimed would use as a sort of energy to help them in their work. This was confirmed in this meta study. 

"It is also worth mentioning the electrical charges of atmospheric precipitation. Individual raindrops generally carry non-negligible electrostatic charges (Wilson, 1903). These charges vary in polarity, even within the same rainfall, but negative charges appear to be marginally more common (Wilson, 1903; Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Chauzy & Despiau, 1980; Bennett & Harrison, 2007). The magnitude of charge carried is also highly variable but is typically in the region of 0.1–1000 pC, depending on meteorological conditions and the size of the raindrop (Banerji & Lele, 1932; Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Smith, 1955; Chauzy & Despiau, 1980). Snowflakes and hailstones have also been shown to carry electrostatic charges (Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Latham, Mason & Blackett, 1961)."


It seems all of these observations by the alchemists were based on valid observations, we will talk about these electrical interactions in greater detail later.


Now lets cover the philosophers stone, I am not going to teach you how to make the mythical substance that turns lead into gold....though that information can be found pretty easily in various alchemical texts and even some modern books on the subject though if any of those recipes work is up for debate. However I am going to teach you how to use the symbol for the stone and what the "stone" actually is in symbolic form.

This is the symbol for the philosophers stone.

It is a polymorphic diagram you can use as a tool for the overall process of alchemy, breaking something down into three parts, improving those parts and then recombining them into a superior form. It is a bit of reading but to fully learn how to understand and use this symbol I have included this explanation.

It even includes actual physical examples of it in operation as a proof of concept. It should be noted that these are not the only interpretations or ways to use this stone but just one way to. The symbol as I said earlier is polymorphic and its parts, processes and meanings can morph to fit whatever it is you are applying it to, so long as you know how to use and understand the symbology of it.

I hope this helps clear up some of the doubts people have about the validity of the art.




The following link is to a paper detailing the change that happens to particles etc when being observed. It was a rather famous case and sent the scientific community spinning on its head trying to figure it out.


To further this line of thinking below is a very famous experiment done to rice to see if negative and positive thoughts and expressions have any effect on the rotting/fermenting process of food. People have claimed it to be a hoax but I think you will agree after reading this far that this experiment needs to be re-examined with alchemy in mind. I’m sure I don’t have to say it now but if information like this is true it would prove some fringe scientists and pseudo scientists right so expect attacks from the scientific community and academia. Anyone familiar with politics will know its not hard to make anything (even the truth) look like bullshit.

You be the judge:

Another person trying it below but I don’t really trust people on YouTube as they are clout chasers and would lie for it.


Interesting results but there has not been enough repeated studies in actual labs to really confirm any of this.

As we discussed earlier religious mythology and mythology in general with its various ancient stories can be interpreted a various amount of ways and still make sense. This is because they are alchemical creations meant to do exactly that. According to these alchemists the various modern religions have adopted the stories and symbology and perverted or lost the main message of them and it goes unnoticed because they are “open to interpretation”. This is the main reason many religions have different sects and groups within the main religion despite all using the same holy books or scriptures. They all interpret the stories differently and thus arguments arise about them.

Now that you have learned the history and basics…I can teach you the fun stuff. These patterns the alchemists think the universe and the mind follow are visibly demonstrable and I will teach you how to recognize and utilize this mode of thinking. At the end of this paper you will be so familiar with these concepts and symbols it will be like you learned a new language.

Now the ultimate goal of the alchemist was to discover and produce what they called the “philosophers stone”. The ultimate catalyst for change that can be applied to almost any material and even thoughts and concepts. We will now go over what that is exactly and how it can be and has been applied.

(the following section was taken from another article called “The Philosophers Stone”)


There is a hidden pattern in nature, something that people a very long time ago figured out and kept secret from the rest of the world. It has been called many things throughout the ages. The reason for this was not only to keep it secret but because this pattern can be applied to many different subjects and materials, many people thought they were the ones to discover it. These people were called alchemists.

The thing they discovered and the alchemists ultimate goal was known as the “philosophers stone”.'s_stone


The philosopher’s stone or more properly philosophers’ stone (Arabic: ḥajar al-falāsifa, Latin: lapis philosophorum), is a mythic alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold (chrysopoeia, from the Greek χρυσός khrusos, “gold”, and ποιεῖν poiēin, “to make”) or silver. It is also called the elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and for achieving immortality;[1] for many centuries, it was the most sought goal in alchemy. The philosopher’s stone was the central symbol of the mystical terminology of alchemy, symbolizing perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss. Efforts to discover the philosopher’s stone were known as the Magnum Opus (“Great Work”).[2]

As you can see they had many uses for it, according to them it had the power to “transmute” anything. Acting as an ultimate catalyst to whatever formula or substance it was applied to. Transmutation itself is just another word for transforming or changing, though it does still find it’s uses in the modern age.


Interestingly enough the word “transmutation” was only used to describe the process of making a philosophers stone or using one. Also transmutation was considered a myth and dismissed by the scientific community until the discovery of radioactivity and how it actually could transform substances. After this discovery it found its other modern definitions in…



  • Dimensional transmutation, a physical mechanism in particle physics that transforms a pure number into a parameter with a dimension
  • Nuclear transmutation, the conversion of one chemical element or isotope into another through nuclear reaction


  • Sexual transmutation or sexualseexm sexual energy into creativity and thereby facilitate spiritual awakening

Also of note is why choose that terminology over simpler modern words like “change” or “transform”? Perhaps its just sciences way of remembering its roots, chemistry as a subject did come from alchemy after all. Much like astrology and astronomy used to be the same subject, alchemy and chemistry were also linked in this way. As we progressed and leaned more towards science these fields split away from each other…or perhaps there is another reason.

Alchemy was known for a very long time as a “dark art”, especially in the dark and middle ages. That title did not mean that it was evil or nefarious in any way it meant that it was hidden, it was a hidden art. To keep it hidden alchemists implored the use of symbolism to represent their various formulas and materials. You can read these symbols for yourself to see what I mean.




You can begin to see the emergence of the modern periodic table of elements
Same thing just different terminology

It was like their own personal language much like how science uses Latin for its own personal language today. They could represent not only Elements and materials this way but entire formulas as well. As you may have expected the philosophers stone too has its own symbol.



The Wikipedia link about the philosophers stone from above explains this.


It is a symbol that contains three major shapes know as the sacred geometric shapes. Triangle, square, and circle. These are the basic shapes of the universe and that is the reason they are called “sacred”. In this symbol they are known as…

The outer circle

The triangle

The “squared circle”

As each symbol has a meaning so too does each shape within this symbol, you see the symbol is not a representation of a physical substance or thing…it is a formula. Not just any formula, this symbol is also a universal tool for transformation that can be applied to almost anything and today my friends I am going to teach you how.

To understand how to use this tool it is going to take a little reading but at the end of this section I promise you will have learned something absolutely profound about the universe, nature, history and the mind. You see this tool has been used for a very long time by a very small group of people throughout human history. With the knowledge of its use and understanding what the symbology represents one can master many different subjects and quickly.

The overall idea of this process is you pass the starting material to be changed through the various shapes and the processes they represent one after another. Starting with the circle, then going to the triangle, then it passes through and is tempered by the 4 corners or triangles of the “squared circle”, then finally the circle becomes the square and is transformed.

To prove the process and demonstrate how it actually functions we will have to break down the various symbols and their symbolic functions. We will start with the first and outermost symbol.



The Ouroboros or outer circle.

The outer circle, this one like the triangle has many different forms and interpretations and represent many different thoughts. It too can be “transmuted” from one subject to another. It is chaos, the microcosm or unconscious the “prima materia” as the alchemists termed it and in a formula it can represent time or cycles. Classically, it’s primordial chaos, the unconscious, or the prima materia (base material). Chaos isn’t so much the opposite of order in this context as it is just a state a thing is in before it takes shape. It is the salve in the phrase salve et coagula.


Prima materia

Alchemical emblem depicting the omnipresence of the philosophical matter. “The Stone that is Mercury, is cast upon the Earth, exalted on Mountains, resides in the Air, and is nourished in the Waters.”[1] (Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens. 1617.) The cubes represent prima materia.

In alchemy and philosophy, prima materia, materia prima or first matter (for a philosophical exposition refer to: Prime Matter), is the ubiquitous starting material required for the alchemical magnum opus and the creation of the philosopher’s stone. It is the primitive formless base of all matter similar to chaos, the quintessence or aether. Esoteric alchemists describe the prima materia using simile, and compare it to concepts like the anima mundi.


The concept of prima materia is sometimes attributed to Aristotle.[2] The earliest roots of the idea can be found in the philosophy of Anaxagoras, who described the nous in relation to chaos. Empedocles’ cosmogony is also relevant.[3]

When alchemy developed in Greco-Roman Egypt on the foundations of Greek philosophy, it included the concept of prima materia as a central tenet. Mary Anne Atwood uses words attributed to Arnaldus de Villa Nova to describe the role of prima materia in the fundamental theory of alchemy: “That there abides in nature a certain pure matter, which, being discovered and brought by art to perfection, converts to itself proportionally all imperfect bodies that it touches.”[4] Although descriptions of the prima materia have changed throughout history, the concept has remained central to alchemical thought.

Alchemical authors used similes to describe the universal nature of the prima materia. Arthur Edward Waite states that all alchemical writers concealed its “true name”. Since the prima materia has all the qualities and properties of elementary things, the names of all kinds of things were assigned to it.[5] A similar account can be found in the Theatrum Chemicum:

They have compared the “prima materia” to everything, to male and female, to the hermaphroditic monster, to heaven and earth, to body and spirit, chaos, microcosm, and the confused mass; it contains in itself all colors and potentially all metals; there is nothing more wonderful in the world, for it begets itself, conceives itself, and gives birth to itself.[6]

Comparisons have been made to Hyle, the primal fire, Proteus, Light, and Mercury.[7] Martin Ruland the Younger lists more than fifty synonyms for the prima materia in his 1612 alchemical dictionary. His text includes justifications for the names and comparisons. He repeats that, “the philosophers have so greatly admired the Creature of God which is called the Primal Matter, especially concerning its efficacy and mystery, that they have given to it many names, and almost every possible description, for they have not known how to sufficiently praise it.”[8] Waite lists an additional eighty four names.

Names assigned to the Prima Materia in Ruland’s 1612 alchemical dictionary, Lexicon alchemiae sive dictionarium alchemistarum.[9]

 The Philosophical Stone
 The Eagle Stone
 Water of Life
 Nebula or Fog
 Stella Signata and Lucifer
 Permanent Water
 Fiery and Burning Water
 Salt of Nitre and Saltpetre
 Bride, Spouse, Mother, Eve
 Pure and Uncontaminated Virgin
 Milk of Virgin, or the Fig
 Boiling Milk
 A Spiritual Blood
 A Syrup
 Sulphur of Nature
 Spittle of the Moon
 The Serpent
 The Dragon
 Marble, Crystal, Glass
 Scottish Gem
 White Ethesia
 White Moisture
 White Smoke
 Metallic Entity
 The Soul and Heaven of the Elements
 The Matter of all Forms
 Tartar of the Philosophers
 Dissolved Refuse
 The Rainbow
 Indian Gold
 Heart of the Sun
 Angel of violet light

As you can see this circle has as many forms and interpretations. Symbolically it also represents a cycle, the top can be seen as the positive, good, light, etc and the bottom the negative, bad, darkness. The Ouroboros (below) has two opposite ends the head and the tail, the two polarities spin around in a cycle. In other words it can represent time.


Notice the snake and the center circle are both the same color.

Some of you may be familiar with this depiction of the snake eating its own tail. This is what as know as the Ouroboros, it is a symbol used mainly by alchemists to represent a cycle and duality. It has two parts the head and the tail which are opposites.


The ouroboros or uroboros (/ˌjʊərəˈbɒrəs/[2]) is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon[3] eating its own tail. The ouroboros entered Western tradition via ancient Egyptian iconography and the Greek magical tradition. It was adopted as a symbol in Gnosticism and Hermeticism and most notably in alchemy. The term derives from Ancient Greek οὐροβόρος,[4] from οὐρo oura ‘tail’ plus -βορός -boros ‘-eating’.[5][6] The ouroboros is often interpreted as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death, and rebirth; the snake’s skin-sloughing symbolizes the transmigration of souls. The snake biting its own tail is a fertility symbol in some religions: the tail is a phallic symbol and the mouth is a yonic or womb-like symbol.[7]

Some snakes, such as rat snakes, have been known to consume themselves. One captive snake attempted to consume itself twice, dying in the second attempt. Another wild rat snake was found having swallowed about two-thirds of its body.”

So in this shape we see a cycle or time often demonstrated through a rotating duality, it however is not the only circle in the philosophers stone symbol, there is a second circle inside the square at the center. They represent the same thing, the outer circle is the basic material unformed and raw, the circle inside the square also represents that. Inside the square it means that the final product or transmuted item/concept still contains that original material inside of it. Through this process we shape the circle into the square by combining it with the triangle (symbolically) but the square still contains the circle or base material within it.



The triangle or trinity inside an Ouroboros.


Now lets go over the triangle, probably the most interesting of the shapes. In the formula the triangle represents the process of transmutation. Where the squared circle represents the result of transmutation the triangle the process of “transmuting”. If we were cooking something the triangle would represent the fire we are using to cook the food or if it were a chemical formula it would be the catalyst. Interestingly enough fire is represented by a triangle in the alchemical table of symbols we looked at earlier.

For those of you familiar with the “occult” which literally means hidden or other various religions you will recognize 3 being a sacred number that comes up a lot. Any shape has to have at the very least 3 sides (except the circle which has infinite or none depending on how you look at it). I don’t want to get into numerology in this but to summarize it 10 is what some ancient regions and philosophies consider gods number for instance the infamous 33 degree of freemasonry is 3 tens and 3 ones, 33. Which divided by 10 is 3.3 etc.

They view it as a sort of perfect number because it is completely balanced. 3 therefore is know as the number of balance, and it is balance not only physically but by definition. 3’s physical representation is a triangle, this triangle and the number 3 can be made to represent many, many different things. Allow me to demonstrate.

So to get from our first shape (the outer circle) to the next shape in the process (the triangle) we have to find the three basic parts of what we are trying to transform. Alchemists classically call these three parts “salt, sulfur and mercury”. According to them everything can be broken down into 3 basic parts. The way you find these 3 parts is by balancing out duality.

Allow me to explain, see the outer circle can represent duality which is composed of two opposing sides that form a sort of wheel….but in every duality there is a mid point that can be called neither “left” or “right” or one or the other. It is the point where one side transform into the other because in duality both opposing sides are still connected. They are the opposing sides of the same thing, opposing but still relative and belonging to that thing. So what you do is figure out the outer circle or duality and its various representations and then find the middle point of the duality.

So lets go through and see what can fall into this sort of pattern, we will see if we can find any objective triangles.

I will be representing these symbolically as triangles because it is important that you see both the text and the symbolic shape so you can familiarize yourself with symbology and how this works. I am sorry if it becomes a little monotonous but it is important that you process both the symbol and the words together. We are going to start out with some kind of loose concepts and then work into literal examples to thoroughly demonstrate this.


To the ancients when they used the term “soul” what they usually meant was how your body feels, your mood etc. So in this triangle you would have you mind (your thoughts), soul (how you feel emotionally and energetically) this also can mean the electrical energy that animates your body and movements, and your body (your physical self). How you feel or your “soul” would be the combination of mind and body in a sense.

What materials does your body need to take in for fuel to stay alive?

  • Soul (the electricity inside you that animates you) needs water so that the electro/chemical reactions of your nervous system can function and electricity can conduct better inside of you.
  • Body needs food so it may build itself using the material consumed.
  • Mind (your brain) needs air to function, stop breathing for 20 minuets and you usually go “brain dead” etc.


These are not the only uses of these resources in the body, just examples.

You must maintain a proper balance of all 3 to stay healthy and they form a sort of balance. This balance forms a sort of engine inside of you in a sense. Ill keep going.

The 3 different forms of complex life. Fungus being an in between for plants and animals (philosophically) as fungus grows like a plant but can move and even solve mazes like an animal.

Watch here:


There are also 3 kingdoms of simplistic life called Protista, Eubacteria and Archaebacteria but not enough information is know about them yet to fully categorize the life that composes these kingdoms.

It appears that some of these kingdoms are up for debate or used for mere convenience. I found this:

The remaining three Kingdoms all consist entirely of microorganisms and because we still know very little about these little critters, the organisms that are clumped together into one Kingdom may be almost entirely evolutionary unrelated.

The Kingdom Protista includes the remaining eukaryotic organisms that do not fall into Fungi, Plantae or Animalia; while Bacteria and Archaea include all the organisms with prokaryotic cells. The two latter Kingdoms are incredibly diverse, both in terms of the estimated number of species and the level of metabolic differences within each Kingdom.

that was a quote from here:

Lets continue…

The primary mixing colors of painting. All visible colors (to the human eye) in painting are a mixture of these 3 colors.


The primary visible colors of light (to the human eye)


A simple graph on soil texture even fits.

We can even apply this symbol to motion and how a combustion engine operates and thus can be used to generate electricity. Like the symbol for the philosophers stone it composes 3 basic parts (the outer shell, the triangular gear and the inner gear) It contains both a triangle and a three step process the end result of which is even for transformation of fuel into energy or movement or in other words squaring a circle. Changine a circle (matter) into a square (energy).

We will come back to this image later for a further explanation.

We are going to further elaborate the above trinity. In nature life and death sort of moves in a sort of circle, not literally of course but sort of symbolically. Just like in the famous movie The Lion King. It can be summed up as Life, Death, Transformation. Something lives, consumes food and materials from other dead or un-living things, then it ages and dies breaking down into materials and food for other living things. It could also be represented as creation, maintenance, destruction.

Through this process of decomposition new life arises. Things like bugs, bacteria and fungus repurpose the dead to keep fueling life in general then things eat those animals and life goes on etc. The dead become repurposed and scattered into new forms of life, however gruesome this may be it is a sort of transformation of life. With death new life is made.

The following picture is whats known as ohm’s law triangle. Ohm’s Law is a mathematical formula used by electrical engineers and electricians alike for electrical calculations and work. Using this pattern you have a visual example of how the math works when calculating voltage, resistance and current.

You can read more about it in the following links:'s_law

A triangle is also used to explain the chemistry of fire.

In fact this triangle is used in many equations and works for all of them flawlessly.

A gold purity chart

We will elaborate on this example too.

Here is a more proper visual example of micro, “normal”, macro in the form of a four dimensional shape…yes I know that sounds ridiculous but here we are.

This shape encompasses micro, macro, and “normal” size. Ill explain a little so you can better understand.

Pretty easy to grasp once its drawn out I hope.

Protons and neutrons are made up of what scientists call “quarks”. Here is a wiki entry about them.

A quark (/kwɔːrk/ KWORK or /kwɑːrk/ KWARK) is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. Quarks combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei.[1] All commonly observable matter is composed of up quarks, down quarks and electrons. (3)

A proton is composed of two up quarks, one down quark, and the gluons that mediate the forces “binding” them together. The color assignment of individual quarks is arbitrary, but all three colors must be present; red, blue and green are used as an analogy to the primary colors that together produce a white color.”

Noticing the pattern? We can go even further still, particle families or generations also come in 3's.

Read about them here:

In particle physics, a generation or family is a division of the elementary particles. Between generations, particles differ by their flavour quantum number and mass, but their electric and strong interactions are identical.

There are three generations according to the Standard Model of particle physics. Each generation contains two types of leptons and two types of quarks. The two leptons may be classified into one with electric charge −1 (electron-like) and neutral (neutrino); the two quarks may be classified into one with charge −1⁄3 (down-type) and one with charge +2⁄3 (up-type). The basic features of quark-lepton generation or families, such as their masses and mixings etc., can be described by some of the proposed family symmetries.”

Lets take a step back from science and try a physiological example to see if this pattern of balance still holds up in the realm of thought.

Allow me to elaborate. In order to solve many problems you need a combination of power, wisdom and courage. If you lack one there will be no balance and you will run into problems.

  • With just wisdom and power you know what to do and you have the power to do it but you don’t have the courage to actually act and accomplish it.
  • With just wisdom and courage you know what to do and you have the will to do it but you don’t have the power to accomplish it.
  • With just power and courage you have the ability and will to do it but you don’t know what to do or how to accomplish it.

Seems to hold up pretty well, Even in the realm of thought things abide by these patterns.

Here’s a fun thing you can try on your own, try adding a fourth thing to these trinities and see if it works out and if it does trying adding two more things. I will visibly demonstrate why…

All of these shapes contain each other within them.


As you can see all of these shapes can fit into a triangle or vice versa…or thrice versa? Substitute the hexagon for the circle and its all three shapes of the philosophers stone. These are the two dimensional of 2D representations of what Pythagoras (a famous mathematician and philosopher) called the Platonic solids…

Their two dimensional counterparts. Every shape has a 2D version a 3D version and if you copy the 4D shape I showed you above then they all can be made to have a 4D representation as well (Square<Cube<Tesseract). Forming a trinity, I would include “1D” but that’s a theoretical dimension not a physical one so I cant, 1D is space/time. According to mathematics there are many other theoretical dimensions but this trinity just covers the spatial dimensions.

To further elaborate on how rudimentary shapes can be sort of “transcendent” and exist in the realm of thought and matter I have included the following pictures (though a bit of a mess) it is the visual tool Nikola Tesla used to help him with multiplication. It it is a symbolic representation of multiplication. He used it by following certain patterns and shapes, it will explain how to use it in the picture but it is not relative to the philosophers stone outside of being an example of symbolic representation of patterns function.

I am going to demonstrate how to use this step by step so feel free to skip the next few images if it doesn’t interest you.
Note that since the first image is only a line that this shape is actually the 3rd shape.

Notice all of those shapes illustrated in 2, 3 and 4 are the same ones that can all be made from a triangle or vice versa like in the GIF? Tesla is using symbology. Everything follows a sort of pattern.




The squared circle is two shapes that form four corners or triangles that make up one symbol, it is three different symbols within a symbol and contains a triangle, a square and a circle.

The middle symbol or the “squared circle” as it has been termed. In Alchemy this symbol represents transmutation (changing one thing into another) or transformation, changing a “circle” into a “square”. It symbolizes the outcome of the process. Now this symbol is actually rather well known by academics as it is a famous mathematical and philosophical problem introduced by Greek mathematicians in ancient times.


The question they proposed was “How does one construct a square with the area of a circle by using only a finite number of steps with a compass and straightedge”.

How can one transform (transmute) a circle into a square?

Well since those times many people have tried their hand at this venture and with great success.


A few eager and talented mathematicians concluded that the shapes could be cut up into various pieces to transform into one another. Here are a few demonstrations.

They failed at accomplishing this with just a compass and straight edge (though many actually tried) but they did prove that you could accomplish the task with the right tools. However this is not the symbol of the squared circle used in alchemy. In the symbol the circle is contained by the square, in the examples from above the circles edges go beyond the square, the shapes have to be of equal area for the transformation to work.

However as we saw earlier even in fields such as physics and biology this “transmutation” can be accomplished and matter can transform. Symbolically and physically the circle can be squared.

One other part of the squared circle worth mentioning are the 4 corners or triangles of the square. In alchemy the 4 “elements” are represented by 4 triangles. They are Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Though they are not to be taken at just face value, they represent more than just those elements of nature and like the other parts of the symbol can be interpreted in various ways. Here is a quick explanation of them from…

I apologize for the poor quality pictures.

As you just read these “elements” as they call them are not so much physical elements such as on sciences periodic table of elements but rather generalizations for certain elements of nature. Science has terminology for these forces that you can read about here:

Not only the forces but you could also interpret them as the 4 fundamental states of matter. Solid, liquid, gas and plasma which if you think about it they match exactly the 4 “elements” in alchemy. Earth (solid), water (liquid), air (gas) and fire (plasma).

So the squared circle actually has several different parts to it that all have symbolic meanings and can be interpreted as different things depending on what the they are being used for. They “transmute” to various subjects. At there basic objective function though they are processes to pass the substance to be changed through such as burning something or abstracting things etc. They represent many different things but on a tangible scientific level they represent different processes in chemistry. When an alchemist said things like let the water dissolve it or fire congest it they were talking about laboratory procedures done with lab equipment.

Now that we have gone over and understand all the various parts of the symbol lets put it all together and make a “philosophers stone”.


the Philosophers Stone

As you just read the above symbol is and can be interpretive top to bottom. every shape within it can function this way and this is how and why this symbol can be applied and used for so many different subjects. Here is a more classical symbol of it just for further clarification.

Not the typical set up that we see but all the shapes and symbology are present.

So to make use of this symbol, this universal tool all we have to do is find the corresponding parts of the symbols used in the stone. You see this symbol isn’t one single item or ingredient, it is a pattern that represents a catalyst for generation or if you reverse it degeneration. The squared circle is a square that contains the circle because the circle has been added to to make the square.

This symbol can be interpreted many different ways and still work. The name itself describes what it is, it is a material or foundation to build philosophy from. Just as when building structures we use stone for the foundations one can use this symbol as a foundation for many things. That is what the name means a stone to build with philosophically. Just like stone you can shape this symbol into all sorts of configurations to build upon.

We will start off with the outer circle. Cycles, duality, the base material to be transmuted. Find the duality of whatever subject you are trying to apply the symbol to and once you know the “high” and “low” parts of it you establish a middle-ground between them. So if the duality was black and white the middle ground would be gray.

Once you have gotten that far you have succeeded in “sculpting” the circle or base material into a “triangle”. The circle has been molded into a triangle, now you must achieve balance and perfect all three sides of the triangle. Once you balance the sides out you will be in the process of perfecting whatever it is you are trying to use the philosophers stone on. You just keep repeating the process to further sculpt or refine the base material, keep spinning the triangle around in a sense.

Another method to find the triangle within your subject is to break it down to its three basic parts, either physical parts or objective parts. Once you have those three parts just keep improving each one of them. A chemical example of this would be to break something down to its 3 chemical parts and keep refining, distilling and purifying them so that you have an overall higher quality base to work with. The outer circle in this example would be the time and process used to do this purifying, viewed as bringing the triangle through a cycle or spinning it.

This is where the 4 “elements” come in. Combine it in some way with the 4 “elements” or one of their many manifestations or representations. On a physical level this would be the actual method used to purify these base materials or sides of the triangle. Such as using “water” or a liquid to separate impurities from a substance or burning out impurities in a material with fire, even crushing a martial into a powder.

Then after enough of this process has passed you will have transmuted the base material or circle into a “square”.

As a proof of concept we are going to use multiple examples of how this can be done. To start out we will use an example straight from alchemy (and chemistry), it is the process in which you improve the potency of drugs and substances. In alchemy this leads to the creation of what they call the “Vegetable stone” which is a super concentrated “stone” of medicine.



In this method it breaks down a plant into three parts (triangle), purifies each part with a different chemical processes (circle) and then recombines them into a superior product (square). The four elements are also present within it (air, water, fire, earth). Each process of purification uses one or multiple elements which would be adding the triangles to the circle to transform it into a square. For instance distillation involves heating something up (fire), the substance rising through the air and cooling (air), condensation on of the rising vapor back into liquid at the top of the vessel (water) and finally the plant matter and salt is left behind (earth).

Each one of those processes can be represented by a cycle and in nature they are all part of cycles, thus the circle represents them. Here are some badly drawn examples by me and accompanying explanations of these methods laid out in the above vegetable stone recipe. We will start with distillation.

Distillation in nature is known as the water cycle.

The water cycle, when molecules of water vapor return to liquid or solid form, they create cloud droplets that can fall back to Earth as rain or snow a process called condensation. Most precipitation lands in the oceans. Precipitation that falls onto land flows into rivers, streams, and lakes. Some of it seeps into the soil where it is held underground as groundwater. 

When warmed by the sun, water on the surface of oceans and freshwater bodies evaporates, forming a vapor. Water vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it condenses, forming clouds. It then falls back to the ground as precipitation. Moisture can also enter the atmosphere directly from ice or snow. In a process called sublimation, solid water, such as ice or snow, can transform directly into water vapor without first becoming a liquid.

Water and ethanol form something called an azeotrope, which is a mixture of two liquids that has a boiling point lower than either of the two liquids in their pure state. Distillation is the act of boiling a solution of liquids (and solids) in order to purify the solution via phase separation. The liquids boil off into a vapor, you condense them in a separate vessel, and the solids get left behind. In non-azeotropic mixtures, you can carefully control the temperature to selectively boil off only the molecule with the lowest boiling point first, collect that, and then raise the temperature to boil off the next lowest boiling point molecule, etc.

An azeotropic mixture, since it has a boiling point lower than either of the two pure liquids, will always yield a vapor of the two (or more) liquids combined. Distillation can never fully purify such a mixture, since the best it can ever yield is some percentage of the starting concentrations of the components of the mixture. An example might help. Say you make some moonshine and it consists of 5% ethanol and 95% water (considering liquids only). A pretty weak alcohol. You want something with more kick, so you distill this mixture to try and separate the two molecules. The vapor that will come off first will be a different percentage of each component than what was in the starting mixture. The exact composition depends on the phase diagram for the mixture. In our example, the mixture might be something like 50% ethanol and 50% water. Now you’ve got something with bite. You keep distilling your products until you reach the point where your results can no longer be concentrated any further. For water and ethanol, this is around 97% ethanol. It will just take you about 200 distillations to get there, since you get diminishing returns at such high concentrations in this example.


The fermentation cycle (above).

The main function of fermentation is to convert NADH back into the coenzyme NAD+ so that it can be used again for glycolysis. During fermentation, an organic electron acceptor (such as pyruvate or acetaldehyde) reacts with NADH to form NAD+, generating products such as carbon dioxide and ethanol (ethanol fermentation) or lactate (lactic acid fermentation) in the process.

 Finally the leeching cycle.

The leeching cycle (above) used to continually separate and purify materials. 

Leaching is the process of a solute becoming detached or extracted from its carrier substance by way of a solvent.

Leaching is a naturally occurring process which scientists have adapted for a variety of applications with a variety of methods. Specific extraction methods depend on the soluble characteristics relative to the sorbent material such as concentration, distribution, nature, and size. Leaching can occur naturally seen from plant substances (inorganic and organic), solute leaching in soil, and in the decomposition of organic materials. Leaching can also be applied affectedly to enhance water quality and contaminant removal, as well as for disposal of hazardous waste products such as fly ash, or rare earth elements (REEs). Understanding leaching characteristics is important in preventing or encouraging the leaching process and preparing for it in the case where it is inevitable.

In an ideal leaching equilibrium stage, all the solute is dissolved by the solvent, leaving the carrier of the solute unchanged. The process of leaching however is not always ideal, and can be quite complex to understand and replicate, and often different methodologies will produce different results.

As you can see the symbols match up tho this overall process in creating this “vegetable stone” and as the author even states this is a lesser version of the “great work” or magnum opus as they call it. Meaning the methodology is the same it just uses different materials and processes.


To prove this to you we will use an image from earlier. A rotary engine, the rotary engine is a type of philosopher stone.

Allow me to explain, let us find the three symbols within this device.

  • The circle is the outer shell of the engine, it is a round chamber that cycles through a process of injecting fuel and expelling exhaust and movement. It takes in matter and expels energy, transforming one into another.
  • The triangle is the triangular gear inside of the circular chamber or circle, when the cycle of fuel injection is in perfect balance with the ignition/compression chamber and the exhaust chamber (the three sides of the triangle) it produces motion and makes the triangle spin.
  • The squared circle is the overall process of the engine itself. On a fundamental level the combustion engine transforms physical matter into energy. It “transmutes” matter into energy, it makes a circle into a square, it transmutes a physical substance (fuel) into a concept (movement) through the process of balancing out a duality with a triangle and then passing it through the four “elements”.
Notice the colors even match up with alchemy's four “elements”. Given fire is red, water is blue and air and earth could be either yellow or green.
The four steps of the engine

It is the exact process the philosophers stone symbol represents, they are even the same shapes. The triangular gear contains another shape inside of it which is also a circle and that inner chamber within the triangle generates the power through motion.

Not only that but this machine contains the 4 “points” of the square, classically represented as the 4 elements used in alchemy. Air, fire, water and earth. The earth is the fuel and outer shell of the engine (metal and oil), the water inlets around the outer shell contain the water, the fire is the ignition spark and the air is the air being taken in and exhaust being expelled. It is a perfect example of using the philosophers stone.

Now here is the strange part, this symbol for the stone…came hundreds if not thousands of years before we invented the combustion engine. Yet it is a almost perfect blue print for one symbolically and functionally. I don’t know about you but its made me have to reconsider humanities past, if this was hidden from us what else could have been?

Not only does this symbol work physically as a generator it works multiple ways. So what does that mean? Well it should be obvious that on the basic level this symbol is the pattern for transformation. It can generate electricity, motion and many other things. I am not a master of its uses I am only sharing what I know but I would wager a fair amount of money on it having an incredible amount of applications.

One other I know of is the human eye and how it functions. On a very basic level the eye is a kind of philosophers stone, it is a circle within a circle withing a circle that transforms light into information inside our brains. Anyone familiar with how the human eye functions will know this basic information on its function, for those who don’t here is a little reading on the subject.

Your retina has two different types of cells that detect and respond to light — rods and cones. These cells that are sensitive to light are called photoreceptors. Rods are activated when you’re in low or dim light. Cones are stimulated in brighter environments. Most of us have about 6 million cones, and 110 million rods.”

The two types of cells form a duality, one takes in the bright light and the other the dark light.

Cones contain photo pigments, or color-detecting molecules. Humans typically have three types of photo pigments — red, green and blue. Each type of cone is sensitive to different wavelengths of visible light.”

From that duality a trinity or triangle arises in the form of the 3 basic colors of visable light.

When light hits an object, such as a lemon, the object absorbs some of that light and reflects the rest of it. That reflected light enters the human eye first through the cornea, the outermost part of the eye. The cornea bends light toward the pupil, which controls the amount of light that hits the lens. The lens then focuses the light on the retina, the layer of nerve cells in the back of the eye.

The cornea, pupil, lens and retina are the 4 “elements” in this example. When you view the light as the material to be transformed these 4 “elements” mold and temper it just as a chemical process would do to a material in a lab.

A visual explanation

All the parts for the stones symbol are present, allow me to symbolically demonstrate.

So what is the end goal of this “stone” and what does it transform? It turns light into thoughts via the eye which is then analyzed by the brain. Lets delve a little deeper into this by recognizing the two kinds of color and their ideal “canvases”. As we went over earlier the primary colors of light (red, green and blue) and the primary colors of painting (red, yellow, blue) are slightly different. One is an energy (light) and the other is material (paint or colored objects).

They are opposites in this way, so we can elaborate even further on it. Light and its many colors ideal “canvas” or background is darkness or black. If you want to see the colors of light it needs to be very dark the same way a mechanical projector needs it to be dark. Paint on the other hand needs a white canvas to show properly all of its colors.

Light (energy) needs black, paint (material) needs white. Interestingly enough white light is a combination of all the colors in the light spectrum, while black in painting (matter) is a combination of all colors in the physical color spectrum. If you mix up all the colors in paint eventually it all turns black. They are opposites in every regard and their behavior follows suit but they are opposites in the same subject (color).

Lets discuss a similarity between eyes and celestial bodies, the eye is meant and was formed to take in the light from the sun. In this way eyes are sort of the opposite of the sun as they are the receiving end of the light or the female part of the equation, the sun is bright white light and the pupils are pure black. If you know anything about space and stars you are familiar with black holes, a black hole is a collapsed star and in a way is the opposite of a star. You see stars radiate energy, they push out energy but black holes suck everything in (including light).

An artists rendition

Black holes also turn matter into energy the same way the eye transforms light into thoughts etc.

Radiation is the opposite of gravity in this regard, radiation or radiating pushes out and gravity pulls in but I digress…

Another easily recognizable “philosophers stone” are seeds and plants, allow me to elaborate. Here’s a little illustration to brush up on the subject just in case.

The essentials of plant growth and development

  • The outer circle is time just like all the others in a sense but in this example its represented by the day and night cycle specifically. The day brings warmth which activates the seeds germination, gives it energy to move so to speak. 
  • The triangle is a balance air or carbon monoxide, water and soil or nutrients. A healthy balance of these will determine how the plant grows and develops.
  • The four corners of the square or four “elements” are already present. The warmth of the sun is fire, water is water, soil is earth and the the air is obviously air. The seed has to be tempered by these four elements so that it may change or generate. 
  • The “squared circle” is the seed growing into a plant or transforming into one. It becomes more than it was through this process and achieves generation or growth and development.

Here is some literature about seed germination and how it works so that you may confirm this yourself.


In fact you can use this symbol to transform more aspects of the plant kingdom such as improving fertilizer quality and soil. For fertilizer you can use the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) triangle or NPK known as the NPK rating.

NPK triangle for Ideal Soil Fertility (ISF). At any point in the triangle the sum of N, P and K is 100%, when N, P and K are expressed in percentages of their kCNE sum. The arrows point to increasing portions of the concerning nutrient. The central point (TU) represents balanced nutrition. SU stands for uptake of nutrients from soil, IU for uptake of nutrients from input, and TU for target uptake (TU = SU + IU). WI stands for whole input, and IAv stands for input of available nutrients. Recovery fractions of input N, P and K were set at 0.8, 0.1 and 0.6, respectively. Slightly modified after Janssen, 2009b.

You can read more about the NPK triangle and what those letters mean here:

The outer circle in this "stone" could be simply mixing the soil in a circular motion, representing time and a circle visually, as well as mixing the various parts together as a process.

You can use the soil water absorption triangle to transform the plants soil as well. The same circular mixing could be seen as the outer circle in this as well.

The idea being the right balance will yield for better growth with the plant.

After figuring out this for myself I started to see the symbol everywhere. I even found it in a few places that until understanding this pattern I had dismissed as superstitious or run of the mill strange human behavior. Specifically native American ritual dances. You probably didn’t think you were going to learn that native Americans understood the philosophers stone and how to use it today but here we are and here we go.

Now for those of you unfamiliar with Native American culture I will have to explain their views a little. Now to the indigenous peoples of America dancing was sacred and used for ceremony not for performance art like in European countries. To establish this I have included some pages from…

They danced for purposes not for entertainment, when they danced it was with an intention or desired outcome. A formula of sorts, also they were not the only culture to do this in fact many cultures through history have considered dancing sacred and done it for purpose.

The dances that peaked my interest however were the ones done for the purpose of “regenerating” the earth. Some tribes every so often would perform dances so that the seasons would continue to change such as the dances done in winter to wake the earth back up and end winter or the rain dance.

Now there are many different dances among the many different tribes of natives Americans so not every single one of them will adhere to this pattern exactly but the majority of them do and indeed originated from it. As the book went over there are requirements for each dance and ceremony but the three basic ones are.

  • The right dance
  • The right costume or regalia
  • The right songs

When they had all three pieces in the right balance they would then begin the ceremony. These ceremony’s usually have dancers all dancing around a fire in a circle which to them represented a cycle (remember the symbol for fire from the table of alchemical symbols? It was a triangle). Some of these dances were done during certain times of the year and done with the intention of keeping natures great cycles going so the shape came to be know as a symbol for those cycles. With the cycle spinning and with the right balance of these three pieces of the ceremony mentioned above they would try to regenerate or transform the world around them in this context.

Another example is the famous rain dance of the native Americans which could be viewed as such an operation or engine. A circle of dancers with the right balance of costume, music and dance moves; all dancing with the intention of transforming dry spells into rain. Squaring the circle or transmuting the weather. I don’t know if such “engines” actually produced results but this view of the rituals is pretty profound when everything else is taken into consideration.

How is it they have this same symbol in operation among their culture? They were isolated from the alchemists who came up with it in ancient Greece and Egypt so it is unlikely they picked it up from them. Perhaps it is such a universal system and the natives were very observant of nature that they too figured out the philosophers stone, unaided. It is also possible given this revelation of sorts that all rituals originated from this process.

The pagans of Europe also had their fair share of rituals and ritual dancing was wide spread in the old world, the classical depiction of a witch is also very close to an alchemist. They brew things in pots and make potions (chemistry) and they use rituals and geometric shapes to make curses and such. Interestingly enough native American culture also had witches. To them a witch is somebody who uses ceremony for personal gain, as opposed for using it for the good of all.

Lets take a break from our past and look for the philosophers stone here in modern day. A entertaining place I found this symbol was in the three main characters of a very popular movie franchise…the Matrix. Neo (the one) Trinity and Morpheus. One of the outer circles interpretations and meanings that we went over earlier was the Prima Materia or prime matter.

This is prime matter represents the primal substance that makes up everything which is why you can use the symbol for many different things. So in this context the circle represent “the one” or the all, the prime substance that is part of all of us, everything is made up of matter. For those of you unfamiliar with the movie you can familiarize yourself with the plot here:

In this movie series Morpheus is trying to change the world into something better using Neo (the one). He is trying to make a square using the circle or from the circle, he is trying to “transmute” the world. To do this he uses Trinity (Neo’s love interest) to keep Neo balanced and push him further as he learns to master his gifts. Neo does not start out with the power to change the world he has to learn how to use it, he has to be sculpted.

So right there we have the 3 parts of the philosophers stone, the functionality of it demonstrated and symbolically represented. Morpheus name literally means to morph or transform…or transmute. Trinities name should be obvious in meaning (triangle) and Neo the circle or “the one”. The circle, the triangle and the transmutation.

Another place you can see its attempted use is in this type of prison named the Panopticon.

In Britain in 1794 Jeremy Bentham commissioned the architect Willey Reveley to design him a logo for his ‘Panopticon’– a revolutionary new prison aiming to allow for continual surveillance of each cell. The resulting design prominently included the Eye of Providence — a symbol now of the unblinking stare of judiciary righteousness — surrounded by the words ‘Mercy’, ‘Justice’ and ‘Vigilance’.

A rotunda surrounding an inspection tower, Bentham’s Panopticon prison was designed to ensure that inmates never knew when they were being watched (Credit: Public Domain)

Here it is being used for the “great seal” of the united states.

William Barton’s design for the Great Seal of the United States

and here is the updated version that was actually used.

The principal national symbol of the US, the Great Seal was first used in 1782

I even came across some masonic drawings with it included.

The Final place I found it was one very close to home and the place I think the idea for the “stone” came from…the human body.

Allow me to explain, lets picture a child as the inner circle and the fully matured (developed) adult as the square. How do we change a child into an adult? Lets not think of them as opposites in this regard but the child as a “un-sculpted” adult. 

So to begin we we will begin with the outer circle, a cycle of in-taking materials and expelling the unneeded parts of them. Intake and expelling are the opposite ends of this duality.

We intake food, water and air and expunge feces, urine and carbon dioxide in a cycle. Now the triangle, in order for us to begin developing or “transmuting” a child into an adult they have to have a good balance of 3 basic things to grow or to “generate” more of themself. They need to have a healthy balance of food, water and air. The cycle spins the triangle and the process is repeated over and over as they eat day to day and slowly they begin to grow and further develop into an adult.

If you are familiar with alchemy already you know the 4 “elements” are already present inside our bodies. The final piece being the squared circle, the circle (child) is inside the square (adult) meaning the child is still part of the adult but the adult is more or bigger than the circle. In this light our bodies are “philosophers stones” and function like rotary engines and eyeballs. All of those things transform things, on a very basic level the human body transforms all it interacts with.

So lets sum up how to actually induce transformation and use the stone in theory.


  • The outer circle we have to go through or induce a cycle and/or establish a duality, this could be going through the steps, procedures, motions or time but on a very basic level what you want to do is create movement (theoretically or physically) like making a wheel spin. For examples a day is a cycle, the water cycle of condensation and evaporation is a cycle. Reading something you are writing over and over again to make improvements could be viewed as a cycle. Or eating and pooping could be one, perhaps you have an exercise regime that you do daily in a certain order, that’s a cycle.
  • The triangle you want to break down whatever you are applying the stone to into its 3 basic parts or its simplest parts. What we are doing is separating something into 3 parts, improving each part, then recombining them into something better. For instance if you had a crappy car and you just replaced the tires with really nice ones you would just have a crappy car with nice tires. However if you have a crappy car and replace say the tires, engine and transmission with really nice ones you essentially have a much nicer car now.
  • The squared circle is the end result and is achieved by combining the outer circle and the triangle. Essentially using the cycle of the circle to spin the triangle, think of the cycle as time and over time by improving the 3 parts within the triangle you start to generate or improve. For an example if you have 3 exercises you do every day over time they will make you stronger overall because combined they are adding the benefits together. As opposed to just doing one exercise a day like push ups, at the end of that cycle you will just be better at pushups and, still an improvement but not as lasting or great a benefit as combining all the other exercises together to…generate your body or add to it.


So using this process of improvement or transformation you can “turn lead into gold” meaning that you have improved the overall quality of the material you are using on a fundamental level. As opposed to just trying to match one of golds properties with lead such as trying to polish lead to look as shiny as gold. In the end you just have shiny lead that does not have the other qualities gold does.

Lets go back to a question that was asked earlier.

How does one construct a square with the area of a circle by using only a finite number of steps with a compass and straightedge?”

One way to do this is to do it symbolically, draw a triangle around your squared circle with the straight edge then draw a circle around that with the compass. You have symbolically drawn the process out for how to square a circle or transform a circle into a square.


Now as promised I am going to include a few recipes for making the physical Philosophers Stone. I have not yet tried these methods myself and am currently saving up to get my own lab equipment. The most logical one and the best sourced I might add is the “Book of Aquarius”. It is a paper very similar to this one and covers much of the same subjects.

I will add other recipes as I find them.




Now that we have gone over how the stone functions lets further flesh out how symbolism can operate when it comes to problem solving. Since everything adheres to these patterns we should be able to solve a variety of objectively similar problems using the same method and symbology right? For the following problems we will use a single method or solution which I will draw out as a symbol after and solve objectively. This is merely to further demonstrate that these patterns can “transmute” to various situations.

These are not direct examples of using the philosophers stone, they are merely loose concepts to demonstrate that problems can be symbolically solved using set patterns and that these patterns can be applied to physical and mental problems. It is a demonstration of the concept the philosophers stone is based on.

Picture the following…

  1. A painting of a crowd of people, you try to appreciate this painting from 200 feet away but you cant make out the details. You move closer to the painting and as you do the details come into focus and you can appreciate its beauty more because you can see more of it. Get to close though and you cant see all of it or it becomes blurry, it stretches outside your field of view and you can no longer see the entire painting.
  2. Listening to music, you try listen to it but the volume is very low. You cant make out all of the instruments playing or in some cases cant hear them at all. So you begin to turn the volume up, as you do you can make out more of the song and hear more of it. Thus you can appreciate it more because you can hear more of it. Make it to loud though and it will just turn into noise.
  3. Tuning the radio, you try to listen to your favorite station but its coming in fuzzy. So you take the dial tuning nob and start tuning it into the right position so that the station comes in more clearly. The closer you get to the right frequency the more clearly it comes in. It has to be just right though because if you go to far on either side it will come in fuzzy.
  4. Reading a book, you try reading a book but it uses a lot of words you don’t understand or know. You really want to read it though so you brush up on your vocabulary and learn new words. This allows you to understand the book more clearly because you can more clearly understand the story. However if you become incredibly well read then the books with more simplistic story’s or word structures will become boring or stupid to you and you wont want to read them, like reading a children’s book as an adult is less enjoyable then when you are a child.
  5. A video game on PC, you have a bad computer so the graphics on your game are terrible and you have a hard time enjoying the games you play. So you buy a new video card and turn the graphics all the way up. This allows you to turn on features that you could not before so you are able to enjoy the game more. However if you just focus on how the game looks and keep trying to improve it then you wont actually enjoy the game as much because you will always view it as flawed and it becomes work thus diminishing the actual enjoyment you get from it.
  6.  A language, first the language only has a few words so communication is pretty basic and in-detailed. So they decided to add new words for more specific things. Now the language is able to better communicate what it needs to because its capable of giving more detailed descriptions etc. However if the person you are talking to does not understand all those words then you wont communicate well at all. Like explaining something to a child with elaborate or scientific wording, sometimes it is better to explain things in a simplistic way so that the listener can get a better grasp on what is trying to be communicated to them, you have to find the right balance for the most efficient communication.

All of those problems can be solved in the same way. You simply find the counter point to the solution in another problem then follow the same method, this method is balance. Its counterpoints in each example are distance for the painting, volume for music, tuning for the radio, a proper vocabulary level for the book, a video card for the game and a mutual understanding of words for the language being spoken between two people.

All the same objective problems, all the same objective solutions. Like a pattern but this particular pattern I am using is called balance. Another way to view this is all of those problems had a duality. The paintings was to far/to close, music’s was to loud/to quiet, tuning the radio was to left/to right, reading was you knew to many/to few words, language was limited/extensive detailed or descriptive words. Video game is hard to define but basically its a trade off of not enjoying the game because of a bad computer to not enjoying the game because of a really good computer, you are enjoying maintaining the hardware and improving the computer more than using it for its purpose which is playing the game or having fun so to speak.

Now we are going to look at all of those completely objectively. So all those opposites or “duality” form the circle, now using symbolism we need to balance them out by forming a triangle in or out of those circles. Find a middle point in that duality/circle. Once you do this the two opposite ends of the circle transform into a third thing. Black and white become grey, forward and backward become stationary, between red and blue there's green, etc. In this way you transform the circle into a triangle. It is the symbolic first step in the process of the stone. 

We had a duality (circle), we balanced it out by finding the middle point (triangle) and that duality transformed by combining into a third thing. The next step would be to pass the triangle through the “4 elements” but in conceptual examples like the ones I laid out that is kind of a hard process to define (if its even applicable). However in theory that would yield the “squared circle” or transformation/generation. The “squared circle” is a circle contained by a square to represent that the finished product still contains the circle/duality/original material.

Just to hammer out the understanding of it lets see what this combination means to each of the problems.

  • The painting once combining to far and to close into just right transforms from a blurry image into defined art.
  • Listening to music transforms from quiet or loud noise into music.
  • the radio once balanced turns static into clear audio.
  • Enjoying the right book with the right level of vocabulary or at the right age lets you appreciate something that otherwise you couldn’t or would dismiss.
  • The video game when you balance out the enjoyment with how it looks/performs can transform from a frustrating experience to one that’s just right.
  • A language when understood and spoken to on the same relative level can better transform from communication to understanding. Such as how many people better understand the speakers of their native language.

These are all objective examples keep in mind so a little bit of interpretation is necessary. We did use the same method to solve all of them which was balance or the triangle. We took several dualities and balanced them out to transform them. However I was not able to determine the four “elements” within each.



Now lets try even more complex examples and see if this kinda of symbolic solutions still work. Ill start with six problems that are objectively the same and after we will attempt to solve them the same objective way using symbolism.

1. An very overweight man starts suffering multiple health problems as he ages, he gets no exercise and constantly overeats. As he ages his body is less able to cope with the extra weight and because of this its bodily systems start to falter and break down. Weak knees and strained joints, heart problems, sleep apnea/breathing problems, etc. He goes to the doctors to try and get help and they prescribe him drugs or other medical solutions for his various problems.

However new problems keep springing up and the problems he has tried to deal with persist and are only pacified by the medical treatments and prescription drugs he receives. These treatments are mere “band-aids”, in a way. All of his problems (in this example) stem from being overweight and because that problem is left unchecked new problems will keep spawning from it and the old ones will persist without constant monitoring and treatment. Eventually if these problems keep arising his body will give way and he will die.

2. A camper is having a fire in the middle of the forest, it is surrounded by some dead leaves and brush. Small sparks from the fire keep shooting out and starting smaller fires around the main fire. To deal with this the camper runs around extinguishing the smaller fires as they appear. However since the main fire is still burning the sparks keep popping out and starting new fires. The camper has to constantly monitor the fire and put “band-aids” on the situation by constantly extinguishing the smaller ones. If these small fires keep burning the brush eventually there will be no more brush to burn and only barren ground will remain.

3. An ignorant and uneducated population keeps voting in politicians who don’t serve the voters best interests and are corrupt. These corrupt politicians then go forth and cause problems for the people and their government because they are corrupt or selfish (a very familiar situation). The people get fed up with it and vote in new politicians. However because the populations is ignorant and uneducated they just vote in another corrupt selfish politician. Things eventually go bad and the problems persist so they keep voting in new politicians.

They keep slapping a “band-aid” on their government and society in the form of politicians. Sometimes these politicians fix or solve the problems they promise to but new problems keep arising and some persist because the main problem of the population being ignorant and uneducated is never dealt with so they keep making bad decisions on who to let run things. If these problems persist and new ones keep arising then eventually the government will collapse or fail.

4. A restaurant has a chef who keeps burning the food and messing up the orders. Customers start complaining and leaving, so to make up for it the restaurant comps their food or gives them a free meal. Whatever “band-aid they can slap on the situation. However the restaurant has to constantly work to appease these unhappy customers because the chef continues to screw up the orders.

Every day new orders are screwed up because the main problem is not dealt with (the chef). If this keeps up then nobody will come back and the restaurant will go out of business.

5. A large chunk of the population of an imaginary isolated town (with no global economy or stock market) is poor because the only work they can find is for a business who underpays them. These people are poor and because of it face constant problems and suffer daily. In response to this the peoples government decides to give them a stimulus check of $100. This is about a weeks pay to these poor people. The money helps for a week and the poor peoples problems are partially alleviated, they can afford a nice meal for a few days or even some leisure items, pay off some debt or bills etc.

However it’s not enough money to really make a difference in their lives outside of being able to afford trivial pleasures for a week etc. After the week has gone by the money is gone and the people face the same problems and suffrage they did before the governments stimulus (band-aid). If this keeps up then this town will turn into a slum or the workers will have to leave town etc.

6. A man suffers from anger issues because he has un-dealt with trauma in his life. He is so angry all the time he unintentionally starts taking it out on his friends and family or those around him. He does not wish to do this but cant help it, so he is very fast to apologize and tries his best to undo the damage hes done to his relationships with anger. Buys people a gift or simply apologizes, maybe tries to be nicer to that person on purpose etc. However he is still angry inside so he keeps taking it out on people and has to keep trying to make up for it when he does.


Pretty different situations right? yes and no. Some are physical problems and others like the one with politics only take place in the mind or in social structures and are imaginary. Lets make symbolic representations of these problems to get another perspective on them. We will objectify them.

These are just crude shapes but think of it as a symbol. We are going to use this symbol as a sort of blueprint for the solution to these problems. Then we will apply a symbolic solution to this symbol that will “transmute” or translate to the actual problems. Think of this entire picture as a symbol.

Now we can do the obvious thing and remove the source of these problems thus eliminating the other problems that spring from them. We will do this by applying a blue X, a symbol.

What this symbolically represents is getting rid of the main source of the problems.

That would obviously work for these problems, so if that method works for all of those problems then theoretically another symbolic method would work for all of them too right? Lets test this theory to see if they adhere to the same pattern. Each of these examples is being perpetuated by the people trying to fix it by putting “band-aids” on the problems. They are not lasting or permanent solutions and require further attention, like a band-aid eventually falls off and has to be replaced. So lets go with that method but we will turn those “band-aids” into “super band-aids”.

A “super band aid” which we will represent by a giant blue X or a “super X”.

Now we will translate our solution to each problem and see if it works.

1. Instead of telling the overweight man to get healthy and exercise the doctors give him (for the sake of this example) an new type of super drug that enhances his heart and lungs to super human levels. These new enhanced organs causes the man to be more energetic and alert, move faster and jump higher enhancing his muscles with the higher oxygen levels etc. Because of this he starts to move around more and gets in more exercise. Thus eventually losing the weight and solving the main problem without addressing it directly. He would not have to stop overeating (how you get fat usually), he could just burn those calories as he exercised with his theoretical super body.

2. Instead of dowsing the main fire the camper gets a gigantic bathtub full of water and dumps it on one of the smaller sparks besides the campfire. This is so much water that it overflows from the little spark onto the main campfire and extinguishes both of them. “Solving” the problem of the big campfire without addressing it directly.

3. The ignorant population keeps voting in bad leaders. So we find ourselves (hypothetically of course) the perfect leader or “super politician). One who actually cares about these ignorant people and wants to lead them to a brighter future so to speak. As a true leader does and would do, this person leads the population out of ignorance by bolstering education and holding virtue and understanding as high ideals. This bolstering eventually snuffs out the ignorance and the population starts voting in leaders who represent the peoples best interests. Thus fewer problems arise for them and the old problems are solved and dealt with.

4. Instead of firing the cook the restaurant decides to offer its customers free drinks (alcoholic drinks and otherwise). The customers are happy to be saving money or drunk enough to not care about the foods bad quality and because free drinks are not common the customers keep coming back. The problem was solved without addressing it directly, in this case the overall problem would be no returning customers.

5. Instead of a $100 check they get one for $100,000. This allows them to buy a house or get a better education with college. Pay for medical expenses and eat healthy food, they have enough money for a little leisure activities and eventually some of them pull themselves out of poverty. An unlikely scenario with just the $100 stimulus. They even get enough money together to start a new business and the owners co op the business with all the poor people in town so poverty there is mostly eliminated (ideally of course).

6. The angry man is not going to anger management or counseling, instead hes going to do a super apology. One person who he takes his anger out on gets upset with him and instead of a regular apology he lets it all out. His deepest pains, explains why hes angry and begins to cry, apologizing profusely the entire time. (Ideally) the person who he apologizes to understands his plight and lets the man know that they are there for them and together they can work through this. 

The person then contacts the other people in this angry persons life and explains what happened and the situation. Now everyone understands this mans anger and they are better able to help him deal with it by calling it out when it happens or trying to comfort him. This love that the man feels from these people actually caring about his problems eventually mitigates the anger he feels towards people and the people see through the anger and are no longer hurt as easily by it because they see that the angry man is a hurt person…though the angry man should still seek help for his mental anguish.

So our theory did work and these patterns still apply even in complex situations. We used the same method of the “super band-aid” to solve all of those problems. All you have to do is recognize the counterpoints in the problems, then apply a likewise solution.

If you put the different parts of these problems in the form of symbols you would have the same type of formula they use in chemistry, or cooking…or computer programming. You could represent any of these problems mathematically as well.

This pattern is further demonstrable in some of the most extreme circumstances. Such as at a celestial and atomic level.

The left image was captured by the James Webb Telescope, and the right is a small artificial sun from the “Safire Project”.

No matter the size or complexity they still adhere to the same kinds of patterns because everything starts at the same simplistic level and because of this everything unfolds or grows/develops in similar patterns as well.

To further demonstrates that both the mind and physical space adhere to the same patterns and thus can be dealt with in similar ways we will use chemical processes and “transmute” them into the mind. 

Allow me to elaborate.

Alchemy is in fact the theology of chemistry. Meaning they represented chemical formulas, solutions, techniques etc as symbols, people and stories or myths.

So what this means to this paper and these patterns is that you can apply these same chemical processes to the mind and its processes and yield similar results as their physical counterparts in chemistry. This is what is known as inner alchemy. I will give the chemical definition and follow it up with the mental counterpoint example or mind example.

  • Solution, the act of passing from a gaseous or solid condition into one of liquidity. The state of being dissolved.

Mind — A method or process of dealing with a problem

  • Filtration, the mechanical separation of a liquid from the undissolved particles suspended in it. To sort, sift, or isolate

Mind — Mental filtering is a cognitive distortion where we disregard and discard all the positive aspects of any given situation and focus on the negative aspects only.

  • Evaporation, the changing or converting from a liquid or solid state with the aid of heat.

Mind — A vanishing away; gradual departure or disappearance; dissipation, as of vapor. The quality of being evanescent; liability to vanish and escape observation or possession: as, the evanescence of mist or dew; the evanescence of earthly hopes.

  • Distillation, an operation by which a volatile liquid may be separated from substances which it holds in solution. The process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation.

Mind — The act or process of purifying; the removal of impurities over and over again. The act of purifying; the act of freeing from impurities, or from whatever is heterogeneous or foreign: as, the purification of liquors or of metals. A cleansing the mind of guilt; the extinguishment of “evil” desire as something which does not belong in your mind or something you wish to rid yourself of.

  • Separation, the operation of disuniting or decomposing substances. The act or process of moving apart or forcing something apart.

Mind — The process of sorting or distinguishing into different components, groups, or categories. The act of separating, removing, or disconnecting one thing from another; a dis-joining or dis-junction: as,the separation of the good from the bad.

  • Rectification, the process of refining or purifying any substance by repeated distillation.

Mind — to rectify or set right. To make right or straight; correct when wrong, erroneous, or false; amend: as, to rectify errors, mistakes, or abuses: sometimes applied to persons.

  • Calcination, the conversion into a powder or calx by the action of heat; expulsion of the volatile substance from a matter. Calcination, the heating of solids to a high temperature for the purpose of removing volatile substances, oxidizing a portion of mass, or rendering them friable. Calcination, therefore, is sometimes considered a process of purification.

Mind — The same as purification with slightly different substance. You could find a corresponding mental example if pressed but I do not want to split hairs to much.

  • Commixtion, the blending of different ingredients into one compound or mass. Mixture; a blending, uniting, or combining of different ingredients in one mass or compound.

Mind — The same thing as combining, sometimes our thoughts or emotions can combine together to make new ones. Not a hard example to find in your mind.

  • Purification (through putrefaction), disintegration by spontaneous decomposition; decay by artificial means. The state of being rotted

Mind — We will go with the definition of putrefaction, moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles.

  • Inhibition, the process of stopping or retarding a chemical reaction.

Mind — Conscious or unconscious restraint of a behavioral process, desire, or impulse. the process of holding back or restraining.

  • Fermentation, the conversion of organic substances into new compounds in the presence of a ferment.

Mind — Unrest; agitation, excitement provoked by a single “agitator”. This could be a person, place, thought, experience etc.

  • Fixation, the act or process of ceasing to be a fluid and becoming firm; state of fixed being.

Mind — A strong attachment to a person or thing, manifested in an immature or pathological way.

  • Multiplication, the act or process of multiplying or increasing in number; the state of being multiplied.

Mind — If you want to be happy you could thinking only happy thoughts or look for things to be happy about, increase your exposure to something mentally usually propagates more of those thoughts etc.

  • Projection, the process of transmuting the base metals into gold. This one is harder to define in a physical way, ideally and theoretically it is when something links up mentally, physically, and spiritually. A prediction based on known evidence and observations.

Mind — The attribution of one’s own attitudes, feelings, or suppositions to others, thought in psychoanalytic theory to be an unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt. The attribution to another person or object the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself.

We are going to delve deeper into projection because for me personally at first glance this one seemed like bullshit. However when I looked into actual projection (light and projectors) I found there was some actual strange often un-thought about aspects of it that line up to the alchemists description of it or in other words there is some logic to it. So to explain this in scientific terms lets start with a famous experiment.

Camera Obscura, to put it into visual terms it means when you are in a dark room and cut a small hole in the wall an upside down image of whats on the other side will be projected into the hole and appear in the room.

Illustration of the camera obscura principle from James Ayscough’s A short account of the eye and nature of vision (1755 fourth edition)

An image of the New Royal Palace at Prague Castle projected onto an attic wall by a hole in the tile roofing

Here is the wiki entry for a more proper explanation:


Physical explanation

Rays of light travel in straight lines and change when they are reflected and partly absorbed by an object, retaining information about the color and brightness of the surface of that object. Lighted objects reflect rays of light in all directions. A small enough opening in a barrier admits only the rays that travel directly from different points in the scene on the other side, and these rays form an image of that scene where they reach a surface opposite from the opening.[6]

The human eye (and those of animals such as birds, fish, reptiles etc.) works much like a camera obscura with an opening (pupil), a convex lens, and a surface where the image is formed (retina). Some cameras obscura use a concave mirror for a focusing effect similar to a convex lens.[6]

So I made you understand all of that so you could understand this. Things that are lit up by light cast an image of themselves outwards in all directions meaning that when you are looking at a planet or star far away in the sky a very small image of that is present right in front of you but you need to magnify the image and bend the light of it with a telescope to actually see it. Our eyes merely capture light, the light is always present whether we are there to see it or not and so are those images of things lit up by it. So at all times the things lit up by light reflect some of that light and create a sort of sphere of their image around them, they project an image of themselves.

Now lets consider how photographic film works, on a fundamental level light makes an imprint on the things it hits or rather the colors of the light from that object do. Some things are more sensitive to this such as the silver halide crystals used in photography paper.

They react to each color within the light and through a process eventually can be made to reproduce the image that hit the photographic paper. So in that way projection can be imprinted onto another object.

Now let us also consider that each color of light has its own temperature. As you may have guessed red is warmer and blue is colder.

Lets delve deeper into the temperature of each color of light and what that means. Here is a wonderful explanation of it and also goes into detail bout the other colors of light we can’t see and how we proved they existed using temperature.


Energy from the sun comes to the Earth in visible and invisible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Human eyes are sensitive to a small portion of that spectrum that includes the visible colors — from the longest visible wavelengths of light (red) to the shortest wavelengths (blue).

Microwaves, radio waves, infrared, and ultraviolet waves are portions of the invisible electromagnetic spectrum. We cannot see these portions of the spectrum with our eyes, but we have invented devices (radios, infrared detectors, ultraviolet dyes, etc.) that let us detect these portions as well.

Light is neither a wave nor a particle, but has properties of both. Light can be focused like a wave, but its energy is distributed in discrete packets called photons. The energy of each photon is inversely related to the wavelength of the light — blue light is the most energetic, while red light has the least energy per photon of exposure. Ultraviolet light (UV) is more energetic, but invisible to human eyes. Infrared light is also invisible, but if it is strong enough our skin detects it as heat.

So what that means is that each color of light also has its own energy level. So not only is an image being projected from objects lit up but actual energy is also traveling with those colors. Actual physically measurable energy is being projected with the light and if you know anything about energy then you know that different levels of it have different effects on what it is interacting with. What alchemists called projection is true in that regard, I can’t make any definite statements about the mind being able to project its thoughts but we can prove that the light that comes off the alchemist carry’s with it energy as well with its various colors.

Lets use an example, some of you are surly familiar with the sun’s rays fading paint and other things left in its light over long periods of time. Say we did camera obscura in a room against a black wall for a very long period. Over time the fading from that light on the black walls paint would most likely leave a sort of silhouette of whatever was being projected onto that paint. in that way the image from the other side has made an imprint on that wall.

The sun projects its light and energy onto us then in turn we project our light and energy onto other things. As above so below, our visual presence has an impact on the overall energy of the environment in this way.

Just something to keep in mind.

Using these process on the mind is what is called “Inner Alchemy”. Freemason lodges teach inner alchemy to their members as a way to improve themselves. Here is a more detailed example of it from the book “Practical Alchemy”.


Actually many Freemasons and practicing alchemists (claim) to only use the philosophers stone for spiritual purposes such as improving yourself as a person. They believe that it is only intended to be used for this purpose, while other alchemists as we saw were only interested in its chemical properties and claimed that its real purpose was just disguised in spiritual terms to keep it secret. In reality as we saw it is both, it is a universal tool.

In fact the Freemason logo is a symbol for the squared circle itself.

The protractor is used to make a circle and the square ruler is used to make a square.

One other important teaching about how the mind has counterpoints in the physical world and vice versa is how the environment can effect the mind using the body as a medium and vice versa. Allow me to explain and demonstrate.

Picture the following, you are a person who bad things keep happening to, almost like the universe is picking on you. So as the days go on and these things keep happening to you the majority of your memories about your life are sad/bad. Thinking about them all the time makes you sad and this long period of sadness eventually leads to depression. This depression eventually starts to effect your environment/house in such that you stop cleaning it and tidying up because you simply do not have the will to do it.

For many people this is common sense, if you do not have the will to do anything then cleaning up your home is not on the list of things to do. To cement that point of depression effecting your environment here are some studies linking it to such things as hoarding.

Now lets also note that not all depression is caused by bad things happening to you or constant bad/sad thoughts. Some depression has a chemical nature and is the result of unbalanced hormones etc in the brain. However for our example we will be going with the above kind of depression. Sad thoughts effect your environment using depression to transmute to them.

Sad thoughts = Mind, Depression = Spirit, Home/environment = Body

Sad thoughts are just that, thoughts. Depression effects your spirit or in modern terms it effects your overall emotion/feeling on situations. Think of your thoughts as a picture you are painting and your spirit as what color you will paint it, depression is like painting everything blue. It is not a thought itself but it stains everything you think with negativity or a sad outlook so to speak.

Then that depression directly effects your environment by disrupting the usual cycle of cleaning and tidying up your surroundings. So in that way your sad thoughts use your “spirit” to transmute onto the physical world.

Here is a symbolic view:

The environment true to form with the stone has a bit of the circle in it or another view is the thoughts or mind has imprinted its shape onto the environment.

Now lets try the reverse to further prove the point, as above so below. A bad environment can use depression to transmute itself into bad/sad thoughts. Lets go with an example, pretend you are forced to live in a slum with no power, peeling wall paper, no running water, its dark, its damp, bugs everywhere and its small. After awhile living in such conditions will lead you to being depressed and especially if you have no choice and its the best you can do or there is no way to leave such conditions financially speaking.

Eventually being surrounded by this place makes you depressed or sad. Think of it as having to work a funeral home that only does children’s funerals. Eventually working there is going to make you sad, the places you are have an effect on your mind and how you feel or your enthusiasm.

To further prove to you that the environment has a direct effect on your mood or your “spirit” I have included some studies.


I am sure many of you are familiar with the term “mood lighting”. Light is part of our environment and it effects us in some obvious and subtle ways. Chiefly it effects our mood and emotions through complex mechanisms in the brain.


Now as we saw with the reverse example eventually this depression on your mood is going to effect how and what you think. Being around child deaths all the time or having to live in a slum with no escape is eventually going to lead to you thinking about sad things like that etc. In that way the environment uses depression or your “spirit” to transmute the negativity or sadness into your mind.

Just as above the mind contains a bit of the circle or environment.

Like I explained earlier it is not an exact representation in how the stone works but it can be applied in this way regardless.

As you can see its pretty demonstrable that existence and the universe “unfolds” in a set way following a kind of pattern that everything is part of. With this knowledge and using these kind of techniques you will find that you do not come across problems you cannot find a solution to. As you gain more experience in life you will have more things to compare to and will be better able to apply this technique. This is one of the greatest teachings of the occult or mystery schools of ancient times if not the greatest one.

They would symbolically represent this teaching a few different ways but one of the most common is using the lotus flower or unfolding flower. The idea being that like a flower the universe also unfolds in a similar predictable pattern as it blooms or grows. It is one of the “keys” to the universe.

…Now comes the important part. I want you reader, all of you reading this to take this knowledge and learn how to recognize, use and spread it. This symbol, this tool is the key to bettering our world and humanities overall situation. Some of you may have realized by now that people have been keeping this knowledge suppressed for hundreds if not thousands of years. We can use this as a great catalyst for change within our world.

This tool is so great that even as you read it is starting a process within you, for you see once you learn how to use the philosophers stone…you become one. With this knowledge you become a great catalyst for change. You take this and you free yourself from those who would see you controlled and exploited. Better your life, help each other.

Look for the symbol around you, in media, company logos, anywhere symbolism is present. Look for a triangle inside a circle. Look for it because other people, bad people know how to use this stone and are using it on us. On all of society, it can be used many ways including psychologically.

I can give you a few examples to start you off on this investigation.

The All seeing Eye.


Here is a little insight to this insignia I found on a popular websites alchemy threads.

“In fact, this symbol itself can be a symbol for wisdom. If one shaves off the top part of the triangle, it becomes the symbol so popular at the time of the founding of the US and used on its dollar, the Unfinished Capstone. To complete the stone, this symbol is usually used with the. providential eye in the place of the top of the stone.

Providential is from pro video, Latin for “looking forward.” Another way this is described in Latin is “sapiens.” Providential and wisdom are synonyms. The idea of the unfinished capstone means that, if the laws were written correctly at the founding (the date written at the bottom of the pyramid), and the legislature takes a providential eye safeguarding the land and the laws for the future, the state can continue on forever.”

Lets go over why the “All seeing eye” is used as a symbol to begin with. As we went over on a very basic level the eye is a kind of philosophers stone, it is a circle within a circle withing a circle. Anyone familiar with how the human eye functions will know this basic information on its function, for those who don’t here is a little reading on the subject.

The human eye

The “all seeing eye” is simply a metaphor or symbol for the philosophers stone or transformation.

The Illuminati a mysterious and mythical group that is said to control civilization from the shadows. Whether or not they exist I cannot say, however these mythical hooded figures logo is a philosophers stone in the form of an eye. At the very least the symbolism is there for the stone. Just something to consider now that you are more aware…

So to conclude this section lets go over the things we learned. 

  • Alchemy and its teachings are a system of philosophy based entirely on observation that predates many religions. 
  • Many of the religions we have today borrow their symbology and teachings from alchemy and hermetics and adapted them for their own purposes. 
  • Alchemy and its teachings were purposfully kept hidden and secret for a long time. 
  • The alchemists had a profound understanding of the universe and they could demonstrate this with things such as the philosophers stone symbol. 
  • This symbol is found all over the ancient world in cultures (such as the Native Americans) who had no contact with the half of the world that seemingly created alchemy. 
  • Today this symbol is being used by powerful and influential people. 
  • Material and chemical interactions and transformations have couterpoints in the mind.


The Dawn of Civilization

In this section we are going to discuss a theoretical version of the past that existed before recorded history. What historians term “Prehistory”. Having read the alchemy section of this article is going to make this sound a lot more plausible though its not necessary to have read it if you have an open mind about the subject. I am pretty much just going to lay out the entire theory for you right here and at first its going to sound crazy. As you continue to read each section though its going to make more and more sense and I am doing it this way because this is exactly how it happened to me.

These are going to be some extreme claims at first but we are going to go through each part step by step in the various sections of this paper as rational, logical, and calm human beings with cited scientific information to back them up just to get a little perspective on the subjects. I have spent a little over a decade weeding out the bullshit to get down to the objective facts of these matters and finding the source materials. I will be very thorough with my explanations and stick to rational modern perspective when discussing them…now then.

An ancient culture of alchemists used pyramids (some pyramids, not all pyramids) somehow to harness the Earths electromagnetic field, atmospheric electrical energy (APG) and the telluric currents in unison to form a trinity of energy interaction or a sort of electrical funnel. I believe they did this by building giant megalithic structures (some of them not all of them) made out of piezoelectric materials and other electrically suited materials, capped with conductive metals and grounded with them too. These pyramids and megaliths acting as giant concentration points for the earths natural energy and electrical currents, being the right shape, material, height and location to harness these energies simultaneously. They simply created a natural path/concentration point for 3 forms of energy in one structure, then they possibly affixed large piezoelectric and pyroelectric crystals inside the structures to absorb the vibrations and temperature changes of this system causing the crystals to emit a constant electrical charge or act as a natural capacitor (though the crystal part is more a personal theory of mine and not fully supported evidence wise), though the crystals and the purpose of this system is speculative and I do not believe they used them as generators to power ancient technology or anything like that.

It is likely that they had multiple purposes, one as I said being a sort of release valve for the earths electrical pressure the same way lightning rebalances out the earths energy between the ground and ionosphere. Or enabling them to control the flow from one place to the next thus manipulate the earths natural electrical energies for various purposes. Even possibly constructing a global geomagnetic/telluric grid of some kind from these pyramids that they used to electrically stabilize the earth, helping to prevent energy caused natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions by giving the electrical energy inside the earth a “release valve” for the electrical pressure to flow through. Think of them as man made volcanoes, a volcano releases pressure inside the earth by erupting. Volcanic eruptions even cause lighting to strike around them when this happens.


You can familiarize yourself with this in the link below.


Another purpose being they energized these structures and used them as healing places for the human body, re-calibration centers of sorts. Being completely in tune with the earths electrical frequencies and concentrating them into different parts of the buildings via rooms and other chambers. 

Later on we will even read that that is what the local oral tradition of the Egyptians even claim them to be for. We will also cover how the earths natural electrical background and currents effect the human body and its growth using studies done by various governments to further support these claims. 

These structures maybe even absorbed some of the vibration from earthquakes via the piezoelectric effect (which we will fully go over later). This is why they built cities around pyramids or rather built pyramids in cities (some pyramids not all). We will also go over how people back then could possibly feel the earths electromagnetic field through their pineal gland, the same way many animals are aware of the earths electrical and magnetic fields today (gone over in scientific detail in the Animals and EMF section). That they were much more electrically attuned to the earth because of constantly being bare footed or having shoes that electricity could pass through such as leather.

Then at some point this global alchemical civilization fell. The people who took control of what was left then set about poisoning us over generations so we could no longer feel the electromagnetic field or dampened our ability to sense it and erased all history of this civilization or passed it off as myth and its beliefs as superstition. They made huge sweeps of destroying the remaining evidence through years of wars, book burnings, destroying libraries, cultural genocides, regular genocides and destroying sacred pagan and other old world religious sites. Attempting to destroy alchemy and the world it built (spiritually and physically). 

Even going as far as building churches on top of the old sacred sites and pyramids (pictures are provided for proof). Now as religion is becoming less popular and people are starting to become more aware, the planet has become bathed with radio, internet, cellphone, and other various frequencies and waves. This either causes us to be so overwhelmed with our senses that we go numb to it or the constant EMF (electro-magnetic fields) given off by our various electronics and houses/buildings electrical wiring, blocks out the earths natural EMF. We are also always being separated from the earths natural telluric or geomagnetic electrical currents by tar, concrete, rubber shoes and so forth which effects how our bodies develop and behaves.

Those of you who braved the alchemy section will also realize that some pyramids are symbolic of the philosophers stone, they are three dimensional triangles often with the eye of Ra on the capstone and when the earth is viewed as a three dimensional circle you have the entire symbol is present. The four elements being present could even be argued given the Egyptian pyramids history and the area they are in originally being a fertile farm land instead of sand.

So now that all those wild claims have been made lets get down to the actual science of them.

These following examples and this entire section is just a quick view and summery of these subjects. Each subject is fully explored, explained and the claims backed up within their own sections. If something doesn't make sense to you I suggest going to the relevant section to further clarify.

Ill give you an example of the impact of electricity on our bodies to begin with because to me that was the most “woo woo” spiritual nonsense part. However when I actually started looking into it I found there to be some actual credible science and logic to it. For one thing, our bodies generate an electrical voltage when we walk and move around. It is always fluctuating.

Here is a great video explaining it.


Now lets talk about how what you are standing on has to do with this electrical current. When you are bare footed on soil the voltage potential between your body and the ground is 10 times more than when you are wearing shoes or standing on asphalt. Here is a nice chart that explains all the various materials electricity can pass through in the ground and their resistance and conductivity.


Image Provided by the IAGA — International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy


 When you are bare footed the voltage potential on your body increases 10 fold. Here are some quick 30 second videos demonstrating the various differences in voltage potential on the human body.

Here is a video demonstrating the difference between soil and stone on the body. Stone unexpectedly has more of a voltage potential than rubber shoes.

Below is a video demonstrating the different voltage potential of various common stones on the body (I cant name them all but they are common stones from a quarry).
Asphalt and tar however has very little voltage potential and effectively insulates us from the earth. As demonstrated here.
 This voltage potential actually has a massive effect on us and our bodies. Anyone familiar with biology knows that what happens inside of us to make us alive is basically energy interacting/mixing with matter which is known as electro-chemical reactions. So changing the amount or intensity of this energy can effect how those electro-chemical processes play out within us.

Read about the actual science of it below.

The example of the car makes it easier to understand current flow in the human body. A person receiving an electrical shock will have (at least) 2 contact points to a voltage source, one of which might be the earth ground. If either connection is disconnected, no current will flow. The analogy also explains how current flow can go through many somewhat parallel pathways, such as through the nerves, muscles, and bones of the forearm. The amount of current in each automobile appliance or tissue type depends on the resistance of each component.

Very small amounts of electrical current result in major physiological effects

Current refers to the amount of electricity (electrons or ions) flowing per second. Current is measured in amperes or milliamperes (1 mA=1/1000 of an ampere). The amount of electric current that flows through the body determines various effects of an electric shock. As listed in Table ​Table1,1, various amounts of current produce certain effects. Most current-related effects result from heating of tissues and stimulation of muscles and nerves. Stimulation of nerves and muscles can result in problems ranging from a fall due to recoil from pain to respiratory or cardiac arrest. Relatively small amounts of current are needed to cause physiological effects. As shown in the table, it takes a thousand times more current to trip a 20-A circuit breaker than it takes to cause respiratory arrest.

 Table 1

Estimated effects of 60 Hz AC currents*

1 mABarely perceptible
16 mAMaximum current an average man can grasp and “let go”
20 mAParalysis of respiratory muscles
100 mAVentricular fibrillation threshold
2 ACardiac standstill and internal organ damage
15/20 ACommon fuse breaker opens circuit

*From NIOSH.1

†Contact with 20 mA of current can be fatal. As a frame of reference, common household circuit breaker may be rated at 15, 20, and 30 A."


It has even recently been discovered that bacteria have been directly interacting with electricity to fuel its own chemical reactions.

 “Subsequent research revealed that Geobacter can deploy its wires in different ways to make a living. Not only can it plug directly into rust, it can also plug into other species of microbes.

The partners of Geobacter welcome the incoming flow of electrons. They use the current to power their own chemical reactions, which convert carbon dioxide into methane.”

Even on the simplest level electricity has a huge effect on living things and how their bodies behave.


Here is a recent study that proves this by using electricity to heal wounds 3 times faster.


"It means that the cells of our skin are sensitive to electric current. So when placed in an electric field, the cells are likely to start moving toward the direction of the area. Using this hypothesis as the base of their study, the researchers conducted an interesting experiment.

They created a biochip containing cultured skin cells with properties similar to human skin cells. Next, they chose two cells and made wounds on them. One cell was allowed to repair under an electric field (200mV/mm), while the other healed without any electric stimulation.

The researchers noticed that electricity enabled the former to heal three times faster than the latter. “We were able to show that the old hypothesis about electric stimulation can be used to make wounds heal significantly faster,” said Asplund.

According to the study authors, an electric field act as a guide to skin cells. In the absence of current, the cells move randomly, and therefore, the process of healing is slow. However, when cells are electrically stimulated, they all align in one direction and migrate fast toward the damaged site, eventually making a wound heal more quickly.

Moreover, no side effects were noticed on the cultured wounded cells due to the electric stimulation."


 Here is the actual study:





So its pretty fair to say that electricity and your exposure to it can have a significant impact on your body. Now that we have touched on that lets go over some of the megalithic structures these ancient peoples constructed and the electrical properties of those structures.

Some of the great pyramids were built from granite and other piezoelectric materials (piezoelectric means they can transform physical energy into electrical energy and vice versa), quartz (piezoelectric/pyroelectric) being the main mineral in granite (pyroelectric means it turns heat into electricity).

Materials and rocks that contain piezoelectric minerals also gain some of that function, a function that can be increased given the crystal content of that material. This can be seen in the granite hallways of the pyramids of Giza as the air within these chambers is reportedly ionized, it could be because of the piezo crystals or maybe because granite itself gives off radon (a radioactive gas) over time and is interacting with the air inside, though perhaps more than one effect is at play here. 

Others suggest a more straightforward way it ionizes.

Great Pyramid of Keops has insulating outer surface and underneath there is a conductive surface. Most likely, equipotential lines are distorted around the pyramid. The tip of the pyramid may be as low as 0 V/m. However, the equipotential lines are highly compressed at the tip of the pyramid and the lines that are at much higher potential are very close to the 0 V/m line as seen in Fig. 3. The height of the pyramid is 146 m, and the expected potential close to the tip of the pyramid is 14600 V. This high positive potential may pull the electrons from the tip of the pyramid. If that’s the case, one of the functions of Great Pyramid is to provide Ionization.”

Some go even further in their accusations.

 “Khufu as a dual-source DC generator

Besides the possibility of Khufu serving as a gigantic galvanic cell, another possibility is that it was built as a dual-source DC generating station by also harnessing atmospheric, electrically charged ionic radiation at N30o latitude, i.e. Nikolas Tesla style. Tesla was capturing ionized atmospheric radiation at his electricity-research facilities in Colorado and New York located at the same exact latitude where the Giza pyramids are situated. I have heard that Tesla was fascinated with the Giza pyramids but after having read much about him, I haven’t seen that. Nevertheless, as the foremost genius of his times and perhaps in all of recorded history, I don’t doubt that he studied them. Recent scientific research has proven that pyramid-shaped antennae are very efficient at capturing electrically charged atmospheric ions as common at mid-latitudes as thunder and lighting storms. A 2011 USA patent was issued to Peter Grandics for a working pyramid-shaped electrical generator built as a scaled-down version of Khufu.”

It is important to note that some pyramids such as the great pyramid of Giza were also cased with natural insulators such as white limestone which reflects sunlight and would insulate it from heat as well.

 Limestone can also contain quartz and limestone itself actually has a lot of stored energy within it in. You can read all about it in the following link.

Here is another unusual thing about the materials used to build these megalithic structures. They have electrical potentials other than the piezoelectric effect, here are some demonstrations of electricity passing through wet granite.

 (One of the strangest things about granite is water can climb up it over time. As in the rock will soak up the water.) 


Here is a report about the piezoelectric properties of granite.

Abstract. From laboratory experiments, we observed that. unloading stress on a piece of granite induced a pulsed electric potential variation, which decays exponent. With a time constant ranging from 1.5 to 4.0 s. The electric potential variation depends on the magnitude and the sustaining time of applied stress, indicating that the variation is due to piezoelectricity and migration of bound charges that compensate the piezo- electric polarization. An apparent. piezoelectric coefficient of granite was obtained to be about 1.4x10 -•5 C/N, three orders of the magnitude smaller than that of a single crystal of quartz.”

Some of these pyramids having hidden electrical purposes is actually a very talked about sort of “conspiracy theory” about pyramids which often involves claims of free energy and supernatural powers etc. I felt it necessary to include one such video that discusses such matters because its important to at least hear some of these people out and also because they are often the only people who look into these things or even talk about them. 

Below is the video that goes over this kind of theory and its possibilities, I do not fully agree with all of its claims but its good to at least familiarize yourself with the concept however not necessary to the overall theory if you wish to skip it. 


So it is not implausible that a structure like this could be electrified or energized in some way. Considering what we learned about body voltage and the environments electrical impact on us we must consider whether they were energizing these structures to have some sort of effect on the people or life within it or even around it.

At the very least the potential and all the necessary materials are present. If they do indeed draw energy towards them then it is possible that the higher amounts of it around the structures could encourage life in general to thrive in the effected area.

Lets delve into some other materials these structures were made of, some of the pyramids contain Dolomite which is another material used today for electrical purposes. Limestone, dolomite and granite are in fact, some of the materials we use to make electrical wires and components today. I also mentioned granite gives off radon (discussed in detail later) a radioactive gas, so these granite passageways in the pyramid would have been filled with it if not properly ventilated. Some pyramids (such as Giza) also originally had gold “capstones”. Gold of course is the second best conductor for electricity that we know of (silver is best but gold lasts longer) meaning they would have gathered a static charge from the air at the heights they were placed (also gone over in detail later).

Now not all of the pyramids have these functions and materials within them. Some of them were in fact tombs or made as tributes to the great pyramids. The ones in question like the great pyramid of Giza contained no burial or tomb related artifacts within them. In fact the great pyramid of Giza contained nothing inside it aside from some large granite boxes and strange unexplained chambers that the other pyramids did not have. There are many strange things about the great pyramid.

Here is a picture of one of the mentioned granite boxes, a marvel of primitive engineering on their own given the age they were created.

It should be noted again that granite emits Radon a radioactive gas because of the naturally radioactive materials that can compose it. So these boxes when sealed would have been filled with radon, a radioactive gas.

Below is a modern demonstration (and warning) of the effect in our very homes.





This means that inside this pyramid the air would slowly kill you after prolonged exposure. The Pyramid of Giza has long shafts cut into it that go from the inner chambers to the outside that many people can not figure out the purpose of. Air circulation is the most likely reason outside of being a light source for the interior chambers.

That also means that those giant granite boxes could irradiate anything left inside of them. Possibly being used to spark reactions to the radiation in different metals, crystals, minerals and materials placed within them. As we went over in the alchemy section it was radioactive materials that proved to the scientific community that materials could be “transmuted”, many possibilities exist with this variable. Also you can use radiation to increase the shelf life of stored food by killing most of the micro-organisms and bacteria via radiation. These boxes may have functioned as preservation chambers for food.

Here is a link about irradiated food preservation.

For those of you who have already read through the alchemy section you may recognize that radiation in this regard is a transformative material, it changes matter. Here is a little background information on radiation for those unfamiliar.

Radioactivity is an inorganic process of spontaneous nuclear transformation that results in the formation of new elements.

That quote is from this article that details the difference between radioactivity and transmutation.


The key difference between radioactivity and transmutation is that radioactivity refers to natural transmutation, whereas transmutation refers to the change of one chemical element into another via either natural or artificial means.

Radioactivity is a type of transmutation and a scientifically confirmed proof of concept for alchemy and transmutation in general. Now that we have gotten through some of the main theory lets take a look at the global history of humanity.

Here is what we know.

The dawn of civilization was recently pushed back a few thousand years prior to what we previously believed it to be (used to be Mesopotamia). It used to be five thousand years but recently has fallen somewhere between 8 and 15 thousand years. In the middle east around Syria they have uncovered the remains of a civilization that predates the Egyptians and Mesopotamia. This is interesting because the Egyptians, people of India and the Sumerians all claimed to be the descendants of a much older civilization.

Here are some links going over various discoveries hinting to a much older human civilization:


Here is what we know.

The dawn of civilization was recently pushed back a few thousand years prior to what we previously believed it to be (Ancient Egypt).

In the middle east around Syria they have uncovered the remains of a civilization that predates the Egyptians. This is interesting because the Egyptians themselves claimed to be the descendants of a much older civilization.

The following link has some more information on it:

This area is only one section of humanities past, lets take a look at other areas and their claims of mankind being more sophisticated than we thought in those times.

In Tibet they have reports and evidence of structures much older than the Egyptians. One example is an ancient pipe system found deep inside the mountains, it is so old that rocks have formed around it which is displayed in the pictures below. 

Pictures of the ancient Tibet pipe system below.

Here is a little more perspective on the pipes:


Now lets take a look at South America and the recent discoveries made there. Recently LIDAR sweeps of the amazon rain forest has uncovered several large ancient urban cities from a yet to be determined time.

We should also take note of the natural decay process and time for man made items, nothing outside of structures would even survive for us to find after about 1000–2000 years, even plastic. The only things we have from remotely that long ago are stone structures and items, things that were purposefully preserved (such as the Egyptian tombs) or naturally (such as the dinosaur tissue found in eggs and bogs or swallowed by mud in ancient landslides) and pottery but that is also made of stone or clay.

Here are some links explaining and demonstrating the decay of items over
As you can see there would not be any evidence left to find after a few thousand years under the ground. Some things get lucky and are preserved because the right conditions are met but on the whole almost everything man made is gone within 2000 years. The likelihood that such a civilization could have existed a very long time ago is not something so easily dismissed when you factor in these findings.

The Earths Electromagnetic Field (EMF) & Atmospheric Energy


In this section we are going to go over the earths electromagnetic field, geomagnetic field (sort of the same thing as they are interlinked) and most importantly the atmospheric potential gradient or APG. To save time I will abbreviate electromagnetic field as “EMF”. This sections purpose is to demonstrate all the various energy that is part of our natural environment and how they effect us as living creatures.

EMF is formed by the energy generated by the earth as its iron core rotates (in theory).

Part of this electromagnetic field is called the ionosphere.

The active, changing layer

An interesting layer called the ionosphere overlaps the mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. It’s a very active part of the atmosphere, and it grows and shrinks depending on the energy it absorbs from the sun. Its name comes from the fact that gases in these layers are excited by solar radiation to form “ions,” which have an electrical charge.

Parts of the ionosphere overlap with Earth’s magnetosphere. That’s the area around Earth where charged particles feel Earth’s magnetic field.

In the ionosphere, charged particles are affected by the magnetic fields of both Earth and the sun. This is where auroras happen. Those are the bright, beautiful bands of light that you sometimes see near Earth’s poles. They’re caused by high-energy particles from the sun interacting with the atoms in this layer of our atmosphere.

Astronauts actually got to see the ionosphere. The EMF and the various “Spheres” of the earth are intricately connected.


That green aura is the ionosphere.


Here are some more pictures of it if you are interested.

Cosmic rays and the suns own rays hitting the earths EMF and ionosphere is what causes the world famous northern lights (aurora borialis) via…


The area between the ground and the ionopsphere is a zone called the "atmospheric potential gradient (APG)"

This article summarizes it and if there's anything you should read the entirety of in this article its this report because it is absolutely groundbreaking research and the dawn of an entirely new branch of science. The things discussed within it completely support some of my claims in this article and its findings are going to change how we think about life and electricity's role in it: 

I am only going to include some of whats in it here because it is an absolutely huge report but I will reference the relative parts of it as we go through the various sections of this article.


Electricity, the interaction between electrically charged objects, is widely known to be fundamental to the functioning of living systems. However, this appreciation has largely been restricted to the scale of atoms, molecules, and cells. By contrast, the role of electricity at the ecological scale has historically been largely neglected, characterised by punctuated islands of research infrequently connected to one another. Recently, however, an understanding of the ubiquity of electrical forces within the natural environment has begun to grow, along with a realisation of the multitude of ecological interactions that these forces may influence. Herein, we provide the first comprehensive collation and synthesis of research in this emerging field of electric ecology. This includes assessments of the role electricity plays in the natural ecology of predator–prey interactions, pollination, and animal dispersal, among many others, as well as the impact of anthropogenic activity on these systems. A detailed introduction to the ecology and physiology of electroreception – the biological detection of ecologically relevant electric fields – is also provided. Further to this, we suggest avenues for future research that show particular promise, most notably those investigating the recently discovered sense of aerial electroreception.


Abiotic electric field sources

It is first important to consider the presence of electric fields of abiotic origin. Arguably, the primary abiotic electric field source experienced by terrestrial organisms on Earth is the atmospheric potential gradient (APG) (Hunting et al., 2021c). The APG is an electric field oriented vertically in the Earth's atmosphere, such that, within the vast majority of biologically inhabited altitudes (Imshenetsky, Lysenko & Kazakov, 1978; Womack, Bohannan & Green, 2010), the electric potential increases with altitude (Wilson, 1903). Near to the Earth's surface, in fair-weather conditions, the strength of the APG is on the order of 100 V m−1, but can increase by an order of magnitude, or even invert, during certain meteorological conditions, most notably thunderstorms (Wilson, 1903; Bennett & Harrison, 2007). The APG is largely created by a potential difference between the ionosphere and the Earth's surface and is constantly maintained by the global atmospheric electric circuit, wherein thunderstorms generate electric current upwards in the atmosphere, towards the ionosphere; this current is simultaneously counteracted elsewhere on the planet in fair-weather regions by gradual currents flowing back down to the ground (Rycroft, Israelsson & Price, 2000; Rycroft et al., 2012).

It is also worth mentioning the electrical charges of atmospheric precipitation. Individual raindrops generally carry non-negligible electrostatic charges (Wilson, 1903). These charges vary in polarity, even within the same rainfall, but negative charges appear to be marginally more common (Wilson, 1903; Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Chauzy & Despiau, 1980; Bennett & Harrison, 2007). The magnitude of charge carried is also highly variable but is typically in the region of 0.1–1000 pC, depending on meteorological conditions and the size of the raindrop (Banerji & Lele, 1932; Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Smith, 1955; Chauzy & Despiau, 1980). Snowflakes and hailstones have also been shown to carry electrostatic charges (Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Latham, Mason & Blackett, 1961).

In the aquatic environment, a major abiotic source of electric fields is the Earth's geomagnetic field. Whilst the geomagnetic field itself is not an electric field, any time-varying magnetic field will induce an electric field (Faraday, 1832; Maxwell, 1865). Therefore, because the geomagnetic field varies spatially, when water or animals move through the geomagnetic field, this can be viewed as a temporal variation in magnetic field from the reference point of the moving object, and therefore electric currents are electromagnetically induced in the water or animal (Kalmijn, 1974). The magnitudes of these motion-induced electric fields are not negligible, with a fish moving at 1 m s−1 likely to induce electric fields as strong as 0.4 μV cm−1, and electric fields induced by water motion typically measuring around 0.05–0.25 μV cm−1 (Barber & Longuet-Higgins, 1948; Kalmijn, 1974). By the same electromagnetic principles, temporal variations in the ambient magnetic field, for example those caused by magnetic storms, will similarly induce electric fields in the Earth's crust and mantle, including the oceans (Kalmijn, 1974). These are generally referred to as telluric, or Earth currents, and in coastal or continental shelf waters (where oceanic telluric currents are at their highest), they are typically on the order of 0.01 μV cm−1 in magnitude (Kalmijn, 1974)."



For those of you who read up on alchemy it is worth pointing out that the claims of ancient alchemy that raindrops and morning dew carry with them a sort of energy has now been confirmed by science via the no negligible electric charges they accumulate from traversing the air an APG as they fall or rise in dews case. How they figured that out with no knowledge of electricity is a mystery in itself but as we read they were very aware of energy.

Geomagnetic Storms

A geomagnetic storm is a temporary — sometimes intense — disturbance of the Earth’s magnetosphere.

  • During a geomagnetic storm the F₂ layer will become unstable, fragment, and may even disappear completely.
  • In the Northern and Southern polar regions of the Earth aurora will be observable in the night sky.


Here are some pictures of this phenomena from space:

Here is a little more information on how this happens, from the wiki entry I linked earlier.

The ionosphere (/aɪˈɒnəˌsfɪər/[1][2]) is the ionized part of Earth’s upper atmosphere, from about 48 km (30 mi) to 965 km (600 mi) altitude,[3] a region that includes the thermosphere and parts of the mesosphere and exosphere. The ionosphere is ionized by solar radiation. It plays an important role in atmospheric electricity and forms the inner edge of the magnetosphere. It has practical importance because, among other functions, it influences radio propagation to distant places on the Earth.”

“The ionosphere is a shell of electrons and electrically charged atoms and molecules that surrounds the Earth, stretching from a height of about 50 km (30 mi) to more than 1,000 km (600 mi). It exists primarily due to ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.



Occasionally the ionosphere is hit with a massive energy burst or streams from the sun known as a coronal mass ejection.


A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a significant release of plasma and accompanying magnetic field from the Sun’s corona into the heliosphere. CMEs are often associated with solar flares and other forms of solar activity, but a broadly accepted theoretical understanding of these relationships has not been established.[1][2][3]

If a CME enters interplanetary space, it is referred to as an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME). ICMEs are capable of reaching and colliding with Earth’s magnetosphere, where they can cause geomagnetic storms, aurorae, and in rare cases damage to electrical power grids. The largest recorded geomagnetic perturbation, resulting presumably from a CME, was the solar storm of 1859. Also known as the Carrington Event, it disabled parts of the at the time newly created United States telegraph network, starting fires and shocking some telegraph operators

When the energy hits the earth it interferes with wireless communication and many other things. This could mean that wireless communication such as radio waves, wifi, etc could also interfere with natural atmospheric energy. A two way interaction, here is a little more about CME’s from the March 9th 1989 CME that directly hit over Canada and knocked out or interfered with communications equipment world wide.


One of the few publicly reported military operations impacted was the Australian Army component of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping force which was deployed to Namibia at the time. The storm occurred just as the advance elements of the contingent arrived in Namibia, but the effects were believed to last for weeks afterwards. The Australian contribution to UNTAG was heavily reliant on high frequency (HF) radio communications which were severely impacted.[12][13]

Now lets talk about another thing, there is always energy in the form of static electricity in the atmosphere. Even towards the ground at around a few hundred feet there is still a robust amount of it in the air. This same energy in the atmosphere can be collected and harvested by the way…well according to the man responsible for the majority of wireless technology anyway.

Here is simple explanation of its utilization from Nikola Tesla’s “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy” paper.

In recent experiments I have discovered two novel facts of importance in this connection. One of these facts is that an electric current is generated in a wire extending from the ground to a great height by the axial, and probably also by the translatory, movement of the earth. No appreciable current, however, will flow continuously in the wire unless the electricity is allowed to leak out into the air. Its escape is greatly facilitated by providing at the elevated end of the wire a conducting terminal of great surface, with many sharp edges or points. We are thus enabled to get a continuous supply of electrical energy by merely supporting a wire at a height, but, unfortunately, the amount of electricity which can be so obtained is small.

The second fact which I have ascertained is that the upper air strata are permanently charged with electricity opposite to that of the earth. So, at least, I have interpreted my observations, from which it appears that the earth, with its adjacent insulating and outer conducting envelope, constitutes a highly charged electrical condenser containing, in all probability, a great amount of electrical energy which might be turned to the uses of man, if it were possible to reach with a wire to great altitudes.

  • Nikola Tesla

After some investigation online I even came across claimed collection devices.


That is a modern take on it but it proves that this kind of energy harvesting is at the very least demonstrable. I also did a little digging and found a demonstration of atmospheric electricity powering something.



Interesting to say the least, lets break away from atmospheric static electricity though and go back into the earths EMF. We saw how various “cosmic rays” and the suns own energy can have visual effect of the Earths Electromagnetic Field in the form of the aurora borealis. Let’s learn about the ways the earths EMF or electromagnetic fields in general interact with other things. For instance molecules vibrate when exposed to EMFs.


It should be noted that despite sciences wide understanding electrical phenomena still happens today, such as this lightning that goes from the top of a cloud to the upper ionosphere. Scientists are still investigating these occurrences but it demonstrates that an electrical connection between the ionosphere and the lower atmosphere can be established under the right conditions. Read all about it in this link and even watch it with the video.


Also worth mentioning is the 1989 carrington event.

"On the morning of September 1, 1859, amateur astronomer Richard Carrington ascended into the private observatory attached to his country estate outside of London. After cranking open the dome’s shutter to reveal the clear blue sky, he pointed his brass telescope toward the sun and began to sketch a cluster of enormous dark spots that freckled its surface. Suddenly, Carrington spotted what he described as “two patches of intensely bright and white light” erupting from the sunspots. Five minutes later the fireballs vanished, but within hours their impact would be felt across the globe.

That night, telegraph communications around the world began to fail; there were reports of sparks showering from telegraph machines, shocking operators and setting papers ablaze. All over the planet, colorful auroras illuminated the nighttime skies, glowing so brightly that birds began to chirp and laborers started their daily chores, believing the sun had begun rising. Some thought the end of the world was at hand, but Carrington’s naked eyes had spotted the true cause for the bizarre happenings: a massive solar flare with the energy of 10 billion atomic bombs. The flare spewed electrified gas and subatomic particles toward Earth, and the resulting geomagnetic storm—dubbed the “Carrington Event”—was the largest on record to have struck the planet.

Bright Flare, Dark Lines

Compared to today’s information superhighway, the telegraph system in 1859 may have been a mere dirt road, but the “Victorian Internet” was also a critical means of transmitting news, sending private messages and engaging in commerce. Telegraph operators in the United States had observed local interruptions due to thunderstorms and northern lights before, but they never experienced a global disturbance like the one-two punch they received in the waning days of summer in 1859.

Many telegraph lines across North America were rendered inoperable on the night of August 28 as the first of two successive solar storms struck. E.W. Culgan, a telegraph manager in Pittsburgh, reported that the resulting currents flowing through the wires were so powerful that platinum contacts were in danger of melting and “streams of fire” were pouring forth from the circuits. In Washington, D.C., telegraph operator Frederick W. Royce was severely shocked as his forehead grazed a ground wire. According to a witness, an arc of fire jumped from Royce’s head to the telegraphic equipment. Some telegraph stations that used chemicals to mark sheets reported that powerful surges caused telegraph paper to combust.

On the morning of September 2, the magnetic mayhem resulting from the second storm created even more chaos for telegraph operators. When American Telegraph Company employees arrived at their Boston office at 8 a.m., they discovered it was impossible to transmit or receive dispatches. The atmosphere was so charged, however, that operators made an incredible discovery: They could unplug their batteries and still transmit messages to Portland, Maine, at 30- to 90-second intervals using only the auroral current. Messages still couldn’t be sent as seamlessly as under normal conditions, but it was a useful workaround. By 10 a.m. the magnetic disturbance abated enough that stations reconnected their batteries, but transmissions were still affected for the rest of the morning."


The charge from that storm was so intense that it caused metals and telegraph lines in the atmosphere to catch on fire. This is a very clear demonstration that these storms can have huge impacts on the earth even at a ground level.


It also has been confirmed that Tesla was right about the air playing a part in atmospheric electrical generation, as low humidity levels increase static electricity. The higher up away from the ground you get the less humidity you will find (unless you hit a cloud of course).

Read about it here.

(Scroll down in the link you do not have to download anything)


Here is a chart to better visualize it.


“(a) Relative humidity from radiosondes up to 17 km height, the mean cold point tropopause level. The dashed lines and the two numbers above the figure indicate the two 24 h stations. (b) Virtual potential temperature gradient as indicator for atmospheric stability (red for stable, white for neutral and blue for unstable) with MABL height derived from radiosondes (black curve) and from ERA-Interim (blue curve). The y axis is non-linear. The lower 1 km is enlarged to display the stability around the MABL height. The vertical lines and the two numbers above the figures indicate the two 24 h stations.

As you get higher in altitude, the atmosphere becomes thinner (less pressure). This means that the total amount of water vapor the atmosphere can potentially hold is decreased. So, if it’s possible that there is more water vapor in the atmosphere at sea level and 40% relative humidity than at the top of a mountain with 60–70% RH. Since the ability of air to carry moisture is inversely proportional to temperature and density, it will decrease with increase in altitude.”

So generating more of a voltage or charge the higher off the ground you are does make sense. Nikola Tesla elaborated on it even further. Here is what he had to say about transferring energy through the atmosphere.


The most valuable observation made in the course of these investigations was the extraordinary behavior of the atmosphere toward electric impulses of excessive electromotive force. The experiments showed that the air at the ordinary pressure became distinctly conducting, and this opened up the wonderful prospect of transmitting large amounts of electrical energy for industrial purposes to great distances without wires, a possibility which, up to that time, was thought of only as a scientific dream. Further investigation revealed the important fact that the conductivity imparted to the air by these electrical impulses of many millions of volts increased very rapidly with the degree of rarefaction, so that air strata at very moderate altitudes, which are easily accessible, offer, to all experimental evidence, a perfect conducting path, better than a copper wire, for currents of this character.

and further down in the paper.

From that moment when it was observed that, contrary to the established opinion, low and easily accessible strata of the atmosphere are capable of conducting electricity, the transmission of electrical energy without wires has become a rational task of the engineer, and one surpassing all others in importance. Its practical consummation would mean that energy would be available for the uses of man at any point of the globe, not in small amounts such as might be derived from the ambient medium by suitable machinery, but in quantities virtually unlimited, from waterfalls. Export of power would then become the chief source of income for many happily situated countries, as the United States, Canada, Central and South America, Switzerland, and Sweden. Men could settle down everywhere, fertilize and irrigate the soil with little effort, and convert barren deserts into gardens, and thus the entire globe could be transformed and made a fitter abode for mankind.


This is only a small part of his overall paper and the entire thing can be read here:

 Finally there is this series of lectures summarized on this webpage about the electricity in the atmosphere and how it works.

 “The electric potential gradient of the atmosphere

On an ordinary day over flat desert country, or over the sea, as one goes upward from the surface of the ground the electric potential increases by about 100 volts per meter. Thus there is a vertical electric field E of 100 volts/m in the air. The sign of the field corresponds to a negative charge on the earth’s surface. This means that outdoors the potential at the height of your nose is 200 volts higher than the potential at your feet! You might ask: “Why don’t we just stick a pair of electrodes out in the air one meter apart and use the 100 volts to power our electric lights?” Or you might wonder: “If there is really a potential difference of 200 volts between my nose and my feet, why is it I don’t get a shock when I go out into the street?”

We will answer the second question first. Your body is a relatively good conductor. If you are in contact with the ground, you and the ground will tend to make one equipotential surface. Ordinarily, the equipotentials are parallel to the surface, as shown in Fig. 9–1(a), but when you are there, the equipotentials are distorted, and the field looks somewhat as shown in Fig. 9–1(b). So you still have very nearly zero potential difference between your head and your feet. There are charges that come from the earth to your head, changing the field. Some of them may be discharged by ions collected from the air, but the current of these is very small because air is a poor conductor.”

I recommend reading that entire lecture because it is very informative and contains multiple graphs and illustrations.

It is very demonstrable that the atmosphere (even at lower levels) contains a lot of energy and that energy can be measured and harvested for electrical purposes. This has been confirmed today with new evidence and studies of the atmospheric potential gradient (APG). Lets move on to another type of lesser known and often overlooked type of electrical energy in our next section.




 Telluric Energy

Telluric energy is what they call the natural electrical currents that pass through and along the ground of the earth.

From the link:

telluric current, also called Earth Current, natural electric current flowing on and beneath the surface of the Earth and generally following a direction parallel to the Earth’s surface. Telluric currents arise from charges moving to attain equilibrium between regions of differing electric potentials; these differences in potential are set up by several conditions, including very low-frequency electromagnetic waves from space, particularly from the magnetosphere incident upon the Earth’s surface, and moving charged masses in the ionosphere and the atmosphere. Telluric currents are often used by geophysicists to map subsurface structures, such as sedimentary basins, layered rocks, and faults. An anomalous current density or gradient may be indicative of a subsurface structural feature.

These currents can also be known as geomagnetically induced currents.


Here is a little more info on it from the IAGA — International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. This is to further establish the effects of these currents on the human body when one is say standing barefooted on soil.

Q: “do the GIC’s pass through soil better than other types of ground? the voltage potential is different when you are standing bare footed on different types of ground such as rock vs soil or soil vs sand. So do GICs have more of a presence in certain kinds of earth as opposed to others?

A: “So GICs pass through materials with high conductance better than others. If the soil is dry it will be more resistive than if the pore space is filled with water. It very much depends on what the type of ground you are trying to compare is. An example of difference conductivities is attached

Here is what they had to say about them effecting things within the ground as well.

Q: “thank you again that was very informative, if these GICs can effect pipelines under ground does that mean other metal substances underground will also be effected? Like say natural iron deposits or piezoelectric crystals?

A: “piezoelectric crystals produce a small voltage when they are compressed but I’m not sure if they would be affected by GICs. Natural iron deposits would have an induced field (see image) but these are very small compared to the Earth’s main field (which contributes over 95% of the magnetic field we feel at the Earth’s surface)

Lets delve a little further into telluric currents. Here is very well done paper explaining them.


More links about them:

there are at least 32 different mechanisms which cause telluric currents.[3] The strongest are primarily geomagnetically induced currents, which are induced by changes in the outer part of the Earth’s magnetic field, which are usually caused by interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere or solar radiation effects on the ionosphere. Telluric currents flow in the surface layers of the earth. The electric potential on the Earth’s surface can be measured at different points, enabling the calculation of the magnitudes and directions of the telluric currents and hence the Earth’s conductance. These currents are known to have diurnal characteristics wherein the general direction of flow is towards the sun.[4][5] Telluric currents continuously move between the sunlit and shadowed sides of the earth, toward the equator on the side of the earth facing the sun (that is, during the day), and toward the poles on the night side of the planet.


A picture of worldwide telluric currents.

So what’s the deal with these mysterious earth currents? Well believe it or not, this is a phenomenon which was first observed way back in the mid-1800s. In fact, it used to wreak havoc with telegraph and, later, telephone lines. You see, electrical currents tend to follow the path of least resistance. So if there happens to be a wire connected between two points on the earth’s surface (e.g. a communications ground line), any current that might normally have flowed through the earth itself will instead flow along the lower-resistance wire. For example, according to The Earth’s Electrical Environment (Pg. 244), between August 28th and September 2nd, 1859, an enormous geomagnetic storm induced 800V on a 600km wire in France. Much later, on March 24, 1940, a similar event damaged two communications sites in Tromso, Norway: 

Sparks and permanent arcs were formed in the coupling racks and watch had to be kept during the night to prevent fire breaking out… One line was connected to earth through a 2mm thick copper wire, which at once got red hot, corresponding to a current more than 10amps.”


These currents have actually already been successfully used as natural batteries. Not only that but they are incredibly simple in design, you just bury two pieces of metal under ground in the right kind of soil. So this is something ancient people could have done very easily. They may have not been able to used sophisticated technology with it but that does not mean they did not use it at all, even if for trivial or simplistic reasons such as starting fires.


The simplest earth batteries consist of conductive plates from different metals of the electropotential series, buried in the ground so that the soil acts as the electrolyte in a voltaic cell. As such, the device acts as a primary cell. When operated only as electrolytic devices, the devices were not continuously reliable, owing to drought condition. These devices were used by early experimenters as energy sources for telegraphy. However, in the process of installing long telegraph wires, engineers discovered that there were electrical potential differences between most pairs of telegraph stations, resulting from natural electrical currents (called telluric currents[4]) flowing through the ground. Some early experimenters did recognize that these currents were, in fact, partly responsible for extending the earth batteries’ high outputs and long lifetimes. Later, experimenters would utilize these currents alone and, in these systems, the plates became polarized.

It had been long known that continuous electric currents flowed through the solid and liquid portions of the Earth,[5] and the collection of current from an electrically conductive medium in the absence of electrochemical changes (and in the absence of a thermoelectric junction) was established by Lord Kelvin.[6][7] Lord Kelvin’s “sea battery” was not a chemical battery.[7] Lord Kelvin observed that such variables as placement of the electrodes in the magnetic field and the direction of the medium’s flow affected the current output of his device. Such variables do not affect battery operation. When metal plates are immersed in a liquid medium, energy can be obtained and generated,[8] including (but not limited to) methods known via magneto-hydrodynamic generators. In the various experiments by Lord Kelvin, metal plates were symmetrically perpendicular to the direction of the medium’s flow and were carefully placed with respect to a magnetic field, which differentially deflected electrons from the flowing stream. The electrodes can be asymmetrically oriented with respect to the source of energy, though.

These currents and fluctuations are usually caused by “space weather” and can be so severe that they effect compasses when they hit the earth. Right there we have a connection between the ionosphere which we learned about earlier and the energy within the ground. They are connected and what happens in the ionosphere and the energy it absorbs is directly influencing the telluric currents of the earth.

In 1724, George Graham reported that the needle of a magnetic compass was regularly deflected from magnetic north over the course of each day. This effect was eventually attributed to overhead electric currents flowing in the ionosphere and magnetosphere by Balfour Stewart in 1882, and confirmed by Arthur Schuster in 1889 from analysis of magnetic observatory data.

In 1852, astronomer and British Major General Edward Sabine showed that the probability of the occurrence of magnetic storms on Earth was correlated with the number of sunspots, demonstrating a novel solar– terrestrial interaction. In 1859, a great magnetic storm caused brilliant auroral displays and disrupted global telegraph operations. Richard Christopher Carrington correctly connected the storm with a solar flare that he had observed the day before in the vicinity of a large sunspot group, demonstrating that specific solar events could affect the Earth.

Kristian Birkeland explained the physics of aurora by creating artificial aurora in his laboratory, and predicted the solar wind.

The introduction of radio revealed that periods of extreme static or noise occurred. Severe radar jamming during a large solar event in 1942 led to the discovery of solar radio bursts (radio waves which cover a broad frequency range created by a solar flare), another aspect of space weather.

We are actually still learning about telluric currents and energy, they have been linked to earthquakes and lightning strikes so far. At a base level lighting strikes balance out the earths telluric energy and the energy in the atmosphere (that’s not speculation that’s science). When one is more energized than the other a lightning strike will occur and transfer the energy from one to the other. Lighting strikes go from the ground to the sky and from the sky to the ground.


Here is a video of ground to sky lightning:


Back to our main theory for a second

I think these megaliths and pyramids were made to react to these currents or EMF and were set up as explained as natural pathways or “funnels” for this energy to pass through. Not magic but a real tangible force. Please consider the following evidence for the sake of investigation if nothing else.

This is actually a somewhat tested concept and was thought of by Nikola Tesla, an invention he called the Radiant Energy collector. Unfortunately like many of his inventions it was never adopted by the general public and big business decided to go another way.

To simplify the Radiant Energy Collector, the way it works is by using both the electrical energy in the ground and the air with antennas that more or less meet in the middle. Where a capacitor stores the energy until enough builds up to produce a workable discharge. It is a real proven invention that generates more than it consumes in electrical energy. The bigger you make it the more energy it produces however at the time Tesla was only able to make small scale models so the amount of energy he produced was minuscule.



Here is some more info on it:

Cosmic rays of course are a real thing but more of a general term for various rays from space.

He even claimed to had successfully utilized them to power something 

He at that time announced two principles which could be used in this project. In one the ionizing of the upper air would make it as good a conductor of electricity as a metal.

In the other the power would be transmitted by creating “standing waves” in the earth by charging the earth with a giant electrical oscillator that would make the earth vibrate electrically in the same way a bell vibrates mechanically when it is struck with a hammer.

“I do not use the plan involving the conductivity of the upper strata of the air,” he said, “but I use the conductivity of the earth itself, and in this I need no wires to send electrical energy to any part of the globe.


So right there is proof a similar system does exist and was claimed to be a tested working system. A more primitive man could merely substitute the capacitor in it with a natural one such as a large piezoelectric crystal (with a little effort).


Here is some info on quartz being used as a capacitor.

The Quartz Capacitor A capacitor stores electricity and can be charged and discharged repeatedly, just like a secondary cell. Indeed, capacitors and secondary cells are-in some roles-interchangeable, though a capacitor can only store a tiny amount of electricity compared to a cell of comparable size.


Nikola Tesla even commented on the electrical vibrations within the earth.

Link below:


There are some reports that he did transmit a signal several miles powerful enough to illuminate vacuum tubes planted in the ground. But this can be attributed to conductive properties in the ground at Colorado Springs.

He also constructed similar devices that ran off the same principle as the radiant energy collector.



Telluric currents seem to have been given other names, such as Stationary Terrestrial waves or Non Hertzian waves. Or at the very least these waves are very similar and work with the same principles and mediums. Here is a good summery of it.

Nikola Tesla advanced the electromagnetism theory into new dimensions, further than Hertz and other scientists of his time could conceive. He described his “wireless” waves being far superior to Hertzian waves, which diminish with distance. Tesla foretold of a brilliant new future for humankind, using his non-Hertian “wireless system,” including the ability to generate power and transmit it to various parts of the globe.

Tesla wanted to harness the ground to utilize his technology; however, with the Hertzian system the atmosphere is used as the medium and ground is not a major part of the design. Tesla considered the entire globe to be an electrical conductor that could be made to resonate at different frequencies. Moreover, the earth had various terrestrial resonances, which could be “tuned” or tapped into, providing planet Earth’s citizens with a clean and inexhaustible source of energy.

After the many years of research into his concept of electromagnetic wave propagation through the earth or ground, Tesla was able refine and perfect his inventions. More and more, Tesla’s inner mind conceived this new kind of energy and the effects it would have on our science. He described this energy as having the ability to be transmitted to any distance without any loss; Tesla would write, repeatedly, how little power his wireless system would require. Again, the Hertzian-based technology was not capable of performing in this efficient manner. There were numerous patents for broadcasting power, including the “magnifying transmitter” and the Wardenclyffe tower, that were designed to transmit this non-Hertzian energy and advance the art of wireless transmission of energy to be given freely to humankind. Can you visualize the world we might have today if the scientific community had recognized the advanced genius of Tesla and had adapted their energy science to use his ideas?

That electrical energy can be economically transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance, I have unmistakably established in numerous observations, experiments and measurements, qualitative and quantitative. These have demonstrated that it is practicable to distribute power from a central plant in unlimited amounts, with a loss not exceeding a small fraction of one per cent, in the transmission, even to the greatest distance, twelve thousand miles — to the opposite end of the globe.” — Nikola Tesla





He wanted to set up a power grid system around the planet using wireless power that would be emitted from “nodes” or power stations around the globe. So my overall theory is not that alien of a concept and if he had his way it would have come to fruition no doubt. He also wanted to use these stations to send words, pictures, music and videos over long distances remotely. Basically wireless internet that also went through the ground. He wanted to start doing this in 1901 mind you and attempted to start as you can see from Wardenclyffe Tower. He was shut down be debt collectors and the tower was dismantled unfortunately…twice.

This is where it gets interesting. On his 79th birthday a celebration was held Tesla was asked what his greatest engineering achievement he listed the top 3.



You can read the full article there but his second one is very interesting.

The second invention, which, he said, “will be considered absolutely impossible by any competent electrical engineer,” was described by him as a new method and apparatus for producing direct current without a commutator, “something that has been considered impossible since the days of Faraday.” “Incredible as it seems,” he said, “I have found a solution for this old problem.

A bold claim and could be tied in to piezoelectric crystals but that is just my speculation, the man was so gifted he could have found several ways to get around this problem for all we know.

Here is a little background on what a electrical commutator is.


The first thing he named interestingly enough involved sending vibrations through the planet for various purposes. Much like our implied pyramid based electrical stabilization grid for the earth. Sending energy waves through the planet is very close to this theoretical systems implied usage.

His overall dream was to bring power to the entire world for free using these various devices in unison. He never got the funding to finish most of them and the funding he did get usually came from backers who did not share his vision. When they dismantled Wardenclyff tower to pay off a $20,000 loan he said his dream died that day, made dormant. Not only did they dismantle the tower but over $350,000 in unique and irreplaceable equipment of Tesla’s was allowed to be looted from the facility.

Later in his life he was employed the the US government and helped them developed things to aid in the looming war. His final projects were constructing weapons of which he claimed to not only have fully working models of but also he had successfully tested them. They were a “death beam” and “particle cannon”. Nobody ever saw either of them and he kept them in locked boxes very close to him at all times. When he died that very night his safe was raided and his notes and equipment were confiscated by the FBI who were the only people allowed to look it over. They promptly claimed all of it was nothing they did not already know and the death beam and particle cannon to be shams. In 2013 some of the confiscated papers were released though much of it is heavily redacted and censored. Read the full story for yourself.


Now my friends it has been long enough that we can clarify that the “death beam” that was said to destroy planes from miles away by bursting them into flames. Exists and was developed by none other than the US government. What a coincidence…

 Even going as far to release handheld ones very soon.


As for his particle cannon that now exists in a few different variations. 

The tungsten wire rod Tesla wanted to use for ammo would not cause enough damage so the US navy scaled up the ammo and swapped out the propulsion for electromagnetic rails, keeping the tungsten ammo however. Indeed this was the precursor to the now fully operational US Navy Rail gun.


So as you can see it is very likely the claims Tesla made about those two devices were very grounded and real. I think they covered this up because it was during WWII and feared the enemy would try to work on something similar if the ideas were given credibility.


Back to the main theory though. Lets us not forget the impact of electricity on the human body from an earlier section. I’ll reiterate because it is relevant to telluric currents.

Our bodies generate an electrical voltage when we walk and move around. It is always fluctuating.


Here is a great video explaining it.


When you are bare footed the voltage potential on your body increases 10 fold.

Here is a video demonstrating the difference.


This voltage potential actually can have a massive effect on us.

Read about it here.

The example of the car makes it easier to understand current flow in the human body. A person receiving an electrical shock will have (at least) 2 contact points to a voltage source, one of which might be the earth ground. If either connection is disconnected, no current will flow. The analogy also explains how current flow can go through many somewhat parallel pathways, such as through the nerves, muscles, and bones of the forearm. The amount of current in each automobile appliance or tissue type depends on the resistance of each component.

Very small amounts of electrical current result in major physiological effects

Current refers to the amount of electricity (electrons or ions) flowing per second. Current is measured in amperes or milliamperes (1 mA=1/1000 of an ampere). The amount of electric current that flows through the body determines various effects of an electric shock. As listed in Table ​Table1,1, various amounts of current produce certain effects. Most current-related effects result from heating of tissues and stimulation of muscles and nerves. Stimulation of nerves and muscles can result in problems ranging from a fall due to recoil from pain to respiratory or cardiac arrest. Relatively small amounts of current are needed to cause physiological effects. As shown in the table, it takes a thousand times more current to trip a 20-A circuit breaker than it takes to cause respiratory arrest.

Table 1

Estimated effects of 60 Hz AC currents*

1 mA Barely perceptible

16 mA Maximum current an average man can grasp and “let go”

20 mA Paralysis of respiratory muscles

100 mA Ventricular fibrillation threshold

2 A Cardiac standstill and internal organ damage

15/20 A Common fuse breaker opens circuit†

*From NIOSH.1

†Contact with 20 mA of current can be fatal. As a frame of reference, common household circuit breaker may be rated at 15, 20, and 30 A.


Here is a study recently done about the role elctricity plays within the human body to further establish this link.


"Researchers have discovered that the electrical fields and activity that exist through a cell's membrane also exist within and around another type of cellular structure called biological condensates. Like oil droplets floating in water, these structures exist because of differences in density. Their foundational discovery could change the way researchers think about biological chemistry. It could also provide a clue as to how the first life on Earth harnessed the energy needed to arise." 

"The human body relies heavily on electrical charges. Lightning-like pulses of energy fly through the brain and nerves and most biological processes depend on electrical ions traveling across the membranes of each cell in our body.

These electrical signals are possible, in part, because of an imbalance in electrical charges that exists on either side of a cellular membrane. Until recently, researchers believed the membrane was an essential component to creating this imbalance. But that thought was turned on its head when researchers at Stanford University discovered that similar imbalanced electrical charges can exist between microdroplets of water and air.

Now, researchers at Duke University have discovered that these types of electric fields also exist within and around another type of cellular structure called biological condensates. Like oil droplets floating in water, these structures exist because of differences in density. They form compartments inside the cell without needing the physical boundary of a membrane.

Inspired by previous research demonstrating that microdroplets of water interacting with air or solid surfaces create tiny electrical imbalances, the researchers decided to see if the same was true for small biological condensates. They also wanted to see if these imbalances sparked reactive oxygen, "redox," reactions like these other systems.

Appearing on April 28 in the journal Chem, their foundational discovery could change the way researchers think about biological chemistry. It could also provide a clue as to how the first life on Earth harnessed the energy needed to arise.

"In a prebiotic environment without enzymes to catalyze reactions, where would the energy come from?" asked Yifan Dai, a Duke postdoctoral researcher working in the laboratory of Ashutosh Chilkoti, the Alan L. Kaganov Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Lingchong You, the James L. Meriam Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering.

"This discovery provides a plausible explanation of where the reaction energy could have come from, just as the potential energy that is imparted on a point charge placed in an electric field," Dai said.

When electric charges jump between one material and another, they can produce molecular fragments that can pair up and form hydroxyl radicals, which have the chemical formula OH. These can then pair again to form hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in tiny but detectable amounts.

"But interfaces have seldom been studied in biological regimes other than the cellular membrane, which is one of the most essential part of biology," said Dai. "So we were wondering what might be happening at the interface of biological condensates, that is, if it is an asymmetric system too."

Cells can build biological condensates to either separate or trap together certain proteins and molecules, either hindering or promoting their activity. Researchers are just beginning to understand how condensates work and what they could be used for.

Because the Chilkoti laboratory specializes in creating synthetic versions of naturally occurring biological condensates, the researchers were easily able to create a test bed for their theory. After combining the right formula of building blocks to create minuscule condensates, with help from postdoctoral scholar Marco Messina in Christopher J. Chang's group at the University of California -- Berkeley, they added a dye to the system that glows in the presence of reactive oxygen species.

Their hunch was right. When the environmental conditions were right, a solid glow started from the edges of the condensates, confirming that a previously unknown phenomenon was at work. Dai next talked with Richard Zare, the Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor of Chemistry at Stanford, whose group established the electric behavior of water droplets. Zare was excited to hear about the new behavior in biological systems, and started to work with the group on the underlying mechanism.

"Inspired by previous work on water droplets, my graduate student, Christian Chamberlayne, and I thought that the same physical principles might apply and promote redox chemistry, such as the formation of hydrogen peroxide molecules," Zare said. "These findings suggest why condensates are so important in the functioning of cells."

"Most previous work on biomolecular condensates has focused on their innards," Chilkoti said. "Yifan's discovery that biomolecular condensates appear to be universally redox-active suggests that condensates did not simply evolve to carry out specific biological functions as is commonly understood, but that they are also endowed with a critical chemical function that is essential to cells."

While the biological implications of this ongoing reaction within our cells is not known, Dai points to a prebiotic example of how powerful its effects might be. The powerhouses of our cells, called mitochondria, create energy for all of our life's functions through the same basic chemical process. But before mitochondria or even the simplest of cells existed, something had to provide energy for the very first of life's functions to begin working.

Researchers have proposed that the energy was provided by thermal vents in the oceans or hot springs. Others have suggested this same redox reaction that occurs in water microdroplets was created by the spray of ocean waves.

But why not condensates instead?

"Magic can happen when substances get tiny and the interfacial volume becomes enormous compared to its volume," Dai said. "I think the implications are important to many different fields."

This work was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-20-1-0241, FA9550-21-1-0170) and the National Institutes of Health (MIRA R35GM127042; R01EB029466, R01 GM 79465, R01 GM 139245, R01 ES 28096)."



 So after taking in all this information it seems to me that we massively underestimate the impact the electrical environment has on us and the earth itself has a constantly moving electrical flow within the ground. The ground has electrical potential and when we stand on it barefooted it has an overall effect on our bodies. It also seems that this electrical potential is higher in some places than others…which brings us to our next section…





I am going to start out with the meat and potatoes of this section but I feel this is not enough evidence on its own so please read through the entire section because it goes beyond pyramids and contains some pretty interesting information about shapes and energy and how they effect each other.

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, July 31, 2018 — A study has revealed that the Great Pyramid of Giza can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy. The results are a first step toward the further investigation of the Great Pyramid’s electromagnetic properties, said researchers.

Here is the link to the article.

and here is the link to the actual publication of the research.

Here is the full text. 


(This is a great example in how scientific research is actually being gate kept. I had to go to a website that allows people to read scientific publications without paying money to even see the actual research.)

Here are some of its pages with illistrations to further demonstrate:



In this study, we have considered electromagnetic excita-
tion of the Great Pyramid by plane waves with the wave-
lengths being larger than the typical size of the scatterer. In
this case, only several first-order multipole resonances have
been observed. The multipole analysis of electromagnetic
wave scattering by the Great Pyramid has been performed in
the radio frequency range and revealed important physical
properties concerning the accumulation and focusing of elec-
tromagnetic energy. It has been shown that the Pyramid can
resonantly scatter electromagnetic waves and support resonant
excitation of electromagnetic multipoles which resulted from
strong electromagnetic fields in the Pyramid volume. 

For the Pyramid located in the free space, we have demonstrated that the total extinction cross-section does not depend on the considered incident conditions; however, the electromagnetic field distributions inside the Pyramid are different for the same wavelengths. It leads to the different multipole decompositions for the both considered incident conditions.
For the Pyramid located on the substrate, we found that it basically scatters electromagnetic waves into the substrate, where the focusing effect is observed. It was established that the Pyramid’s chambers can concentrate electromag- netic energy at the resonant conditions. In general, one may conclude that pyramidal objects located on a substrate and supporting multipole resonances can significantly suppress the reflection of incident electromagnetic waves. In the earth conditions, this could be used for controlling the radio-wave propagation and reflection. 

Due to the scaling properties, such a behaviour can be realized in different spectral ranges for suitable material and geometrical parameters. The obtained results can be considered as a first step to the further investigation of the Great Pyramid electromagnetic properties. This approach can be extended to other physical objects and geometries. As an example, one can now study the complex system of the pyramids located at the Giza plateau.

In the conclusion, note that the excitation of the Pyramid with shorter incident wavelengths, than considered here, could result in the excitation of higher order resonances with strong field concentration effects. But it is out of the scope of the current work and will be a next step of our


It is most likley that this particular pyramid is set up to interact with the Atmospheric potential gradiant too, which we went over in the previous sections. This observation could have somthing to do with it and not just be electromagnetic in nature.

Why pyramids? Well because shapes affect energy and how it behaves. I have included a few studies to demonstrate this in this section. Here is a more modern one to start us out:

"The effect of confinement on electron and ion transport in oxide films is of interest both fundamentally and technologically for the design of next-generation electronic devices. In metal oxides with mobile ions and vacancies, it is the interplay of the different modes of charge transport and the corresponding currentvoltage signatures that is of interest. We developed a patterned structure in titania films, with feature sizes of 1120 nm, that allow us to explore confined transport. We describe how confinement changes the competing charge transport mechanisms, the patterned antidot array leads to
displacement fields and confines the charge density that results in modified and emergent electron transport with an increase in conductivity. This emergent behavior can be described by considering electron interference effects. Characterization of the charge transport with electron holography and impedance spectroscopy, and through comparison with modeling, show that nanoscale confinement is a way to control quantum interference."

To sum that up, changing the shape of the film changed how the energy flowed and behaved.

For now here is a good example of how a structure such as the Giza pyramid would do this, from a physics forum.

Yes, it is possible to guide magnetic field lines using a shaped magnetic material. Just as field lines concentrate when entering the south pole of a magnet from a large area, an external magnetic field can be “gathered” using, for example, a cone-shaped piece of iron. The cone can be positioned such that the static field spread over a large area enters the wide end of the cone. The iron confines the field and will guide it to the tip of the cone, where it will emerge with a much higher density and, therefore, a much higher magnetic field strength.

This will, of course, reduce the field to the sides of the cone, since this method won’t increase the total magnetic field present in the region. The field lines that used to occupy that space are now simply confined inside the cone.

Here is the forum:


As I claimed earlier it works sort of like a water funnel for energy.

To further establish that magnetic fields can be altered or gathered in this way I have included the following study that was published and details how the magnetic field of the earth is in fact guided by large pools of molten iron under the surface of the earth in or around the earths core.




So it is objectively true that magnetic fields can be guided and even concentrated.

Lets discuss how shapes effect energy. Radar Dishes have to be a certain shape to pick up a signal, TV antennas also require a certain configuration of shape. Tesla himself said that shape and configuration of his Wardenclyff tower was “exactly as it needed to be” and we will see further down that the amount of energy piezoelectric crystals produce depends on the shape of the crystal.

Even the ancients saw importance in shape.

Shapes can even effect your mind, drawings are objectivly just shapes and lines arranged in an interesting or pleasing configuration (objectively speaking). The shape of a building can also have an effect on your mind. Some people feel certain buildings have menacing energies to them such as claiming places are haunted or spiritual, even relaxing and in fact interior designers and some arcitechs attempt to make people feel a certain way with their creations and arrangments. Some building even have a calming effect on your mind…they use such structuring in slaughterhouses to keep the cattle calm before they are killed.


This is actually a very old practice, I am sure many of you have noticed almost all churches look the same or follow the same sort of layout. In fact this is how Freemasonry started thus the mason part of the name. Most old famous cathedrals or churches were designed by people who practiced sacred geometry and you can see it in the work and symmetry of the buildings.

Wiki link:


You can also read about it here in the Freemason section of “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”.


For those of you who read through the Alchemy section you will notice that these buildings are having a “spiritual” effect on people (how they feel). They also invoke the mind by making people contemplate how they were built or their purpose. The body being the structure and material of the building. All three must be viewed at the same time to see the “truth” of the building, to understand what it is objectively.

Now that you are familiar with how sacred geometry is used in buildings lets lake a look at some of them. I am sure many of you are familiar with some of this as it is often sensationalized on the internet and linked to Satanism. It has nothing to do with Satan in all actuality, it is sacred geometry.

The Octagon is pretty obvious as it is a straight up shape, draw a line from each point and meet them in the middle and you have a star.



Below is a layout of Washington D.C

I would like to make note that historically the 5 pointed star was used as a protective symbol not a symbol of Satan. The people who made it originally used symmetry to protect themselves from chaos and harm believing that symmetry and order kept life balanced and fended off chaos. So this mark is in actuality being used to protect this place from harm. For more info on using these symbols in this way I reccomend looking up the work of pythagoras and his teachings.


Damascus, Syria has some similar road layouts…or did.


 If you want to read more into the subject of sacred geometry there is a wiki entry. Here is some relevant information from it.

The construction of Medieval European cathedrals was often based on geometries intended to make the viewer see the world through mathematics, and through this understanding, gain a better understanding of the divine.[9] These churches frequently featured a Latin Cross floor-plan.[10]

At the beginning of the Renaissance in Europe, views shifted to favor simple and regular geometries. The circle in particular became a central and symbolic shape for the base of buildings, as it represented the perfection of nature and the centrality of man’s place in the universe.[10] The use of the circle and other simple and symmetrical geometric shapes was solidified as a staple of Renaissance sacred architecture in Leon Battista Alberti’s architectural treatise, which described the ideal church in terms of spiritual geometry.[11

A simple example of Christian sacred geometry is the use of a triangle to represent the Trinity due to its three sides, as seen in the Shield of the Trinity, the Eye of Providence, or triangular halos in art.[12]

Lets get back to shapes and their physical effects on energy though.

Sound proofing is constructing the right shape to pierce and dissipate a sound wave that hits it thus not letting the sound go beyond it. Sound is a type of energy and can even be harnessed, this is the shape dissipates it.



Interestingly enough this pattern also shows up in pyramid power experiments and claims.



If this shape can dissipate energy than perhaps it can also concentrate it when reverse conditions are met, so right there is a connection with pyramids and energy. Other shapes effect energy too. You could say everything is just shapes and energy (objectively speaking).

Here is a ancient pyramid that even can manipulate sound.

A video of it happening:

They used it to worship a local bird and possibly clapped in unison to summon it via bird call? Another connection with pyramids and manipulating energy (sound). Also the amount of engineering that went into something like this displays such an advanced knowledge of sound that they must have had some very advanced mathematics (another similarity between pyramid building cultures that don’t know one another exist and had no contact)

Another interesting thing about that pyramid is that dust devils form around it regularly. Not an unatural thing given the flatness of the land its on but interesting given all the other unusual things about it.


Many South American and Native American cultures show an incredible mastery of sound. Such as these ancient Peruvian whistles or whistle jars.

Someone has even demonstrated a way to cut stone using sound. Though a lot of energy is required to do so and modern machinery.

MIT even figured out a way to use sound as energy.

 Another interesting tidbit is in India many ancient temples were designed centered around sonic resonance or sound. Some of them are surrounded by some pretty odd claims as well. Most notably being that birds will not fly over or near some of the temples. Birds are very sensative to the earths energy and have senses such as magneto and electroreception, thus it is speculated that earthquakes and the energy they emit or displace causes those senses to go haywire or be disturbed. 

Some people even recently claimed that the earthquakes in Turkey caused the local bird populations to act strangly before the quakes hit.

However it should be noted that there is not a lot of background information for us readers to go on and we largley have to take the locals word for it, however it should not be ignored given all the other evidence we have and will cover.

Lets get back to the Indian temples and their strange ties to sound and energy. These links explain it:


 In India many ancient temples were designed centered around sonic resonance. Some of them are surrounded by some pretty odd claims as well. Most notably being that birds will not fly over or near some of the temples.

These links explain it:

Some pyramids have even been found to share many similarities with modern technology including the materials that compose them.

What is Mica, a powerful radioactive insulator doing in structures that date back thousands of years? One of the biggest mysteries surrounding the history of Teotihuacan is surely the huge presence of Mica found in the Pyramids of this great ancient city.

So to reiterate the past examples, there is a connection between pyramids, energy, advanced mathematics, sound and possibly EMF sensitive animals (birds).

Having learned a little about shapes and energy lets take a look at our modern lives. We all live in triangle shaped buildings filled with electrical wires that produce EMF, the shape could be having some unnoticed effect on us mentally, spiritually and physically. Also I think we overlook that we are surrounded by unnatural EMF in the form of electrical wiring, it to could be having an effect on us. We are actually swimming in a sea of EMF all the time and it would be naive to think that it does not have some kind of effect on us given our bodies did not adapt or develope with it present in the past.

Here is some info on it.


Before you dismiss the actual effects of this on us consider this. You can make a compass that uses the earths EMF from nothing more than a needle and a leaf.

A link demonstrating it: 


The earths electromagnetic field and pull is so great that it can physically move some things. If it has that much effect on something so small then it must have effects on bigger structures and as we saw earlier in other sections and this one some shapes effect energy in different ways. This is actually a pretty talked about theory.

Now some of these claims in the following links are unsubstantiated and I would like to note that I do not agree with the purpose of pyramids as being used to power advanced technology but you should read through them for yourself, I am showing you this merely to familiarize yourself with the concept as I am not the first person to think of this by far.

One website I found did have some solid information on this subject in the form of kirlian photography and energy tests on the pyramid shape. 

The picture above is from one of the experiments. This is what is known as Kirlian photography. 

Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939, accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate.[1] The technique has been variously known as “electrography”,[2] “electrophotography”,[3] “corona discharge photography” (CDP),[4] “bioelectrography”,[5] “gas discharge visualization (GDV)”,[6] “electrophotonic imaging (EPI)”,[7] and, in Russian literature, “Kirlianography”.

Kirlian photography has been the subject of scientific research, parapsychology research, and art. Paranormal claims have been made about Kirlian photography, but these claims are rejected by the scientific community.[8][9] To a large extent, it has been used in alternative medicine research.”

There are more photos of this technique being used on pyramids too.

It should be noted that many called these scientists frauds or that they faked the photos (they could have easily with photo techniques). However given everything else we have learned so far I would not dismiss it so causally. I also did not find anyone trying to repeat these experiments wich peaked my suspicions.  

This is where my suspicions peaked even more. A Russian website that makes and sells these pyramids, Using a special kind of quartz as the “power source” to be placed inside it all for the purpose of emitting a “healing energy”. The website is blocked in the USA by my service provider.

It is here:
here is a snapshot of the website for people who's service provider block it also.  
It may take a few minuets to load.

(If anything is ever blocked in your country use


Most of the ancient pyramids have been looted or vandalized, some of there parts were taken away from the structure such as these pyramid capstones.

Seemingly collected by private collectors (the rich). In fact the rich hold many private collections of historical artifacts that the public does not get access to, not even museums. Pyramids are not the only ancient structures that have been found to share similarities with modern technology either. There are even some ancient cities that have identical layouts to modern day circuit boards.


A view of the city, very similar to a circuit board.

Pyramids are also spread out all over the world and found in cultures that had no contact with each other and were seperated by thousands of years in some cases, here is a good overview of all the pyramids found so far.
 And we are discovering even more pyramids with new technology.

Very surprisingly they even found some in China, not just some actually...hundreds.

American traders Fred Meyer Schroder and Oscar Mamen discovered the ancient Chinese pyramids in Xi’an in 1912 when they were traveling in China. A Taoist priest they met en route told them there were 7 pyramids in Chang’an (approximate present-day Xi’an, one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization) and they decided to visit Xi’an.

Schroder wrote in his diary that they did found a group of pyramids in Xi’an towering between farmlands and villages, and some in the forest. The pyramids were 300 to 400 meters in height. The largest pyramid they found was about 500 meters tall including the footing, nearly twice that size in length as the Great Pyramid of Egypt.


U.S. Air Corps pilot named James Gaussman claimed to have seen a gigantic white jewel-topped pyramid while flying between India and China during World War II. But his statement was kept a closely guarded secret of the US Military for 45 years before it became public knowledge.


The commonly known first photo of a Chinese pyramid was taken by Colonel Maurice Sheahan, Far Eastern director for Trans World Airlines in 1947 while flying over the Qin Ling Mountain Range about 40 miles Southwest of Sian (Xi'an). It represents perhaps the earliest photo record of these pyramid shaped structures in and the plains around this ancient political center were found to be dotted with them.

Researcher Hartwig Hausdorf claims that there are more than 100 pyramids throughout the region, that they were originally built of mud and that over the centuries they have become as solid as rock."

Below are some satellite images from the area. 
They think they found one in Antarctica even.  

It could be natural however look at those straight angles and that point

Below I have linked the exact coordinates so you can investigate it for yourself.
coordinates 79°58'38.1"S 81°57'44.4"W

Now some have argued that the above picture is a natural formation however I was unable to find anything with such defined straight lines and sharp points in the general area or even seen anything like it in nature in general. There are a few other ridges close by to the structure on the map with some straight lines like these but nothing as substantial as these ones. It also appears to have two smaller pyramids on either side exactly like the Giza pyramid setup. It could very well be natural but as we have just seen and will see many pyramids were mistaken for mountains before they were discovered.

For instance the oldest pyramid we have discovered is located in Indonesia, inside a mountain…or rather became one.

 Gunung Padang, Java Indonesia.
You can read more about it here:
Here are its exact coordinates on google maps:,107.0554723,16.67z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e6844f87de39b7f:0xf33dad8781d10834!2sGunung+Padang+Megalithic+Site!8m2!3d-6.9939564!4d107.0562707!3m4!1s0x2e6844f87de39b7f:0xf33dad8781d10834!8m2!3d-6.9939564!4d107.0562707?hl=en-US 
Also consider this image which is kind of case and point.

Recently an underwater pyramid was found in the Atlantic. 
You can read about it here:
“The pyramid is located at around 40 meters beneath the surface between Sao Miguel and Terceira Islands,” a report explains in a video that’s been uploaded to YouTube. “It has a base larger than a football field.”

Diocleciano Silva, who made the discovery, said in an interview that “the structure’s form was impressive. It was a perfect pyramid.”

“It’s amazing because it forms a perfect pyramid. Moreover, orientation, deployment of the pyramid: the vertices are oriented north and south, just north and south, such as the Giza pyramids in Egypt,” Silva told the Portuguese news website, Terra.

More pyramids have been discovered in remote regions in the amazon with the help of new technology.

Read more about it here:


In fact Lidar just found pre-hispanic low density urban-ism in remote areas of the amazon rain forest.

Here is the Nature article about the discovery.


We even just found one just as old as some of the Egyptian ones in Peru.


Pretty interesting stuff but I want to make one thing clear, I do not think that all pyramids were used to collect or focus natural energy in this way. Indeed some were burial mounds and a few even tributes to the greater pyramids. Only a select few that are made of the right materials and situated in the right places fit these qualifications in my eyes.

Some of the following pyramid and ancient structure sightings on the next page are nothing more than unsubstantiated claims and speculation but I still feel they should be mentioned for investigations sake.




This story in Romania that involves ancient underground tunnels and giants I found particularly interesting because the supposed tunnels lead to an inner chamber within the mountain that would make the entire mountain a possible ancient pyramid, complete with a missing capstone.

However the place these things were found is a notorious hot spot for tourism so these claims should be viewed with that in mind. Look it over for yourself. They also make some pretty wild claims about them and I am not fully on board with the ancient giants conspiracy but who am I to judge.


To reiterate I believe they used these pyramids as a sort of electric funnels, making them the best shape and material to accumulate telluric energy in the ground. Focusing or leading all that collected energy into a smaller point, exactly like how a funnel works with water. Also making these structures or pyramids tall and oriented in the right direction to harness static energy from the atmosphere and the earths EMF. Enhancing this absorption from those heights with solid gold or metal pyramid capstones and alignment with the EMF.

These “funnels” or as I like to think of them “release valves” then formed a world wide grid around the planet and took the earths natural spherical EMF or ionosphere and created focal points turning it into an Icosidodecahedron of sorts or similar shape. Making a geometric grid around the planet like a sort of pressure system for the earths energy, using the various “stations” to balance out the overall energy levels of the planet.

Explanation fo those unfamiliar:


With the line intersections on the shape or “nodes” being the place the pyramids would be built.

I have spent years searching for any such references in old literature and did end up finding some…though the source of it is troublesome on several levels.

In 1983 the Soviet Union compiled a report about the findings of the Nazi “Ahnenerbe” the Nazi chief science division. Which the soviets had taken during the fall of Hitler and Nazi Germany. Whether the soviets believed all the information they gathered is unclear and the Nazis were known for propaganda.

Explanation on who the Ahnenerbe were:

I would like to make note that the Nazi’s were well known to use propaganda and that any official reports they gave to their citizens were likely to be filled with it. They could have very well used this information to justify their racist views and war and it’s plain to see that even if this information were true that it was still being used this way. However it is a fact that they did travel all over the world in search of occult artifacts and despite the Nazi’s being monsters they made absolutely huge advancements for mankind in almost every scientific field they worked in. Because of this it would be foolish to toss out everything they claimed to have found as we already have not done that as a society.

I would also like to note that the soviets claimed that the Nazis would hide the truth within a bunch of propaganda in their reports as to hide it from enemy eyes. Mixing in the truth with the lies, these reports were likley suspects in the soviets eyes.

To the point, in this Soviet report (among many other wild…wild claims) this exact implied ancient pyramid energy grid shows up complete with images. It is described on page 36 and the image is on page 83, pages are per the website not the books page numbers.


Original Russian version

English translated version

In the report they claimed that the Egyptian god Ptah built the pyramids along dangerous fault lines to absorb vibrations and electrically stabilize the earths core with a global pyramid grid. It has already been established that the pyramids can collect electromagnetic energy as we saw. Lets investigate those claims.

You can read about pyramids collecting EMF again in this study. 

 There is also some truth to using piezoelectric materials to absorb vibrations.

Reduction of vibrations and noise

Different teams of researchers have been investigating ways to reduce vibrations in materials by attaching piezo elements to materials. When the material is bent by a vibration in one direction, the vibration-reduction system responds to the bend and sends electric power to the piezo element to bend in the other direction. Future applications of this technology are expected in cars and houses to reduce noise. Further applications to flexible structures, such as shells and plates, have also been studied for nearly three decades.


One other interesting bit of information worth considering is the human sacrifices done by the aztecs on top of the pyramids in South America. Blood is an energy conductor and if we view this from an electrical perspective they could have been soaking the structure in blood as a way to coax out the geomagnetic energy within it.

“[The Aztecs were] a culture obsessed with death: they believed that human sacrifice was the highest form of karmic healing. When the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan was consecrated in 1487 the Aztecs recorded that 84,000 people were slaughtered in four days. Self-sacrifice was common and individuals would pierce their ears, tongues and genitals to nourish the floors of temples with their blood. Unsurprisingly, there is evidence that Mexico was already suffering from a demographic crisis before the Spanish arrived.”

That quote is from this article:

84,000 people in 4 days, that pyramid would be absolutely soaked with blood at the end of it.



Also to back up the earth having “nodes” or zones with higher energy levels scientist recently discovered unusual movement and hot spots in the earths magnetosphere. You can read about it here.


Here is a nice video describing them and going over the science behind them.


Below is a picture from the article of the core of the earth and these strange magnetic waves they are detecting on it that come about every 7 years.

Notice the the spots that dot that picture are all in the center of earths mass? They seem to be concentration points that form a sort of overall pattern. Something is causing them otherwise the magnetosphere would be uniform, it could very well be the other planets. It also could very well be that the ancients were aware of these points and built structures to interact with them. 

One more thing I would like to bring up is the way ancient cities all line up in a straight line.

Some people have refuted this claiming you could draw a straight line anyplace on the globe and produce similar results. Which brings us to our next more accurate map.
This curved line above is a straight path represented on a
 flat map to compensate for the globes curvature. I really doubt you could draw a line like this anywhere on the globe and produce similar results.


For those of you unaware the earths equator moves from time to time, not much but it does move. They actually recently discovered its old location using fossils.


So lets take a look at just a few places that land on this line.

Some very ancient and mysterious places are on this list, many of them with stone megalithic structures as well. 

Also worth considering is the Giza pyramid being located at the center of earths land mass.


For now lets delve a little further into piezoelectric structures being used to dampen vibrations.

In a demonstration at the Material Vision Fair in Frankfurt in November 2005, a team from TU Darmstadt in Germany showed several panels that were hit with a rubber mallet, and the panel with the piezo element immediately stopped swinging.

Piezoelectric ceramic fiber technology is being used as an electronic damping system on some HEAD tennis rackets.[57]

All piezo transducers have a fundamental resonant frequency and many harmonic frequencies. Piezo driven Drop-On-Demand fluid systems are sensitive to extra vibrations in the piezo structure that must be reduced or eliminated. One inkjet company, Howtek, Inc solved this problem by replacing glass(rigid) inkjet nozzles with Tefzel (soft) inkjet nozzles. This novel idea popularized single nozzle inkjets and they are now used in 3D Inkjet printers that run for years if kept clean inside and not overheated (Tefzel creeps under pressure at very high temperatures)

So that part of the soviet report at the very least seems somewhat plausible. Energy comes from space and interacts with the earths energies. These pyramids would then act as release valves to let off the access energy introduced to the system from the fluctuations in the earths various energy spheres. Balancing out the overall energy of the planet and possibly preventing environmental disasters caused by it. Even if none of this is true it actually seems like a worth while idea to creat this sort of system for earth in this day and age to do all those things.





Now I do not defend some of the other claims the soviet report makes but you have to admit the odds of this specific implied system of air and ground energy manipulating global pyramids showing up is one hell of a coincidence. Also some of you may have noticed or be unaware that those Ahnenerbe reports were the origin of Hitlers white supremacy theory (likely propaganda…very likely). If they faked that entire document it had to take an absolutely incredible amount of work and information gathering for what would be essentially no reward besides tricking a few people let alone most people would not beileve it to begin with? It just does not add upto me personally. Some of the math equation used in it were top level mathematics as well.

A few other cultures in the world actually share this belief, that buildings can have an effect on the geomagnetic field of the earth. Most notably the Chinese and Indians who built Pagodas for the purpose of altering the overall energy of a place. If you view these structures from the electrical perspective then it becomes possible that they served an actual physical energy purpose that was either lost or hidden from the general public. Likley masked behind relgious superstition the same way alchemy was as we saw earlier. 

Here is a description of their intended purpose.

You can read more about them in the wiki:

Seokgatap of Bulguksa in South Korea, built in the 8th century, made of granite. In 1966, the Mugujeonggwang Great Dharani Sutra, the oldest extant woodblock print and several other treasures were found in the second story of this pagoda.
Made out of granite just like the great pyramid.

Made out of granite just like the great pyramid. One other interesting bit of information about these structures that supposedly alter energy. They look remarkably similar to the central chamber in the great pyramid of Giza. A chamber that nobody can figure out the reason or purpose of, they cant even figure out why it is shaped the way it is.

See that multi layered red structure in the center?

Here is a more detailed picture of it.

So if we go with our theory and these people built large structures to alter the local areas electrical/energy levels then it stands to reason they would have figured out multiple configurations for such structures. They appeared to have a perfect understanding about how shapes effect energy. It stands to reason then that they may have experimented with other configurations for this type of energy propagation. Such as the smooth domed buildings that spread positive energy mentioned in that soviet conspiracy report.


Another book I came across also mentioned the historical uses of "places of power" or "sacred places" and the reasoning behind such places. It proclaims that the ancients picked these spots specifically because of the natural electrical levels and activity of the areas which would cause strange effects on the brain and even cause flashes of light in peoples eyes and cause an electrical humming sound in the back of their heads when they were at these locations. Causing them to mistake this electrical activity for divine contact with the gods etc.



It seems that electricity indeed played a role in some of ancient mans communication with the "gods" and their holy places.

One scientifically backed purpose for this type of energy propagation is the increase of seed germination speeds and plant growth via electrical stimulation. An emerging field in science but an interesting and relative one. Here are several reports covering that subject.

Here is the full article with all the data:


"Eco-friendly technologies are of great significance to agricultural sustainability due to the environmental damage caused by agricultural activities. Here, we report a wind and rain energy-driven electrical stimulation system for enhancing crop production. The system is based on an all-weather triboelectric nanogenerator (AW-TENG), which is composed of a bearing-and-hair structured triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) and a raindrop-driven TENG. Treated by the self-generated high-voltage electric field, the system can increase pea seeds germination speed by ~26.3% and pea yield by ~17.9%. 

By harvesting environmental wind and raindrop energy, the AW-TENG can be used to drive various agricultural sensors for optimizing plant growth. This work provides a fresh direction for self-powered systems in safe, efficient and eco-friendly agricultural production improvement and may profoundly contribute to the construction of a sustainable economy.

In summary, we demonstrated an environmental mechanical energy-driven electrical stimulation system based on AW-TENG composed of a BH-TENG and an R-TENG. With the advantages of high output, low friction and excellent robustness, the AW-TENG was used to speed up the germination and growth of peas directly. After the treatment of the self-powered electric field, notable increases in the germination speed and yield of peas were obtained, mainly due to electric field-induced physiological activity enhance- ment. Moreover, the AW-TENG was used to provide all-weather self-powered agricultural sensing services to optimize the strategies of crop cultivation. This great breakthrough in the construction of
SESS without additional power sources and complex circuits may indicate that the designed SESS can meet the diversified challenges of agricultural production.
Given its unique properties of self-powering, cost-effectiveness, low start-up conditions and all-weather energy harvesting capability, SESS is a sustainable and pragmatic method for converting natural energy for crop yield improving purposes. This can be immediately
and widely applied to various production activities in agriculture and ultimately provides a promise for reducing agricultural pollu- tion as well as increasing agricultural production. Meanwhile, this work shows scope for the extensive application of TENGs in agri-
cultural activities towards a more sustainable society."


I want you to make a mental note that this system uses actual hair to function, it is relative to one of the later sections.


Here is some more reaserch on this kind of electrical stimulation.

The full article is below.


" Abstract – Electrical stimulation could trigger biological activities of plants, enhancing their production rate. This paper addresses the application of this technology on mushroom which, possesses unique developmental process that depends on hyphae morphogenesis at growth stages; thus their response to electrical stimulation should be studied separately. The study analyses the information available on electrical environment of mushrooms with the view of investigating the efficiency of external electric stimulation approaches for the enhancement of their progress at various growth stages. Electric treatments at relatively low strengths, applied for a short exposure time have resulted positive impacts on growth rates, yields, length and size of various plants. In the case of mushrooms, the only information available on successful external electrical stimulation technique is the application of high voltage pulses. The technique has shown positive effects on the growth rate of varieties such as shiitake and nameko. This approach has been adopted based on the unconfirmed claims that lightning in the vicinity develops cracks in mushroom hyphae and stimulates their enzyme activities, which in turn boosts the growth rate. Based on the outcomes, we foresee a good economic viability of mushroom production with these modern technologies and methodologies.


Short exposure time with low amplitude current injection, electric field and pulsed electric field have
successfully enhanced the growth rate and yield of many plants such as tomato, strawberry, lettuce and
flowers. For mushroom however, the improvements so far were only due to high voltage electric pulses
that have been applied to the growing medium at different stages of mushroom development. This
high voltage technique has been adopted following the observations done by farmers on the growth
enhancement of mushrooms during thunderstorms. However, further investigations are required to
determine the quantitative response of mushrooms on several available electrical stimulation
techniques, especially at lower voltage levels, where commercial scale application is feasible."


For those interested in this kind of thing it is called electroculturend you can read up about it here:


Pretty interesting to say the least, electrical stimulation was shown to increase crop yield meaning a giant structure like a pyramid that would draw geomagnetic, electromagnetic and atmospheric static electricity in towards it would have the effect of increasing plant and mushroom growth around it. This may be why some of the pyramids we saw earlier were completely covered in plants and vegetation. I did in fact find a direct link to these kind of structures and the propagation of life in the form of an Egyptian "fertility" statue known as a "Djed Pillar".


 "According to others, the djed is a fertility pillar made from or surrounded by reeds, trees, or sheaves. As Egypt was a treeless land, this may represent the importance of the trees that were imported from Syria. This also ties in with the story of Osiris, where his body was encased within the trunk of a tree. Other accounts associate the djed with the falcon god of the Memphite necropolis, Seker, then with the Memphite patron god of craftsmen Ptah. Ptah is sometimes referred to as “the noble djed.” The djed symbol is also sometimes viewed as a pillar supporting the sky. In a palace, the pillars may surround a window, and when viewed from the right angle, it appears that the pillars are supporting the sky."

"The djed symbol is also used in a ceremony called “raising the djed.” This ceremony is meant to represent Osiris’ triumph over Set. During the ceremony, the pharaoh uses ropes to raise a pillar, with the assistance of priests. This coincided with the time of year when the agricultural year began and fields were sown. This was just one part of a 17-day holiday of festivals dedicated to Osiris. Overall, the raising the djed ceremony represented both the resurrection of Osiris, and the strength and stability of the monarch."

"The djed may originally have been a fertility cult-related pillar made from reeds or sheaves[3] or a totem from which sheaves of grain were suspended[4] or grain was piled around.[5] Erich Neumann remarks that the djed pillar is a tree fetish, which is significant considering that Egypt was primarily treeless. He indicates that the myth may represent the importance of the importation of trees by Egypt from Syria.[6] The djed came to be associated with Seker, the falcon god of the Memphite Necropolis, then with Ptah, the Memphite patron god of craftsmen.[7] Ptah was often referred to as "the noble djed", and carried a scepter that was a combination of the djed symbol and the ankh, the symbol of life.[3] Ptah gradually came to be assimilated into Osiris. By the time of the New Kingdom, the djed was firmly associated with Osiris.[3]



Those golden pillars are the Djed

Looks a bit like a radio tower or electrical line doesn't it?

 If you view fertility statues in an electrical mind frame they could actually be giant stone pillars meant to draw in geomagnetic energy or act as antennas for the energy the nearby pyramid may have been propagating, if that is how the system indeed functioned. However here is another take on the purpose of some stone monuments such as these pillars. From an actual scientist, The pages I am about to include are from "Earthlights" by Paul Devereux. It describes how some rocks are incomplete latice structures and with certain stimilation can give of certain frequencies.




The next few Pictures illustrate the connection between stone monuments, fault line in the earth and mineral deposits.

 The possibility that these giant stone pillars were used for some sort of energy related purpose is indeed there. I am going to include the appendix from this book so that you way confirm some of these claims, or look into it for yourself.


As we read these pillars were in fact linked to seed germination and plants directly and the fertility directly linked to propagation of all life not just human reproduction. Grain is in fact a seed, they not only put seeds directly on the pillar and piled them around it but the pillars were raised during the spring when seeds were planted and it also appears like the official narrative of what they were for was changed and absorbed into the Osiris myth.

It should also be of note that Egypt was once known for its very fertile black soil which we learned earlier that soil has the best voltage potential were sand has very little. The Nile would flood every so often and replenish the soil around the river and before the dam was built on the Nile that flooding covered a huge area around the river.

More about that here:

One more thing that stands out to me is in the Osiris myth the pillars are associated with the spine of Osiris, the spine is in fact the electrical epicenter of the body and the place all of the brains electrical signals travel through. I mean to assert that these pillars had an actual physical purpose tied to plant growth and seed germination and that later on that purpose was hidden or changed by a new mythology being introduced.

That whole story about the pillars is actually a perfect example of how the uses and assoications of certain relics and items had changed over the years and their orignal purposes forgotten...or covered up.


 There are other strange things about these kind of structures as well. In fact the pyramid of Giza has been noted to be unusual in many aspects as far as pyramids go and stands out among them because of it.

The following is a section from the 1923 book “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” that goes over the major differences and mysteries of the Giza pyramid.

The picture from the book properly explains the layout of the Giza pyramid and why it is unique amongst the other pyramids surrounding it. For those of you who read through the alchemy section already I want you to consider something. The pyramid itself in all its mystery can be viewed as a mental philosphers stone as it causes people to question it and use their imaginations to try and figure out its purpose. It generates thought and imagination, now consider that the granite its compossed of constantly emits radon gas.

Radiation as we went over is an actual physical phyilosphers stone as it can change and transform matter. So symbolically and physically this pyramid acts as a transformative and generative structure.

One more thing worth noting about pyramids are the shape of them are used in modern schumann resonators.

For those unfamiliar.

The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.[1]

Basically if you think of the earth as a bell, every time lightning strikes it these are the sounds it makes. This pattern. Here is a picture of one.

A flat symbol but when viewed straight on it looks like the top of a pyramid.

Interestingly enough they have made other versions that copy a mysterious religious symbol from used in cathedrals. This symbol also works for this purpose and you can view it here:


Below is the back story for this pattern.


 So with this pattern they use for the resonator it is sort of decorative but it does indeed work for this purpose and have an electrical function. The pattern itself is in a large cathedral and the actual reason behind it or who made it is still a mystery. However I mean to assert that the building it is located in is in fact one of these structures meant to alter the electrical enviorment and this pattern to have an electrical enviormental function.

We will close this section with another photo from the book “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”.

Looks pretty similar to the implied system doesn’t it? Notice in the center it appears to be a planet with a lightning bolt going through the ground to the opposite side and entering a temple or pyramid. This appears to be the exact sort of energy interaction I am describing.


Piezoelectric Crystals

This section is all about crystals, often toted by spiritualists as magical or containing mystical energy. Despite the slight exageration most of our modern technology uses them in some way. Some gems and crystals actually do absorb, emit and transform energy (electrical and mechanical energy). Such as piezoelectric crystals.

Here is some info on them. 

“Certain crystals such as quartz are piezoelectric. That means that when they are compressed or struck, they generate an electric charge. It works the other way as well: If you run an electric current through a piezoelectric crystal, the crystal changes shape slightly. This property makes piezoelectric crystals useful in many applications.” 

Here is a wonderful video that simply explains how they are used.
and here are some better explanations of our current understanding of them.


Below is a link explaining how some crystals can indeed absorb EMF
 “It is possible to fully absorb electromagnetic radiation using an anisotropic crystal, report scientists. Electromagnetic energy harvesting in the visible spectrum is very important for photovoltaics — the conversion of solar energy into direct current electricity. Absorbing materials in the microwave range of frequencies have an application that is equally as important, say scientists who are now able to reduce the radar visibility of an aircraft.”


And the following link details how we use crystals for certain clocks.

“Quartz clocks and quartz watches are timepieces that use an electronic oscillator regulated by a quartz crystal to keep time. This crystal oscillator creates a signal with very precise frequency, so that quartz clocks and watches are at least an order of magnitude more accurate than mechanical clocks. Generally, some form of digital logic counts the cycles of this signal and provides a numerical time display, usually in units of hours, minutes, and seconds.

Since the 1980s, when the advent of solid-state digital electronics allowed them to be made compact and inexpensive, quartz timekeepers have become the world’s most widely used timekeeping technology, used in most clocks and watches as well as computers and other appliances that keep time.”

Now that we have established that what some of the spiritualists believe about crystals is true, that they contain energy or interact with it (I do not defend their claims on using them to heal diseases and such) lets delve further into our understanding of them and how they factor in to the overall theory. Here is a list of all the known gems that are piezoelectric


Some gems and crystals are also pyroelectric, meaning they transform temperature changes into electrical energy and vice versa. They generate a voltage when being heated or cooled.

Those who read through the alchemy section take note of this explanation from that wiki entry.

Pyroelectricity can be visualized as one side of a triangle,[5] where each corner represents energy states in the crystal: kinetic, electrical and thermal energies. The side between electrical and thermal corners represents the pyroelectric effect and produces no kinetic energy. The side between kinetic and electrical corners represents the piezoelectric effect and produces no heat.

Another triangle for the collection.


Here is a list of all known pyroelectric gems and crystals. 

Not only are gems piezoelectric but bones are too, you read that right our bones can produce this effect.

Links explaining it below.

“A bone is mostly made of bone matrix. Bone matrix has two parts. These are organic and inorganic. The organic part is mostly made of Type I collagen while the inorganic part is made of hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite is the reason why bone can produce piezoelectricity.

How Bones Produce Piezoelectricity

The collagen molecules are made up of charge carriers. When a bone is stressed, the charge carriers go to the bone’s surface. When this happens, piezoelectricity is produced.

How Piezoelectricity Increases Bone Density

When a bone produces piezoelectricity due to the stress applied to it, electrical dipoles are formed. Electric dipoles attract osteoblasts, the cells that build bones. Osteoblasts deposit calcium and other minerals on the part of the bone that is stressed. This increases the density of the bone.

Importance of Piezoelectricity to Bones

Piezoelectricity is good for bones because it can repair and heal bones. Also, bones can be remodeled with the help of piezoelectricity. This was discovered in 1892 by Dr. Julius Wolff. This effect of piezoelectricity to bones is also called Wolff’s Law.”

Below is a paper further fleshing out the effects, it is titled “The application of nanogenerators and piezoelectricity in osteogenesis”.

Bone is a complex organ possessing both physicomechanical and bioelectrochemical proper-ties. In the view of Wolff’s Law, bone can respond to mechanical loading and is subsequently reinforced in the areas of stress. Piezoelectricity is one of several mechanical responses of the bone matrix that allows osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteoprogenitors to react to changes in their environment. The present review details how osteocytes convert external mechanical stimuli into internal bioelectrical signals and the induction of intercellular cytokines
from the standpoint of piezoelectricity. In addition, this review introduces piezoelectric and triboelectric materials used as self-powered electrical generators to promote osteogenic pro-liferation and differentiation due to their electromechanical properties, which could promote the development of promising applications in tissue engineering and bone regeneration.”


So plugging this information into our theory we could speculate that an electrically active structure (such as the pyramid of giza) could activate this affect in the human body when you are within the structure. A sort of healing building for the human body, at the very least for bones.

Interestingly enough bone churches have been found all over europe. As we just learned these places are in fact piezoelectric structures. Here is a list of some of the ones found so far.

Interestingly enough bone churches have been found all over europe. These places are in fact piezoelectric structures. Here is a list of some of the ones found so far.

These crystals also heal more than just bone. We are starting to use piezoelectricity to heal skin and cells. In fact energy based healing in general is an emerging field of science.

You can read about it here:

“Piezoelectric materials for tissue regeneration: A review


The discovery of piezoelectricity, endogenous electric fields and transmembrane potentials in biological tissues raised the question whether or not electric fields play an important role in cell function. It has kindled research and the development of technologies in emulating biological electricity for tissue regeneration. Promising effects of electrical stimulation on cell growth and differentiation and tissue growth has led to interest in using piezoelectric scaffolds for tissue repair. Piezoelectric materials can generate electrical activity when deformed. Hence, an external source to apply electrical stimulation or implantation of electrodes is not needed. Various piezoelectric materials have been employed for different tissue repair applications, particularly in bone repair, where charges induced by mechanical stress can enhance bone formation; and in neural tissue engineering, in which electric pulses can stimulate neurite directional outgrowth to fill gaps in nervous tissue injuries. In this review, a summary of piezoelectricity in different biological tissues, mechanisms through which electrical stimulation may affect cellular response, and recent advances in the fabrication and application of piezoelectric scaffolds will be discussed.

Statement of significance: The discovery of piezoelectricity, endogenous electric fields and transmembrane potentials in biological tissues has kindled research and the development of technologies using electrical stimulation for tissue regeneration. Piezoelectric materials generate electrical activity in response to deformations and allow for the delivery of an electrical stimulus without the need for an external power source. As a scaffold for tissue engineering, growing interest exists due to its potential of providing electrical stimulation to cells to promote tissue formation. In this review, we cover the discovery of piezoelectricity in biological tissues, its connection to streaming potentials, biological response to electrical stimulation and commonly used piezoelectric materials for tissue regeneration. This review summarizes their potential as a promising scaffold in the tissue engineering field.

Keywords: Electrical stimulation; Piezoelectric; Scaffolds; Tissue engineering; Tissue regeneration.”

Here is a nice overview on how the effect is used in the medical field currently.

Here is a nice overview in how the effect is used in the medical field currently.


“In the case of biomedical engineering, many conventional means of using piezoelectric devices are not applicable because of the structure of biological systems. Issues such as size limitations, biological compatibility, and flexibility have led to investigation into polymer, composite, nanostructured, and lead-free piezoelectric materials. One way to develop biomedical devices is to look at the piezoelectric structures inside the body and how they can be emulated to develop piezoelectric medical technology. In the first section of this book, we discuss piezoelectric materials present in the body. Then we describe how piezoelectric materials can be used for diagnosing illnesses and providing medical treatment. Our purpose is to inform the readers of challenges and different approaches applicable to developing a wide variety of medical technology.”

So it was just proven some crystals emit electrical energy by vibrating, being mechanically stressed and heating up and cooling down and that the effects they produce can indeed be used to heal the human body.

So, theoretically one could use the sonic resonance and acoustics of a man made structure to give the entire structure a natural vibration or even one that vibrated when people made sounds within it like singing. If you housed a giant crystal in this structure and the structure vibrated then you could produce electricity from that crystal via the mechanical stress of the vibration on it, maybe not much but you would still produce it with the effect and a little set up. You could also keep changing the temperature of the crystal periodically to generate an electrical charge with pyroelectrcity (combining the processes even). 


Interestingly enough, crystals that exhibit both of these traits (pyro and piezo) are currently being used for small scale nuclear fusion research.

Link below.  

Pyroelectric fusion refers to the technique of using pyroelectric crystals to generate high strength electrostatic fields to accelerate deuterium ions (tritium might also be used someday) into a metal hydride target also containing deuterium (or tritium) with sufficient kinetic energy to cause these ions to undergo nuclear fusion. It was reported in April 2005 by a team at UCLA. The scientists used a pyroelectric crystal heated from −34 to 7 °C (−29 to 45 °F), combined with a tungsten needle to produce an electric field of about 25 gigavolts per meter to ionize and accelerate deuterium nuclei into an erbium deuteride target.”

Quartz (the most common mineral on the planet) is both pyroelectric and piezoelectric and can function as a natural capacitor even.

Here is a great explanation from:

Quartz has dielectric properties. You can look them up. Have you ever heard of or seen a capacitor made with quartz for its dielectric? I have not. There ought to be some reason and or explanation why there not used or not common. Quartz crystal is piezeoelectric. You can look that up, starting with Wikipedia. Yes, if you connect a battery across a quartz crystal it will cause the crystal to deform (bend a little bit). The reverse is also true: if you bend (deform) the crystal it will become charged (polarized) and will generate some DC voltage measureable from one side to the other. When you release the applied force, the crystal tries to go back to its "original" (unperturbed) position. This may result in overshoot: the crystal has a natural resonant frequency at which it will vibrate (resonate). These quartz crystals are typically used in clocks to generate accurate time/frequency signals.

Quartz has dielectric properties. You can look them up. Have you ever heard of or seen a capacitor made with quartz for its dielectric? I have not. There ought to be some reason and or explanation why there not used or not common. Quartz crystal is piezeoelectric. You can look that up, starting with Wikipedia. Yes, if you connect a battery across a quartz crystal it will cause the crystal to deform (bend a little bit). The reverse is also true: if you bend (deform) the crystal it will become charged (polarized) and will generate some DC voltage measureable from one side to the other. When you release the applied force, the crystal tries to go back to its "original" (unperturbed) position. This may result in overshoot: the crystal has a natural resonant frequency at which it will vibrate (resonate). These quartz crystals are typically used in clocks to generate accurate time/frequency signals.


“If you connect a battery across a quartz crystal it will cause the crystal to deform (bend a little bit). The reverse is also true: if you bend (deform) the crystal it will become charged (polarized) and will generate some DC voltage measureable from one side to the other. When you release the applied force, the crystal tries to go back to its “original” (unperturbed) position. This may result in overshoot: the crystal has a natural resonant frequency at which it will vibrate (resonate). These quartz crystals are typically used in clocks to generate accurate time/frequency signals.”

In fact NASA thinks there is something to this as well and said that the piezoelectric crystals store a portion of the electrical energy inside when they experience stress meaning they act as a natural electrical capacitor.

Here is what they had to say about it.

(beginning of page 2)

that paper is about the vibration dampening properties of piezoelectric crystals and if it could be applied to rotor blades to decrease wear and tear. So they do have practical value in vibration absorption.

One more paper catches interest and links Quartz directly with utilizing ionization due to its piezoelectric properties.
Here is the abstract from it.

High-throughput screening of ion channels is now possible with the advent of the planar patch clamp system. This system drastically increases the number of ion channels that can be studied, as multiple ion channel experiments can now be conducted in parallel. However, due to tedious, usually pressure-driven mechanotransduction techniques, there has been a slow integration of this technology into the field of mechanosensitive ion channels. By implementing a piezoelectric quartz substrate into a planar patch clamp system, we show that the patch clamp substrate itself can be used to mechanically actuate ion channels. The piezoelectric substrate transduces an external, applied electric field into a mechanical tension, so precise actuation of the membrane can be accomplished. By applying this electric field only to the outer edges of the substrate, no ulterior electric field is created in the vicinity of the membrane during actuation. Further, with resonant frequencies ranging from 1 kHz to 200 MHz, quartz substrates can be used to apply a wide range of time-varying tensions to cell membranes. This will allow for new and instructive investigations into the dynamic mechanotransductive properties of ion channels.

so there is a connection with piezoelectric materials and ionization, they do interact.




Here is another interesting bit of information that connects the piezoelectic effect with the enviorment. Often times mysterious lights have been seen above earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as reports of glowing rocks just before or during them. This is a real documented phenomena and one of the hypothesis about it are piezoelectric crystals in the earths crust giving off huge EMF waves from the vibrations.

Link below.
Here is the SETI bio for the author of the above to give you a little background on him. 

Quote from the link: “rocks under stress behave like batteries that can produce currents deep within the crust of the Earth. These are not piddling electron flows, either — the currents could be as large as hundreds of millions of amperes

To further support these claims here is another study titled “The Piezoelectric Theory of earthquake lightning”.

“We suggesttwo ways in which piezoelectricity could conceivably produce
sufficiently high fields. The first suggestionis based on an observation by Brace and Orange [1968], who found that certain granites (e.g., 4.3% saturated Westerly granite) may have a resistivity of 106 ohm m at 100 bars. Earthquakes can release high pressures along or near faults and thus raise resistivities and can at the same time generate high frequency pressure waves by crack and squeak mechanisms. These conditions could combine to generate high-field piezoelectric regions necessary for earthquake lightning. 

A second suggestion is based on the observation by Keller [1971] that rock layers at depths of the order of 10 km may have resistivities of the order of 107 ohm m. It is difficult to see how deep high-potential piezoelectric fields could reach the ground surface. Possibly, localized high-conductivity channels in otherwise high-resistivity surroundings could bring this about. Lower-frequency seismic activity could then suffice to generate the required potentials. Although the initial explanationof the effect now must be modified, the effect itself has received strong supporting evidence. 

The following reports on earthquake lightning have come o our attention since our last note. Yasui [1968, 1971] tias reported on a numberof striking earthquake lightning sightings and photographs during the Matsushiro swarm of 1965–1967. Zakharovskaya[1971] has documentedoccur- rencesof earthquake lightning seen by scientists during the 1966 Tashkent earthquake. La Nacion (BuenosAires) published a report on May 22, 1936,of strong earthquake lightning during the 1936 eventin San Luis province, Argentina.”


There has also been research into how variations in the atmospheric potential gradient could be a precursor to earthquakes themselves. Supporting the earthquake lights theory.


"Specific variations of the atmospheric electric field potential gradient as a possible precursor of Caucasus earthquakes"

To our opinion all classes of “clear” anomalies are impor-
tant, but “clear” anomaly of III type is the most significant
because all randomness and disturbances due to weather ef-
fect were excluded while its revealing. “clear” anomalies are
spread in 11-day period with respect to earthquake occur-
rence moments, but in many cases they manifest themselves
in 4 days period. Quantity of III type “clear” anomaly varies
from (−148.9) V/m to 188.5 V/m.
According to the above said “clear” anomaly of III type
is recognized as earthquake precursor. This precursor is
revealed in 29 cases (71%) out of 41 discussed earthquakes
of the Caucasus."


One more important piece of information regaurding this subject is a paper i linked in an earlier section titled “GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 25, NO. 12, PAGES 2225–2228, JUNE 15, 1998 Measurements of electric potential variation by piezoelectricity of granite”

“Abstract. From laboratory experiments, we observed that. unloading stress on a piece of granite induced a pulsed electric potential variation, which decays expo- nent. ially with a time constant ranging from 1.5 to 4.0 s. The electric potential variation depends on the mag- nitude and the sustaining time of applied stress, indicating that the variation is due to piezoelectricity and migration of bound charges that compensate the piezo- electric polarization. An apparent. piezoelectric coefficient of granite was obtained to be about 1.4x10 -•5 C/N, three orders of the magnitude smaller than that of a single crystal of quartz.”

Particulaurly this part “Since the Russian study in which a detonation in-, duced a piezoelectric field in a quartz vein [l/olarovich ½t al., 1959], piezoelectric polarization in rocks has been attributed to seismoelectric phenomena”

An earthquake or rather detonation indeed caused this rocks to be energized, I looked for the actual report online but was unable to obtain a good copy of it.

One other report goes into detail on how this might work.

 "In the light of this suggestion, Friedemann Freund, a physicist at San Jose State University in California, has stuck his neck out. As he told the AGU meeting, he thinks he knows what is going on, and it is this: if you squeeze a block of granite hard enough, it becomes a battery.

If he is right, an earthquake will generate enormous electrical currents in the ground—precisely the sort of thing that would upset the ionosphere and generate strange lights in the form of lightning-related phenomena. More to the point, it is possible that some of this power might be released before a fault moves catastrophically, and thus provide some warning of an earthquake.

The idea that squeezing crystals has electrical consequences is not new. A phenomenon called piezoelectricity, which is exploited in pressure sensors and quartz watches, involves creating a voltage between the ends of a piece of crystal by applying pressure. In this case, the voltage arises because the crystal deforms and a symmetry between positively and negatively charged atoms is disturbed.

Piezoelectricity, however, cannot sustain a sizeable current. So Dr Freund is proposing a different mechanism—similar to the one that goes on in the semiconductors from which computer chips are made. This mechanism relies on another phenomenon, called charge separation.

In many kinds of rock, most notably granite, the application of pressure and the resulting deformation of the rock's constituent crystals turn some of the oxygen atoms in those crystals into charge carriers. These atoms are missing an electron and are thus positively charged.

When the rock is further deformed, it becomes possible for these atoms, called “holes”, to steal an electron from a neighbouring atom, in effect shifting the hole. In this way, the holes can move through the rock. Indeed, they do this so easily, Dr Freund has calculated, that many of them move out of the section of rock under stress altogether, leaving it with a surplus of electrons. Thus, a granite battery is charged.

The electrons from the stressed rock cannot follow the holes, because granite is not a very good conductor of this more usual form of electricity. But when, if you do this trick in a laboratory, you give the electrons the chance to bypass a section of rock by way of a metal wire, quite large currents will flow. Outside the laboratory, Dr Freund believes, the role of the wire is played by heated rock (at temperatures above 500°C, granite becomes conductive to electrons as well as holes).

Extrapolating from Dr Freund's laboratory experiments, the strain in a real-life geological fault such as the San Andreas could, as it shifted, generate hundreds of thousands of amperes per cubic kilometre in a fluctuating pattern that would cause very low frequency radio waves to be emitted, thus disrupting the ionosphere." 


To further support these claims I have included several more pages from Paul Devereuxs "Earthlights". The books main argument is that some UFO sitings (glowing lights in the sky or near the ground) are actually natural phenomina, discharges from the earth within the atmospheric potential gradient.

The book even includes research about granite emiting lights when put under huge amounts of pressure.




Here’s a video example of the electric charge these crystals can produce.

Here is an article explaining the various electromagnetic anomalies that occur before earthquakes strike

“It has been documented over hundreds of years that various electromagnetic anomalies occur a few weeks before the occurrence of a large earthquake. These electromagnetic anomalies are variations that appear in telluric current, geomagnetism, electromagnetic waves etc. before the earthquake.

Although there are various models to explain the mechanism, the large current generated at the source was not fully explained. For example, many researchers thought that the stress applied to the fault produced an electric current, but the stress applied to the fault takes place over hundreds or thousands of years before the occurrence of the earthquake. It is a common belief among seismologists that it is impossible for the stress to suddenly increase and generate a large current just before the earthquake, and therefore the mechanism had not yet been explained.”

The authors claims are not without reason either, as you can read for yourself in this wiki entry about Magnetotellurics:

Fluctuations in the MT signal may be able to predict the onset of seismic events.[36][37][38] Stationary MT monitoring systems have been installed in Japan since April 1996, providing a continuous recording of MT signals at the Wakuya Station (previously at the Mizusawa Geodetic Observatory) and the Esashi Station of the Geographical Survey Institute of Japan (GSIJ). These stations measure fluctuations in the Earth’s electromagnetic field that correspond with seismic activity.[39] The raw geophysical time-series data from these monitoring stations is freely available to the scientific community, enabling further study of the interaction between electromagnetic events and earthquake activity.[40]

Additional MT earthquake precursor monitoring stations in Japan are located in Kagoshima, in Sawauchi, and on Shikoku. Similar stations are also deployed in Taiwan on Penghu Island, as well as in the Fushan Reserve on the island of Taiwan proper.[41]

POLARIS is a Canadian research program investigating the structure and dynamics of the Earth’s lithosphere and the prediction of earthquake ground motion.”

So it is confimred that these flucuations in the EMF coincide with earthquakes. Being that piezoelectric crystals are the most abundant material in the ground it could very well be that they are causing some of these electrical phenomina before the quakes. We were not the first people to notice this function in these crystals either. They also were used by Native Americans in rituals to produce light.


Here is a video confriming that these crystals light up and some links explaining it:
To further back up these claims of cosmic rays hitting the ionosphere and causing some earthquakes consider this, some animals can sense earthquakes before they happen. Read about it here. 
If you have read through the Animals and EMF section you will be familiar with electroreception and magnetoreception and some animals ability to sense small electrical changes in the environment and in their prey. It very well could be that these animals are sensing disturbances in the earths electromagnetic field. Disturbances caused by cosmic rays hitting the ionosphere.


Let’s get back to the crystals.

Here is where a bit of the pseudoscience and spiritualism comes in but at this point I think we should at least hear what they have to say about them as most of those bieliefs come from ancient times and have been adapted or misinterpreted into modern spiritualism. Ancient peoples even had stories of crystals and gems housing “spirit” energy or being “magic” for thousands of years. If you read through the alchemy section you will recognize that by “spirit” they likely meant some form of electricity or real tangible energy. So we should keep an open mind.

Here is a relevant and interesting quote about crystals from a real scientist though.

In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being

-Nikola Tesla


So if quartz is the most common mineral found on the planet, then piezoelectric crystals are the most common mineral on the planet. Since quartz is already the most common mineral and there are other crystals that are piezoelectric…that means piezoelectric crystals are the most common type of mineral on the planet. In fact to nearly all the sand in sandstone is made of quartz.

"The most common mineral of the Earth's continents—the part of the world that where humans dwell—is quartz, the mineral SiO2. Nearly all the sand in sandstone, in the deserts of the world, and on the world's riverbeds and beaches is quartz. Quartz is also the most common mineral in granite and gneiss, which make up the majority of the deep continental crust."

Now lets get back to our main pyramid power theory, lets consider that most of these pyramids were built on sand. For those of you that don’t know sand is a mixture of countless tiny crystals and minerals (most being piezoelectric as we just deduced)

Sand under a microscope

Lets reiterate.

Piezoelectricity, also referred to as piezo, is the ability to change electricity into power. Piezoelectric materials exhibit both a direct and a reverse piezoelectric effect. The direct effect produces an electrical charge when a mechanical vibration or shock is applied to the material, while the reverse effect creates a mechanical vibration or shock when electricity is applied.


So theoretically, you could make a megalithic structure with a piezoelectric material. Then you could use the telluric energy in the ground via metal grounding rod, use a large gold capstone to harvest atmospheric static electricity and other energy from the air and align this structure magnetically to the earth to theoretically induce vibration in the structure via piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity. Also insulating it with a white substance to reflect sunlight and keep it cool inside, or rather a very stark contrast from the temperature outside. This could set up a kind of enviormental circuit or pathjway for energy into and out of the earth.

Or say this effect makes the structure vibrate or the acoustics of the structure make sound bouce around for a long time within it which would prolong vibration. Then inside that structure affix a large Quarts crystal (a piezoelectric and pyroelectric crystal) to harness the vibrations and add in temperature change by heating up the crystal and then letting it cool with a system of mirrors and sunshafts of the megalithic structure and produce a constant electric charge within that crystal from the pyroelectric effect…theoretically.


Lets keep going.

Remember how shapes effect energy from an earlier section? Well here is an explanation about different shaped piezoelectric crystals produce different vibrations and energy outputs.

Piezoelectric substances are poly-crystalline materials consisting of lead zirconate titanate, or PZT. Lead (Pb), zirconium (Zr) and titanium (Ti) are combined with additives to achieve desired levels of performance. A PZT component possesses the unique ability to generate vibrations based on its shape when electricity is applied, and to generate electricity upon exposure to mechanical vibration or shock.

Both of those quotes above were from this link. 

Here is even a good write up by Harvard about the effects being demonstrated in quartz rich rocks such as granite. That means that rocks that contain enough piezoelectric material become piezoelectric themselves.


I dug a little deeper into this subject and found Nikola Tesla made this statement about limestone (a pyramid building material) in his “The Problem with Increasing Human Energy” lecture.

Besides fuel, there is abundant material from which we might eventually derive power. An immense amount of energy is locked up in limestone, for instance, and machines can be driven by liberating the carbonic acid through sulphuric acid or otherwise. I once constructed such an engine, and it operated satisfactorily.
 (alternative with pictures) 


It is of note that the Giza-plateau the Egyptian pyramids are built on is made up of a thick layer of limestone and granite and was one of the reasons the pyramids were able to be built in that location. Given it could support the weight of them. As we read in an earlier section the great Giza pyramid was covered with a layer of white limestone. The following is a fantastic explanation of that materials used in constructing the pyramids and how they originally looked.

Here is a link that goes over it. 

So that entire structure (including its base) is primed for energy interaction in multiple ways...multiple ways. The piezo and pyroelectric crystal quartz is abundant in almost every building material of it.


Lets delve further into gems and metals attracting electrical energy or just energy in general.

We will re-examine why crystals and gems were treasured in history and by whom. This could explain nobility, royalty and every position of power across the globe in ancient times valuing gems and jewels above all else (given they had a secret knowledge of electricity/energy endowned to them via the royal art of alchemy). They went hand in hand with a sign of nobility. I am not saying this would be the only reason these people valued gemstones but this could very well be one of them.

Also of note was the rich and powerful’s obsession with precious metals, all the same ones across the globe. Gold, Silver, Copper. All of them are THE best conductors for electricity that we know of.

A link explaining it.


So ancient royalty and nobles treasured the two things you need to make high tech electronics or electrical devices in general (precious metals and crystals). Both either absorb or interact with electrical energy. That is one hell of a coincidence I have to admit. They also wore a lot of gold and jewelry, here is an interesting tidbit about the electrical effects of having conductive metals touching our bodies that might shed some light on the reason why…outside of fashion choices.

The body has resistance to current flow. More than 99% of the body’s resistance to electric current flow is at the skin. Resistance is measured in ohms. A calloused, dry hand may have more than 100,000 Ω because of a thick outer layer of dead cells in the stratum corneum. The internal body resistance is about 300 Ω, being related to the wet, relatively salty tissues beneath the skin. The skin resistance can be effectively bypassed if there is skin breakdown from high voltage, a cut, a deep abrasion, or immersion in water (Table ​(Table2).2). The skin acts like an electrical device such as a capacitor in that it allows more current to flow if a voltage is changing rapidly. A rapidly changing voltage will be applied to the palm and fingers of one’s hand if it is holding a metal tool that suddenly touches a voltage source. This type of contact will give a much greater current amplitude in the body than would otherwise occur

That is from this article we used in an earlier section.

So lets go with the theory that these structures or temples were energized. The people who would hold rituals in them were always covered in gold and jewlery wich would highten the overall effects of the energized structure on their bodies.

Now this stuff about metal and electricity is pretty common knowledge in this day and age, but it was not back in ancient times. Theoretically you could use metal rings as a way to see if something was holding a voltage or to heighten your electrical awareness. At the very least electricity would be more attracted to you if you were covered in gold and silver. Personally I think we found the reason kings and queens wore so many solid gold and silver rings on their hands and gold crowns but that’s just me…now back to our main overall theory.

I think this ancient global alchemical society had very refined knowledge and uses of these crystals that surpasses our own in some ways. I also think that the pyramids focused this energy into these gems or crystals that sat at the heart of them, maybe even having different shaped crystals to produce different results. Pyramids are a structure that appear globally in the ancient world across all cultures. Each culture had distinct and very different building styles but in a time when they had no knowledge of each other, this is a constant among them…besides the treasuring of gems/crystals and gold, silver and copper, using symbolism and making mythological stories that have symbolic representation and using advanced mathematics like fractions and decimals to help in building construction…oh and all deciding to start large scale agriculture around them too.

To raise and lower the temperature of the pyroelectric gems within the pyramids they may have utilized a mirror system as I said earlier. The great pyramid of Giza’s air shafts for example could have doubled as sun shafts with some mirrors set up in the right positions. Using this system they could periodically heat up the crystal causing an electrical reaction, then take the mirrors away causing the crystals temperature to fall which also causes an electrical reaction.

Below I have included a good overview of all the pyramids found so far from the Pyramids section.


I did a little more digging and found a very fascinating oral story passed down among the locals in Eygpt for generations who lived around the pyramids. A very interesting and relative take on the purpose of the pyramids told by these people.

“I will take you now to the ‘hospital’, [acoustically designed for] healing with sound… That line of construction, [where] you see like three chambers — it’s what’s left of the House of Spirit, and it’s a healing system with sound. It’s a medical investigation table and the patient has the right to use either side of the stairs, one on the right and one on the left, so he or she has to follow his or her own ‘antenna’ to climb up there and choose the point where she [should] stand, because each point is connected to a [diagnostic-]check chamber. We have 22 of the chambers, 11 each side — no ceiling — and when you go inside you see a niche where the physician put his head in the niche to see what’s the matter with his patient laying on this table; and that works with sound, and the sound source is running water in a tunnel underneath here. There is a big map of [networked] tunnels running underneath here…

[Academics have claimed] these constructions… at Dashur, [to be tombs] related to a King called Seneferu… Now, when you come to the word ‘seneferu’ — sen means ‘double’, nefer is ‘harmony’, so it means ‘double harmony’. It’s not the name of a person — but it’s the energy we get from these constructions! The Bent Pyramid has two different chambers for [producing] two different sounds.”

The author of that article seems to think that some of the odd unexplained quartz structures were actual ancient sound amplifiers used to concentrate sound for various purposes. Things like levitation, I do not back up or fully agree with those claims but as always read the evidence and make your own decisions. 

Pictures of these “levitation basins”

To add to that story recently a new solar temple was uncovered in Egypt and even more of these strange bowls appeared. Read about its discovery here:

Lets look more into these giant megalithic stuctures possibly houseing giant crystals. Now if the pyramids housed these supposed giant crystals what happened to them? All we can do is speculate but I have prime suspects I will lay out. Firstly private collections of the rich and powerful, or they were simply destroyed. Next the yet to be exhumed sacred sites we know of such as…

China's First Emperors Grave
The Prophet Muhammad's Grave 
The Black box of Mecca
and its Black Stone

The black stone particularly peaked my interest because according to legend it used to be white (same color as quartz).

The Ark of the Covenant (yes it was a real thing)

The ark especially has some strange tales around it regarding energy. I think that these boxes contain, or at one time contained said pyramid crystals and the black stone itself with its tale of originally being white could very well be one of these crystals. I don’t know how many there are or if any were lost or destroyed but the treasure hunting fueled by history’s rich and their gold is very suspect and fits into this theory nicely. Also the rich and their obsession with priceless artifacts and their vast and famous private collections.

At this point (if you didn’t skip sections) you are familiar with how this all would work, so you will be able to recognize aspects of the system in myths and stories implying that those stories were actually coded information about electricity and energy etc. Which we did see happened in the alchemy section. Which kind of brings us to our next section…


Similar Creation Mythology


So if all these distant civilizations shared the same ancient culture then surely there would be some evidence left of it right? I thought so too so I spent a considerable amount of time looking for connections that would be too specific to ignore or pass off as coincidence. Finally after years of searching I found them. 
The main one, and what this section is about is a shared cultural art between ancient China, South America and Ancient Egypt. This art is known as geomancy and in China it is known as Feng Shui, each one of these places I just mentioned contain huge pyramids within their borders and both Egypt and the south American cultures have a very similar story of creation that seems to be an allegory for what they call the "geomantic act". A divination technique used to build temples and buildings in the exact right spot (according to the practitioners of it).
This section from the following book details exactly what that is. 

(click on these pictures to enlarge them and make them readable)


The actual geomantic act is divining a location using the four directions to pick the right location, then once found stabbing a sword, stake or metal wedge into the ground at the exact center of the planned building, usually there is somthing done to concecrate this center which they call the navel. Another way to view it (like the above book says) is a hero slaying a dragon or serpent with the aid of four warriors/weapons/dieties then building a holy structure on the place the monster was killed.

 I have posted a scan of a very rare book that details the first published translations of the Edfu Temple in Egypt. As the title indicates it details the mythological origin of the first temple that appeared on earth according to the oldest Egyptian records we had found as of 1969 (when the book was published). The very borders of Prehistory.

You can download it here -

or read it here.

The objective story the Aztec/Olmec/Mayan/Inca (it is unclear who orginated them) and Egyptian creation myths begin with a world of darkness with no land, only sky and water and a god who lives there, then the god (one way or another) creates the first world/land which is an island, and the first people (perhaps giants), eventually fighting ensues, then because of the fighting the earth is engulfed by water or the island disappears (same thing when you are the only land). Then from this water the new world rises and is rebuilt in  the old worlds image from the "bones" of the old world.

Now that story could be shrugged off as mere coincidence I suppose, However...Later in these stories of creation another identical event happens. In the Egyptian and Aztec myths a hero or creator god and group of 4 gods, protectors or warriors represented by four animals and four directions. Do battle with a serpent type monster that always represents chaos. They win this fight and slay the monster and then on the spot it was slain the gods build a sacred temple.
What I just described to you seems to be another allegory used in other cultures for what they call the geomantic act.

The following are pages from the Edfu translation book I linked:
Page 35 in the book is the summery of the fight. A fight between a serpent and a hawk and his four protectors who represent the four directions. Just as the book "Secret Games of the Gods" described the geomantic act, using the four directions the "hero" would slay the "dragon" and build on the spot it was slayed.

Page 196 details it. It should also be noted that Tanen became Ptah-Tatenen who was the god of creation and temple building. The page below also clarifies that the sacred place would be built where the snake enemy was slayed.

Page 175 details land with funerary association.

Page 324 is the overall summery of the book and outlines the new world made from the bones of a dead god.

A good summery but I recommend reading the entire book because it has many details not covered in the summery. 

Now there are several creation myths from the Aztecs but we are only going to go over a few of them, the relevant ones.
You can read more about them here:


This story of creations shares many similarities with the story laid out in the Edfu temple and seems to also be an allegory for the geomantic act.


"In the beginning was the void. It was at some ancient time in the Aztec creation story that the dual god, Ometecuhtli/Omecihuatl, created itself. (Looking back, of course, the Aztecs believed that the many opposites that they saw in the world would have to somehow unite in the origin of the world.) This god was good and bad, chaos and order, male and female. Being male and female, it was able to have children. It had four, which came to represent the four directions of north, south, east and west. The gods were Huizilopochtli (south), Quetzalcoatl (east), Tezcatlipoca (west), and Xipe Totec (north).

The directions were very important to the Aztecs, since their great empire was believed to be at the very centre of the universe (remember what I mentioned about the Aztec creation story being political?).

These four gods began to create. They created water, and other gods, and the sea monster Cipactli. Cipactli was part fish and part crocodile, a massive creature as big as all things that now are. This was a consuming monster, a jaw at every joint. Cipactli was to become the source of the cosmos in a strange way.

As the gods continued to create, they had a problem — their creations would fall into the water and be eaten by the dreadful Cipactli. So it was time for war — the four gods attacked the sea monster, pulling her in four directions. She fought back, biting Tezcatlipoca and tearing off his foot. But at last Cipactli was destroyed.

From this enormous creature the universe was created (in some traditions this happened between the last two suns). All the 13 heavens stretch into her head. The earth was created in the middle, and her tail reaches down to the underworld (Mictlán) (nine underworlds, to be exact).

You could say that in the Aztec creation story the world is on the back of this sea monster, floating in the water of space (reminiscent of the Iroquois belief that the world rests on the back of a turtle).

So according to the above story of creation the Aztecs thought that their land was on the back of a serpent type dragon monster that was killed by four gods by stretching it in the four directions. It actually had many similarities with the geomantic act and its purpose laid out in Secret Games of the Gods. That book also said the purpose of the act was to control the "serpent" in the earth and stop its chaos from destroying the building.

Here is one more Aztec story of creation...

The Aztecs believed that in the beginning of the world, there was only darkness. A great god named Ometeotl viewed this darkness in complete solitude. However, one day, Ometeotl gave birth to four other gods. These gods created the world, filling it with giants.

The god named Tezcatlipoca the Jaguar, transformed himself into the sun. He governed the world but then, the god Quetzalcoatl knocked Tezcatlipoca into the ocean with a club. Quetzalcoatl then turned himself into the sun. He appointed himself governor of the world and created people in order to populate the earth. Tezcatlipoca returned and knocked Quetzalcoatl out of the sky. A great wind tore across the world, destroying everything except for a few people, who were transformed into monkeys.

Sequentially, the god Tlaloc became the sun. Then he also repopulated the earth with another group of people. However, in an attempt to regain his throne, Quetzalcoatl sent a rain of fire down upon the earth. This killed all of Tlaloc’s people except the few that were turned into birds. Additionally, the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue became the sun. Consequently, during this war between the deities, Tezcatlipoca caused great floods to engulfed the earth. All of the people drowned except for those who were transformed into fish.

Due to Tezcatlipoca’s actions, the entire earth was emerged in water, with no land in sight. Eventually, Tezcatlopoca and Quetzalcoatl ceased their bickering and lifted the waters off of the earth. Quetzalcoatl then went to the land of the dead where the bones of the people lay untouched. He tricked the god of the underworld, Mictlantechutli, into letting him take back the bones of the people back into the world. Quetzalcoatl then cut himself and let his own blood drip onto the bones. The bones transformed into living, breathing people, the Aztecs.

To signify gratitude towards Quetzalcoatl for giving them life, through rebirth the Aztecs sacrificed people on special holidays through various rituals..


Now its pretty hard to dismiss those stories as mere coincidence, those stories are in reality localized versions of what is known as the “serpent slaying myth”. A story that is told and was told in cultures the world over in a time when they had no communication or even knew each other existed. As we saw in the Edfu temple book even the ancient Egyptians had this myth.
The following article covers this myth pretty well but as always do your own research and dig deeper.


 Later in these stories of creation identical events happen. In the Egyptian and Aztec myths a group of 4 gods or protectors, warriors or gods represented by 4 animals and also the 4 directions. Do battle with a serpent type monster that represents chaos in all the stories. They win this fight and slay the monster and then on the spot it was slain build a sacred temple.

These animals are in the Egyptian myth Snake, Lion, Bull and hawk. They are the 4 guardians that protect “The Falcon” in its fight against a great “snake”.

in the Aztec myth this scenario also plays out but they are gods who animal incarnations or representations are “plummed serpent” (implying a feathered or flying snake), Jaguar, hummingbird, and a god that has no definite form and takes many forms and is the god of warfare.

in the Aztec myth the gods also represent directions.

the 4 Aztec directional gods have aspects of the 4 guardian animals. Not the exact same animals mind you but the overall same animals (snake, bird, big cat, formless/unsure)

Huitzilopochtli (pron. Huit-zi-lo-pocht-li) or ‘Hummingbird of the South’ or ‘Blue Hummingbird (bird)

Quetzalcóatl (pron. Quet-zal-co-at) or 'Plumed Serpent' (snake or dragon)

Tezcatlipoca’s nagual, or animal disguise, was the jaguar, the spotted skin of which was compared to the starry sky. A creator god, Tezcatlipoca ruled over Ocelotonatiuh (“Jaguar-Sun”), the first of the four worlds that were created and destroyed before the present universe. (Cat)

Xipe Totec has a controversial history, some people think that the god replaced an earlier god from the story, I could find no credible source about his animal form or direction (though only north is left) however, He is the inventor of war according to the Aztec mythology so that lines up with the Chinese feng shui direction (we will get to this in a moment) of north being the tortoise or "black warrior" (Warrior)

In the Aztec myth the 4 gods do battle with a "serpent/fish", they slay it by ripping it apart in the 4 directions then build from its body on the spot it was slain their world/empire. That is objectively the same story from the book I linked with 3 out of the 4 animal guardians being the same. 
Now these animals turn up in one other place with pyramids within its borders. China and Taoism, specifically the 4 animals that represent the 4 directions often associated with the ancient art of Feng Shui which in actuality is the chinese art of geomancy.

In feng shui the four directions are represented by 3 out of the 4 are the same kind of animals. The entire art of it is about chossing the right location to build things using divination.

The Four Symbols (Chinese: 四象; pinyin: Sì Xiàng, literally meaning “four images”), are four mythological creatures appearing among the Chinese constellations along the ecliptic, and viewed as the guardians of the four cardinal directions. These four creatures are also referred to by a variety of other names, including “Four Guardians”, “Four Gods”, and “Four Auspicious Beasts”. They are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise (also called “Black Warrior”) of the North. Each of the creatures is most closely associated with a cardinal direction and a color, but also additionally represents other aspects, including a season of the year, an emotion, virtue, and one of the Chinese “five elements” (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). Each has been given its own individual traits, origin story and a reason for being. Symbolically, and as part of spiritual and religious belief and meaning, these creatures have been culturally important across countries in the East Asian cultural sphere.

Not only that but the directions in Aztec mythology are represented by the same color pallet as the Chinese four guardians Black, white, blue and red. Only north and west line up with being the same color and same direction but all the colors are the same.

The god could be depicted in different colours depending on which cardinal point he was representing — black for north, blue for south, red for east and white for west.

3 out of 4 creatures match the Aztec and Egyptian mythology and they are all referred to as guardians or gods. The one odd guardian/direction out is the tortoise replacing the bull but interestingly enough the tortoise is also called the black warrior and Xipe Toltec (formless/many formed god) the Aztec god of the north is also the god of warfare. They are also the only animal/god/directions with unsure names or forms which in itself is a link in common all three versions have. Perhaps it was called a different name in the past.

The “plummed serpent” sounds like a spot on interpretation of a Chinese dragon, depicted as flying snakes often with feathers.



These 4 animals from the Edfu texts also turn up in the book “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” written in 1923 a few decades before the Edfu texts were even translated.

notice the animals surrounding the lamb on the altar? its the same 4 as the Edfu story. Ask yourself, how is it a book written before this story was even translated had these same animals who even in this picture seemingly represent 4 diffrent directions?
another picture with 3 out of the 4 animals.

There is undoubtedly a connection here. The beginning of the earth being the same story could easily be dismissed as coincidence. The same 4 animals representing in some cases the same directions and originating from the same scenario which is then used to pick the spot to build a holy place or building however cannot be dismissed so easily.



Now that we have gotten this far into the overall theory its time to go over the similarities of aspects of the temples listed in the book I posted (The Mythological Origin of the Egyptian Temple) and see if they have any counterpoints in this energized temple telluric system I am describing. The book is much more detailed about the events but the following pages summarize them pretty well. Though if you seek more detailed info I suggest reading the book in its entirety.

Keep in mind that these temples were also constructed to be representations of the human body (alchemy section explains this), although all bodies mimic each other to the alchemists so it could be said to be represent the cosmic bodies too, and in most cases were. This means that the temples could represent several things at once (alchemy section)the same way some of the symbols used by alchemy can represent multiple things.

Page 269 confirms Ptah built temples as stated by the Ahnenerbe reports seized by Soviet intelligence I linked further up. Which should now be noted that some of the information in that report was not propaganda as was suspected. Though it seems the name Ptah may have been a place holder for an earlier god.

page 279 covers all phases of the Egyptian myth centering around reviving what once was, bringing back to life old sacred places from an old world.

page 286 outlines how the temples were said to be “alive” and thought of as living beings but this “life” had to be awakened within the structure by performing special rituals that were only known to the gods. (an allusion to the buildings being energized electrically?)

page 296 re-establishes that the temples were originally made to protect the earth god and house his “Ka”. Ka to the egyptians is the “Spirit” of a thing and as we learned earlier in the alchemy section when they said “spirit” they always meant energy in some form. Also of note is that alchemy was in fact invented in ancient egypt…or at least thats the earliest record we have of it.

Page 297 states the earth god which is found to actually represent earth said to have a “Ka” (spirit) and the earths “Ka” being present was the perquisite for building these temples. So the earths energy had to be present at these sites for building and then once the temple was made it had to be activated by joining with the earths Ka. Replace Ka with the earths EMF and we have the system I imply.

To me this seems to represent or even describe the temples being built on natural energy spots. Not only built on but the building itselfs entire purpose centered around this energy or “ka”.

page 298 the earth god had to enter the temple (energize) before it became an official temple. Electrically speaking this seems to mean the building had to be prepared so that the energy could flow freely through it. 

It is made abundantly clear that the Temples were thought to be alive in some way by the people who built them and made alive with the same energy that made all things live. Scientifically speaking that energy is electrical.

I mean to assert that these original temples were piezoelectric in nature or contained some sort of latent electrical charge and were built in the places they were because of the natural energy that was present.



The texts also mentions temples being “awake” during the day and sleeping at night. Taken scientifically or rather seen through the lens of energy this could be a metaphor or primitive terminology for the suns rays energizing the face of the planet during the day and increasing the energy on that side of the planet in the atmosphere as well, thus energizing the temple which would be connected electrically to the earth and sky via its gold capstone and piezoelectric or pyroelectric structure and whatever went in the long shaft at the bottom of the structure such as at Giza. The temple would “sleep” at night because the energy levels would have a noticeable difference within it as the sun disappeared. Just as the day night cycle affects all living beings.

Some materials are what they call pyroelectric meaning heat and cold make the material produce electrical energy, so if these structures were made of a piezoelectric substance that was also pyroelectric then these structures being “awake” during the day starts to make more logical sense. Are there materials that are both piezoelectric and pyroelectric? yes, Quartz and anything with enough of it in it like granite.

Back to the story though.

Page 305 reiterates that original temples or temple were referred to as sacred mounds. It goes on to page 306 that also states some of the names of the gods are place holders or “artificial”.

An interesting phrase is used on page 311. The sages were said to sages “magnify substances” during the temple construction. Interesting only in the similar terminology as Tesla’s “Magnifying Transmitter”.

page 312 again reiterates how the temples were brought to life (energized)

and page 314 I just recommend reading the whole page.

page 321 goes over the text claiming these were actual events in the history of the Edfu temple.

finally page 327 asserts temples are the “perch” of the falcon.



Lets talk about the temples being theoretically energized. It was stated in this book that some strange rite was performed by the priests and the temples would “come to life”. Well here’s another interesting fact about temples in Egyptian times. People were not allowed to wear wool clothing inside them.

from the wiki: “In Egypt, flax (linen) was the textile in almost exclusive use. The wool worn by Israelites was known, but considered impure as animal fibres were considered taboo. Wool could only be used for coats (they were forbidden in temples and sanctuaries). Egyptian fashion was created to keep cool while in the hot desert. People of lower class wore only the loincloth (or schenti) that was common to all. Slaves often worked naked. Sandals were braided with leather or, particularly for the bureaucratic and priestly classes, papyrus. Egyptians were usually barefoot. The most common headdress was the klafta or nemes, a striped fabric square worn by men.

for those of you unaware wool generates a lot of static electricity. Here is a some information on it from this link.

The skin of mammals contains millions of deep pits, a bit like tiny missile silos, called follicles. Wool starts out being an assembly of wet, living cells down at the bottom. As they get pushed up by newer cells underneath, the cells grow longer. A third of the way up they are becoming filled with tough proteins and mummifying. Before reaching the skin surface they are dead, but they still contain a certain amount of water bound to their internal proteins. Exactly how much will vary depending on the current humidity of the air around them — in “normal conditions” with a temperature of 20°C (68°F) and a relative humidity of 60%, one sixth of the weight of a wool fibre is water. It’s all bound inside the fiber so you can’t really feel it, the surface is dry. But water is an excellent conductor and it’s that internal water that lets static electricity leak away through wool textiles.

Other fibers, especially synthetics, contain far less moisture, even when the air is moist. So they tend to be better electrical insulators and any static electricity that builds up in the textile will tend to stay there.

As you can see they did not let something that could build up a lot of static electricity within the temple. This could have been a means to keep the genral populace ignorant of static electricity or the temples electrical nature (possibly both). In a later section we will cover how the christian church would go on to ban mixing wool and linen together for clothing. Another strange ban on clothing that can build up static electricity.

Here’s more on its ban.

…: woollen garments however are not taken into the temples, nor are they buried with them, for this is not permitted by religion”.

Herodotus, “The Histories”. Book 2, para 81. About 5th century BC.

Taken from here:

Interesting and I dare say suspect.


Remember the book we read a few pages from earlier called "Secret Games of the Gods"? It had an interesting section that is incredibly relevent about the anicnet dragon slaying myth being an allegory about taming the natural electrical currents in the earth to prevent natural energy related disaters such as earthquakes and tsunamis (often caused by earthquakes). Also it lays out what is called the "Geomantic Act" which is the art of finding the right place to build structures and holy buildings. This act has the practioner use the four directions or location to find the exact right spot and then pics a middle point by stabbing into the ground a sword or stake etc to form the center of  the structure.



If we plug this information into this story about the hawk defeating the serpent or dragon which represents chaos and in the case of some of the stories this serpent periodically ruins everything the gods try to create. The god or hawk defeats the serpent with the help of 4 warriors that always represent 4 directions. If we look at this through the interpretation of this book than it makes sense as a story. Using the 4 warriors or 4 directions the hawk found the right place (using the 4 directions) to "slay" the monster or build a megalithic site to control the electrical energy of that location. 

Another big connection between these cultures is a seemingly shared symbolism that appears in prehistory globally. You can read and hear a TED talk about it here:
Easy to see the similaritie.



Here are some of the only known ancient Pyramid capstones we have recovered, pictured on it a god with wings. A falcon “perched” on this temple. just as the Edfu texts described.

Here are more of them but some of these are from obelisks not pyramids.

Here are more of them but some of these are from obelisks not pyramids.  

The Giza capstone has not been recovered as of this date. Interestingly enough the Egyptian government had plans to cap the Giza pyramid on Dec 31, 1999 but canceled at the last moment and never reattempted it. More interesting still is they refuted the claims that the original capstone was made of gold…but intended to make their capstone in 1999 out of gold.

Read the story for yourself. 

 Now that we have gotten through this section lets consider a few possibilities.


So if the earth god represents earth and its “ka” is the earths electromagnetic field (spirit) then the story of the very first temple built by the “earth god” (earth) could have been a natural formation and if the first temples were “sacred mounds” then this natural formation was most likely a mountain, hill or mound (however let us not forget the symbolism of the human body that they also could represent). The later temples were built to mimic the natural formations which leads us to believe that the original temples were mountain shaped or mounds (pyramids) or possibly its an allegory for the human body. The temples were said to mimic that of the original temple made by the earth and that the temples housed the “ka” of the earth. Thus the original temple made by the earth (mountain) must have been magnetic or in some way electrically active or when considering the human body they could have meant the energy that animates it.

Interestingly enough though such a magnetic mountain does appear in mythology, on ancient maps at the north pole and in the German science division reports recovered by the Soviets that I linked earlier. Here are two such maps.

This first “temple” could have been the magnetic pole of the earth. The poles move over time and its logical to think that when it shifts to be over metal in the soil that it would push that metal up the same way a magnet pushes things away from it on one side of its polarity. Thus causing an unnatural looking mountain such as the one in these myths and maps.

Another possibility is that by “the first temple that god built without the sound of hammer” is the human body as I said earlier. Such things are stated in esoteric literature and are covered in the alchemy section. The rooms inside some of the pyramids were said to be representations of human body parts so this theory has some traction to it. Though it could be both theories are correct as we also learned in alchemy that many of their things had a three fold meaning or could represent multiple things at once.

Lets say each chamber in the pyramid mimics a human organ. The heart pumps electricity and blood through the body. The kings chamber inside the Giza pyramid could hold the same purpose and be true to both interpretations.

One other thing worth mentioning is the calendar similarities between some of these cultures. The following is a fantastic outline and demonstration of the similarities.

 This first "temple" was most likely the electromagnetic pole of the earth. The poles move over time and its logical to think that when it shifts to be over metal in the soil that it would push that metal up the same way a magnet pushes things away from it on one side of its polarity. Thus causing an unnatural looking mountain such as the one in these myths and maps.

Another possibility is that by "the first temple that god built without the sound of hammer" is the human body. Such things are stated in esoteric literature and are covered in the alchemy section. The rooms inside some of the pyramids were said to be representations of human body parts so this theory has some traction to it. Though it could be both theories are correct.

Lets say each chamber in the pyramid mimics a human organ. The heart pumps electricity and blood through the body. The kings chamber inside the Giza pyramid could hold the same purpose and be true to both interpretations. 
Also worth mentioning is the calendar similarities between some of these cultures. The following is a fantastic outline and demonstration of the similarities.  

Hard to ignore.

Also make note that these calaenders have a remarkable similarity to the philosphers stone symbol. The double triangle or 6 pointed star is often representative of “as above so below”. All the parts are there, outer circle, triangles and a middle symbol. The star can be seen as a double triangle indicating that the stone can be used to generate (up) and degenerate (down) whatever its applied to.

In our next section we will cover one of the ways they found and interacted with this geomagnetic energy utilized by this theoretical pyramid power system and ever present on and within the earth.

Divining and Dowsing

This section is a bit more of a personal theory of mine but I included it for consideration because it is relevant over all but it is not necessary for the theory to be true.

Now over time the earth and its EMF travel through different parts of space as it rotates around the sun and the sun rotates around the galaxy, thus being exposed and reacting to the different energies it encounters and passes through.

Such as when the sun has a sunspot and it affects the EMF.

Link about it:

Enter the zodiac calender’s and their astrological ages. Ancient circular calendars that were used globally in different major cultures of the time. Some of these cultures even positioning ancient structures to the stars to line up to them.

Links about them:

Tibetan Calander

 The Mayan calander 

It should be of note that each one of these cultures (who did not have contact with eachother) had this system of a calander represented by animals. It is another connection these cultures have that is often overlooked.

Those who read through the alchemy section will recognize the zodiac and tracking of celestial bodies to be a part of that system.

Note, all of those places from the above links have ancient pyramid based societies and contain pyramids within their borders and have circular calendars that correspond with the stars that are represented by various animals.

I want to make clear that I do not think that the things I list and talk about in this all exclusively function and exist to serve this purpose. Many things can and do serve multiple purposes and can be used for such. But in order to solve any mystery you have to be able to entertain ideas without accepting them as fact.

Now as the earth moved and entered into new astrological ages, Every many thousands of years the stars in the sky change position, this results in a sort of celestial calendar. As it moved they had to construct new pyramids to better line up with these focal points in the earths EMF or telluric energy. They had to re-calibrate the grid if you will (assuming these celestial influences are what cause those EMF hot spots on earth). They did this by the art of dowsing.


It had other names in ancient times which you can read more about here:


They also could have tracked down these EMF hotspots with a simple compass, compasses will spin in the presence of high EMF. Here is a little explanation about how it works.
We already discussed how you can make a functional compass with a pool of water, a leaf and a metal needle in a previous section. So even though ancients did not have portable compasses they could have still used them and given the egpytians knowledge of lode stones and thus magnets it is not that far fetched of a theory.

Wizards (wise men or magicians) historically have a wooden staff with a gemstone or crystal affixed to the end, thatcould be a connection to dowsing. Even the Nazi Ahnenerbe were seemingly very interested in it, they even hunted down known dowsers. Going as far as confiscating all their rods and equipment which objectivly is very strange given that after that the nazis themselves tried training their own dowsers. The following is a collection of all known documents and reports they had on it.


Lets reiterate how easy it is to make a primitive compass. You can make a functional compass from a metal needle, a leaf and a small pool of water.

Here is a video demonstrating it.


If a needle can be moved using such small forces its not unreasonable to think that dowsing could function in the way it was claimed. The Nazis despite their propaganda seemed to actually invest some time and effort into this as you read from the above papers. Seems likely there is something to it and they were trying to figure it out.

I mean to imply that the earths EMF or natural electrical currents have natural paths (such as the ocean currents and gulf stream). That these natural electrical currents have intersection points or “hubs” and that ancient people used dowsing to hunt these locations down. Certainly there are areas on the planet with higher concentration of EMF we saw this earlier in the global map of the earths inner core from an earlier section.

Ancient peoples were very aware of magnetism and some cultures incorporated it into their buildings, statues and every day items. A very interesting example of this are the Olmecs, you can read about them here.
Here is the actual study from the above link.

There is actually a substantial amount of science behind this, the earths magnetic fields do indeed have lines that form a sort of matrix. Don't take my word for it though read for yourself in this absolutely fantastic article about it.
From the article:

From the article:

The ionosphere is a layer of plasma, a term that describes highly ionized gases threaded by magnetic fields, which surround the Earth. The charged particles in the plasma can spiral around the magnetic field lines and travel along with it, creating auroras as high-energy particles flow along the field lines to the Earth’s magnetic poles. This “magnetohydrodynamic process” was described by Nobel Prize Laureate Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén to explain how low-frequency waves that propagate along magnetic field lines are created.

I mean to imply as I stated earlier that they built some pyramids and megolithic structures on these magnetic field lines. That these places were hidden and not taken seriously in the now modern occult communities being labled as “magic leylines”, remember the word occult literally means secret or hidden. Here is wonderful video covering the theory.


I have included several ancient maps for your consideration in hunting these natural magnetic lines down. It should be noted that in the early 1900s leylines were dismissed as bullshit by the world at large but I think given all this other evidence and the discovery of earths natural electrical currents, geomagnetic hot spots, magnetic field lines and other electrical anomolies that this theory should be re examined.

The following images are from people actually trying to hunt down and map out these “leylines”.

I am sorry about the quality of this photo it is the best one I could find unfortunatly.

Some of them are regular cartography lines but some of them seem to have been measured in places like the center of antarctic which I find highly suspicious. Here are some websites describing such a grid. 

Leylines have been given a bad rap because of some English charlatans and spiritualists but I feel after learning all of this that the theory needs to be reconsidered and adjusted.


Now lets talk about freemasonry and its use of a cartographers tools in their emblems. They use it as the symbol for their organizations…so it must be important right? As we saw in the alchemy section the symbol is actually a symbolic representation of the squared circle however we also learned that symbols can have multiple meanings so we should not throw this interpretation out entirley.

Notice how astronomy and geometry are the only words touching?
The sun is also included which is how cartographers make the measurments.

The emblem for Freemasonry is a cartographers tool set and that connection should not be ignored. These leylines are often smothered in “spiritual” or “magic” talk. However I will link the pseudoscience ancient evidence because some of it may still be useful. In order to read these maps and the supposed leylines you need the equipment displayed in the Freemason emblem.

A link between geometry, astronomy, leylines, Freemasons, and these maps and their tools. Notice even that in the coin geometry and astronomy are the only two words that touch. A bit of an oversight for an organization that prides themselves on measurement wouldn’t you say? Unless it’s on purpose and meant to be a symbolic or hidden meaning. 

The old world was aware of magnetic energy as we saw, otherwise we would not have the magnetic compass (China’s gift to the West). China also houses ancient pyramids.


Link below.


The Egyptians themselves created the golden ratio and used it to construct many of their great buildings and they also used the stars as a guide when building them. More than a few ancient cultures seemed to have taken the stars into consideration when building their megalithic structures. Position seemed to be of the utmost importance.

Here are some links explaining it:

Sacred geometry ties into both the leyline grid and the pyramids as well.


Geometry was obviously pioneered by the Egyptians. However sacred geometry appears in various structures and artwork world wide in ancient times, not surprising as it is the natural formation of matter. Now if the Egyptians had to use these systems and advanced math to construct these pyramids….the others around the world did too. There is no way around that, they must have had knowledge of one if not all of those mathematical systems suggested.

So right there we have multiple ancient civilizations all using advanced mathematics to construct giant buildings, also these cultures used the stars to make calender’s and some of them even structures that aligned with the stars. They all did this in a time when none of them knew each other existed. I did not even include all the other similarities but they are many.

That is one Hell of a coincidence in fact, that has to be one of the biggest coincidences in human history if it is to be believed. We have accepted the reasoning of “thats just how humans do things” from the academic community but given all of the evidence we just covered and the evidence we have yet to cover I am calling bullshit on that hypothesis.

Now you are probably asking yourself “how can this be true? how could we have not noticed the feeling of a dowsing rod or feel this electrical energy?” Now is were it gets interesting in our next section.


Animals and EMF

Animals can sense the earths electromagnetic field and in some cases may be able to even see it. I have provided some links going over the various species that display some sort of electrical awareness or magnetic orientation. This is not an unknown subject to science however, the ability to detect electric fields in nature is called “electroreception”. You can read all about it here:

Lets go over all the various animals that possess this ability, there are many. A semi complete list is included in the following link but understand that this is still being studied and is not yet fully understood.

Dolphins have evolved electroreception in structures different from those of fish, amphibians and monotremes. The hairless vibrissal crypts on the rostrum of the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), originally associated with mammalian whiskers, are capable of electroreception as low as 4.8 μV/cm, sufficient to detect small fish. This is comparable to the sensitivity of electroreceptors in the platypus.

So right there you can see that this sense called electroreception originated from hair follicles in this mammal. A demonstration on how it works can be found here in the explanation of how bees find flowers.

From the article:

While most people would cite colour or smell as possible factors, Sutton asserts that the monogamous relationship is in fact, electric! In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sutton explains that the fuzz covering the bodies of bees is about more than just aesthetics. Using their tiny hair follicles, bees are able to sense the natural electric fields of flowers, and hone in on their favourite plants. This essentially allows them to choose what species they want to pollinate.”

The bumblebees can feel that hair bend and use that feeling to tell the difference between flowers,” says Sutton.

Sharks are the poster child for electroreception, you can read all about them here:  

Sharks are the poster child for electroreception. Some species are so sensitive to electric fields that they can detect the charge from a single flashlight battery connected to electrodes 16,000km apart. Great White Sharks are known to react to charges of one millionth of a volt in water.


Details are in the caption following the image
"Minimum behavioural thresholds of electric field detection for various taxa representative of the main groupings of electroreceptive or electrosensitive animals, alongside typical electric field strengths of important environmental stimuli at relevant distances from source. Animals from left to right: marine passive electroreceptors (Kajiura & Holland, 2002; Kajiura, 2003), active aquatic electroreceptors (Nelson, 2005), limnic passive electroreceptors (Peters et al., 2007), dolphins (Czech-Damal et al., 2012), platypuses (Pettigrew, 1999), amphibians (Himstedt et al., 1982), crayfish (Patullo & Macmillan, 2010), echidnas (Gregory et al., 1989), bees (Sutton et al., 2016), spiders (Morley & Robert, 2018), cockroaches (Newland et al., 2008), and humans (Blondin et al., 1996; Petri et al., 2017). Electric field sources from left to right: electric fields induced by water movement through, and/or changes in, the Earth's geomagnetic field (Kalmijn, 1974), aquatic animal transmembrane electric fields at ≈ 10 cm (Kalmijn, 1974), electric fields induced by fish moving at 1 m/s through Earth's geomagnetic field (Kalmijn, 1974), magnetically induced electric fields from subsea power cables (Gill et al., 2012), aquatic animal transmembrane electric fields at ≈ 10 cm (Kalmijn, 1974), household electronics (Repacholi & Greenebaum, 1999), fair-weather atmospheric potential gradient (Wilson, 1903), storm atmospheric potential gradient (Bennett & Harrison, 2007), floral electric field within centimetres of plant surface (Bowker & Crenshaw, 2007b), and overhead powerlines at ground level (Repacholi & Greenebaum, 1999). *active aquatic electroreception thresholds are not directly comparable to their passive counterparts because they are not sensitive to the DC and low-frequency electric fields produced by most environmental stimuli. **behavioural thresholds for bees are not yet known, therefore the mechanical threshold of bumblebee electroreception is given instead. Equation present in some icons is the Maxwell–Faraday equation, representing Faraday's law of induction, where urn:x-wiley:14647931:media:brv12804:brv12804-math-0001 is the electric field and urn:x-wiley:14647931:media:brv12804:brv12804-math-0002 is the magnetic field."


 One other animal that has this ability is none other than the electric eel.

Lateral line pits in rows on the top and sides of the head and body. The pits contain both electroreceptors and mechanoreceptors.[38]


Further information: Electric fish and Electroreception and electrogenesis

Lateral line pits in rows on the top and sides of the head and body. The pits contain both electroreceptors and mechanoreceptors.[38]

Electric eels can locate their prey using electroreceptors derived from the lateral line organ in the head. The lateral line itself is mechanosensory, enabling them to sense water movements created by animals nearby. The lateral line canals are beneath the skin, but their position is visible as lines of pits on the head.[38] Electric eels use their high frequency-sensitive tuberous receptors, distributed in patches over the body, for hunting other knifefish.[2]



 Platypuses actually use electroreception to hunt. Here is an article about it.

From the link:

Swimming in the rivers and streams of its native Australia after dusk, the platypus closes its eyes, nose, and ears when it dives in search of dinner — bottom-dwelling invertebrates such as insect larvae, crustaceans, worms, and mollusks.

To find these meals in the mud, it relies on its bill instead. This super-sensory organ is packed with three distinct receptor cells that help the platypus detect movements and subtle electric fields produced by its prey.

Platypuses use thousands of mechanoreceptors and electroreceptors in their bill skin to hunt prey in murky rivers and streams.

Push-rod mechanoreceptors on the bill detect changes in pressure and motion, while two types of electroreceptors track the electrical signals produced by the muscular contractions of the small prey. Using a side-to-side motion of its head, the platypus gauges the direction and distance of its next meal by collecting, and combining, these flows of sensory information.

A similar sense is “magnetoreception” the ability to sense magnetic fields. It is also called Magnetoreception

That wiki entry contains a lot of information on the various animals that have this ability. I have taken a part of it to display here:

That wiki entry contains a lot of information on the various animals that have this ability. I have taken a part of it to display here:

In molluscs

The giant sea slug Tochuina gigantea (formerly T. tetraquetra), a mollusc, orients its body between north and east prior to a full moon.[32] A 1991 experiment offered a right turn to geomagnetic south and a left turn to geomagnetic east (a Y-shaped maze). 80% of Tochuina made a turn to magnetic east. When the field was reversed, the animals displayed no preference for either turn.[33][34] Tochuina’s nervous system is composed of individually identifiable neurons, four of which are stimulated by changes in the applied magnetic field, and two which are inhibited by such changes.[34] The tracks of the similar species Tritonia exsulans become more variable in direction when close to strong rare-earth magnets placed in their natural habitat, suggesting that the animal uses its magnetic sense continuously to help it travel in a straight line.[35]

In insects

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster may be able to orient to magnetic fields. In one choice test, flies were loaded into an apparatus with two arms that were surrounded by electric coils. Current was run through each of the coils, but only one was configured to produce a 5-Gauss magnetic field (about ten times stronger than the Earth’s magnetic field) at a time. The flies were trained to associate the magnetic field with a sucrose reward. Flies with an altered cryptochrome, such as with an antisense mutation, were not sensitive to magnetic fields.[36]

Magnetoreception has been studied in detail in insects including honey bees, ants and termites.[37] Ants and bees navigate using their magnetic sense both locally (near their nests) and when migrating.[38] In particular, the Brazilian stingless bee Schwarziana quadripunctata is able to detect magnetic fields using the thousands of hair-like sensilla on its antennae.[39][40]

In vertebrates

In fish

Studies of magnetoreception in bony fish have been conducted mainly with salmon. Both sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) have a compass sense. This was demonstrated in experiments in the 1980s by changing the axis of a magnetic field around a circular tank of young fish; they reoriented themselves in line with the field.[41][42]

In amphibians

Some of the earliest studies of amphibian magnetoreception were conducted with cave salamanders (Eurycea lucifuga). Researchers housed groups of cave salamanders in corridors aligned with either magnetic north–south, or magnetic east–west. In tests, the magnetic field was experimentally rotated by 90°, and salamanders were placed in cross-shaped structures (one corridor along the new north–south axis, one along the new east–west axis). The salamanders responded to the field’s rotation.[43]

Red-spotted newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) respond to drastic increases in water temperature by heading for land. The behaviour is disrupted if the magnetic field is experimentally altered, showing that the newts use the field for orientation.[44][45]

Both European toads (Bufo bufo) and natterjack toads (Epidalea calamita) toads rely on vision and olfaction when migrating to breeding sites, but magnetic fields may also play a role. When randomly displaced 150 metres (490 ft) from their breeding sites, these toads can navigate their way back,[46] but this ability can be disrupted by fitting them with small magnets.[47]

In reptiles

The majority of study on magnetoreception in reptiles involves turtles. Early support for magnetoreception in turtles was provided in a 2010 experiment on Terrapene carolina, a box turtle. After teaching a group of these box turtles to swim to either the east or west end of an experimental tank, a strong magnet disrupted the learned routes.[48][49]

Orientation toward the sea, as seen in turtle hatchlings, may rely partly on magnetoreception. In loggerhead and leatherback turtles, breeding takes place on beaches, and, after hatching, offspring crawl rapidly to the sea. Although differences in light density seem to drive this behaviour, magnetic alignment appears to play a part. For instance, the natural directional preferences held by these hatchlings (which lead them from beaches to the sea) reverse upon experimental inversion of the magnetic poles.[50]

In birds

Homing pigeons use magnetic fields as part of their complex navigation system.[51] William Keeton showed that time-shifted homing pigeons (acclimatised in the laboratory to a different time-zone) are unable to orient themselves correctly on a clear, sunny day; this is attributed to time-shifted pigeons being unable to compensate accurately for the movement of the sun during the day. Conversely, time-shifted pigeons released on overcast days navigate correctly, suggesting that pigeons can use magnetic fields to orient themselves; this ability can be disrupted with magnets attached to the birds’ backs.[52][53] Pigeons can detect magnetic anomalies as weak as 1.86 gauss.[54]

For a long time the trigeminal system was the suggested location for a magnetite-based magnetoreceptor in the pigeon. This was based on two findings: First, magnetite-containing cells were reported in specific locations in the upper beak.[55] However, the cells proved to be immune system macrophages, not neurons able to detect magnetic fields.[56][57] Second, pigeon magnetic field detection is impaired by sectioning the trigeminal nerve and by application of lidocaine, an anaesthetic, to the olfactory mucosa.[58] However, lidocaine treatment might lead to unspecific effects and not represent a direct interference with potential magnetoreceptors.[57] As a result, an involvement of the trigeminal system is still debated. In the search for magnetite receptors, a large iron-containing organelle (the cuticulosome) of unknown function was found in the inner ear of pigeons.[59][60] Areas of the pigeon brain that respond with increased activity to magnetic fields are the posterior vestibular nuclei, dorsal thalamus, hippocampus, and visual hyperpallium.[61]

Domestic hens have iron mineral deposits in the sensory dendrites in the upper beak and are capable of magnetoreception.[62][63] Beak trimming causes loss of the magnetic sense.[64]

In mammals

Some mammals are capable of magnetoreception. When woodmice are removed from their home area and deprived of visual and olfactory cues, they orient towards their homes until an inverted magnetic field is applied to their cage.[65] When the same mice are allowed access to visual cues, they are able to orient themselves towards home despite the presence of inverted magnetic fields. This indicates that woodmice use magnetic fields to orient themselves when no other cues are available. The magnetic sense of woodmice is likely based on a radical-pair mechanism.[66]


The Zambian mole-rat (above), a subterranean mammal, uses magnetic fields to aid in nest orientation.[68] In contrast to woodmice, Zambian mole-rats do not rely on radical-pair based magnetoreception, perhaps due to their subterranean lifestyle. Experimental exposure to magnetic fields leads to an increase in neural activity within the superior colliculus, as measured by immediate gene expression. The activity level of neurons within two levels of the superior colliculus, the outer sublayer of the intermediate gray layer and the deep gray layer, were elevated in a non-specific manner when exposed to various magnetic fields. However, within the inner sublayer of the intermediate gray layer (InGi) there were two or three clusters of cells that respond in a more specific manner. The more time the mole rats were exposed to a magnetic field, the greater the immediate early gene expression within the InGi.[67]

Bats may use magnetic fields to orient themselves. They use echolocation to navigate over short distances. When big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) are taken from their home roosts and exposed to magnetic fields rotated 90 degrees from magnetic north, they are disoriented; it is unclear whether they use the magnetic sense as a map, a compass, or a compass calibrator.[69] Another bat species, the greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis), appear to use the earth’s magnetic field to provide their compass, but to calibrate this with the direction of sunset.[70]

Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) may use magnetoreception when predating small rodents like mice and voles. They attack this kind of prey using a specific high-jump, preferring a north-eastern compass direction. Successful attacks are tightly clustered to the north.[71]

Humans do not have a magnetic sense, despite having a cryptochrome (cry2) in the retina which is magnetosensitive when exposed to light.[72] A 2019 study found that magnetic fields do affect human alpha brain waves, but it is not known whether this results in any change in behaviour.

It should be noted that this is still under investigation by the scientific field and they only have theories as to how it functions. However there have been overviews of the study made such as this article.



Abiotic electric field sources

It is first important to consider the presence of electric fields of abiotic origin. Arguably, the primary abiotic electric field source experienced by terrestrial organisms on Earth is the atmospheric potential gradient (APG) (Hunting et al., 2021c). The APG is an electric field oriented vertically in the Earth's atmosphere, such that, within the vast majority of biologically inhabited altitudes (Imshenetsky, Lysenko & Kazakov, 1978; Womack, Bohannan & Green, 2010), the electric potential increases with altitude (Wilson, 1903). Near to the Earth's surface, in fair-weather conditions, the strength of the APG is on the order of 100 V m−1, but can increase by an order of magnitude, or even invert, during certain meteorological conditions, most notably thunderstorms (Wilson, 1903; Bennett & Harrison, 2007). The APG is largely created by a potential difference between the ionosphere and the Earth's surface and is constantly maintained by the global atmospheric electric circuit, wherein thunderstorms generate electric current upwards in the atmosphere, towards the ionosphere; this current is simultaneously counteracted elsewhere on the planet in fair-weather regions by gradual currents flowing back down to the ground (Rycroft, Israelsson & Price, 2000; Rycroft et al., 2012).

It is also worth mentioning the electrical charges of atmospheric precipitation. Individual raindrops generally carry non-negligible electrostatic charges (Wilson, 1903). These charges vary in polarity, even within the same rainfall, but negative charges appear to be marginally more common (Wilson, 1903; Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Chauzy & Despiau, 1980; Bennett & Harrison, 2007). The magnitude of charge carried is also highly variable but is typically in the region of 0.1–1000 pC, depending on meteorological conditions and the size of the raindrop (Banerji & Lele, 1932; Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Smith, 1955; Chauzy & Despiau, 1980). Snowflakes and hailstones have also been shown to carry electrostatic charges (Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Latham, Mason & Blackett, 1961).

In the aquatic environment, a major abiotic source of electric fields is the Earth's geomagnetic field. Whilst the geomagnetic field itself is not an electric field, any time-varying magnetic field will induce an electric field (Faraday, 1832; Maxwell, 1865). Therefore, because the geomagnetic field varies spatially, when water or animals move through the geomagnetic field, this can be viewed as a temporal variation in magnetic field from the reference point of the moving object, and therefore electric currents are electromagnetically induced in the water or animal (Kalmijn, 1974). The magnitudes of these motion-induced electric fields are not negligible, with a fish moving at 1 m s−1 likely to induce electric fields as strong as 0.4 μV cm−1, and electric fields induced by water motion typically measuring around 0.05–0.25 μV cm−1 (Barber & Longuet-Higgins, 1948; Kalmijn, 1974). By the same electromagnetic principles, temporal variations in the ambient magnetic field, for example those caused by magnetic storms, will similarly induce electric fields in the Earth's crust and mantle, including the oceans (Kalmijn, 1974). These are generally referred to as telluric, or Earth currents, and in coastal or continental shelf waters (where oceanic telluric currents are at their highest), they are typically on the order of 0.01 μV cm−1 in magnitude (Kalmijn, 1974).

Electric fields around plants

Plants are known to be electrically conductive (Corbet, Beament & Eisikowitch, 1982; Gora & Yanoviak, 2015). Therefore, because they are connected into the ground, but protrude above it, the vertical electric field of the APG will cause accumulation of negative charges within the plant via electrostatic induction. This results in most plants usually exhibiting a negative surface potential relative to the surrounding air, and thus electric fields will be present around most plants exposed to the APG in typical conditions; a prediction backed up by measurements (Maw, 1962). The strength and shape of these electric fields is dependent largely on the morphology, height, and conductance of the plant, as well as the local atmospheric conditions and the structure of the nearby abiotic and biotic landscape. Typically, however, electric field magnitudes on the order of 1–100 kV m−1 within centimetres of the plant surface are likely (Bowker & Crenshaw, 2007b). Notably, plant parts with a high geometrical aspect ratio, such as reproductive floral structures, will exhibit the greatest local electric field strengths (Dai & Law, 1995; Vaknin et al., 2001), potentially reaching 1 MV m−1 or more within a few millimetres of the plant surface (Bowker & Crenshaw, 2007b). Furthermore, because of their electrical conductivity, plants, especially tall trees and vegetation, will shield large portions of their surroundings from the vertical APG, effectively nullifying, greatly reducing, or even inverting the electric field strength underneath their canopy (Arnold, Pierce & Whitson, 1965; Williams, Markson & Heckman, 2005; Clarke, Morley & Robert, 2017; Hunting, England & Robert, 2021b).

Individual pollen grains also carry electric charge (Vercoulen et al., 1992; Bowker & Crenshaw, 2007a). Available measurements suggest a typical magnitude of roughly 1 fC, with some pollen grains reaching charges as high as 40 fC (Bowker & Crenshaw, 2007a). Both positive and negative polarities of charge are reportedly common on pollen grains (Bowker & Crenshaw, 2007a), however, other studies have found negative pollen charges to be far more prevalent (Vercoulen et al., 1992).

Plants, especially those found in the aquatic environment, will additionally be electric field sources due to transmembrane potentials resulting from differences in electrochemical concentrations between the inside of the plant and its external surroundings. This is discussed in detail in Section II.4.

Electrostatic charges of animals

Any electrically insulated object, including an animal, is likely to accumulate charge as it moves through its environment, via a mechanism known as triboelectrification, or the triboelectric effect. The triboelectric effect describes the phenomenon wherein the separation of two materials formerly in contact with each other results in an anti-symmetrical deposition of charge on their surfaces. Whilst this effect is usually small, with repetition such as when rubbing two materials against each other, significant differences in charge can be created. The same principle applies to animals walking across and brushing past objects in their environment, including friction with the air when in flight. As such, one would expect many, if not the majority of, animals in the terrestrial environment to carry non-negligible electric charges. This has long been noted in many taxa, but most comprehensively in insects, which tend to accumulate charges whilst in flight (Edwards, 1960a, 1962b; Erickson, 1975; Gan-Mor et al., 1995; Clarke et al., 2013), walking (McGonigle & Jackson, 2002; McGonigle, Jackson & Davidson, 2002; Jackson & McGonigle, 2005), or otherwise in contact with a surface (Edwards, 1962a; Colin, Richard & Chauzy, 1991). These charges are generally, but not exclusively, positive, which places insects near to the top of the triboelectric series (Edwards, 1962a; Clarke et al., 2017), meaning that they will almost always be electron donors in triboelectric interactions. Measures of the electric charge carried by an object or animal are given either as total charge, measured in Coulombs (C), or as surface potentials, measured in Volts (V). Comparison or conversion between the two quantities requires knowledge of the capacitance of the object or animal, measured in Farads (F). The typical electrostatic charges of insects range between 1 and 1000 pC (Fig. 1). Of note is the observation that the amount of charge carried by insects is generally higher in field measurements as compared to laboratory measurements (Montgomery, Koh & Robert, 2019).

Details are in the caption following the image
Ranges of net electrostatic charge measured on animals, taken from existing literature. From top to bottom: bumblebees, Bombus terrestris, N = 798 (Clarke et al., 2013; Montgomery, 2020); Anna's hummingbird, Calypte anna, N = 194 (Badger et al., 2015); red mason bee, Osmia bicornis, N = 85 (Montgomery, 2020); wintering honeybees, Apis mellifera, N = 352 (Colin et al., 1992); European peacock butterfly, Aglais io, N = 72 (S.J. England & D. Robert, in preparation); queen honeybee, N = 1, two replicates (Colin et al., 1992); foraging honeybees, N = 339 (Colin et al., 1992); housefly, Musca domestica, N = 10 (McGonigle & Jackson, 2002); common wasp, Vespula vulgaris, N = 18 (Montgomery, 2020); stingless bee, Scaptotrigona subobscuripennis, N = 144 (S.J. England & D. Robert, in preparation); paper wasp, Mischocyttarus spp., N = 22 (S.J England, X. Miranda & D. Robert, in preparation); European peacock caterpillar, N = 44 (S.J. England & D. Robert, in preparation); stingless bee, Tetragonisca angustula, N = 157 (S.J. England & D. Robert, in preparation); silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, N = 40 (Lapidot et al., 2020); cinnabar caterpillar, Tyria jacobaeae, N = 5 (S.J. England & D. Robert, in preparation). Where exact minimum and maximum values were not provided in the source text, estimates of these values were extracted from figures.

Outside of insects, charges have been measured on hummingbirds as high as +800 pC (Badger et al., 2015). Furthermore, reptiles also build up significant positive charges (Vonstille & Stille III, 1994; Izadi, Stewart & Penlidis, 2014), with surface potentials purportedly on the order of 100–1000 V (Vonstille & Stille III, 1994). Electrostatic charges of mammals or amphibians have not been well characterised; however, it is known that the fur of cats and rabbits lies very near to the top of the triboelectric series (Clarke et al., 2017), meaning it readily accumulates positive charge. This likely applies to most mammalian taxa with keratinous fur. Amphibians are unlikely to accumulate significant electrostatic charge due to the presumably high conductivity of their moist skin, and the generally wet or very humid environments that they inhabit. Similarly, for fully aquatic fauna, accumulating electrostatic charge is challenging due to the higher electrical conductivity of the surrounding water, which allows for much faster dissipation of charge than in air.

Transmembrane potentials, myogenic potentials, and electrogenesis

As a result of the biophysics and chemistry of the eukaryotic body, almost all animals and plants will be sources of electric fields irrespective of the triboelectric charging of their surfaces. These electric fields have two primary sources; transmembrane potentials, and myogenic potentials. Transmembrane potentials, defined here as the potential difference between the interior and exterior of an organism, exist around almost all living organisms, due to differences in electrochemical concentrations between the inside of the organism and its environment (Kalmijn, 1974). These electrochemical potentials largely arise from the active transport of ions through the outer wall of the organism, in the pursuit of maintaining internal homeostasis. Ultimately, these transmembrane potentials result in DC electric fields being emitted from most animals and plants. Generally, the magnitude of transmembrane potentials is low enough such that, due to the high resistivity of air, the resultant electric currents in the terrestrial environment are too weak to propagate over distances that would be considered ecologically relevant in most conceivable circumstances. However, the conductivity of water is sufficiently high to allow even very small potentials to generate notable electric currents within the surrounding water, and thus these electrical cues can propagate at higher magnitudes for greater distances in the aquatic environment. Transmembrane potentials, measured within 1 mm of the skin of a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate taxa, are typically on the order of 100 μV (Kalmijn, 1974; Wilkens & Hofmann, 2005), resulting in electric field strengths of around 100 μV cm−1 within 1 cm of the animal, decreasing to around 0.1 μV cm−1 at about 10 cm away (Kalmijn, 1974). The magnitude of transmembrane potentials is greatly increased around openings of the body cavity, such as the mouth, gills, and anus, as well as open wounds (Kalmijn, 1974). Of particular note is the order of magnitude increase in transmembrane potential observed in wounded crustaceans versus unwounded counterparts, rising to as high as 1250 μV, measured at 1 mm (Kalmijn, 1974). The electric field resulting from the transmembrane potential of animals will exhibit very low frequency modulations (typically less than 5 Hz), caused by body movement of the animal, as well as opening and closing of body cavity entrances, such as the gills (Kalmijn, 1974; Wilkens & Hofmann, 2005).

The second primary intrinsic source of electric fields around most eumetazoans is myogenic nervous activity. Specifically, the firing of action potentials within the muscles of animals produces electric fields that leak out into the surrounding environment. These external myogenic potentials are usually of slightly lower magnitude, but higher frequency, than transmembrane potentials; typically on the order of 10–100 μV with frequencies generally greater than 10 Hz (Kalmijn, 1974; Wilkens & Hofmann, 2005). Therefore, like transmembrane potentials, myogenic potentials do not produce significant currents in air, due to its low conductivity, but are able to propagate well in the aquatic environment.

In addition to these incidental electric fields produced by animals and plants, some fish actively generate electric fields with specialised organs. This is known as electrogenesis. There are two main types of electrogenic fish, the strongly electric fish, and the weakly electric fish. Strongly electric fish produce electric potentials from around 10 V up to 860 V (Bennett, 1971a; Zupanc & Bullock, 2005; de Santana et al., 2019), whereas the weakly electric fish generally produce potentials on the order of 100–1000 mV (Bennett, 1971a; Zupanc & Bullock, 2005). Electrogenesis in both strongly and weakly electric fish is performed by modified muscle and nerve tissues, known as the electric organ (Bennett, 1971a). The potentials produced by the electric organ are referred to as electric organ discharges (EODs) and originate from the cumulative contribution of many electrocytes; specialised cells that produce electric potentials by actively transporting large quantities of ions across their membranes (Bennett, 1971a; Crampton, 2019). Whilst the transmembrane potentials produced by electrocytes are not markedly different from other cells, it is their structural arrangement and synchronicity in firing that is largely responsible for the remarkable external potentials produced by the electric organ in its entirety. The EODs of strongly electric fish are of high enough magnitude such that they can constitute a stunning or startling function (discussed in Section III.2), whereas in the weakly electric fish, they facilitate active electroreception and communication (discussed in detail in Section IV.2). The category of weakly electric fish can be further divided into pulse-type and wave-type varieties. Pulse-type animals produce EODs in pulses, which are relatively brief in comparison to the length of electrical silence between them. On the other hand, wave-type fish generate EODs in a quasi-sinusoidal pattern, in which pulses and silences are of comparable length to each other (Zupanc & Bullock, 2005). A small number of fish species are capable of producing both strongly and weakly electric EODs, with separate electric organs (Bennett, 1970, 1971a).

Anthropogenic electric field sources

As with almost all aspects of ecology in the modern day, it is also important to discuss the presence and impact of anthropogenic factors, and therefore anthropogenic electric field sources warrant discussion. Electric fields of human origin have increased exponentially since the industrial revolution, with almost every electrical appliance, device, or infrastructure component emitting electric fields into the environment to some degree. The most significant anthropogenic electric field source is high-voltage power cables and transmission lines, both above ground and sub-marine. In the terrestrial environment, overhead transmission lines are typically held at voltages on the order of 100 kV, higher than 750 kV in some cases, and as such can produce electric fields in excess of 30 kV m−1 at ground level (Repacholi & Greenebaum, 1999; Gonen, 2011). Some household appliances are also capable of producing electric field strengths of this magnitude at very short distances, but more typically these fields are on the order of 100 V m−1 (Repacholi & Greenebaum, 1999). In the aquatic environment, subsea cables are emerging as an increasingly prevalent anthropogenic electric field source due to the acceleration in development of offshore energy production. Whilst the cables are usually insulated and shielded to prevent current and electric field leakage, magnetic fields produced by the current in the cable are still emitted into the surrounding water, which subsequently can create electric fields in the water via electromagnetic induction. These induced electric fields are thought to have magnitudes between 0.5 and 100 μV m−1 (Gill, Bartlett & Thomsen, 2012), which although seemingly small compared to values in the terrestrial environment, are well within the detection ranges of most aquatic electroreceptive organisms (Peters, Eeuwes & Bretschneider, 2007).

In the context of anthropogenic electric field sources, it is also worth mentioning the triboelectric properties of synthetic materials. Generally speaking, synthetic materials and fibres sit at very extreme ends of the triboelectric series, meaning that they often build up negative or positive charges at much greater magnitudes than naturally occurring materials (Henniker, 1962; Zou et al., 2019). The consequence of this is that the electric fields around clothed humans, as well as many anthropogenic structures, are likely to be much higher in magnitude than those around similarly sized animals or natural structures."


 "(c) Electroreception in mammals

Perhaps due to their generally terrestrial nature, studies on electroreception in mammals have been somewhat limited. However, passive aquatic electroreception has been shown in the extant clades of monotremes, namely the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Scheich et al., 1986; Gregory et al., 1987; Manger & Pettigrew, 1995) and echidnas (Tachyglossidae) (Gregory et al., 1989; Manger, Collins & Pettigrew, 1997), as well as a single species of placental mammal, the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (Czech-Damal et al., 2012).

(i) Electroreception in monotremes

The electrosensory structures in monotremes are analogous in many ways to the ampullary electroreceptors of fishes, but also possess a few distinctions (Fig. 2C). Monotreme electroreceptors are modified mucous or serous glands located on the bill, which are heavily innervated at their blind end (Gregory et al., 1988). Unlike in fishes, these nerves possess naked endings, through which the external electrical stimuli can be detected, as opposed to utilising sensory cells (Manger et al., 1995; Proske, Gregory & Iggo, 1998; Pettigrew, 1999). However, the exact mechanism by which external electric stimuli are transduced into afferent action potentials is still not known (Czech-Damal et al., 2013).

In the platypus, behavioural thresholds for electroreception have been established as low as 20 μV cm−1 (Pettigrew, 1999) but through theoretical calculations of temporal integration, it may be as low as 10 μV cm−1 (Fjällbrant, Manger & Pettigrew, 1998). In nature, electroreception, combined with mechanoreception, appears to allow platypuses to achieve accurate detection of prey (primarily benthic invertebrates) despite hunting in dark, turbid water with their eyes, ears, and nostrils, closed (Scheich et al., 1986; Manger & Pettigrew, 1995; Proske et al., 1998).

In the case of the echidna, electroreception has only been investigated in two species (Czech-Damal et al., 2013): the short-beaked echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus (Gregory et al., 1989), and the Western long-beaked echidna, Zaglossus bruijnii (Manger et al., 1997). The only evidence for electroreception in the latter is based on histological examinations, however, it was found that Z. bruijnii has many more putative electroreceptive units than T. aculeatus, and is therefore probably more sensitive to electrical stimuli. Whilst they have not been explicitly assessed for electroreceptive abilities, the two remaining extant species of echidna currently described, Zaglossus bartoni and Zaglossus attenboroughi, most likely also possess electroreceptors. For T. aculeatus, minimum detectable electric field strength thresholds have been found electrophysiologically and through training experiments to be around 1.8 mV cm−1 (Gregory et al., 1989), much higher than that found for the platypus. Albeit from a fully terrestrial animal, electroreception in the echidna is not an example of aerial electroreception, as the sense is only functional when the snout is submerged in moist soil or water. It is proposed that echidnas likely use electroreception to detect the bioelectric fields of prey items hidden in the soil, and it has been demonstrated in field studies that this may be the case (Proske et al., 1998). However, due to the low sensitivity and a diminished number of electroreceptors on the snout of both echidna species investigated, as compared to the platypus (Manger et al., 1997), it is also sometimes suggested that echidna electroreception may be a vestigial phenomenon that is in the process of being lost (Pettigrew, 1999).

(ii) Electroreception in placentals and marsupials

Electroreceptive abilities have also been demonstrated in one marine mammal, the Guiana dolphin (Czech-Damal et al., 2012). In this study, behavioural psychophysical experiments were performed on a single captive dolphin, determining the detection threshold of electrical stimuli to be 4.6 μV cm−1. Histology was additionally performed on a different, deceased, Guiana dolphin to identify the vibrissal crypts of the dolphin as the electroreceptive organs. These vibrissal crypts are the location of vacated vibrissae; highly innervated whiskers used for detecting water movements in other aquatic mammals (Dehnhardt, Mauck & Bleckmann, 1998), but largely lost in adult toothed whales. Morphologically, these vibrissal crypts show a high degree of similarity to the ampullary structures of monotremes and fishes, including containing a glycoprotein-based gel that may improve conductivity within the crypt. Additionally, experimental covering of the vibrissal crypts with a plastic shell resulted in a loss of responsiveness to electric stimuli (Czech-Damal et al., 2012). Therefore, current evidence suggests that vibrissal crypts are the site of electroreception in Guiana dolphins (Czech-Damal et al., 2012). However, as in monotremes, the exact mechanism of sensory transduction of external electric fields into activity of sensory neurons set into vibrissal crypts is yet to be determined. Overall, the arguments put forward by this study are strong, however, more experiments are likely needed with larger sample sizes to assess the efficacy and prevalence of this ability in the Guiana dolphin. It is also apparent that the psychophysical experiments do not carry clear ecological relevance to the dolphin's behaviour in nature. Whilst convincing hypotheses are presented to suggest that Guiana dolphins use electroreception, supplementary to echolocation, when feeding benthically (Czech-Damal et al., 2012, 2013), these behaviours need to be tested explicitly.

Apart from in the Guiana dolphin, electroreception has not been confidently confirmed in any placental or marsupial. Some behavioural evidence has been put forward to suggest that the star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata, may possess aquatic electroreceptive abilities (Gould, McShea & Grand, 1993), however this evidence has been considered inconclusive (Bullock, 1999). A more recent study tested the possibility that the American water shrew, Sorex palustris, could use electroreception to locate prey underwater. This involved behavioural experiments in which shrews were exposed to DC and square-wave electrical stimuli with current strengths of 2–20 μA, as well as the use of scanning electron microscopy to search for candidate electroreceptive structures. However, these investigations yielded negative results (Catania, Hare & Campbell, 2008). It has additionally been hypothesised that because sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus, have historically been known to become tangled in deep sea cables (Heezen, 1957), they may detect, and become confused, by the electric fields emitted (Dehnhardt et al., 2020). It is argued that whale entanglements have since ceased following the inclusion of more efficient electrical shielding in modern sub-sea cables (Dehnhardt et al., 2020). However, it has also been said that the reduction of entanglements is in fact simply due to changes in construction techniques (Wood & Carter, 2008). Most recently, it has been suggested that the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, possesses vibrissal crypts akin to those found in the Guiana dolphin, that may similarly be capable of electroreception (Dehnhardt et al., 2020). Psychophysical experiments are reportedly ongoing to investigate this (Dehnhardt et al., 2020)."


 Dogs have been trained to find magnets with positive results.
Here are some more animals that also use this kind of "6th sense"


And the following link details the overall specifics of ability.

Interestingly.....and strangely enough, dogs have been shown to line up their bodies from north to south when they poop. Dogs are an especially interesting case because as we just went over according to some studies they can be trained to find magnets.


Foxes use this ability to sense the electrical impulse of its prey beneath the snow from 10–20 feet away.

Here’s the link explaining and demonstrating it:

… mousing red foxes may use the magnetic field as a ‘range finder’ or targeting system to measure distance to its prey and thus increase the accuracy of predatory attacks.

They also call this ability “geomagnetic vision” but it is still just theoretical, they don’t actually know how the fox does this. Though I suspect we are getting to the bottom of it.

It seems many animals have this hidden sixth sense in the form of electrical or magnetic awareness. The fox especially is of interest as it actually displays superhuman awareness of its surroundings. Catching undetectable prey and as the article stated most of its successful pounces were when it was oriented north to south magnetically. This type of awareness is present in many different animals (mammals, insects, fish, birds). It stands to reason that humans as the most advanced species on this planet may also have this type of awareness (we will discuss the specifics further down).

Now lets talk about another way they use this sixth sense, to detect earthquakes. That is right some animals know when earthquakes are about to happen and scientists are unable to conclude why. I mean to assert that the animals are sensing disturbances in the earths electromagnetic field.

Here is an article going over the various electromagnetic anomalies that occur before earthquakes.

You can read about animals detecting them in the following links. 
 Most of that evidence is anecdotal but that is because earthquakes are almost impossible to detect in advance so the testing of this is very hard to accomplish. However like the articles above state, these reports are worldwide and have been for a very long time.



To further back up these claims consider the following paper about electromagnetic pollution and its effects on living organisms. 

Here is a study that outlines the overall possible effects of the geomagnetic field on life.
From the study:


"Earth is one of the inner planets of the Solar System, but – unlike the others – it has an oxidising atmosphere, relatively stable temperature, and a constant geomagnetic field (GMF). The GMF does not only protect life on Earth against the solar wind and cosmic rays, but it also shields the atmosphere itself, thus creating relatively stable environmental conditions. What is more, the GMF could have influenced the origins of life: organisms from archaea to plants and animals may have been using the GMF as a source of spatial information since the very beginning. Although the GMF is constant, it does undergo various changes, some of which, e.g. a reversal of the poles, weaken the field significantly or even lead to its short-term disappearance. This may result in considerable climatic changes and an increased frequency of mutations caused by the solar wind and cosmic radiation. This review analyses data on the influence of the GMF on different aspects of life and it also presents current knowledge in the area. In conclusion, the GMF has a positive impact on living organisms, whereas a diminishing or disappearing GMF negatively affects living organisms. The influence of the GMF may also be an important factor determining both survival of terrestrial organisms outside Earth and the emergence of life on other planets.



The geomagnetic field (GMF) protects Earth from the solar wind and cosmic rays. In this way it helps to maintain Earth’s atmosphere and the ozone layer, ultimately stabilising conditions on our planet and regulating the amount of energy reaching its surface. The influence of the GMF on living organisms cannot be underestimated, because they are negatively affected by hypomagnetic conditions. Organisms developed magnetoreception on the basis of the radical pair mechanism (RPM), and therefore the GMF has become an exceptional source of positional information. Thanks to this ability, organisms are able to find most convenient habitats and rutting places not to mention migrations over huge distances.

Finally, the nature of the GMF enabled and enhanced the evolution of life on Earth. Apart from gravity, the GMF was the only relatively invariable aspect of the environment for the first organisms emerging amid dynamic changes on Earth. This notion is proved by the fact that magnetoreceptors or their relics are widespread among many organisms.

To conclude.

  1. The GMF directly shields Earth from corpuscular radiation, i.e. the solar wind and cosmic rays.

  2. The GMF shields Earth indirectly, by stabilising its atmosphere and the ozone layer.
  3. There is a considerable body of evidence that many organisms interact with the GMF on the basis of nonspecific magnetoreception, which occurs in cells, tissues, organs, systems, as well as whole organisms.
  4. Apart from gravity, the geomagnetic field is the only ubiquitous and relatively permanent element of the environment, thus being a great source of information for organisms.
  5. Long-term changes in the GMF could shape environmental changes, and therefore influence the rate of evolution. Still, new multidisciplinary studies ought to be carried out in this area."



Now if all of these animals can do this from insects to whales then surely humans must have at least somewhat of an ability to sense it right? We do in various forms like magnetic sense, the following report details it extensively and I cannot stress to you enough how informative the information within it is.

“Numerous organisms use the Earth’s magnetic field as a sensory cue for migration, body alignment, or food search. Despite some contradictory reports, yet it is generally accepted that humans do not sense the geomagnetic field. Here, we demonstrate that a magnetic field resonance mechanism mediates light-dependent magnetic orientation in men, using a rotary chair experiment combined with a two-alternative forced choice paradigm. Two groups of subjects were classified with different magnetic orientation tendencies depending on the food context. Magnetic orientation of the subjects was sensitive to the wavelength of incident light and was critically dependent on blue light reaching the eyes. Importantly, it appears that a magnetic field resonance-dependent mechanism mediates these responses, as evidenced by disruption or augmentation of the ability to orient by radiofrequency magnetic fields at the Larmor frequency and the dependence of these effects on the angle between the radiofrequency and geomagnetic fields. Furthermore, inversion of the vertical component of the geomagnetic field revealed a non-canonical inclination compass effect on the magnetic orientation. These results establish the existence of a human magnetic sense and suggest an underlying quantum mechanical magnetoreception mechanism.


Differential sensitivity in ambient GMF-responsive orientation

Male subjects were starved or fed normally, then tested using the rotary chair method combined with a 2-AFC paradigm that required the subjects to choose one of the two directions on the magnetic north–south axis (Fig. 1A, see “Methods” section). During the association phase of the experiment, subjects with eyes closed and wearing earmuffs were aligned by experimenters so as to face ambient magnetic north while sitting on a rotatable chair and were either conditioned to associate this direction with food or were not conditioned, depending on the session. During the test phase, in which the ‘modulated’ magnetic north was randomly set to true magnetic north or true magnetic south, subjects were asked to indicate the modulated magnetic north direction, without reference to other information including visual and auditory cues. The test was initially performed under full-wavelength visible light (350–800 nm) (Table S1, #1 and Fig. S1A). Subjects that had been starved to produce a significant reduction in blood glucose levels (Table S2) were divided into two groups. Group 1 (Fig. 1B, left, n = 20, ca. 60%) showed a significant increase in the ability to orient correctly with food-association compared to subjects who had not been conditioned while Group 2 (Fig. 1B, right, n = 14, ca. 40%) showed a significantly lower rate of food-association (see Figs. S2 and 1C for clustering of the subjects). In our previous study31, under full wavelength and > 400 nm but not > 500 nm light conditions, a majority of subjects showed significantly correct magnetic orientations with food-association, whereas the remaining did not. In an attempt to objectively cluster the subjects in the present study, principal component analysis36,37 of data recorded for starved subjects with and without food-association under the full wavelength and > 400 nm light conditions as shown in Fig. 2A,C, produced two subject groups (Fig. 1C). The results shown in Fig. 1B are consistent with a reanalysis of relevant data from our previous study31 (Fig. S3) and indicate that starved men with food-association were clustered into two groups; one group that showed significant GMF-orientation toward modulated magnetic north on the magnetic north–south axis, and one that did not. By contrast, when the subjects were normally fed (Table S2), Group 1 but not Group 2 showed a significant decrease in correct orientation rate with food-association (Fig. 1D). Subjects were then tested to identify modulated magnetic north randomly set on the true magnetic east–west axis. Similar to the results in Fig. 1B, the orientation rate with food-association increased in Group 1 and decreased in Group 2, compared to no-association with starvation (Fig. S4, Table S2). In our previous study, the ambient GMF was thought to be an unconditioned stimulus during the association phase31. Therefore, we examined whether sensing the ambient GMF during association was necessary for correct magnetic orientation on the magnetic north–south axis, as shown in Fig. 1B. Under a near-zero GMF condition during the association phase, neither starved group demonstrated a significant difference in correct orientation rate with and without food association (Fig. 1E), indicating that sensing the ambient GMF prior to the test was necessary for correct magnetic orientation in both groups. These results show that there are two groups with different magnetic sensitivity in ambient GMF-orientation, depending on the food context”

Interesting to say the least, now this could be explained by the tiny bits of magnetic material found in the human brain.


If you read through the earlier Wikipedia about Magnetoreception you will remember that humans do not have this ability according to science…however they did admit that there was an effect on alpha brain waves.

“Humans do not have a magnetic sense, despite having a cryptochrome (cry2) in the retina which is magnetosensitive when exposed to light.[72] A 2019 study found that magnetic fields do affect human alpha brain waves, but it is not known whether this results in any change in behaviour”

After reading the above study it would seem this information is a tad dated.

Here is a relative quote about how we are connected to these electrical rhythms in nature.

“Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system — the brain and the earth itself — work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.”

-Nikola Tesla

It seems that Nikola was on to something (as usual). More interesting still is that we have all the necessary parts to have this sort of magnetoreception (cryptochrome in our retina).



Now lets talk about Egyptian cat worship and why they really worshiped them, it is very relevant.

Have you ever wondered…what did ancient people think was happening when their hair got static electrical buildup and started floating towards things and clinging to things? When static sparks started zapping and glowing in the darkness? What did they call this phenomena? it’s impossible to ignore and if they wore fur cloths or cloths at all it was bound to happen. Why is it never mentioned if ancient people were as superstitious as we are told they were? You’re telling me they never wore a hat?

If you have ever pet a cat you are aware that when you do, occasionally their fur will spark and audibly crackle with static electricity. In the dark these sparks are very visible. There’s no way a culture that worshiped cats and spent their whole lives around them overlooked this phenomena. Yet I find it odd that it is never mentioned by them in scripture or in any history books. Now ask yourself this question why did Egyptians worshiped cats?

If you were an ancient human and you were choosing reasons to think an animal is part god, would you choose “it kills mice and pests” or “when you touch it lightning bolts shoot out of its body into yours”…I think the answer is pretty friggin obvious and looking back I feel like an absolute fool having overlooked this. There is no way it did not play a part in their worship, yet no mention of it at all. Now lets connect this with two other sections. When a cat died its owner would shave off his eyebrows in mourning (hair) another possible connection with hair and electricity.

And they decorated their cats with jewelry (metal and crystal) often golden jewelry and as we learned in an earlier section those materials are/can be electrically conductive.

Here’s a link explaining cats being linked to divine energy 

The Egyptians claimed that cats lived in two worlds, one spiritual and one physical. As we read from the alchemy section in the beginning spiritual usually means the electrical energy inside of you. So there is another connection tying this all together.

To further flesh out this concept of worshiping animals for their electrical properties lets bring up one other animal the Egyptians worshiped. The electric cat fish.

They were very aware of its electrical properties but never described them outside of the name of the fish being “angry catfish” or “pain catfish”.
 These catfish were reserved as royal symbols. Another connection with electrical animals being held sacred or divine. They even understood the electrical effects enough to use it medically to alleviate arthritis. Now how is it they understood it to that degree but had no words to describe static electricity? because as you can see they were familiar with electrical shocks.


  1. Research into the role of electricity in ecology has been long-standing, but is characterised by punctuated, largely isolated, islands of research.
  2. This review provides the first collation and synthesis of these studies, and in so doing demonstrates the importance of considering electric phenomena when investigating ecological interactions. Together, the studies published to date make clear the prevalence of electrical interactions within ecological systems, but there are large gaps in our current knowledge.
  3. As an acknowledgment and understanding of the ubiquity of electric fields within the natural environment begins to grow within the scientific community, it is anticipated that many more aspects of electric ecology are soon to be uncovered.
  4. The recently discovered sense of aerial electroreception provides an exciting and promising new field of research, with a plethora of species and ecologies awaiting investigation.
  5. The electric field should be viewed and appreciated as a major driver of evolutionary adaptation within biological systems, not only at the atomic, molecular, or cellular levels, but also at the organism and ecological scales too."

Now if all of these animals can do this from insects to whales then surely humans must have at least somewhat of an ability to sense it right? I think the studies I linked proved that may be the case after all.

We will leave off this section with a relative quote from Tesla. It is about how even moving around some electrical fields can cause them to react.


More will be covered in the Pineal Gland section.




This section is going to seem a little silly at first glance but please bare with me handsome reader. I too thought this was foolishness but as I read more into history there seemed to be such a weird fixation with hair from authority figures that I could no longer ignore it, it just kept popping up in strange places. Through my research I found there is some interesting information many people overlook about hair and its history with ancient people and their beliefs. This information relates to the subjects we are going over and is important to this work so I included it.

This section is going to further investigate into the possibility of humans have a latent sixth sense. This is not an unknown subject to science however, as we just went over in the last section the ability to detect electric fields in nature is called “electroreception”.


Remember this graph from the above section? Humans are on it which means even though our ability may be somewhat weak comparitivly, we still have the ability. Perhapes like all abilities it can be improved or it may vary from person to person.

Details are in the caption following the image
Minimum behavioural thresholds of electric field detection for various taxa representative of the main groupings of electroreceptive or electrosensitive animals, alongside typical electric field strengths of important environmental stimuli at relevant distances from source. Animals from left to right: marine passive electroreceptors (Kajiura & Holland, 2002; Kajiura, 2003), active aquatic electroreceptors (Nelson, 2005), limnic passive electroreceptors (Peters et al., 2007), dolphins (Czech-Damal et al., 2012), platypuses (Pettigrew, 1999), amphibians (Himstedt et al., 1982), crayfish (Patullo & Macmillan, 2010), echidnas (Gregory et al., 1989), bees (Sutton et al., 2016), spiders (Morley & Robert, 2018), cockroaches (Newland et al., 2008), and humans (Blondin et al., 1996; Petri et al., 2017). Electric field sources from left to right: electric fields induced by water movement through, and/or changes in, the Earth's geomagnetic field (Kalmijn, 1974), aquatic animal transmembrane electric fields at ≈ 10 cm (Kalmijn, 1974), electric fields induced by fish moving at 1 m/s through Earth's geomagnetic field (Kalmijn, 1974), magnetically induced electric fields from subsea power cables (Gill et al., 2012), aquatic animal transmembrane electric fields at ≈ 10 cm (Kalmijn, 1974), household electronics (Repacholi & Greenebaum, 1999), fair-weather atmospheric potential gradient (Wilson, 1903), storm atmospheric potential gradient (Bennett & Harrison, 2007), floral electric field within centimetres of plant surface (Bowker & Crenshaw, 2007b), and overhead powerlines at ground level (Repacholi & Greenebaum, 1999). *active aquatic electroreception thresholds are not directly comparable to their passive counterparts because they are not sensitive to the DC and low-frequency electric fields produced by most environmental stimuli. **behavioural thresholds for bees are not yet known, therefore the mechanical threshold of bumblebee electroreception is given instead. Equation present in some icons is the Maxwell–Faraday equation, representing Faraday's law of induction, where urn:x-wiley:14647931:media:brv12804:brv12804-math-0001 is the electric field and urn:x-wiley:14647931:media:brv12804:brv12804-math-0002 is the magnetic field."



You can read all about it here:

If you came here from another section or skipped around a demonstration on how it works can be found here in the explanation of how bees find flowers with magnetoreception (a similar sense).
From the article:

From the article:

While most people would cite colour or smell as possible factors, Sutton asserts that the monogamous relationship is in fact, electric! In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sutton explains that the fuzz covering the bodies of bees is about more than just aesthetics. Using their tiny hair follicles, bees are able to sense the natural electric fields of flowers, and hone in on their favourite plants. This essentially allows them to choose what species they want to pollinate.

The bumblebees can feel that hair bend and use that feeling to tell the difference between flowers,” says Sutton.

Here is a little more information on that subject from this article again:

"Arguably the organisms most renowned for possessing electroreceptive abilities, fish have been the subject of the vast majority of electroreception research. After earlier suggestions based on electrophysiological evidence (Murray, 1960, 1962) passive aquatic electroreception was first confirmed behaviourally in the sharks and rays, in the context of prey detection (Kalmijn, 1966, 1971). Since then, it has been discovered to be a relatively widespread sensory modality in fishes, with an estimated 16% of fish species capable of passive aquatic electroreception (Crampton, 2019), and in many more ecological contexts. Whilst receptors capable of passive aquatic electroreception may have different evolutionary histories in different clades of fishes, a large degree of convergent evolution is evident, and thus some general overarching principles and adaptive constraints can be identified. Morphologically, these receptors exhibit similar designs, often referred to collectively as ampullary electroreceptors (see Fig. 2). Ampullary receptors, named for their ampulla-like shape, were first noted in the description of the ‘ampullae of Lorenzini’; a term often reserved for the specific ampullary receptors found in elasmobranchs and other non-teleost fish, which were the first to be anatomically described (Lorenzini, 1678).


Details are in the caption following the image
Schematic depictions of the basic anatomy/morphology of the main types of electroreceptive organs (not to scale). (A) Ampullary organ typical of passive aquatic electroreception in fishes and amphibians. (B) End-bud receptors, used for passive aquatic electroreception in lampreys. (C) Mucous-gland electroreceptor with naked nerve endings, used for passive aquatic electroreception in monotremes. (D) Tuberous organ typical of active aquatic electroreception in fishes. (E) Yet to be identified electroreceptor utilised by aquatic invertebrates such as crayfish. (F) Mechanosensory hair with a quasi-fixed surface charge, used for electroreception by bumblebees and hoverflies. (G) Mechanosensory hair with an induced charge separation (polarisation), used for electroreception by spiders. Grey regions indicate miscellaneous tissues, black lines exiting at the bottom of each diagram represent afferent nerve fibres."


 Right there is proof that hair and the organ known as a follicle are used in electroreception by other animals. That alone is enough proof to assume that all hair on animals may serve a similar purpose (among its other roles).


Here is a relative quote about how we are connected to these electrical rhythms in nature.

Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system — the brain and the earth itself — work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.

-Nikola Tesla

 One of the best pieces of evidence I have come across and that we covered in the previous section about animals and EMF is that most animals use follicles or pour in their skin to use this ability. Such as the electric eel and sharks. They may not have hair but the organs and the pours function the same way they just use water as a medium instead of air.


Have you ever wondered…what did ancient people think was happening when their hair got static electrical buildup and started floating towards things and clinging to things? When static sparks started zapping and glowing in the darkness? What did they call this phenomena? it’s impossible to ignore and if they wore fur cloths or cloths at all it was bound to happen. Why is it never mentioned if ancient people were as superstitious as we are told they were? You’re telling me they never wore a hat?
I have looked for references to this phenomena in ancient times and come up empty handed outside of a single reference by you guessed it an alchemist. 

You can read about it here:

The ancients noticed magnetism and the Egyptians even wrote about it but static electricity seems to be completely un-mentioned. My personal theory is that they called it by a different name and we simply mistook it for superstitious nonsense in our translations and interpretations. Things like “spirit” or “chi” could in fact have been names associated with this type of phenomena.

In ancient Egypt’s case I find it very hard to believe that the culture that invented fractional mathematics and chemistry failed to notice static electricity.

Worth mentioning is the amount of static electricity a horse generates naturally. It is impossible for the Egyptians or any horse riding ancient peoples to have missed. It is such a problem that even today the horse back riding community and horse owners have to go through various steps to de-static their horses so that when they touch them they don’t get shocked and spook the horse.

Read all about it here:

from the article (but there is much more of an explanation there so read it)

With the dry, winter weather comes dreaded static electricity. How many times have you intended to give your horse an affectionate pat and … Zap! You shock him. Your horse reels back and glares at you with that how could you be so mean? look on his face.

The presence of static electricity makes us afraid to touch our horses. We can almost see the electricity on them. Their fuzzy winter coats stand up on end, their manes stick to their necks and their tails stick out like bristle brushes. When the horse swishes his tail, the hair clings to his back legs and you can hear the crackle-snap of the electricity.

The only thing worse than shocking your horse when you touch him is shocking him when you take his blanket off. In the dark, you can actually see the sparks flying. To make matters worse, this damages both the trust your horse has for you and his willingness to accept being blanketed.”


More about it can be read here: 

From the above link:

This photo shows the results of static buildup in the tail of a horse on full pasture turnout. Sometimes static electricity can build up in the manes, tails or forelocks of horses during especially dry weather, during weather changes, or when a storm is rolling in. Static electricity in their hair, coat, and tails is nothing to be alarmed about, but if you desire a neater mane you can use a dry sheet (such as bounce, downy, or a store brand) and brush it over the hair that is staticy. Usually this treatment will remove the static electricity from the mane or tail temporarily and allow the hair to tame and lay flat.

An excellent way to prevent static buildup in horse tails is by braiding and bagging the tail. This also helps a tail grow long and stay clean. See our article section for more information on making and attaching your own tail bags.


It would have been almost impossible for any ancient people with horses to have completely missed this phenomena or static electricity in general. If their fur got dry or if they were in a dry climate than static build up occurs.

To further elaborate on this subject and help you round your overall understanding, here is a comprehensive breakdown of various substances that have static electrical buildup.

For those of you unaware wool (animal hair) generates a lot of static electricity. Here is a some information on it from this link.

The skin of mammals contains millions of deep pits, a bit like tiny missile silos, called follicles. Wool starts out being an assembly of wet, living cells down at the bottom. As they get pushed up by newer cells underneath, the cells grow longer. A third of the way up they are becoming filled with tough proteins and mummifying. Before reaching the skin surface they are dead, but they still contain a certain amount of water bound to their internal proteins. Exactly how much will vary depending on the current humidity of the air around them — in “normal conditions” with a temperature of 20°C (68°F) and a relative humidity of 60%, one sixth of the weight of a wool fiber is water. It’s all bound inside the fiber so you can’t really feel it, the surface is dry. But water is an excellent conductor and it’s that internal water that lets static electricity leak away through wool textiles.

Other fibers, especially synthetics, contain far less moisture, even when the air is moist. So they tend to be better electrical insulators and any static electricity that builds up in the textile will tend to stay there.

Hair (or the follicles, which are organs) and the skin that contains them also reacts to emotional electro/chemical energy (fear, excitement, adrenaline etc) and static electricity.

Here is a good explanation of it.

It also warns you about impending lightning strikes. Interesting that in nature we have a bodily system that warns us about impending lightning strikes coming down or up through us. That may be unintentional on our bodies part but it’s still interesting. 

I believe that hair may play a role in linking up the corresponding part of our brain that can sense electrical activity in our environment. Just as cats have whiskers to help navigate tight spaces at night (and many other functions). I suspect in the near future we may uncover that cats also have electroreception.


 Our hair may be a type of electrical “feeler” that alerts us to changing conditions in the electrical environment. This seems very apparent when hair stands on end just before lightning strikes and in that case indeed functions in that way. I also believe this “6th sense” has been systematically damaged and poisoned by the ruling class or the “Elite” as some conspiracy theorists have deemed them, those in positions of power throughout history. Given all the various ways a person can be poisoned or their growth and development impeded I see no reason why this bodily function could not also suffer from those ill effects.

We could go into the various ways the ruling class have kept the lower class subjugated throughout history but I feel that is a subject we are all very aware of.

The Hair/follicle system is a very sensitive part of our body and essentially acts as a sort of extended nervous system, even triggering different electro/chemical reactions in our body’s given the right stimuli. It transfers information electrically via touch and electrical awareness and in all reality hair functions as a 6th sense to alert us of an electrical presence. When something is statically charged our hair will gravitate towards it and you can feel this on your skin.

In fact fiber (hair) in general is the best means we have to transmit information.

Below is a proper explanation on how static electricity works for those of you unaware or looking to round your knowledge on the subject. 

Below is a archived version of the above link (had a few go dead on me)

Some bacteria can even energize their "hair". 

Read about it here.

So its pretty obvious certain hair can conduct electricity or that hair in general may have a secondary electrical purpose or is capable of one.

In fact bacteria have a type of hair called Flagella.

Read about it here.

Flagella are microscopic hair-like structures involved in the locomotion of a cell. The word “flagellum” means “whip”.

The flagella have a whip-like appearance that helps to propel a cell through the liquid. Some special flagella are used in few organisms as sensory organs that can sense changes in pH and temperature.

So at a very basic microscopic level “hairs/follicles” are used as a sensory organ.

In fact even insects have a type of hair in the form of their various antenna and some even have regular hair like the common honey bee. Ants can actually communicate to each other with their antenna.

Link below.

Lets also not forget cats and the amount of information their whiskers provide them.

Link below.

Consider: Cats’ whiskers are attached to tissues that have multiple nerve endings. These nerves are sensitive to even the slightest movement of air. As a result, cats can detect nearby objects without seeing them​ — obviously an advantage in the dark.

Since whiskers are sensitive to pressure, cats use them to determine the position and movement of an object or of prey. Whiskers also help cats to measure the width of an opening before they attempt to go through it. The Encyclopædia Britannica acknowledges that “the functions of the whiskers (vibrissae) are only partially understood; however, it is known that, if they are cut off, the cat is temporarily incapacitated.

Scientists are designing robots equipped with sensors that mimic cat whiskers to help the robots navigate around obstacles. These sensors, called e-whiskers, “should have a wide range of applications for advanced robotics, human-machine user interfaces, and biological applications,” says Ali Javey, a faculty scientist at the University of California, Berkeley.

Indeed in cats some hair is used to transmit information.

Now I do not mean to assert that hair has some magical quality we all some how overlooked. However consider the following logic, materialistically speaking having longer hair creates a bigger nervous system network for your body and brain because there is more material that composes this system (its bigger). Say we have two children, one grows up bald and one with long hair. The child with long hair might have a more developed brain or electro/chemical network because his electrical network was bigger, bigger network means more information and more stimuli meaning the brain or nervous system had more information to build itself around. A bigger network and thus more information to work with…even if it was a tiny amount more than the bald child it is still more and the bald child would not have this “6th sense” of electrical awareness. So in a way cutting off hair is cutting off an extended part of our nervous system.

That means less information being transmitted to the follicles (an organ) at the base of the hair. Remember one of the nervous systems primary functions is sensory and hair are its feelers outside of the body.
The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events.


Also having more hair means that more static electricity can accumulate on you and would mean people with longer hair have more static electrical energy about them then say somebody who has no hair at all thus altering their body voltage.


Lets go over how hair was seen in ancient times.

Native Americans held hair sacred. In fact many cultures still do and forbid cutting it.


They even claim the exact thing I do, that it is a type of sensory organ that is directly tied to intuition.

Hair is your antenna for intuition” that is the exact claim I am making to a degree. It assists in a type of awareness that goes beyond our familiar usual 5 senses.


There have been historical accounts of native American trackers from separate tribes in WWI, WWII and then again in the Vietnam war who were scouted and field tested by the US army. They outperformed the armies best trackers at the time to near supernatural levels and were thus recruited. However the natives claimed that when they received their military haircuts they “lost the ability to sense the enemy” and there instincts were not as sharp, it is quite an interesting read.

Be warned that this article describing the events was written by someone who had a biased opinion from the get go. Notice the title of their blog, so ignore the opinions and just stick with the facts. 

If you read it the skeptics main argument (not that they source any of them) in this is that hair is not an electrical conductor. This is a half truth, hair is not an electrical conductor as electricity does not pass through it, however hair still allows electricity to flow along it. You can see this by holding a statically charged balloon over your head and watching the hair rise to meet it or by taking off a wool hat or t-shirt, it is quite obvious electricity passes through or along it. They also ignore the WII code talkers reports and only cover the Vietnam reports of these claims by the natives, all three groups made these claims and they were from different tribes.

Here is a bit more about it.

The report claims that government testing institutes compared the behaviors and tracking performances of Native American trackers with and without long hair, and they found that the long-haired subjects outperformed those whose hair had been cut in the military fashion. The suggested theory was that the long hair might have behaved as an extension of the nervous system, as, not unlike the way cat whiskers transmit information to the cat on the prowl as it approaches prey, the long hair acted like a sixth sense.

Some skeptics challenge the claims, noting that no evidence has been found (yet) to show that hair is anything more than dead cells (keratin proteins) and as such transmits nothing. However, strands stem out from our skin, and the follicle at the base is actually an organ that produces hair. Hair is connected to tactile receptors in the skin that tell us that it’s cold or hot out, let us feel the slightest breeze, or the annoying bug that is about to bite us, serving as a protective warning device.

You can read the entire article here. 
Also worth mentioning is the difference in voltage potential of your body with and without modern shoes on. Demonstrated below it shows that without shoes on it is 10 times greater than with them on. Natives were also famous for going bare footed everywhere and often wearing leather shoes. If you remember the static chart from earlier make not that leather allows electrical flows to pass through it.


Our that the body does indeed have an electrical field around it. Documented here in this video about Kirlian Photography. 

This was later confirmed with the body producing EMF around its wounds to align the cells for healing. Gone over in detail here in this article about using electricity to heal wounds 3 times faster.

"It means that the cells of our skin are sensitive to electric current. So when placed in an electric field, the cells are likely to start moving toward the direction of the area. Using this hypothesis as the base of their study, the researchers conducted an interesting experiment.

They created a biochip containing cultured skin cells with properties similar to human skin cells. Next, they chose two cells and made wounds on them. One cell was allowed to repair under an electric field (200mV/mm), while the other healed without any electric stimulation.

The researchers noticed that electricity enabled the former to heal three times faster than the latter. “We were able to show that the old hypothesis about electric stimulation can be used to make wounds heal significantly faster,” said Asplund.

According to the study authors, an electric field act as a guide to skin cells. In the absence of current, the cells move randomly, and therefore, the process of healing is slow. However, when cells are electrically stimulated, they all align in one direction and migrate fast toward the damaged site, eventually making a wound heal more quickly.

Moreover, no side effects were noticed on the cultured wounded cells due to the electric stimulation."

This is the actual study:

It could very well be that some people are more sensitive to electrical pressure in the environment than others or are more familiar with it. Just as some people have a better sense of smell or hearing. It is not unreasonable to think that some people may have a more acute sense such as this.

Certainly electrostatic sensors exist so it is not that far fetched a theory that a type of mechanism could exist inside of us with a similar function.

You can read about them here.

The following link elaborates on how electricity effects the body and that small electrical changes on the body can have huge effects internally.

Seems more plausible what the native Americans are claiming is true and that hair is our feeler for the electrical and energy fields we are always within and that we have mistaken this sixth sense for “intuition”.


Another odd connection to piezoelectricity and body voltage is native jewelry.

Jewelry in the Americas has an ancient history. The earliest known examples of jewelry North American are four bone earrings founded at the Mead Site, near Fairbanks, Alaska that date back 12,000 years

In fact many tribes across the world used dried bones as jewelry. 
Why is it every culture around the ancient world adorns themselves with metal and gemstones? Who started this ancient practice and why is it so wide spread? Either it is just natural for us to be attracted to natural electrical conductors like metal and gemstones (why is it natural? electrical attraction? because they are visually interesting?) or this practice came from the same “mother” culture that these later cultures came from. We could speculate all day but objectively it is strange.

This is where it gets weird…er. After this supposed old alchemical culture fell, the rulers of the new culture set about taking hair from people. In the Egyptians own words taking another mans hair was a sign of power over him.
The exact same belief was practiced in the Aztec Empire 

Mayan men grew their hair long but burnt the hair off their foreheads to accentuate their elongated profiles. They would bind their hair into one or many ponytails or tie it in a bundle on top of their head. Mayan slaves had their hair cut short as one visible mark of their inferior status”

“Aztecs cut their hair in different styles according to their rank in society



It reflected social status in Egypt and the Aztec empire. In Egypt they would make other peoples hair into a wig as a sign of power over them. Some upper class would not shave off their hair to better fit these wigs and wore wigs over their natural hair. This could all be for symbolic or aesthetic purposes but given the information we just covered it has now become very suspect.

Lets cover some other historical oddities including hair.

Hitler and his mad obsession with the occult lead him to join a cult called the “Vril Society”, This was the origin of his “Master Race” theory that centered around The Aryan race. It involved contacting Aliens using women with very very long hair. The nazis were well known for propaganda so I would take these claims with a big ol grain of salt…if that wasn’t obvious. The inclusion of hair however is very interesting as it was meant to capitalize on peoples superstitious beliefs surrounding hair…although as we have seen perhaps they were not so superstitious after all.

If it interests you, read about the cult in the following links: 


This Vril society apparently was an offshoot of the Thule Society. A similar organization.

Now native Americans are not the only people who have made these claims about hair. Many peoples and cultures throughout history have made similar claims about hair in fact.
As you just saw in Africa they also tie hair to the “spirit” or the spirit world. Which we know from alchemy that “spirit” was merely a descriptive word for energy within the body. 

Even royalty has made these claims. Such as the Merovingian Franks of Europe. A bloodline of kings that claimed their divinity came from their hair.

Here’s strange thing the church banned that had to do with static electricity…mixing wool and linen (a conductive mixture as far as static electricity is concerned). Here is some interesting insight on the ban.

Neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee — Although this precept, like the other two with which it is associated, was in all probability designed to root out some superstition, it seems to have had a farther meaning. The law, it is to be observed, did not prohibit the Israelite’s wearing many different kinds of cloths together, but only the two specified; and the observations and researches of modern science have proved that ‘wool, when combined with linen, increases its power of passing off the electricity from the body. In hot climates, it brings on malignant fevers and exhausts the strength; and when passing off from the body, it meets with the heated air, inflames and excoriates like a blister’ [Whitlaw]. (See Ezekiel 44:17–18.)

Here’s what the actual passage says.

And it shall come to pass, that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come on them, whiles they minister in the gates of the inner court, and within. [18] They shall have linen bonnets on their heads, and shall have linen breeches on their loins; they shall not gird themselves with any thing that causes sweat.

Here are a few more passages regarding it.

Leviticus 19:19 says, “Keep my decrees. Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.

And Deuteronomy 22:9–11 commands, “Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard; if you do, not only the crops you plant but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled. Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together. Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together.


Pretty weird inclusions right? From a certain perspective this seems to be a way to keep people ignorant of static electricity.

Mythological, magical and spiritual figures such as Prophets, wizards, witches, oracles, shaman, most religious icons and holy men even many gods. Always have long hair and/or a long beard, worthy of note and consideration I think.

This is just conjecture on my part but black hair may be more receptive to this energy which is not that far fetched when you consider black is more receptive to solar energy, the darker in fact the more it absorbs (as seen in solar panel technology) but this is just a personal theory as far as hair is concerned.

As you read authority figures since Egyptian times required people to cut their hair and for objectively strange, made up reasons, the people who run society are propagating hairlessness and have been for millennia. Women in modern times are told to shave off all of their body hair and bathe it in several chemical concoctions daily (shampoo, conditioner, soaps, etc). Men are told to wash their hair with the same chemicals daily (shampoo). Men are encouraged to only have short hair and shave, the modern church especially propagated being “clean cut” as they put it but why?

Every person they held sacred during the time of Christ had long hair and a beard, Christ chief among them. Yet people with long hair were to be seen as degenerates and undesirables under the church. The government also propagates this strange fixation of buzz cuts and shaved faces for its soldiers and politicians too. Some of it has rational reasoning behind it like to stop the prevention of lice but given all the other evidence it falls under scrutiny.

This caring about hair length all goes away when cellphone towers become prevalent enough to blanket the planet in background radiation and energy, possibly causing us to not feel the natural electrical pressure and making us go “nose blind” to the awareness. We are kept surrounded by electricity almost always, which gives off EMF of various sizes and strengths. Not a natural thing in ancient times meaning they could perhaps feel the earths EMF because a disturbance in it would be more noticeable to them.

Think of it like this, sometimes when you live long enough with a smell you go what they call “nose blind” to it. Meaning that you are so used to it that you no longer notice it because the smell is not in contrast with your environment. In this same way unnatural EMF (electrical wiring, radio waves, wifi, cellphones etc) could be dulling our natural EMF sensing abilities.

Also worth considering is that shampoo and soap change the physical properties of hair after it has been washed. They strip away the bodies natural layer of oil (from skin and sweat) that accumulates on our bodies. You can notice this if you ever felt drier after taking a shower or bath. The oil on your skin acts as the bodies natural sealant for moisture (or insulator) and stripping it away allows some of that moisture to escape, conditioner is actually meant as a substitute for these oils and keeps your hair “sleek”.

Some of these shampoos, soaps and conditioners (a suspect word given this perspective) can even change hair in other ways, Such as “de-frizzing” or “de-tangling” which by definition and intention change your hairs physical properties. Now I do not mean to imply that bathing and using soap is evil and want to take this moment to assure you I bath regularly. Bathing, soap and shampooing have inarguable benefits and remove filth and buildup from our bodies. All animals practice good hygiene in nature in their own various ways.

So if hair can act as some sort of electrical sensory antenna (theoretically) that allows us to sense when we are being watched or an “enemies presence” as the native Americans put it, then why haven’t we become more aware of this “sixth sense”? Well consider this, historically in almost every religion “God” or the Gods can see all your actions and always are watching. So if you believe in that, whether its true or not in your mind you believe somebody or something is watching you. Always.

Its easy to see how always thinking somebody is watching could throw off some of your senses. After all the minds thoughts can trigger things in the body. Such as when anxiety attacks cause rapid heart rates. The mind truly feels it is in danger and the body follows suit and adjusts itself. Also its a proven fact that people behave differently when they know they are being watched…or believe they are being watched.

Here is an article about one of the studies confirming this.

What about non religious people though? It is true religion and its beliefs in an all watching higher power are starting to become less popular, rejected even. Would not these new modern people, having rejected these beliefs now recognize this sixth sense? Enter the Government, big brother as some term them. People today know and are constantly reminded that they are being watched, our phones, the NSA, satellites, security cameras, listening devices such as Siri or Alexa, algorithms…
What about non religious people though? It is true religion and its beliefs in an all watching higher power are starting to become less popular, rejected even. Would not these new modern people, having rejected these beliefs now recognize this sixth sense? Enter the Government, big brother. People today know and are constantly reminded that they are being watched, our phones, the NSA, satellites, security cameras, listening devices such as Siri or Alexa, algorithms...
They have replaced the sense of being watched that used to be occupied by religion, with technology. This mixed with the various electrical waves and frequencies passing through the air all around us in the modern world most likely retards this “sixth sense”. Add onto it the fashion trends and requirements of short and shaved hair then shampoos and conditioners and you can see how this could easily be suppressed.


The Pineal Gland/Third Eye

Now that we have covered all the various electrical sections of this paper we can discuss the technicalities of how we as humans can actually sense and interact with these environmental electrical energies.

I think the part that links us up with the earths EMF/telluric currents is the Pineal gland within our brain. The mystical Third Eye of the ancient world. I don’t think the eye symbolism is intended just as a visualization of intellectual or spiritual enlightenment, it is somebody who has reactivated their pineal gland and linked back up to the earths EMF/telluric energy the same way some animals are linked to it. Could it be, people in ancient times had fully functional un-poisoned pineal glands and they could use them to do stuff like dows for water or minerals or electrical fluxes and conjunction point in the earths EMF?

Let’s investigate.


First for those of you unfamiliar with the pineal gland here is some info on it:


Next we will look at the ancient Egyptian “eye of Horus”.

Let’s compare the two.

The similarities are astonishing in my opinion.

Here is an entire article discussing these similarities and their implications for those looking to delve deeper into this topic.!/



Now lets see if this area of the brain has any electrical purposes within the brain. As it turns out the scientific community has noticed that the pineal gland is indeed effected by EMF. Here are several papers going over it.


I even found an article and research paper relating piezoelectricity to the pineal gland. Strange that these two relatively obscure topics would cross paths.
From the above research paper:


The pineal gland is a neuroendocrine transducer secreting melatonin, responsible for the physiological circadian rhythm control. A new form of biomineralization has been studied in the human pineal gland. It consists of small crystals that are less than 20 μm in length. These crystals could be responsible for an electromechanical biological transduction mechanism in the pineal gland due to their structure and piezoelectric properties. Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), we identified crystals morphology and showed that they only contain calcium, carbon and oxygen elements. Furthermore, the selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) and near-infrared Raman spectroscopy established that the crystals are calcite. We will now focus on the physiological effect of microcrystals in pinealocyte cell culture under Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic-Fields (RF-EMF).


Because of the fast development of mobile telecommunication, the interaction of Electromagnetic Fields(EMF) with biological environment becomes a public health concern. Although the action of non-ionizing radiation on biology is still unclear, several hypotheses of interaction have been suggested: hot spot phenomena, ADN/RF-EMF
interaction, EMF effect on cellular development (oncology) [1–3]. But no convincing study brings to the conclusion of an effective risk of RF-EMF for health.

The pineal gland converts a neural signal into an endocrine output. The most important hormone it secretes is melatonin the main role of which is to control the physiological circadian rhythm [4]. Two biomineralization forms can be observed in the pineal gland. Concretions so called “brain sand”, a polycrystalline complex of few millimeters long, and microcrystals the length of which does not exceed 20 micrometers. While concretions have been extensively studied [5–9] no study has been published on the microcrystals.

In this article the microcrystals were analyzed with different biophysical techniques. Their physicochemical properties and particularly piezoelectricity would give them an active role in a potential mechanism of electromechano-transduction in the pineal body. We are currently planning a study on the effects of Global System for Mobile (GSM) waves on these microcrystals in cellular culture and their influence on the pineal body physiology.”

This “third eye” literally appears all throughout history in various cultures. One of its more famous interpretations is the Eye of Horus, the similarities of this symbol with the human brain are absolutely remarkable. Here is a paper that fully fleshes out those similarities.


Here are some examples of the “third eye” being used in other cultures.

And guess who has the largest one? Humans.

from the link:

The pineal body / gland is absent in crocodiles and in mammals of the order Edentata (anteaters, sloths, armadillos) and consists of only a few cells in whales and elephants. In humans the structure develops until the seventh year, when it is slightly larger than a pea (8 mm in humans); thereafter, throughout life, small mineral particles, particularly calcium, may be deposited in the pineal body. The mineral deposits can sometimes be seen in brain X-rays.

Named after a French psychologist, Philippe Pinel, who first described the gland in the human brain, it is only slowly beginning to be understood in its functions.
The pineal gland is a small organ shaped like a pine cone (hence its name). It is located on the midline, attached to the posterior end of the roof of the third ventricle in the brain. The pineal varies in size among species; in humans it is roughly 1 cm in length, whereas in dogs it is only about 1 mm long.”


Now consider what monks do and were they spend their time. For those unfamiliar the following article should shed some light on the situation.

Remember how dried bones display piezoelectric properties? Monks have been practicing what they call “Aums” for hundreds if not thousands of years. A vibratory sound that could activate the healing effect in bones using piezoelectricity, as laid out in an earlier section about doctors using the effect to heal bones.

Here is a demonstration:

They are pretty straight forward you just say “Aum”, however the vibration from humming the M sound could theoretically activate the piezoelectric effect in our bones via mechanical energy. Which we saw earlier in the piezoelectric section. We also saw piezoelectricity is indeed used in medicine to repair bones as I just stated. They seem very interconnected.

Monks also seek out mountain peaks to meditate on. If you read through the earlier sections you will remember that at higher elevations the amount of atmospheric electricity is greater and higher elevations means less humidity which means electrical energy can flow more freely in the environment. Also huge transfers of electrical energy happen on mountains and they are the closest to the earths ionosphere and other various spheres in the sky.

In fact mountains get so much electrical activity some are sculpted by lightning strikes over thousands of years, which you can read about here.

Here is a bit more on lightening:

This is were the monks say they can “feel the earth” and achieve enlightenment. Personally I think these abilities have been systematically and generationally dampened, making it harder to sense the earths EMF/geomagnetic energy. When these monks spend enough time on these huge energy transfer zones (mountains) they eventually reactivate that part of the brain and that’s when they achieve “awakening” or “enlightenment”

(We will go over how they dampened this ability in the Generation Poisoning section)

“Chi” is them harnessing this energy within their bodies to do weird things like healing or raising their body temperatures at will. Read about it in the following link I have provided. For those of you unaware Harvard recently confirmed that the monks could indeed raise their body temperatures at will.

Just like static electrical energy they may be able to transfer “chi” by touch.

The pineal gland is linked with enlightenment and sacred figures throughout the ancient world actually.

Read more about it here:


 This is conjecture on my part but I think women are more sensitive to this type of awareness and that is one of the reasons the church and authority drove them into total submission all through human history. They also usually have the longest hair. And they are the most attuned to emotions. The pineal gland produces Melatonin which is the one of the chemicals that helps regulate emotions so a connection could be there.

Links describing the function:

Melatonin for instance is hugely important to many of the bodies systems and it also plays a role in emotional stability.

So there is a link with the pineal gland and emotions.


In older religions women are held as sacred and celebrated, why the sudden turn on them in the post Egyptian society?

Who else was to be treated horribly? Anyone with black hair, black people, Asians (hugely subjugated, controlled and poisoned through their history of being oppressed) and all southern hemisphere people with dark hair also native Americans. Why? My own personal theory is that black hair may react better to this kind of energy. Just like how darker solar panels absorb more of the suns energy maybe it is a similar effect. Or how black cloths will heat up in the sun faster meaning they absorb more energy. This is just speculation though and there may be no connection in reality, worth considering though.

If you wish to familiarize yourself with darker colors absorbing more energy I have provided the following link:


All these people with black hair I just listed are renowned as being “spiritual”, superstitious or “connected to the planet” in their various cultures so it should be noted. Lets move on.

How is it all these animals can feel and sense this but we cannot? Good question, the answer is we live in an unnaturally charged electrical environment. This actually is a cause for concern to scientists and you can read all about it in the following links below.

 Electrical wires in houses emit EMF and they usually always surround us.



You can even buy an EMF detector and see for yourself. I would like to note that these instruments have been popularized exclusively for ghost hunting shows, which damages their credibility as serious devices so expect a lot of that when looking for one.

Also we have TV signals, Radio waves, Wifi, Cellphone networks which bathe our entire planet in various unnatural energy waves, almost. Next Elon Musk and his satellite internet network, StarLink will literally shower the entire planet with its signal. I think they use smartphones also as a part of this grid and now we work for them doing it. It is genius really. Like our own personal EMF dampener and it always travels with us, staying very close and often on our person.

Also worth noting is that animals specifically sensitive to EMF are dying by the droves mysteriously.

You can read about these mysterious animal deaths here:,29569,2040762,00.html


Now there are other reasons these animals are dying but I will not rule out that they could be lost in that crowd and overlooked. For instance bees are very much effected by EMF pollution as the following link describes.

 “Bees use magnetoreception to perform their daily tasks, like finding food, sensing routes, and traveling back to the hive. And they have been honed to rely on this ability for navigation over aeons of evolution.

Magnetoreception is the ability to use the earth’s magnetic field to perceive direction, altitude, or location.

Unsurprisingly, scientists have found that human-made EMF interferes with a bee’s ability to use magnetoreception. I say this is unsurprising because the magnetic field surrounding the earth is significantly weaker than what our gadgets, appliances, and network sources produce. And these human-made EMFs can simply overpower and confuse the bees’ sense of the earth’s magnetic field.

The inability to use magnetoreception affects their homing ability and their waggle dance. This means that the group which flies away cannot sense the return route and gets lost. Besides that, a research study at the University of Southampton also found that EMF exposure reduces bees’ cognitive and motor abilities. Because of this, the worker bees fail to perform tasks like pollination.”


Thankfully it appears the scientific community is catching on to this connection.



This is conjecture on my part again, I think they use smartphones also as a part of this grid and now we work for them doing it. It is genius really. Like our own personal EMF dampener and it always travels with us, staying very close and often on our person.

Now let us take a look at our past, this is just personal speculation again but at this point we have to re-examine “souls” and the “spirit world”. I believe what they were talking about is this feeling or sense and the various interactions they felt from it in the environment. We learned that the alchemists indeed considered spirit to be an energy form and the “spirit world” could easily be the electrical fields that connect all of us.

We know that EMF and geomagnetic currents have natural points were they concentrate just like the south and north poles (just as the earths inner core does). It could be animals have a natural attraction to these places, a great example of this are elephant graveyards. Graveyards if you did not know are a natural occurrences.

You can read about them here:

Lets also consider which animal the Egyptians worshiped above all else to the point of bury kings with them and said they dwelt half in our world and half in the “spirit world”? Cats. It’s possible the hair on cats acts as a natural EMF detectors for these electrical fields and perhaps makes them sensitive to them in the form of electroreception, almost always being charged with static from their hair may heighten their awareness of it as well.

Nikola Tesla himself said that what introduced him to electricity when he was 3 was his pet cat who at night would have a halo of static electricity around him during thunder storms.

Read his tale for yourself:

Tesla’s own words, that’s hard to ignore from the closest humanity has ever come to having a real life wizard.

And what of the halo from religion? It also appears all through world wide ancient mythology. The only two things that could be described as a halo are mythological and electrical…outside of physical structures being halo shaped.

Could these people with lights around their heads actually be people with this type of awareness? All speculation but there does seem to be connections there.



Now also consider that bones are piezoelectric, what is a sound that’s unique to cats? Purring (it’s not unique to cats by the way). Purring vibrates their whole bodies. This could release the piezoelectric effect in their bones the same way it does ours and act as a natural healing mechanism. I would even wager that a purring cat has more of a static charge than one that is not purring.

Now enter in the church’s mad hunt for Witches and Black cats. Witches association with cauldrons and magic potions in an obvious tell that these women were practicing alchemists and lumping them in with cats is even more suspicious. Also consider the widespread superstition that black cats are bad luck, which resulted in them being hunted down and killed en masse.

Why black cats? my only speculation is that much like Tesla claimed earlier when we read of his cat having an electrical sheen on it when he was a boy (inspiring him to pursue electricity). The electricity or static is easier to see on them.

However it is a fact that cats have been linked to the occult since the 13th century and have been regarded as “magical” and “divine”. Even earlier than that considering the Egyptians worship of them. In fact I even found an instance of them being used as guardians for temples in Thailand.

 “Did Siamese Cats Guard Temples?

Yes, Siamese cats were once used to guard temples in their native country of Thailand. These regal and beautiful felines were thought to possess mystical powers and were therefore revered by the people.

The Siamese was even considered sacred by some and was believed to be able to ward off evil spirits.

While there is no concrete evidence that these cats actually did protect temples from harm, it is clear that they were held in high esteem by those who worshiped them.”


You can read more about the churches hunt for black cats yourself here:


Who uses dowsing? Witches, they also use sacred geometry.


Dowsing rods are also called “Witching Rods” for this reason.


Remember I said purring is not unique to cats? Crocodiles also purr. As do many animals…why? Personally I think its them healing their bodies using the piezoelectric effect. They only ever purr when they are in a state of rest.

Here is one doing it:

Only a few animals got mummified by the Egyptians, crocodiles and cats chief among them. Both animals were held sacred. However, some of the other animals they found mummified were fake and filled with straw?

You can read about this strange occurrence here and speculate yourself:

at the very bottom of the above article there is a gazelle “mummy” they found filled with straw and crudely decorated and wrapped. They had not found any animal parts within it. Were they trying to muddy the waters and throw people off the trail of purring animals and piezoelectricity? Maybe.

Here is another fake one.

Now it seems to me that organized religion itself and the upper class of the world has been suppressing this knowledge and has suppressed the knowledge of static electricity throughout history. If not then they did everything that would suppress that knowledge by pure coincidence. Given organized religions past of suppressing science and discovery I would say it is no mere coincidence. It is also very clear to see that this phenomena of ESP or physics has a somewhat solid base in reality given the existence of magnetoreception and electroreception.

So right there is another electrical connection not just to witches but to almost everything I have been going over. That’s yet another giant coincidence that this would all fit together perfectly, but lets go on.


The Information Purges

In this section we will be going over the vast amounts of (documented) destruction of information in the ancient world that occurred globally. Now, there are many reasons to destroy a cultures knowledge but one has to wonder what knowledge some of these places could have even contained in an age when people lived in crude buildings and wiped their asses with their bare hands. Surely these informational purges could have had a main target they were trying to erase otherwise what was even the point?

Here is a small list of such acts for your consideration:
Even a list of destroyed libraries. 
Also worth noting is Romes outlawing of alchemical gold as described here:

Strange they would have a law for somthing that is supposed to be a myth.

Lets also not forget the Dark Ages, literally called that because the lack of records from that time. All thanks to the church taking over most of the sciences and clerical responisbilites from that time.

The concept of a “Dark Age” originated in the 1330s with the Italian scholar Petrarch, who regarded the post-Roman centuries as “dark” compared to the “light” of classical antiquity.[1][2] The term employs traditional light-versus-darkness imagery to contrast the era’s “darkness” (lack of records) with earlier and later periods of “light” (abundance of records).


Let us also acknowledge that the lower class in much of history was forbidden to read. Learn about it here:

It should be of not that alchemy was very prevalent in the dark ages and medieval times, even more so in roman times. This is indeed when the church set about rounding them up practitioners of alchemy and science to be executed as witches or heretics. It is also pretty obvious that somebody was destroying all the information from that age. If you know your history then you know it was indeed the church trying to keep science back so they could maintain control of the populace.

Today authority can better edit this information online instead of hunting it down, people will bring it to them through the internet. Then they can scrutinize it in every possible way. Edit it out of existence or change information about it, buy out the company that hosts the servers its stored on, bury it even.


 Some religions and stories were seemingly sparred from these informational sweeps and it so happens these story’s and myths all have A LOT of similarities. In the following video link (ignore all the world trade center shit) just focus on the religion part. I am sorry I could not compile this info myself its just that movie does such a good job of showing it and its a massive amount of information to assemble and convey.


Also they spared both the Greek and Roman gods and made up an excuse as to why they left them. (Note that the Roman gods are the same as the Greek just with different names). 

Now for those of you unfamiliar, Part of the story of Zeus is the story of a god (Zues) who grabs lighting (the earths electrical energy) and uses it to conquer the old world (world ruled by titans) or giants. Here is a little background on Zeus. There’s a lot more to his mythology than that but it is still a good synopsis.


Now, pretend the people perpetrating this story to the masses are portraying themselves as Zeus in this story. Its kind of a similar story as the one I am telling you now. All of these religions came about after this implied fall of the global alchemical society, all of them after Egypt and all of them tell a very very similar story. As if it were a story meant to control peoples beliefs that they had to adapt to different regions and different peoples. Localizing the story, which is actually a practice very common in egyptian mythology with each main city in egypt filling in the central role of their localized stories and myths.

So objectively the church and several ruling parties throughout history destroyed all the religions that revolved around connecting to “spirit” in other words the “pagan” religions. Leaving only the ones with an almost identical lore that were seeminlgy localized versions of the same story. Now if you believe religion in its current form is just a tool they made as a means to control people (and the evidence is there) then, that is one hell of a smoking gun.

Remember how we went over shapes effecting energy and the leyline conjunctions or nodes that ancient cultures (possibly) used as sacred sites. Well the church built churches right over all of those sites and all of those churches have the same shaped steeples. If we consider this theory and view those steeples as sort of “Radio towers” then it makes sense in the terms of our thoery. For sure they built some of these sites over the locals places of worship to destroy and replace the traditions with one move but it is possible they also held this other reason for doing that.

You can read all about it:


Here’s one literally built on a pyramid as a sort of case and point.


I think that the shape of these churches and their steeples somehow negate the earths EMF from these places or displace it, maybe it even concentrates it into the structure. It could function the same way the pyramid shape dissipates sound in sound proofing or a similar function (pyramid section).

It also really seems like their construction involved advanced mathematics or sacred geometry. Have a look for yourself.




All very similar shaped and made global through the spread of Christianity as it spread with the British empire and also the churches spread. I would like to make note that there are no churches in the bible and they are a complete fabrication of organized religion. They seemed to have shoehorned temples into the christian religion, only furthering my suspicions. Let’s also touch on another subject the church and organized religion are obsessed with in our next section…


Sex and Power

This section is a bit of an off shoot but it is worth talking about in my opinion so I included it. Every major religion (and people in general) are obsessed with sex. Not only was the church obsessed but so are the rich and historically “elite”. Having orgies disguised as sophisticated mascaraed balls, the Romans too held large orgies.


I wont delve into the rich and their supposed “sex cults” but we all know that conspiracy is one of the oldest and most talked about of them. Jeffrey Epstein, eyes wide shut ect, I could go on and on. We all know cults are a real thing and many revolve around sex. Interestingly enough the guy at the top of these cults is always having the most or all the sex and power, though thats just kind of human nature when it comes to heirarchy structures.

Here is a little background on elite sex cults for those of you who are unaware.



Stanley Kubrick the famous director dies three days after he showed his final movie to the executives and guess what it was about?


Not only that but he kept production secret during filming, going above and beyond to do so.

In the “occult” world some believe sodomy steals a persons power. I found some interesting information on it here: (garbage site but just hit agree)

Make of it what you will but it seems more likely than not given the other crazy things these people are involved in.

Now interestingly enough if this “stealing power” is all just a dominance mind game, the end result for the victim is still the same as if it were really stealing some sort of magical life energy from them. People who are raped as adults or during childhood suffer for life after the event, It takes the vigor they have for life out of them in most cases.

Another interesting and some what grotesque myth is the japanese Kappa, a demon who steals souls out of peoples butt holes.

 Now who denounced anal sex but also perpetrates it the most in the old world…and pretty much still today? The church did, the priests are world renowned for raping children and I really doubt this is just started happening in modern times. Before the church and organized religion existed sex was considered sacred (not shunned until a legal contract is made) and fertility rituals were wide spread.

There are certainly human reasons why these horific acts are happening but it should still be pointed out that the church does the same thing that supposed “satanists” do.


Here is an interesting discovery I made concerning sex and energy. Other people may have stumbled onto this EMF/telluric energy I am talking about and even linked it to sexuality. You can read about it here though I can’t say for sure if the person who coined this term was just a con artists…he did convince Albert Einstein though and got him to do some tests with him so there is that to consider.

Eventually the governement cracked down on him and made him destroy all of his “devices”. Why would the FBI make somebody destroy metal lined wooden boxes? That is just so odd to me.

The story of that man who was a world renowned scientist before this discovery (even garnering the attention of Albert Einstein as we read) He had some very interesting things to say about this natural earth energy he coined Orgon Energy. He claimed it was the energy that controlled the weather…Guess what actually does control and effect the weather?

The earths EMF and geomagnetic energy.

Now this “orgone” energy could possibly be misidentified telluric currents or some sort of atmospheric energy interaction as the orgone box was wood with a metal interior. The same setup Tesla had used to harness and interact with telluric currents from the ground as we read earlier. Tesla would make large shafts into the earth with a wooden exterior and a metal interior walls. Yet another connection. Lets get back to authority figures though and continue on to our next section…


Generational Poisoning

Rulers of every variety have a long history of abusing the “commoners” or “peasants” under them. Made to suffer in various ways throughout history, some suffered so much and for so long it altered their bodies for generations. Lack of food means shorter people and less muscles meaning they would be easier to control.

Famine, war, plagues, lead in the water supply, royalty would confiscate crops leaving peasants to starve and struggle. I don’t really have to link these numerous occurrences through history as we and our ancestors and parents are all very aware of the abuses and exploitation we suffer under authority. If you feel you need resources though they will be easy to find I assure you.

The black plague for instance was made worse by the churches decision to hunt down and kill cats as we saw in an earlier passage. Wars are always started by the rich and powerful and always have been, and exclusively at the cost of the commoners or peasants who often had no choice but to fight. They have spent much thought on how to poison our brains and bodies and one of these ways is to dampen our pineal gland. Alcohol, tobacco, fluoride in the water supply (which before being drank was discarded as toxic waste and still is in places like China) In fact in medieval times many commoners and serfs were kept from reading and writing or even learning how to.

Fluoride poisoning was pushed as a loony conspiracy theory in the 90’s but as time went on the truth started to come out. 


You can read all about it here:


Lets not forget all the Lead poisoning through history. Lead if you are unaware causes people to be more violent and a host of other problems. 

You can read about it here:
Some people even speculate white bread is bad for the pineal gland.

I can almost guarantee many prescription drugs are bad for your brain and its intricate processes as well.

They do this to calcify the pineal glad which causes a whole host of problems for the brain. Pineal gland calcification is actually a well known medical condition and you can read about it here.

"Can You Decalcify Your Pineal Gland?

You can preserve the health of the pineal gland by preventing its premature calcification. Alternatively, you may be able to rejuvenate the calcified gland through some of the methods listed below.

To help promote a healthy pineal gland:

  • Avoid excess fluoride: Talk with your doctor and dentist about how much fluoride you need. Make sure you are not getting too much. Tap water and toothpastes are common sources. 
  • Reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs): EMFs don’t directly contribute to calcification. But there is some research that suggests excessive exposure may affect the pineal gland and limit its ability to produce melatonin. Gadgets like cell phones, microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, TVs, smart meters, and computer screens are common sources of EMFs.
  • Create an environment that promotes the proper functioning of the pineal gland: Getting high-quality sleep every night is crucial for optimal functioning. One factor that affects your sleep quality is blue light. It suppresses the production of melatonin for up to four hours. 
    Green light, on the other hand, promotes sleep. As such, minimize your exposure to blue light by getting rid of junk light in your home. It may help to do away with LEDs and replace them with halogen or traditional incandescent bulbs. When you go to sleep, your bedroom should be as dark as possible.
  • Indirect sun exposure is essential: Your eyes need indirect sunlight exposure to function correctly. Both the sun and darkness activate the functions of the pineal gland.  It has a photo receptor that receives light signals, causing it to produce melatonin. But remember, don’t look at the sun directly‌."


Here is an article about it happening in children wich goes against the explaination of it happening with age. It is obviously an outside force or somthing ingested that is doing this to peoples bodies. 


Here is an article on "The effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on melatonin and cortisol"

 So right there in the above article we have proof that it does interact with EMF’s, the various radio waves from cell phones and wireless internet and also the sun surprisingly.


Now how do these people in power keep themselves from being tainted by their own poisons over generations? We know one of the ways. Enter the long standing royal tradition of incest, selective breeding and isolation from the general populace in royalty across all ancient cultures.

You can read all about it here…though I doubt you will want to.


Even today many famous and rich people are all still related or have many famous relatives or ancestors. Conspiracy theorists are familiar with the rumors of 13 families that have been around since ancient times and that they supposedly control most the world from the shadows.

Here is a little backstory on the subject because there as there is some validity to the claim.


the Rockafellas and Rothschilds, etc some of that is objectively true and hard to ignore given everything else we went over.

Having active pineal glands gives them an edge over everyone else. Its like having an extra sense or a…third eye. Maybe even gifts them other benefits we don’t know about or that we have ignored or misslabled.

I had several Freemasons comment saying master masons will only wear leather soled shoes or go bare footed when doing important rituals and the reason they claimed was to stay connected with the earths energies. I had more than one Mason comment on this actually and upon further investigation it does seem to be part of the dress code.
It is much to consider, on to our next section.

Fall of the Ancients

So what happened that destroyed this global pyramid based civilization? I cant say for sure, could be the usual suspects (people) but others seem to think an ancient global catastrophe is linked to its disappearance.

Here is a little on the theory, it is pretty well known today.


That is a three hour long video (listen to it instead of watching it) but the two men in it have some very convincing evidence and science to back them up that should not be ignored.


However I have my own theory about what caused this mythical flood that supposedly took out the island of atlantis, if it ever even existed. I am going to plug this theory into it, so lets say this telluric grid is formed all over the planet or there are a bunch of megalithic structures acting as funnels in and out of the earth. What if one of the suns solar maximums or a solar flare like the carrington event caused a huge amount of energy to hit the earth.

This energy was then funneled into the planet through these megaliths like lightning to a lightning rod thus triggering huge earthquakes via the piezoelectric effect. We went over such a theory about earthquake lights and energy from space triggering them by activating the piezoelectric effect.

The following links demonstrate this concept:


Such a scenario could be why so many ancient templs and megalithic sites are found on fault lines. Such an event could have created them.


A carrington type event could have funneled through the temples/structures and cause earthquakes around them due to the influx of energy being injected into the ground through these structures. These earthquakes then triggered a host of tsunamis and tidal waves around the globe wich is where the flood myth came from. Note that one of the stories about how atlantis disapeared was in an earthquake and then a flood. We would assume that Atlantis also had these megalithic structures and possibly the highest concentration of them meaning they would have gotten hit the hardest.


Basically the mythological global flood that every ancient culture wrote about. I think those men could be correct and (according to their theory) something hit and melted the north American ice shelf at the end of the last ice age causing a gigantic flood to go across the Atlantic and pacific, it slammed into the west coast of Africa which is were the city of Atlantis was said to reside. “Sinking” the city and sweeping a lot of the sand on the ocean floor on to land creating the Sahara desert. This sent most of the African people back to the stone age, which is why the birthplace of people has some of the most primitive societies to this day.

Now if the Africans are these dethroned people who built the pyramid system (egypt is in africa after all) that explains the world wide perpetuated hatred and abuse of them by authority figures all through history. They were their old enemy/rulers and now they drag them through the mud and use them as slaves. Africans are much bigger than the rest of us physically and better equipped to deal with the sun. We know that’s where people originated from as well, in Africa. Also of note, African hair when grown out stands on end naturally and forms an Afro. This could be because their ancestors had more of a long term exposure to elevated levels of EMF, and over many generations altered their bodies through natural evolution to adapt to it.

It even seems frizzy like sheep wool which we know from another section generates a lot of static electricity. That is just my personal speculation though.


Here are some links about mysterious things found in the Sahara desert to support these claims.


Some even believe the mythical city of Atlantis was in this place in the (now) desert. Though it could just be a natural geological formation.


“Atlantis” is indeed a worldwide famous myth even in the East. They called it Mu.

Read more about it in the links below.


This is all massive speculation though, and not intricate to the story but certainly the symbolism is there. The myths surrounding Atlantis all fall in line with what I am saying as well. I wont delve into that as it is the most rife with nonsense and tainted information. I do investigate it myself but we really just don’t have much to go on at this point (other than what I covered).

Although there have been some pretty tantalizing clues from around the globe. Such as these ancient golden trinkets that look exactly like airplanes…or fish.

Some people actually recreated these designs to see if they could be flown and quite of few of them could be as it turns out.

One of them specifically looks like it has a propeller and a few have plane rudders, rudders specifically I have only ever seen one place and that on air planes. My first thought was maybe they saw flying fish and just tried to make their own imaginary versions as some of the tails do look like fish tails but a majority of them have rudders.

Given all the other evidence in this article I think its justified to at least consider it…also because the photo below came from the same area as those golden scultpures.

Nazca lines.

This area is part of what is know as the Nazca Lines, mysterious lines in the desert that can only be viewed from the air. The only other thing we can compare them to are plane runways.

Out of all the evidence of ancient technology I have gone through this is some of the most compelling in my opinion. It just stikes me as so out of place.


Creativity Farming

This section is going to be purley speculation and conjecture on my part but ifeel many of the assertations in it are justified if not well documented. 

So why do all this why go through the trouble of keeping us under constant control and struggle? Probably for a number of reasons but let’s go over a very likely one. I think that they use the human population as a creativity generator, they harvest above all else our ideas and imagination, our ingenuity and perspective on matters, Art and invention.

Our beauty they harvest sexually and they selectively breed us to improve it, and themselves. Our thoughts they harvest through books and writing. They watch us, now more than ever with the introduction of smartphones. Why though? Have they not always had a somewhat firm grip on all of us through history? It’s clear they have already mastered controlling us to varying degrees. I think the main reason for all this information gathering is to catch us when we are sharing things with each other or with nobody. Things that they may miss because people don’t post them online or share them. There are many other reasons they spy on us but it all goes back to control and information harvesting. They farm us.

They lure the people who would fight back against oppression into wars and military. They get rid of the un-creative types through wars or drugs, office jobs or busy work etc, all the usual societal pitfalls for the intellectually lazy and uninspired. Then they plant a new batch or focus on the remaining population and enrich them and their society with the previous knowledge they harvested, this process sometimes taking generations. I think they provoke our creativity and ingenuity by creating and putting us in unique and new situations as societies. War has been the biggest contribution to technology in human history. 

Forcing us to fight for our lives against other humans pushes us to new levels through the sheer will to survive. They are using life and its will to survive as an imagination generating computer by forcing it to find ways out of every situation they can muster. They seed our civilizations with new technology or ideas as a means to provoke us in certain directions. I think these are the UFOs people see, the Bob Lazar incident and area 51 (if you are familiar with it), Roswell ect. 

I think they stage these events to leak us new technology to inspire the masses then have the top scientists from around the world come and try to figure it out as a way to push or test their knowledge. Maybe as a test to see if they need to up the subjugation and poisoning, maybe as a way to get us to start looking in new creative directions. I cant say for sure. I think they seed these civilizations, wait for them to peak or gather enough creativity to satisfy them, then they end them and destroy all the evidence with those giant informational sweeps we went over earlier. 

Cherry picking the best that society had to offer and keeping it secret and for themselves. Basically they seed a population until it creates its version of a utopia. Then being a utopia, all people stop struggling and just start enjoying themselves, sex, drugs, sleep, fun. I think this “peak” then yields diminishing returns on the creativity that society produces due to life being perfect for its inhabitants. No need to improve if you are fully satisfied. So they end it and start again. 

Maybe seed the survivors with new knowledge to form a different utopia and bury old knowledge they have already gathered so that the new utopia is not a carbon copy of the old one.

Invention is the most important product of man’s creative brain. The ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of human nature to human needs.

  • Nikola Tesla

Symbolism in Media


Symbolism in media is more prevalent today than it has been in the entire course of human history. It is in every media form we have to date, often hidden in plain sight.

I also think they are telling us bits and pieces of the human story through various media. Another reason for its world wide coverage. I think they tell us bits and parts of the story to make it seem like just that, a story or a fantasy. The “oh like in that movie” effect. Perhaps some of them, or the people they have come to control have been trying to warn us through their art? Crying out for help. How many story’s revolve around a secret group of people controlling society? Superheros, vampires, aliens, anime, video games. All of those have stories that revolve around a group of “special” people controlling things from the shadows. 

Its worth noting that the “elite” and rich and powerful value art and creativity above all else maybe even more than money. They even recruit artists to join them which is why symbolism is so prevalent in all art forms. I could make another explanation (and may yet) about the amount of One eye and pyramid symbolism in every form of media you can find but I wont because that information is so vast it would swallow this articles main purpose. Many of you know exactly what I am talking about though.

For those who don’t here is some info:

They recruit new talent at places like the bohemian grove.


Several artists have reported being invited to the grove, It may not be what I stated but they certainly have other ways to recruit artists as they are the only people who employ artists. Media executives ect.

Here are some examples of the pyramid symbolism in modern day society and the old world.


Also covering one eye can be seen as the same symbolism. though it should be noted that many of these artists may actually be alchemists. Considered at least.

Pictures demonstrating it:



Those of you familiar with term “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (new order of the ages) on the back of the one dollar bill, and under the pyramid may recognize that we may be living in it already. We are in it or approaching it, they have always had a firm grip on the world since Egyptian times and whats left of recorded history. Perhaps the new world order started when the old world fell. Or maybe we are still in the process of achieving it.

For those unfamiliar with the saying:


In fact I almost guarantee you could find one of these symbols attached to any piece of popular media you could find. You should look yourself though.

I will provide my own example though.

I would like to make note as a sort of case and point that the story we went over towards the beginning (in the shared mythology section) about Egyptian prehistory and the 4 guardian animals and their warriors protecting “The Falcon” in his fight against the snake outside a magical building…is the exact scenario of the final fight scene in the Harry Potter books/films between Harry (Falcon) and Voldemort (Snake) outside of Hogwarts (Magical Building). Each of the 4 houses in Hogwarts are represented by an animal. Lion, Snake, Bird and an odd one out Badger (fits the pattern demonstrated in the shared mythology section) and they protect harry during his fight. Hogwarts even sets up a magical barrier to protect it from its enemies like in the actual myth.

Now lets finally discuss something kind of fun I know you will be very familiar with…memes.

Memes are our generations symbology and mythology. Allow me to explain, one meme can be used to represent 1000 different situations and still be true to form just like how symbology and mythology are interpretive in alchemy. As a case and point some people even started using mythology as memes.

 The first viral meme (and meme historians you can check this...though it is debated) was called "All your base are belong to us"

A meme about cats with a man with one eye blocked by technology was the first viral meme (though I don’t know if the original meme was about cats it may have just been “All your base are belong to us”). So it seems probable to me that (considering the one eye symbolism) memes were spread to our generation as a way of keeping symbolism and mythology alive in the modern world. They function and look the exact same way as old myths and symbolism.


Destruction of Ancient Sites

Why would a group of people who worship these pyramids and use them as their symbol let all the actual pyramids decay into ruin and pay people to loot them? Or even let them be looted? Maybe they don’t worship them at all. Maybe they are a symbol of a fallen enemy and a symbol of the truth. Or perhapes there are multiple factions within such a secretive body of people.

Most notably to back this up is the middle east 2000 year old war. If some of you are unfamiliar the middle east housed the oldest known civilizations we have. Even the church raided and destroyed these ancient places, why the crusades themselves were in search of holy artifacts hidden in these lands and yielded many.

Gobekli Tepe is in the middle east, the oldest known structures we have, which has just been found to be older than what we previously thought was the dawn of civilization…by several thousand years. Actually several new sites were discovered of similar age recently in Syria and Turkey (very close to Gobekli Tepe) the last one being added to the World Heritage Site list in 2011…the exact same year the unrest in Syria broke out which erupted into the Syrian civil war. What a coincidence, my God we are having a lot of those.

Here are some links:


In fact the war is still on going and the USA has even made it a priority. They are going to destroy or try to destroy that uncovered evidence of this ancient civilization under the cover of war is my guess.

(All links uploaded to as they appear on 11/21/21)


A Scientific Confirmation of Astrology


New advancements in our understanding of the ecology of electricity have now made it possible to establish a link between planetary positions, their effects on things such as the shape of the earths magnetosphere and the behavior of biological systems and chemical reactions in response to those fluctuations/alterations. This article is a collection of published scientific works that together establish this link, some of it is long established science and some of it newer discoveries. These new discoveries have reshaped our understanding of life and the overall effect of the environment on it and thus the behavior of living things. It has been found that certain events in the energy fields of the planet have an overall effect on the living things within them both physically and psychologically.

This article is a collection of all the supporting evidence of the legitimacy of astrology on a fundamental level. It is not in support of the interpretations of these effects on people such as “today you will find your true love” or “a great opportunity will present itself to you”. This papers purpose is to establish that the positions of the other planets in the solar system have an effect on the behavior of living things and chemical reactions in the environment via a chain reaction of energy related events that begin with the position of planets around the sun and how that can directly and indirectly effect the earth and its various systems.

I am going to structure it starting from space and planetary positioning and work down to how energy in general effects both chemical reactions and the behavior of living things on multiple levels. I have included all the supporting articles and research papers I could find. The terminology may be a little heavy at times but it is necessary to prove the existence of this system so try to bare through it. Much of it is easy to understand in a general sense, though if you are unfamiliar with scientific terminology I will take moments to clarify what each section is saying in simpler terms and I will highlight the relative information in each section.

Its not so much the calculations and math that are important here (though they are important) but the overall picture it presents and the systems that can be established. I have included information to give you a well rounded understanding on these subjects, it is important to consider all of it and not just the directly relevant parts.

Let’s start out with a basic question.


Do other planets have an effect on earth?

Yes, other planets in our solar system can have an effect on solar storms and the earth itself, although the extent and nature of their influence vary depending on several factors. Solar storms have a huge effect on the earth and cause huge fluctuations in the energy on the planet. They can be so powerful that they will fry electrical equipment and even power lines. Here are a few ways in which other planets can impact solar storms and the earth:

  1. Gravity and Orbital Dynamics: The gravitational pull of other planets, such as Jupiter, Saturn, and even Earth, can affect the trajectory and dynamics of solar storms, including coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and high-speed solar wind streams. Planetary gravitational forces can influence the path of these solar storm events, potentially deflecting or amplifying their effects as they propagate through space.
  2. Interplanetary Magnetic Field Distortions: The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) plays a crucial role in the propagation and interaction of solar storms. Other planets can distort the IMF through their own magnetic fields or gravitational effects. This distortion can lead to changes in the structure, orientation, and behavior of the IMF, influencing the interaction between the solar wind and Earth’s magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms.
  3. Magnetospheric Compression and Reconnection: The presence of other planets can cause variations in the size and shape of Earth’s magnetosphere through a process known as magnetospheric compression. When the solar wind encounters a compressed magnetosphere, it can trigger enhanced magnetic reconnection events and increase the likelihood and intensity of geomagnetic storms. This effect is particularly pronounced during periods of strong interaction with Jupiter, as its massive magnetosphere can create significant disturbances.

It’s worth noting that the magnitude of these effects depends on the specific characteristics of the planet, such as its size, magnetic field strength, and proximity to the Sun. Planets with larger magnetic fields and closer proximity to solar storm sources are more likely to exhibit significant influences. Additionally, the Sun itself remains the primary driver of solar storms, but the presence of other planets can modulate their propagation and interaction with Earth’s magnetosphere.

Here are some articles to back up those claims:

Title: “Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Associated with Flux Transfer Events” Authors: Burch, J. L. et al. Journal: Science Year: 2016 Volume: 352 Issue: 6290 Pages: aaf2939

Title: “Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Electron-Scale Flux Ropes in Reconnection Exhausts” Authors: Phan, T. D. et al. Journal: Science Year: 2018 Volume: 362 Issue: 6411 Pages: eaat8463

Title: “Magnetospheric Substorms and the Magnetotail” Authors: Baker, D. N. et al. Journal: Space Science Reviews Year: 1996 Volume: 75 Issue: 1–2 Pages: 117–180


 Planetary magnetospheres can interact with each other in various ways. Here are a few examples:

Magnetic Reconnection: Magnetic reconnection is a process where magnetic field lines from different magnetospheres merge and rearrange, releasing energy and particles. When magnetospheres come into contact, their magnetic field lines can reconnect, allowing particles and energy to transfer between the two systems. This interaction can result in the exchange of plasma and magnetic energy.

Induced Magnetospheric Currents: When two magnetospheres come into close proximity, the magnetic fields can induce electric currents in each other. These induced currents can modify the magnetic fields and plasma distributions within the interacting magnetospheres.

Plasma Exchange: Magnetospheres contain plasma, which consists of charged particles. When two magnetospheres interact, there can be a transfer of plasma between the systems. This can occur through processes like magnetic reconnection or through the exchange of particles along magnetic field lines.

Auroral Interactions: Auroras are phenomena that occur when charged particles from a planet’s magnetosphere enter the atmosphere and collide with atoms and molecules, producing light. During interactions between magnetospheres, the auroral regions of the planets involved can exhibit complex and interconnected patterns.

Magnetic Field Compression: When magnetospheres approach each other, their magnetic fields can compress, leading to the merging of the outer boundaries of the magnetospheres. This compression can have various effects on the plasma and magnetic field structures of the interacting systems.

It is important to note that the specific nature of the interactions between planetary magnetospheres can vary depending on factors such as the relative strength and orientation of their magnetic fields, the plasma densities involved, and the relative velocities of the bodies. Detailed modeling and observations help scientists understand these interactions and their consequences for the space environment around the planets involved.

The presence of other planets in the solar system can indeed influence the size and shape of Earth’s magnetosphere, but the effects are relatively small compared to other factors. The magnetosphere is the region around Earth where its magnetic field dominates the behavior of charged particles. It is primarily generated by the motion of molten iron in Earth’s outer core.

While the Earth’s magnetosphere is mainly influenced by its internal processes, external factors such as the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic fields also play a significant role. The solar wind is a stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun that interacts with Earth’s magnetic field. These interactions can cause variations in the size and shape of the magnetosphere.

The presence of other planets can indirectly affect Earth’s magnetosphere through their gravitational interactions and their influence on the solar wind. For example, Jupiter, being the largest planet in our solar system, has a strong gravitational pull and can act as a shield, diverting some of the solar wind away from Earth. This interaction with Jupiter can help to reduce the intensity of the solar wind hitting Earth’s magnetosphere and affect its shape to some extent.

However, it’s important to note that the impact of other planets on Earth’s magnetosphere is secondary to the dominant influences of the Sun and internal processes within Earth. The Sun’s activity, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, has a much greater effect on the behavior and shape of the magnetosphere than the presence of other planets.

One example of magnetotail interactions is the interaction between Earth and Jupiter. Occasionally, when Earth and Jupiter are in close alignment, their magnetotails can interact. This alignment can lead to a process known as “magnetospheric substorms,” where energy stored in the magnetotail is rapidly released, causing bright auroras and other dynamic phenomena in both magnetospheres. The interactions between the Earth’s and Jupiter’s magnetotails have been studied using observations from satellites, such as NASA’s THEMIS (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms) mission.

It is important to note that the occurrence and intensity of magnetotail interactions between planets depend on several factors, including the relative positions, distances, and orientations of the planets, as well as the strength of their respective magnetospheres and the solar wind conditions. Detailed observations, simulations, and modeling efforts contribute to our understanding of these interactions and their impact on the dynamics of planetary magnetospheres.

It’s worth mentioning that the study of magnetotail interactions is an active area of research, and ongoing missions and future missions, such as NASA’s upcoming JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) mission, will provide further insights into the magnetospheric interactions between different celestial bodies in our solar system.

 I have included a relevent section from the book "Earthlights" by Paul Devereux which summerizes how the sun and its magnetic field and movement can effect various energy systems on earth and chemical reactions in water surprisingly (which humans are mostly made of). The explaination is about halfway down.


Another good example is Jupiter is so large that its gravity actually has a direct impact on the other planets in the solar system. Here is a paper explaining Jupiter effecting earths weather via a chain reaction caused by its gravity.'s_effect_on_Earth's_climate

Abstract: “This paper deals with cyclical effect of Jupiter on Earth’s climate. The period of Earth’s interaction with Jupiter and of its effect on the position of Earth’s orbit is approximately equal to 11.86 years and the Earth’s temperature seasonal fluctuations is equal to 12 months. Modeling indicates that the superposition of large planets’ (mostly Jupiter) that effect Earth’s climate should result in the modulation of seasonal temperature fluctuations of ±2.5 °C with the total period of 12 years. The real climatic fluctuations in the near-surface areas of Earth are modified first of all by the Sun’s revolution around the center of mass of the Solar system, as affected by the gravitational pull of large planets (Jupiter and Saturn).

Conclusion: Our study demonstrates the cyclic influence of the Jupiter’s mass on the Earth’s climate in connection with the Earth’s insolation and emphasizes the importance of its future forecast for the Earth’s climate studies. The interpretation of the results of this study is in agreement with the climatic variation observed when working in other fields, e.g., with geological and environmental data indicating climatic changes in loess/paleosols sequences. The results convey the same idea of cyclicity of the Earth’s climate. Thus, warming in the Earth today cannot answer the warming that happened during the pre- industrial time. The authors showed that the Jupiter’s effect on the Earth’s climate should not be neglected because in certain time periods it may be significant”

We have even found direct connections between various planets electromagnetic fields and the sun. These connections can cause solar storms to erupt which then causes a chain reaction of energy related events to take place through the solar system in reaction to the energy released from the sun. When the energy hits the earths ionosphere and other energy fields it sparks a chain reaction of energy fluctuation within them that can now be traced all the way to the ground. The biological life then reacts to these fluctuations in various ways including alterations in behavior.

“Scientists discovered recently that a phenomenon called a giant magnetic rope is the cause of solar storms. Confirming the existence of this formation is a key first step in helping to mitigate the adverse effects that solar storm eruptions can have on satellite communications on Earth.

George Mason University scientists discovered recently that a phenomenon called a giant magnetic rope is the cause of solar storms. Confirming the existence of this formation is a key first step in helping to mitigate the adverse effects that solar storm eruptions can have on satellite communications on Earth.

The discovery was made by associate professor Jie Zhang and his graduate student Xin Cheng using images from the NASA Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) spacecraft.

Though the magnetic rope was believed to be the cause of these giant eruptions on the Sun, scientists had previously not been able to prove this phenomenon existed because of how quickly the rope moves.

However, through close examination of images taken by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) telescope on board the SDO, Zhang was able to pinpoint an area of the sun where a magnetic rope was forming. The AIA telescope suite is able to capture images of the Sun every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day. This unprecedented cadence in time helped the discovery.

“The magnetic rope triggers a solar eruption. Scientists have been debating whether or not this magnetic rope exists before a solar eruption. I believe that the result of this excellent observation helps finally solve this controversial issue,” says Zhang.

A solar storm is a violent eruption from the Sun, sending billions of tons of charged material, also called plasma, into space at a speed of more than one million miles per hour. The cloud of plasma carries with it a strong magnetic field. When the magnetized cloud reaches Earth one to three days later, a huge amount of energy is deposited into the magnetosphere of Earth.

Normally Earth’s magnetosphere shields this harmful solar wind and protects the environment. However, a solar storm has the potential to disrupt the shielding effect and produce severe space weather, which can have harmful effects on a wide array of technological systems, including satellite operation, communication and navigation and electric power grids.

Zhang’s research will help in giving early warning about solar storms and help to minimize the damage done by space weather here on Earth.

“Understanding the eruption process of these storms will definitely help us better predict them,” says Zhang. “We cannot prevent solar storms, just like we cannot prevent earthquakes or volcanoes. But the development of prediction capacity can help mitigate adverse effects. For instance, satellite operators can power-down key systems to prevent the possible damage to the systems.”

It is widely believed that magnetic fields in the Sun play an essential role in storing energy and powering solar storms. However, the exact form that magnetic field lines take prior to the eruption are highly controversial. Most field lines are semi-circular loops with their foot-points rooted on the surface of the Sun. They cannot erupt easily, and in fact, they often play the role of preventing the eruption.

Scientists suspected that the magnetic rope, if it indeed existed, was the phenomenon that powered the eruption. A magnetic rope contains many magnetic field lines wrapping around a center axis and possibly twisting around each other. Because of the twisting, a strong electric current can be carried by the magnetic rope. Theoretically, the electric current could produce a sufficient electro-magnetic force to overcome the overlying constraining force from other field lines and power the magnetic rope to move outward.

AIA images now reveal that, before an eruption, there is a long and low-lying channel running through the entire active region, which heats to a temperature as high as 10 million degrees, and slowly rises. When it reaches a critical point, it starts to erupt quickly. It is a feature distinctly different from the surrounding magnetic field lines. This particular hot channel is now believed to be the magnetic rope that scientists have been looking for.

Zhang is an associate professor in the School of Physics, Astronomy and Computational Sciences and works with the Space Weather Lab at George Mason University. His results were reported at the American Astronomical Society Solar Physics Division Meeting, held in Las Cruces, New Mexico on June 12–16, 2011.”

Other planets also form these magnetic ropes.


“A twisted magnetic field structure, previously never seen before at Saturn, has now been detected for the first time, using instrumentation built at UCL and Imperial College.

When the Sun’s magnetic field interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field (the magnetosphere), a complex process occurs called magnetic reconnection which can twist the field into a helical shape.

These twisted helically structured magnetic fields are called flux ropes or “flux transfer events” (FTEs) and are observed at Earth and even more commonly at Mercury. The conditions that allow FTEs to be generated at a planet worsen with distance from the Sun, however they have been observed at all the planets out to Jupiter.

Lets elaborate a little more on these “flux transfer events” that happen between planets and the sun. Basically a huge “portal” forms around the planet that allows more energy to enter into it from the suns solar winds. Huge amounts of energy that pour in from the sun briefly which cause huge changes in the energy environment of the earth, causing things such as geomagnetic storms.

A flux transfer event (FTE) occurs when a magnetic portal opens in the Earth’s magnetosphere through which high-energy particles flow from the Sun. This connection, while previously thought to be permanent, has been found to be brief and very dynamic. The European Space Agency’s four Cluster spacecraft and NASA’s five THEMIS probes have flown through and surrounded these FTEs, measuring their dimensions and identifying the particles that are transferred between the magnetic fields”


Does interplanetary positioning trigger flux transfer events?

Interplanetary positioning can have an influence on the occurrence of Flux Transfer Events (FTEs), but it is not the sole trigger for these events. Interplanetary positioning refers to the relative positions of planets and their effects on the solar wind and the dynamics of Earth’s magnetosphere. Here are some ways in which interplanetary positioning can play a role in FTE occurrence:

  1. Solar Wind Compression: The positioning of other planets in relation to Earth can lead to the compression of the solar wind and the subsequent compression of Earth’s magnetosphere. This compression can enhance the likelihood of magnetic reconnection and FTE formation. Planetary influences, such as the alignment of Earth, the Sun, and other planets, can contribute to this compression effect.
  2. Magnetic Field Disturbances: The magnetic fields of other planets can interact with the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and influence its orientation and strength. Changes in the IMF can, in turn, affect the dynamics of magnetic reconnection and FTE occurrence in Earth’s magnetosphere.
  3. Co-rotating Interaction Regions (CIRs): CIRs are regions of enhanced solar wind speed and density that can result from the interaction of fast and slow solar wind streams. The positioning of other planets can affect the formation and properties of CIRs. When Earth encounters a CIR, it can trigger enhanced geomagnetic activity and increase the likelihood of FTE occurrence.

While interplanetary positioning can have an influence on FTE occurrence, it is important to note that FTEs are complex phenomena involving a combination of factors. These factors include the properties of the solar wind, the orientation and strength of the IMF, the structure and dynamics of Earth’s magnetosphere, and the specific conditions required for magnetic reconnection.

The study of FTEs and their triggering mechanisms is an ongoing area of research, and scientists continue to analyze data from spacecraft missions to understand the intricate relationship between interplanetary positioning and FTE occurrence.

So right there is pretty substantial proof that other planets and their position in the solar system have direct and indirect effects and influences on earth and its various energy fields and atmospheric conditions just as astrology claims the position of the other planets has an effect on the various events and happenings that play out on earth. That much we can confirm, it may not be a spot on comparison but the general logic of it is confirmed and supported by scientific findings. We will establish an overall link between energy and the behavior of chemical reactions and life on its many levels later on in this paper but for now lets further elaborate on these interactions between celestial bodies.

These influences can have huge or small impacts on the earth. Though it should be noted that even small changes to the earth can have huge effects and impacts on it. For example the following paper lays out how a slight tilt in the earths axis can cause an ice age on the planet.

The Earth’s rotation axis is not perpendicular to the plane in which it orbits the Sun. It’s offset by 23.5 degrees. This tilt, or obliquity, explains why we have seasons and why places above the Arctic Circle have 24-hour darkness in winter and constant sunlight in the summer.

But the angle is not constant — it is currently decreasing from a maximum of 24 degrees towards a minimum of 22.5 degrees. This variation goes in a 40,000-year cycle.

Peter Huybers of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Carl Wunsch of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have compared the timing of the tilt variations with that of the last seven ice ages. They found that the ends of those periods — called glacial terminations — corresponded to times of greatest tilt.”

A tilt of 2 degrees can cause another ice age on the planet, just 2 degrees. This displays that even tiny changes to the earth have huge impacts on it. Here is some further confirmation of these small changes having huge impacts.

The fluctuations in the solar cycle impacts Earth’s global temperature by about 0.1 degree Celsius, slightly hotter during solar maximum and cooler during solar minimum,” said Thomas Woods, solar scientist at the University of Colorado in Boulder. “The sun is currently at its minimum, and the next solar maximum is expected in 2012.”

Using SORCE, scientists have learned that about 1,361 watts per square meter of solar energy reaches Earth’s outermost atmosphere during the sun’s quietest period. But when the sun is active, 1.3 watts per square meter (0.1 percent) more energy reaches Earth. “This TSI measurement is very important to climate models that are trying to assess Earth-based forces on climate change,” said Cahalan.

Over the past century, Earth’s average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 degrees Celsius (1.1 degrees Fahrenheit). Solar heating accounts for about 0.15 C, or 25 percent, of this change, according to computer modeling results published by NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies researcher David Rind in 2004. Earth’s climate depends on the delicate balance between incoming solar radiation, outgoing thermal radiation and the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. Even small changes in these parameters can affect climate. Around 30 percent of the solar energy that strikes Earth is reflected back into space. Clouds, atmospheric aerosols, snow, ice, sand, ocean surface and even rooftops play a role in deflecting the incoming rays. The remaining 70 percent of solar energy is absorbed by land, ocean, and atmosphere.”

Though we already have some credible research to confirm these claims I have included some discussions relating to them to further flesh out our understanding of the subject. Here is some more info to further support this data, though these claims are not cited. However they are on reputable websites regarding these sciences so I feel they are reliable enough. Though take them with a grain of salt and as always try to confirm these statements with other research.

“How do the other planets in the solar system affect Earth?

The gravitational pull of the other planets in the solar system affect the Earth’s orbit. The gravitational pull of the other planets in the solar system affect the Earth’s orbit in several ways. Jupiter in particular has an effect on other planets including Earth.

Most moons in the solar system are small in comparison with the planet they orbit around. The Moon however is quite large relative the the Earth. This means that it is not the Earth which orbits the Sun it is the centre of mass of the Earth and Moon called the Earth Moon Barycentre.

The Moon’s orbit around the Earth is very complex due to a number of factors. The ELP2000 data enables the calculation of a good approximation to the Moon’s orbit. It has a number of data sets which each describe an aspect of the Moon’s orbit. One of these data sets describes the effect of each of the other planets on the Moon’s orbit.

The Earth is at perihelion around the 3rd January. The actual time of perihelion can vary by several days from year to year because of the effect of the other planets.

The precession of the equinoxes and the oscillation of the angle of the Earth’s axis is caused by the gravity of the Sun, Moon and other planets. The Moon actually has a stabilising effect on this. Without the Moon the Earth’s axis of tilt would oscillate wildly.”


Gravity is king, how close or far we are from the sun is the prime driver of our weather. The earth travels a not so perfect loop around the sun, gravitational forces move us closer or farther to the sun. Our elliptical orbit interacts with the other planet’s orbits to create our happy dance around our sun.

That effects how much energy we absorb from the sun, closer-warmer, further out-cooler. Jupiter, the largest planet with a huge gravitational force, once moved in closer to the sun and pulled the earth out, far enough out to freeze the entire earth, “Snowball Earth”.

Our moon, not a planet, directly effects our oceans which indirectly effects our atmosphere, moving currents and gyre’s which alter high and low pressure systems.”

How far away from the sun effects the energy the earth absorbs and thus effects all of the systems tied into that.


How does this energy from space effect or interact with the Earth within the atmosphere?

In various ways actually but its main mode of transport is through a medium called the Atmospheric Potential Gradient or APG. This is the space between the ionosphere and the ground of the planet. Think of it as sort of an (sometimes) invisible electrical ocean that everything on the planet is swimming in. The following paper completely explains what that is and the various ways it effects both the planet and the life on it.

(click the link beside “DOI” to get the full article)


Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. Therefore, electromagnetic interactions inevitably influence the biotic world in a multitude of ways. There are two primary manifestations of electromagnetism: the magnetic field (magnetism), and the electric field (electricity); which when oscillating in synchronicity produce electromagnetic waves, i.e. light (Maxwell, 1865). For a summary and definition of the key electric and magnetic terminology used within this review, see Table 1. Whilst electromagnetic waves, and to some extent magnetic fields, have in many ways driven the rise and evolution of life on Earth, the influence of electric fields alone should not be understated.”

What this means on a very basic level is that alterations in the various energy fields of the earth has a huge chain reaction that eventually works its way down to living organisms and as we shall see even chemical reactions.

“An electric field exists around any electrically charged object, exerting a repulsive force on like charges, and an attractive force on opposite charges (Coulomb, 1785). The electrodynamic interactions of electrons and protons largely dictate the chemistry of both the abiotic and biotic world, and thus the structure of life. However, the bulk distribution and mobility of these charged particles within a material also result in electric fields manifesting their influence on biology at scales much larger than atoms and small molecules. For example, the folding of proteins, which predominantly determines their function, is governed significantly by electrostatic interactions (Zhou & Pang, 2018). It is also well appreciated that electrical interactions are responsible for a great number of cellular functions, in particular cell signalling (Lipscombe & Toro, 2014). Even at the scale of organs and organisms, the functioning of the nervous system in animals and plants relies upon electricity to generate and transmit information, in the form of propagating action potentials (Nicholls et al., 2001). However, one facet of the role of electric fields in biology has remained notably underappreciated: the ecology of electric fields. Recent work has highlighted that indeed a plethora of electrical interactions take place at the ecological scale, in terms of an organism’s interactions with the physical abiotic environment, as well as conspecifics and other organisms. This article intends to review our current knowledge on the influence of electric fields at the ecological scale, including the sensory ecology of the biological detection of these fields: electroreception. Particular emphasis and detail will be given to the recently discovered field of aerial electroreception, as this provides some of the most exciting and potentially fruitful opportunities for further research. This review also aims to integrate aerial electroreception into the wider context of electroreception research by comparing and contrasting between aerial and aquatic examples, identifying common trends whilst appreciating their distinctiveness.”

For those of you unfamiliar electroreception is a natural ability for animals to interact and use the various energy fields to not only hunt other animals but to navigate around the planet. It is the real life equivalent to “ESP” or “physic powers”. Turns out that is also real.

Abiotic electric field sources

It is first important to consider the presence of electric fields of abiotic origin. Arguably, the primary abiotic electric field source experienced by terrestrial organisms on Earth is the atmospheric potential gradient (APG) (Hunting et al., 2021c). The APG is an electric field oriented vertically in the Earth’s atmosphere, such that, within the vast majority of biologically inhabited altitudes (Imshenetsky, Lysenko & Kazakov, 1978; Womack, Bohannan & Green, 2010), the electric potential increases with altitude (Wilson, 1903). Near to the Earth’s surface, in fair-weather conditions, the strength of the APG is on the order of 100 V m−1, but can increase by an order of magnitude, or even invert, during certain meteorological conditions, most notably thunderstorms (Wilson, 1903; Bennett & Harrison, 2007). The APG is largely created by a potential difference between the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface and is constantly maintained by the global atmospheric electric circuit, wherein thunderstorms generate electric current upwards in the atmosphere, towards the ionosphere; this current is simultaneously counteracted elsewhere on the planet in fair-weather regions by gradual currents flowing back down to the ground (Rycroft, Israelsson & Price, 2000; Rycroft et al., 2012).

This means that space weather and the various energies that can be poured into the planet via flux tube events, geomagnetic storms and solar radiation fluctuations have a direct impact on the electrical environment of the earth and the APG.

“It is also worth mentioning the electrical charges of atmospheric precipitation. Individual raindrops generally carry non-negligible electrostatic charges (Wilson, 1903). These charges vary in polarity, even within the same rainfall, but negative charges appear to be marginally more common (Wilson, 1903; Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Chauzy & Despiau, 1980; Bennett & Harrison, 2007). The magnitude of charge carried is also highly variable but is typically in the region of 0.1–1000 pC, depending on meteorological conditions and the size of the raindrop (Banerji & Lele, 1932; Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Smith, 1955; Chauzy & Despiau, 1980). Snowflakes and hailstones have also been shown to carry electrostatic charges (Chalmers & Pasquill, 1938; Latham, Mason & Blackett, 1961).

In the aquatic environment, a major abiotic source of electric fields is the Earth’s geomagnetic field. Whilst the geomagnetic field itself is not an electric field, any time-varying magnetic field will induce an electric field (Faraday, 1832; Maxwell, 1865). Therefore, because the geomagnetic field varies spatially, when water or animals move through the geomagnetic field, this can be viewed as a temporal variation in magnetic field from the reference point of the moving object, and therefore electric currents are electromagnetically induced in the water or animal (Kalmijn, 1974). The magnitudes of these motion-induced electric fields are not negligible, with a fish moving at 1 m s−1 likely to induce electric fields as strong as 0.4 μV cm−1, and electric fields induced by water motion typically measuring around 0.05–0.25 μV cm−1 (Barber & Longuet-Higgins, 1948; Kalmijn, 1974). By the same electromagnetic principles, temporal variations in the ambient magnetic field, for example those caused by magnetic storms, will similarly induce electric fields in the Earth’s crust and mantle, including the oceans (Kalmijn, 1974). These are generally referred to as telluric, or Earth currents, and in coastal or continental shelf waters (where oceanic telluric currents are at their highest), they are typically on the order of 0.01 μV cm−1 in magnitude (Kalmijn, 1974).”

What this means is just by moving around animals are causing changes in the overall electrical environment surrounding them. These changes can have effects on the other animals and energy fields within their vicinity. Meaning that the actions of one thing can have an effect on another without directly interacting with each other physically. Fluctuations in these fields can make animals react in real time to their presence.

“These results support the hypothesis that sudden increases in geomagnetm activity can facilitate the experience of bereavement hallucinations. The average increase was about l0 aa units, which is equivalent (in this range) to about 10–20 gamma, it might be recalled that an increase of 19 gamma was associated with a significant reduction 273 in seizure thresholds [7] The primary remaining issue is the explanation of the specificity of the experience (the apparition of the recently deceased person) If Mahl et al [9] are correct, then during electrical stimulation of temporal lobe structures, ideational content is transformed from thoughts into sensory images to which belief is attached, they then appear to be experienced In bereavement situations the most likely ideational content is the subject of the hallucinations the decreased person. Geomagnetic perturbations within the range of 10–100 gamma can influence bird behavior [10] Recently Subrahmanyam et al [22] reported that comparable, experimentally produced 0 01 and 0 1 Hz fields with intensity variations between 5 and 50 gamma affected several physiological and behavioral measures in human volunteers. Although there are several mechanisms that might mediate such weak geomagnetic changes, the probable candidate involves pineal melatonin This endogenous chemical displays antlconvulsant characteristics [11] and is responsive to static geomagnetic field strengths [20] That increases in geomagnetic activity are associated with behavioral changes (in mice) that are similar to light-induced suppression of pineal melatonin has been reported by Ossenkopp et ai [11] Considering the nocturnal predilection for bereavement experiences [13] a similar mechanism might trigger burst firing within sensitized hippocampus neurons following PGO spikes from the locus ceruleus

(Fun fact: Just by thinking you change the physical world. Every thought triggers an electrical reaction in your brain and sometimes even causes brain cells to connect to each other (a physical movement). So every thought you have alters the physical world even if you do not act on them.)

Electrostatic charges of animals

Any electrically insulated object, including an animal, is likely to accumulate charge as it moves through its environment, via a mechanism known as triboelectrification, or the triboelectric effect. The triboelectric effect describes the phenomenon wherein the separation of two materials formerly in contact with each other results in an anti-symmetrical deposition of charge on their surfaces. Whilst this effect is usually small, with repetition such as when rubbing two materials against each other, significant differences in charge can be created. The same principle applies to animals walking across and brushing past objects in their environment, including friction with the air when in flight. As such, one would expect many, if not the majority of, animals in the terrestrial environment to carry non-negligible electric charges. This has long been noted in many taxa, but most comprehensively in insects, which tend to accumulate charges whilst in flight (Edwards, 1960a, 1962b; Erickson, 1975; Gan-Mor et al., 1995; Clarke et al., 2013), walking (McGonigle & Jackson, 2002; McGonigle, Jackson & Davidson, 2002; Jackson & McGonigle, 2005), or otherwise in contact with a surface (Edwards, 1962a; Colin, Richard & Chauzy, 1991). These charges are generally, but not exclusively, positive, which places insects near to the top of the triboelectric series (Edwards, 1962a; Clarke et al., 2017), meaning that they will almost always be electron donors in triboelectric interactions. Measures of the electric charge carried by an object or animal are given either as total charge, measured in Coulombs ©, or as surface potentials, measured in Volts (V). Comparison or conversion between the two quantities requires knowledge of the capacitance of the object or animal, measured in Farads (F). The typical electrostatic charges of insects range between 1 and 1000 pC (Fig. 1). Of note is the observation that the amount of charge carried by insects is generally higher in field measurements as compared to laboratory measurements (Montgomery, Koh & Robert, 2019).”

The presence of electric fields around organisms and in the environment has many potential ecological consequences. Whilst electroreception provides some of the more complex and well-studied examples of the influence of electric fields at the ecological scale, there are many more underappreciated facets of electric ecology that do not involve the biological detection of electric fields. Instead, these functional aspects relate to physical electrical interactions between organism(s) and their environment; termed here the ‘physical ecology’ of electric fields. An overview of our current knowledge of this physical, non-sensory, ecology is provided herein.”

(b) Influence of atmospheric electricity on biogeochemistry

Independent of any electrostatic interactions directly with microorganisms themselves, electric fields also influence microbial ecology through modification of the chemical environment. For example, it has been shown that variations in the strength of the local APG result in alterations of the electrochemical conditions in soils and freshwater bodies (Hunting et al., 2019). This most likely occurs through electrostatically induced migration of charge carriers in relation to the direction and strength of local electric field conditions, which will be largely influenced by the APG. This has ecological consequences because electrochemical conditions moderate the ability of microorganisms to undergo metabolic processes. Consequently, organisms incapable of significant movement may suffer or benefit physiologically depending on their location relative to these changes in electrochemical conditions, and mobile organisms may migrate to regions of more favourable electrochemical conditions (Hunting et al., 2019). As such, the activity and behaviour of many microorganisms is likely tied to variations in the local APG. However, it has been suggested that trees and other vegetation, which can act as electrical shields, may protect the areas surrounding their canopies from significant variations in APG strength, and thus dampen the resultant biogeochemical changes (Hunting et al., 2021b). Additionally, other recent findings have shown that many species of bacteria use electrochemical signalling to facilitate communication between individuals (Prindle et al., 2015). Via release and detection of potassium ions, bacteria in biofilms are able to coordinate metabolic activity (Prindle et al., 2015) as well as attract new individuals to the community (Humphries et al., 2017). Because the potassium ions that mediate this signalling are charged, it is very possible that this communication system is supported, mitigated, or interfered with, by external modulations in the local electric field, such as those stemming from variations in the APG, although this remains to be tested.

Right there we have two huge findings, the electrical environment can alter chemical reactions, for those of you unfamiliar with how brains work they are completely made up of chemical reactions and how those reactions take place can alter your behavior and even your thoughts. The second is that the APG can directly effect how living things behave and where they move.


  1. Research into the role of electricity in ecology has been long-standing, but is characterised by punctuated, largely isolated, islands of research.
  2. This review provides the first collation and synthesis of these studies, and in so doing demonstrates the importance of considering electric phenomena when investigating ecological interactions. Together, the studies published to date make clear the prevalence of electrical interactions within ecological systems, but there are large gaps in our current knowledge.
  3. As an acknowledgment and understanding of the ubiquity of electric fields within the natural environment begins to grow within the scientific community, it is anticipated that many more aspects of electric ecology are soon to be uncovered.
  4. The recently discovered sense of aerial electroreception provides an exciting and promising new field of research, with a plethora of species and ecologies awaiting investigation.
  5. The electric field should be viewed and appreciated as a major driver of evolutionary adaptation within biological systems, not only at the atomic, molecular, or cellular levels, but also at the organism and ecological scales too.

So what all of this means is that space weather and the positions of the planets and can alter the earths magnetosphere and cause changes in the overall energy that reaches earth. That energy has an indirect and sometimes direct effect on the behavior of living things via a series of chain reactions stemming from the ionosphere, magnetic field, heliosphere of the sun, etc, etc. The APG which is a sort of electrical medium within the atmosphere can facilitate influences in both chemical reactions and the behavior of living things within it. Right there we have already proved the fundamental logic of astrology (the positions of planets effecting the behavior of living things and the events that transpire on earth via behavior alterations and energy related natural events such as weather and natural disasters). Not the interpretive side such as “this will happen today” or “you will meet misfortune at the hands of a loved one” or “people born in June can’t be friends with people born in April” those are interpretations of the fundamental parts of astrology.

Having established that the earths various energy fields/interactions have an effect on the weather is pretty well established science. Now with the knowledge of the APG and how electricity plays out within it we have an even better understanding. Astrology as it turns out was used to predict the weather. Not always successfully but to me this seems to be that the fundamental part of using it to predict the weather was logical but the methodology and expertise in that art was lacking or lost to us.

“Meteorological astrology is a pseudoscience[1] that attempts to forecast the weather using astrology.”

It seems like much of astrology the interpretations have taken over and the logic of it put on the sidelines. Interestingly enough many ancient astrological bodies of work claim as such, that the methods for utilizing this knowledge was lost and we have been trying to rediscover the correct methodology.

However this is not enough evidence to completely flesh this out and prove its effects on humans. Now we are going to delve into research about how the electrical environment effects the human body.


How does the electrical environment effect human behavior?

Yes, in a few ways actually. We will cover all the various energy fields and how they can effect behavior. This includes chemical changes in the body as chemical changes directly effect behavior and how the body function in general. Some of the other studies we previously went over make it clear that the various electrical energies do have an effect on living organisms and biochemistry however we need some direct examples of these effects on the human body.

A good example of chemical changes effecting human behavior or mental processes is the transformation of puberty. It is common knowledge that the various chemical changes happening in the body and mind of somebody going through puberty can cause mood swings, irrational behavior and a whole assortment of other behavior changes.

A good (though I hesitate to use the word good to describe it) example of electricity (energy) effecting behavior is electro-shock therapy. Which is used to help treat mental disorders.


Lets go over all of the actual science of this kind of influence on the human mind and body. The following link has a good amount of studies done on this subject. Though it relates them to electronic and smartphone usage it provides good data on the overall effect of some of these energy field influences on the human mind.

(It should be noted that “the ecology of electricity and electroreception” published in 2021 is the most up to date study on these matters. Some of the following publications I am about to list are going on somewhat dated information. We have already confirmed that various energy influences have an effect on biochemistry and animal behavior.)

“For example, this Iranian study followed 103 electricians, dividing them into 5 different groups based on potential for exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. It was found that the group with the highest exposure also had the highest probability of experiencing feelings of depression, psychosis, obsessive-compulsive behavior, hostility, and anxiousness.

Similarly, this 1997 study of 540 adults living near high-voltage transmission lines found that higher doses of EMFs were correlated with symptoms of psychological distress, regardless of each participant’s beliefs about the health effects of exposure.

And this cohort study of roughly 139,000 workers in the electric industry also found a higher incidence of depressive symptoms in the workers who consistently received higher EMF exposure. They also discovered that younger workers with recent exposure, in particular, were at increased risk of committing suicide.

The case for EMFs posing a threat to the mental health of humans and animals has only become stronger with time.

A review of studies conducted by Martin L. Pall and published in 2015 stated that “Two U.S. government reports from the 1970s to 1980s provide evidence for many neuropsychiatric effects of non-thermal microwave EMFs, based on occupational exposure studies. 18 more recent epidemiological studies provide substantial evidence that microwave EMFs from cell/mobile phone base stations, excessive cell/mobile phone usage and from wireless smart meters can each produce similar patterns of neuropsychiatric effects, with several of these studies showing clear dose–response relationships.

Pall’s paper, called “Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression,” also sheds some light on the mechanisms by which EMFs can cause these unhealthy effects.

One way that EMFs are observed to influence human biochemistry is that they activate voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs). These channels regulate the amount of calcium taken in by multiple types of cells throughout our bodies. A disruption in the delicate intracellular balance of calcium to other ions can in turn wreak havoc on key physiological processes.

“VGCC activation has been shown to have a universal or near universal role in the release of neurotransmitters in the brain and also in the release of hormones by neuroendocrine cells…Both the high VGCC density and their function in neurotransmitter and neuroendocrine release throughout the nervous system suggests that the nervous system is likely to be highly sensitive to low intensity EMFs.

You’re probably familiar with some of the most well-known neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. A proper balance of these chemicals is vital to a healthy and stable mood, good sleep, motivation, ability to focus, and calming of anxiety.

Another neurotransmitter, melatonin, is responsible for regulating our sleep-wake rhythms. It has been established that EMF exposure suppresses the secretion of melatonin by the brain’s pineal gland. As referenced by the cohort study, research from multiple sources shows a relationship between low amounts of melatonin and greater incidence of depression.

A recent study also found that there may actually be a link between the VGCC’s activated by EMFs and Alzheimer’s disease. After almost a quarter of a century, research has led to the development of the “Calcium Hypothesis of Alzheimer’s Disease,” which argues that Alzheimer’s is caused by excessive intracellular calcium. Knowing that EMF radiation from wireless communications produce strong electric and magnetic forces that act in the cells of our bodies and result in rapid increases in intracellular calcium levels, it can be suggested that EMFs could have implications for the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

EMFs have also been shown to cause unhelpful changes to the central and peripheral nervous system in rodents. In this case, two major tissues that are adversely affected are the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, which have the important role of synthesizing and releasing various hormones that are needed for regulating growth, body temperature, hunger/thirst, parental instincts, metabolism,</em >and attachment behaviors.

That isn’t even an exhaustive list.”

That was some pretty solid evidence of how EMF exposure can mess with the bodies internal brain chemistry. However good science is back up with many studies and sources to establish a better overall view so we will continue to build on this evidence with further studies.

“Using fMRI to quantify brain functional activation during two different tasks (finger tapping and mental rotation) before and after exposure to a 60 Hz, 3000 μT MF, we have shown significant differences in task-dependant brain areas. It should be noted that, despite the modulation in neuroprocessing presented in this paper, the 60 Hz MF exposure did not impact speed or accuracy of the tasks, and therefore did not have any physical behavioural impact. Interestingly, fMRI was able to measure objectively the interaction of a 60 Hz MF at 3000 μT with the human brain in different motor and cognitive tasks, illustrating that fMRI is an appropriate tool to image the effects of ELF MF on human neurophysiology. Indeed, our fMRI BOLD results suggest the existence of an objectively measurable interaction between a 60 Hz, 3000 μT MF and brain activation.

Furthermore, the 60 Hz ELF MF exposure had a selective effect on brain regions associated with the tasks studied, i.e. the sensorimotor cortex in the finger tapping task; and visual attention and processing areas for the mental rotation task. Such selectivity of the exposure on specific brain areas remains to be explored. Despite this limitation, our results confirm the findings from our pilot study, providing a valuable direction for future research. Finally, the results reported are obtained after MF exposure, suggesting the existence of biological effects outlasting the duration of the exposure. The possibility that ELF MF exposure could modulate to some extent synaptic plasticity processes, resulting in lasting changes in brain activity, could be the focus of future research to shed light on the involved interaction mechanisms.”

In the investigations performed, we established a clear tendency for changes in the blood pressure (systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure) under conditions of increased GMF intensity; subjective complaints increased too; the number of diseased and deceased patients with diagnosis myocardial infarction grew during periods when geomagnetic activity increased.”

“The studies reviewed here show VGCs as an important transducer of the effect of EMFs in neurons, and the central role played by these proteins in the regulation of important biological processes, central in the regulation of brain physiology, sheds a light on the influence that modern exposure to EMFs could have on human health. While a diverse range of biological systems were used, cell lines were the preferred option, and VGCCs were the most studied ion channels, in line with their central role in the regulation of many physiological processes in neurons. However, many other VGCs have been shown to be affected by EMFs and the results are often conflicting. In spite of the controversy, this systematic review reports significant correlation between EMFs and multiple changes in the electrophysiological properties of diverse neuronal tissues, and these results, if interpreted well, could pave the way to a new understanding of the relationship between electromagnetic stimulation and brain functions. In conclusion, we systematically demonstrate how the complex effects of EMFs in neuronal ion channels are exerted at multiple levels and how their significance in the alteration of neuronal functions is strictly dependent on different parameters relative to the type of field used and the studied cell or tissue. Improved experimental reproducibility will be key to any advances in this field, and the development of new experimental procedures capable of measuring the small but profound way in which certain types of EMF exposure seem to affect our brain might help us to establish whether it is harmful and its therapeutic potential. We hope this work will help in improving our knowledge about the molecular dynamics of neuronal VGCs, which will be key both for any progress in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and for an advancement in the general understanding of the relationship between technological progress and cellular dynamics.”

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have the potential to influence human biochemistry in several ways. However, it’s important to note that the effects of EMFs on human health are still a topic of ongoing research and scientific debate. Here are some potential mechanisms through which EMFs may influence human biochemistry:

  1. Cellular membrane effects: EMFs may affect the structure and function of cellular membranes, which play a crucial role in maintaining cell integrity and regulating various biochemical processes. Changes in membrane permeability and ion channel activity due to EMFs could potentially alter the movement of ions and molecules across the membrane, affecting cellular signaling and biochemical pathways.
  2. Oxidative stress: EMFs have been suggested to induce oxidative stress in cells. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body’s antioxidant defense mechanisms. Excessive ROS can damage DNA, proteins, and lipids, and disrupt normal biochemical processes in the body.
  3. Calcium ion regulation: EMFs have been shown to influence the movement of calcium ions (Ca2+) across cell membranes. Calcium ions are essential for various cellular functions, including enzyme activation, neurotransmitter release, and muscle contraction. Altered calcium ion regulation due to EMF exposure could potentially disrupt these processes and impact biochemical pathways.
  4. Neurotransmitter activity: EMFs may affect the release and activity of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers involved in communication between nerve cells. Changes in neurotransmitter levels or function can influence various biochemical processes in the brain and the rest of the body, including mood, cognition, and overall neurological function
  5. Hormonal regulation: Some studies suggest that EMFs might influence the production and secretion of hormones, such as melatonin and cortisol. Melatonin is involved in regulating the sleep-wake cycle and has antioxidant properties, while cortisol is a stress hormone. Disruptions in hormonal balance can affect numerous biochemical pathways and have broader implications for overall health and well-being.

Any change in the brains biochemistry results in a behavior change. These are not huge immediately noticeable changes mind you but rather subtle changes in overall thought patterns, emotions and overall behavior. Regardless it still demonstrates that fluctuations in these various energy fields have an overall effect on us as living organisms. Changes that can stem from space weather and as we saw, the positions of the other planets within the suns heliosphere.

Its also important to mention that just as “The ecology of electricity and electroreception” states that the body has a voltage that surges across and through it as it moves.

Any electrically insulated object, including an animal, is likely to accumulate charge as it moves through its environment, via a mechanism known as triboelectrification, or the triboelectric effect.”

Here is a great video explaining it.

It is important to note that modern day living has cut us off from the earths natural energy fluctuations almost entirely. It does this by insulating us from the earths natural electrical currents running through and on the ground. The air is also constantly filled with man made radio waves, wifi, etc, etc which puts us in an unnatural energy environment and may block out fluctuations in these energy mediums by overcoming the rival waves, the same way the suns heliosphere is pushed back by other stars heliospheres. We are separated from the natural energy environment in a few different ways actually, such as wearing rubber soled shoes or standing on asphalt.

When you are bare footed on soil the voltage potential between your body and the ground increases 10 fold and makes a path for electrical influence from the earth. Here are some quick 30 second videos demonstrating the various differences in voltage potential on the human body.

Here is a video demonstrating the difference between soil and stone on the body. Stone unexpectedly has more of a voltage potential than rubber shoes.

Below is a video demonstrating the different voltage potential of various common stones on the body (I cant name them all but they are common stones from a quarry in the northern hemisphere).

Asphalt and tar however has very little voltage potential and effectively insulates us from the earth. As demonstrated here.

This voltage potential actually has a massive effect on us and our bodies. Anyone familiar with biology knows that what happens inside of us to make us alive is basically energy interacting/mixing with matter which is known as electro-chemical reactions. So changing the amount or intensity of electrical current running on/through our bodies can effect how those electro-chemical processes play out within us. We read about this in the ecology of electricity paper and how energy stimulation was effecting chemical reactions in living things and their behaviors. The environment was having a direct influence on the electro-chemical reactions of living things.

Geomagnetic perturbations within the range of 10–100 gamma can influence bird behavior [10]”

That increases in geomagnetic activity are associated with behavioral changes (in mice) that are similar to light-induced suppression of pineal melatonin has been reported by Ossenkopp et ai [11]”

Read more about the actual science of it below.

The example of the car makes it easier to understand current flow in the human body. A person receiving an electrical shock will have (at least) 2 contact points to a voltage source, one of which might be the earth ground. If either connection is disconnected, no current will flow. The analogy also explains how current flow can go through many somewhat parallel pathways, such as through the nerves, muscles, and bones of the forearm. The amount of current in each automobile appliance or tissue type depends on the resistance of each component.

Very small amounts of electrical current result in major physiological effects

This electrical charge on and around us actually can have a big role in how fast wounds heal. Demonstrated here where they used electrical current to heal wounds three times faster than normal.

“It means that the cells of our skin are sensitive to electric current. So when placed in an electric field, the cells are likely to start moving toward the direction of the area. Using this hypothesis as the base of their study, the researchers conducted an interesting experiment.

They created a biochip containing cultured skin cells with properties similar to human skin cells. Next, they chose two cells and made wounds on them. One cell was allowed to repair under an electric field (200mV/mm), while the other healed without any electric stimulation.

The researchers noticed that electricity enabled the former to heal three times faster than the latter. “We were able to show that the old hypothesis about electric stimulation can be used to make wounds heal significantly faster,” said Asplund.

According to the study authors, an electric field act as a guide to skin cells. In the absence of current, the cells move randomly, and therefore, the process of healing is slow. However, when cells are electrically stimulated, they all align in one direction and migrate fast toward the damaged site, eventually making a wound heal more quickly.

Moreover, no side effects were noticed on the cultured wounded cells due to the electric stimulation.”

So when you are barefooted on soil and connected to the earth you are what they call grounded.

In electrical engineering, ground or earth may be a reference point in an electrical circuit from which voltages are measured, a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth.”


This means that a natural path has been established to the earth going down your body towards it. This gives the electrical buildup on you a direction to flow in, which may mean that people who are “grounded” to the earth may heal faster than those who are insulated from it. Though this is just speculation on my part, I have found nothing to confirm this from the scientific community.

Here are a few other studies that provide another overview of the subject, though a little dated now the data they provide is still of use. It is important to consider all the facts and as some of these lay out, not all the data is conclusive. We still have some big gaps in the knowledge about these effects on human health.

(Below is the full paper for the above link)

Another sort of indirect way these energy related fluctuations effect human behavior worth mentioning is by our reactions to the weather. Space weather can effect the atmospheric weather on earth and weather has an overall effect on peoples moods and behavior. Though that isn't really energy related and more psychological it is still worth mentioning because it has an energy based origin.

I even came across some research claiming solar activity had a general effect on human behavior. Though this is still a somewhat controversial subject in the scientific community. You may like to first look at the Bioelectromagnetics journal which regularly publishes new research into the field. The journal itself costs money but you can find some interesting articles on that website for free that relate to how energy-fields effect the human body overall.

As I said this is controversial but it is important to actually read through the information yourself instead of the summery of it from some article because many authors tie in their own personal bias with what they write. Myself included.

The sun, and solar flares, modulate evolution and life for the solar system. Solar flares, and geomagnetic storms affect human health via biogenic magnetite, bone, and photoreceptors in the eyes.


Here are a few abstracts for consideration.

“A controversial body of literature demonstrates associations of geomagnetic storms (GMS) with numerous cardiovascular, psychiatric and behavioural outcomes.

The extensive literature relating geomagnetic and solar activity to humans is often considered inexplicable and bizarre, including correlations with crime [19], stock market returns [17], religious experience [101] and revolutions [20]. Detractors of such literature have reasonable grounds for objection — lacking a rational explanation, such findings are merely spurious associations, likely to be the result of some unexpected confounder. However, there is now evidence for a specific biophysical pathway for these findings, with existing direct and indirect experimental evidence that cryptochrome is influencing circadian behaviour in response to magnetic stimuli. A fundamental question relates to whether cryptochrome could be orientating the circadian and related hormonal system in space or time, or perhaps even a complex interaction of both. Either way, the contentious and controversial associations in the literature are — by some degree — more plausible when placed upon a reasonable biological narrative. Despite the far-fetched nature of some of the behavioural and socio-political associations, they do paint a picture that is coherent when viewed through the framework of a population-level disruption of circadian rhythms and the subsequent lost sleep and anxious, stressful days.

Finally, the implications for human health are noted for a wide variety of disorders associated with geomagnetic activity including CV disease and psychiatric disorders. Further investigations could suggest the use of novel therapeutic interventions for diseases exacerbated by GMS. In Russia — where the effect of GMS have gained much more widespread institutional acceptance [18,19,57] — a study has already trialled melatonin therapy to prevent the effects of GMS on CV patients, with positive results [58]. However, animal experimental evidence has suggested that the effects of magnetic activity on the circadian system are light-dependent. Could a simpler measure — the widespread use of sleep masks — shield at-risk patients from the negative effects of geomagnetic storms?”


And this one may be found in Med. Hypothesis:

“We conclude that intermittent and largely unpredictable peak solar cycle radiation has been the fundamental engine of evolution, forcing organisms to adapt to mutagenic UVR and producing enough damage to instigate genetic variation. Probably a chance genetic mutation over 80,000 years ago produced a human brain capable of abstract thought and consciousness. The slight genetic instability that favored an adaptable, creative brain also produced other somatic variations that present phenotypically as disease, but largely expressed after natural selection (reproduction) and associated with the inexorable entropy of aging.

It appears unlikely that there would be only a chance association without causality for all the above observations for such a wide spectrum of diseases in so many persons over seven solar cycles. We propose that solar radiation peaks are the prime cause for genetic disruption of all life, including man, by means of direct mutation as well as immunological stress due to intensity and variability of sunlight, especially UVR. The benefits in humans of a creative, complex brain probably also come”


There is also this:

“The hypothesis that geomagnetic storms may partly account for the seasonal variation in the incidence of depression, by acting as a precipitant of depressive illness in susceptible individuals, is supported by a statistically significant 36.2% increase in male hospital admissions with a diagnosis of depressed phase, manic-depressive illness in the second week following such storms compared with geomagnetically quiet control periods. There is a smaller but not statistically significant increase in female psychotic depression and non-psychotic depression admissions following storms. There was no correlation between geomagnetic storm levels and number of male admissions with psychotic depression, which is consistent with a threshold event affecting predisposed individuals. Phase advance in pineal circadian rhythms of melatonin synthesis may be a possible mechanism of causation or be present as a consequence of 5-hydroxytryptamine and adrenergic system dysfunction associated with geomagnetic disturbance. Effects on cell membrane permeability, calcium channel activity and retinal magneto-receptors are suggested as possible underlying biochemical mechanisms.”


So what does this all mean?

The studies on the ecology of electricity, the effects of geomagnetic fields on animals and the other energy related effects on life have opened up a scientifically establishable connection between the behavior of living things and the positions of the planets around the sun, within its heliosphere. The planetary side of this hypothesis is already well established science and how the positioning can effect the earths own magnetic field via magnetospheric compression and re-connection, interplanetary magnetic field distortions and gravity and orbital dynamics. Though there may not be enough data on how this effects humans specifically an overall effect on animals and even plants has been established meaning we are not entirely immune to these effects or rather it would be very unlikely. This is fundamentally what astrology claims, that the positions of the planets in the sky (around the sun) have an effect on the behavior of life (including humans), the weather and natural disasters.

We could even logically conclude that energy fluctuations in the environment may effect the events that transpire on earth in general because of energies effect on chemical reactions. Astrology has systems that keep track of where a planet is in the sky and what that means or how to interpret it. The interpretation part has changed with each culture that practiced the art but the fundamentals of planetary positioning remain its core globally. It seems logical to conclude that the various zodiac signs are just the symbolic equivalent of numbers on a clock face.

In the beginning planetary position in the sky could have signaled an incoming solar storm due to things such as “flux rope events” occurring when planets reach a certain stage in their orbit around the sun. Meaning a potential natural disaster such as an earthquake, volcano or flood. Which is actually what astrology was known to be used for in ancient times as well as predicting the weather. The interpretative side about how the positioning effected peoples behavior could also tie into these huge geomagnetic and solar events.

It seems to me that the original art and observations tied to this were based on logic but were swallowed by superstitious persecution by religious bodies (such as the catholic church and their witch hunts), predatory charlatans such as fortune tellers and a general loss of the knowledge. It could be that the original art is still practiced today but indistinguishable from the other more modern versions of it practiced today. As science became more widely accepted and practiced we as a species started to discard old ideologies like that of the zodiac and astrology. However in this case we may have been too hasty and thrown out the baby with the bathwater.

I think due to these recent findings we should take another look at astrology as a legitimate scientific field. Give it a proper scientific investigation factoring in this new research and add another branch to the tree of science. I also think this would bring over many “spiritualists” to the scientific perspective and help promote learning and education instead falling into superstition. It would also help the modern scientific community further understand some of humanities “spiritual” past and paint a clearer picture of ancient man and his beliefs.


So there you have it, my grand theory that ties all of these strange things together. Our modern society was seemingly not the first global human society and the previous one used piezoelectric structures to either harness or interact with the atmospheric electrical and geomagnetic energy of the planet. They had a internal awareness of this electrical energy through their hair and body and attuned themselves to the natural electrical flows of the planet. Enhancing this awareness using pure gold or other electrically conductive materials as body jewelry, ingesting it as some alchemists did and even used bone body decorations as we saw they are also piezoelectric and effected the body voltage.

This ancient culture used symbology as some sort of perfected language, the symbols and pictures could be made to have multiple meanings and purposes. It seems all religion as we know it originated from this ancient practice of symbology and adopted their symbols as their own. They also seemed to have mastered chemistry with this knowledge and encoded chemical formulas in various mythological and symbolic stories. This culture disappeared to unknown circumstances but it seems to be right around the time of the global biblical flood myth.

Once that culture fell the new rulers of the earth set about destroying all remaining and surviving evidence of its existence. They did this over thousands of years, using wars, genocides and invasions as a way to destroy cultures and knowledge. There is no telling what other information was destroyed but it appears that not all of it was lost.

The people who control the world today are very likely alchemists who’s “Great Work” is the transmutation of society into a “Golden age” using the 14 alchemical processes listed in the alchemy section on the population enmasse. To them society and its social constructs are like a chemical formula. They provoke certain reactions from it by feeding it certain events or actions in an attempt to continue the overall process. They do this mainly with media and project their wills and agendas with actual projection technology (tv, internet, smartphones).

All in the hopes of bringing about a new “golden age”. This golden age is to them the “New Atlantis”. An attempt to rebuild what was lost, the “Illuminati” and some other secret societies seem to all work in unison towards this purpose useing diffrent suborganizations as cover. The amount of symbology in today’s media is ample to say the least. Symbology is everywhere.

 Here is another take from a book I used in this meta-analysis several times. "Earthlights" by Paul Devereux.


This is still an investigation and I will continue to research these subjects and update this work when I find relevent information. Some things may not make total sense but I would like to remind you that if any of this is true we are dealing with the smartest people around. Many of the systems and actions they take serve multiple purposes and I think we have all witnessed first hand a politicians power to spin anything in their favor. I did my best to organize this information in a rational digestible sense but if anyone feels they could do a better job of it, please do. I am not seeking fame, I want no recognition, I don’t even want anyone to know I put all of this together, there will be no second message from me.

 I want you all to use this information as a basis for future investigation into these subjects. I went through a decade of personal research to compile all of it and draw these conclusions. I admit I left out several other historical and occult connections, animal behaviors and methodologies authority uses and have used to control us, so by all means keep adding to this please. Now is the time to spread this information as conspiracy theorists have become widespread and have their ears to the ground for things like this. We could turn this entire thing around on the “elite”. Simply by getting this information out. We have to let the world know before they are able to squash or destroy this information.

We need to start spreading this information and start “waking people up”.




African Hair and it's Significance...................................................................................................Page 42
Age of the Great Sphinx..................................................................................................................Page 17
Ahnenerbe.......................................................................................................................................Page 26
Ahnenerbe Report...........................................................................................................................Page 26
Alchemy Tables...............................................................................................................................Page 07
Alister Crowley................................................................................................................................Page 43
All Your Base are Belong to Us......................................................................................................Page 51
Alpha Waves in the Human Brain...................................................................................................Page 41
Amazing Fossils Found in the Sahara Desert..................................................................................Page 49
Amazon Rainforest LIDAR Sweeps...............................................................................................Page 17 Amazon Rainforest Pyramids..........................................................................................................Page 25
Amino Acids....................................................................................................................................Page 05
Analyzing Relationships Between Static Charges and Relative Humidity.....................................Page 19
Ancient Cities Compared to Circuit Boards....................................................................................Page 24
Ancient Chinese Dragon.................................................................................................................Page 33
Ancient Egyptian Animal Mummies...............................................................................................Page 45
Ancient Egyptian Jewelry................................................................................................................Page 30
Ancient Pipes...................................................................................................................................Page 17
Ancient Sites Located in Turkey.....................................................................................................Page 17
Ancient Tunnels in Romania...........................................................................................................Page 26
Animals and the Magnetic Field of the Earth..................................................................................Page 40
Animals can Sense Earthquakes.......................................................................................Page 29, Page 40
Ant Antennae are a Two-way Communication System..................................................................Page 41
Antartic Pyramid.............................................................................................................................Page 25
Anti Drone Laser.............................................................................................................................Page 22
Art Advisers Inside the Art Buying World......................................................................................Page 51
As Above So Below........................................................................................................................Page 06
Astrological Age..............................................................................................................................Page 37
Atmospheric Electricity Powering a Corona Motor/Electrostatic Motor........................................Page 18
Aums...............................................................................................................................................Page 43
Aurora Borealis...............................................................................................................................Page 18
Aztec Creation Mythology.................................................................................Page 31, Page 32, Page 33
Baigong Pipes..................................................................................................................................Page 17
Bacteria's Hair can Conduct Electricity...........................................................................................Page 41
Bees Butterflies Wildlife Research Electromagnetic Fields Environment......................................Page 40
Biblical Clothing.............................................................................................................................Page 36
Black Cats and Superstitions...........................................................................................................Page 45
Body Electrical Voltage While Walking..........................................................................................Page 22
Body Voltage With and Without Shoes on......................................................................................Page 15
Body Voltage Standing on Various Rocks.......................................................................................Page 15
Body Voltage on Asphalt.................................................................................................................Page 15
Bohemian Grove..............................................................................................................................Page 51
Bone Churches................................................................................................................................Page 27
British Royal Jewels........................................................................................................................Page 30
Can Hair Act Sixth Sense................................................................................................................Page 41
China's First Emperors Grave.........................................................................................................Page 30
Chinese Zodiac................................................................................................................................Page 37
Characteristics of Crystals, US Air Force Air Training Command 1964.........................................Page 27
Christianized Sites...........................................................................................................................Page 46
Commutator.....................................................................................................................................Page 22
Compass Using a Needle and a Leaf...............................................................................................Page 24
Compass Spin in Circles When NEar High EMF............................................................................Page 37
Conduction of Electrical Current to and Through the Human Body: A Review............................Page 15 Page 22, Page 30, Page 41
Connection between rock circles, mineral deposits, fault lines and low thunderstorm areas.........Page 27
Coronal Mass Ejections...................................................................................................................Page 18
Cosmic Rays Page 20
Critical Time Delay of the Pineal Melatonin Rhythm in Humans Due to Weak Electromagnetic Exposure..........................................................................................................................................Page 43
Crusades..........................................................................................................................................Page 52
Cutting Stone With Sound Demonstration.................................................................................................................................Page 23
Decay of Man made Objects and Environments.............................................................................Page 17
Decay of Plastics.............................................................................................................................Page 17
Dendera Zodiac...............................................................................................................................Page 37
Discussion on Conductive Properties of Granite and Their Role on Ancient Technology.............Page 16
Djed Pillars......................................................................................................................................Page 27
Does Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11 Condemn Wearing Mixed Fabrics........................Page 42
Dogs Poop in Alignment with Earths Magnetic Field....................................................................Page 40
Dogs Trained to Find Magnets........................................................................................................Page 40
Dowsing............................................................................................................................Page 37, Page 45
Earthlights Appendix......................................................................................................................Page 27
Earths Magnetic Field.....................................................................................................................Page 18
Earth's Magnetic Field Important Climate......................................................................................Page 47
Earthquake Lights............................................................................................................................Page 29
Earthquake Glowing Rocks.............................................................................................................Page 29
Egypt Plans Gold Cap for Pyramid.................................................................................................Page 36
Egyptian Cat Worship.......................................................................................................Page 40, Page 44
Egyptian Catfish Worship................................................................................................................Page 40
Egyptian Pyramids Align with Ancient North Star.........................................................................Page 39
Electric Catfish................................................................................................................................Page 40
Electricity and Magnetism...............................................................................................................Page 29
Electromagnetic Energy...................................................................................................................Page 04
Electromagnetic Fields effect Molecules........................................................................................Page 18
Electromagnetic Field Fact Sheet....................................................................................................Page 24
Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First Multipole Resonances and Energy Concentration..................................................................................................................................Page 23
Electroreception................................................................................................................Page 40, Page 41
Electrostatic Sensors........................................................................................................................Page 41
Elephant Graveyards.......................................................................................................................Page 44
Elite Sex Cult Conspiracy Theories...........................................................................................................................................Page 47
EMF Radiation from House Wiring................................................................................................Page 44
Evidence for an Effect of ELF Electromagnetic Fields on Human Pineal Gland Function............Page 43
Eye of the Sahara.............................................................................................................................Page 49
Eyes Wide Shut...............................................................................................................................Page 47
Families Who Rule the World.........................................................................................................Page 48
Famous People with Unbelievable Ancestors.................................................................................Page 48
Flagella............................................................................................................................................Page 41
Fluorides Effect on the Pineal Gland...............................................................................................Page 48
Flouride in Drinking Water in Relation to Later dementia Risk.....................................................Page 48
Food Irradiation: What You Need to Know.....................................................................................Page 17
Four Symbols (Taoism)...................................................................................................................Page 33
Fractoluminescence.........................................................................................................................Page 29
Friedmann Freund SETI Bio...........................................................................................................Page 29
Function of Cat Whiskers................................................................................................................Page 41
Fungus Solves Mazes......................................................................................................................Page 10
Gem Lore.........................................................................................................................................Page 29
Generation, Particles.......................................................................................................................Page 10
Geomagnetic Poles..........................................................................................................................Page 04
Geomagnetic Storms.......................................................................................................................Page 18
Geomagnetic Vision........................................................................................................................Page 40
Geronimos Hair...............................................................................................................................Page 41
Giza Pyramid, Materials Used in Its Construction..........................................................................Page 30
Giza Pyramid Focuses Electromagnetic Energy..............................................................................Page 26
Giza Pyramid Granite Boxes...........................................................................................................Page 16
Giza Pyramid Diffrences and Interior..............................................................................................Page 27
Göbekli Tepe...................................................................................................................................Page 17
Gold Formula, Alchemy..................................................................................................................Page 09
Golden Ratio....................................................................................................................................Page 39
Granite Emits Radon.......................................................................................................................Page 16
Greek God Zues...............................................................................................................................Page 46
Green Glow Around Earth..............................................................................................................Page 18
Ground to Sky Lightning.................................................................................................................Page 20
Gunung Padang...............................................................................................................................Page 25
Hair and Headwear of the Mayans Aztecs and Incas......................................................................Page 41
Hair Gender and Social Status in Ancient Egypt............................................................................Page 41
Halos................................................................................................................................................Page 44
History of Lead Poisoning in the World..........................................................................................Page 48
How Do Bees Find Flowers it's Electric...........................................................................Page 40, Page 41
How Do Turtles Use the Earths Magnetic Field to Migrate............................................................Page 40
How Does Static Electricity Work..................................................................................................Page 41
How EMF Exposure May Cause Depression, Anxiety & Other Mental Health Issues..................Page 44
How Medieval Churches used Witch Hunts to Gain More Followers............................................Page 45
How Shaolin Monks Obtain Their Superpowers............................................................................Page 43 How the Geomagnetic Field Influences Life on Earth...................................................................Page 40
Huitzilopochtli (Aztec God)............................................................................................................Page 33
Hyperborean Gallery.......................................................................................................................Page 26
Icosidodecahedron...........................................................................................................................Page 26
Illuminati Symbol............................................................................................................................Page 51
Incest Among the Upper Class........................................................................................................Page 48
Indian Temples................................................................................................................................Page 23
Ionosphere.......................................................................................................................................Page 18
Karahan Tepe...................................................................................................................................Page 17
Kirlian Photo of Pyramid Energy in Action....................................................................................Page 23
Kingdoms of Life............................................................................................................................Page 10
Kirlian Photography........................................................................................................................Page 24
Körtik Tepe......................................................................................................................................Page 17
Leaf Compass..................................................................................................................................Page 37
Levitation Basins.............................................................................................................................Page 30
Ley-line Grid....................................................................................................................Page 37, Page 38
Lightning Can Shape a Mountain....................................................................................................Page 43
Lightning Myths and Facts..............................................................................................................Page 43
List of Flood Myths.........................................................................................................................Page 49
List of World Heritage Sites in Syria..............................................................................................Page 52
Magnetic Compass..........................................................................................................................Page 39
Magnetic Fields Can Be Focused and Directed..............................................................................Page 23
Magnetic Field Guided by Underground Molten Iron....................................................................Page 23
Magnetic Mountain.........................................................................................................................Page 36
Magnetic Weather............................................................................................................................Page 47
Magnetoreception in Birds and Its Use for Long-Distance Migration............................................Page 40
Magnetosphere "Hotspots"..............................................................................................................Page 26
Magnetotellurics..............................................................................................................................Page 29
Magnifying Transmitter...................................................................................................................Page 21
Map to Multiplication......................................................................................................................Page 10
Mass Animal Deaths For 2022........................................................................................................Page 44
Materials that Cause Static Electricity.............................................................................................Page 41
Mayan Calender...............................................................................................................................Page 37
Measuring Body Voltage.................................................................................................................Page 15
Mechanical Actuation of Ion Channels Using a Piezoelectric Planar Patch Clamp System..........Page 27
Melatonin.........................................................................................................................................Page 43
Metal Pipes In Tibet, Contradict The Official History....................................................................Page 17
Merovingian Franks of Europe........................................................................................................Page 42
Mesopotamia...................................................................................................................................Page 52
Microwave Transformer with Limiting Load Passing Electricity Through Granite.......................Page 16
Mica used in Ancient Structures.....................................................................................................Page 24
Modern Art Serves Rich..................................................................................................................Page 51
Most Conductive Element/Metals...................................................................................................Page 30
Mosques on Sacred Sites of Defeated Enemies..............................................................................Page 46
Muhammad's Grave.........................................................................................................................Page 30
Mysteries of Jagannath Temple.......................................................................................................Page 23
Native American Ceremonial Quartz Crystals................................................................................Page 29
Native American Jewelry................................................................................................................Page 41
Nerves, electro/chemical.................................................................................................................Page 04
Nervous System...............................................................................................................................Page 41
New Crystal in the Pineal Gland : Characterization and Potential Role in Electromechano-Transduction ..........................................................................................................................................................Page43
Nikola Tesla Files Declassified FBI................................................................................................Page 22
Nikola Teslas's Greatest Engineering Achievment.........................................................................Page 22
Nikola Tesla Youth Story About His Cat........................................................................................Page 44
Noahs Ark Buried in Turkish Mountains........................................................................................Page 49
Non Hertzian Waves........................................................................................................................Page 21
Novus Ordo Seclorum.....................................................................................................................Page 51
Observation Affects Reality............................................................................................................Page 10
Ohm's Law.......................................................................................................................................Page 10
Ohm's Law Triangle........................................................................................................................Page 10
Olmec Magentic Structures.............................................................................................................Page 37
Optical Fiber....................................................................................................................................Page 41
Orgone.............................................................................................................................................Page 47
Overview of All Pyramids Discovered...........................................................................................Page 24
Particle Beam Cannon.....................................................................................................................Page 22
Piezoelectricity in Bones.................................................................................................................Page 27
Piezoelectric Crystals Explaination.................................................................................................Page 27
Piezoelectric Effect Demonstration.................................................................................................Page 29
Piezoelectric Effects in Quartz-Rich Rocks.....................................................................Page 16, Page 29
Piezoelectric Effect and the Pineal Gland in the Human Brain.......................................................Page 43
Piezoelectric Gem List....................................................................................................................Page 27
Piezoelectricity Used to Heal Skin..................................................................................................Page 27
Piezoelectric Materials Absorb Vibrations......................................................................................Page 26
Piezoelectric Materials for Medical Applications...........................................................................Page 27
Piezoelectric Vibration Damping Study..........................................................................................Page 27
Piezoluminescence in a Quartz Crystal...........................................................................................Page 28
Pineal Gland and Melatonin............................................................................................................Page 43
Pineal Gland Function.....................................................................................................................Page 43
Pineal Melatonin Level Disruption in Humans Due to Electromagnetic Fields.............................Page 43
Platonic Solids.................................................................................................................................Page 10
Planetary Electromagnetic Pollution...............................................................................................Page 44
Polar Wandering..............................................................................................................................Page 04
Project ORION (Soviet)..................................................................................................................Page 26
Project Ra Energy: Piezoelectric Frequency Conducted Through Water........................................Page 16
Psychological Marketing Tips for Customer Mind Control............................................................Page 51
Pure Royal Bloodlines.....................................................................................................................Page 48
Purring Crocodile............................................................................................................................Page 45
Pyramid Air-Shafts..........................................................................................................................Page 17
Pyramids Around the World............................................................................................................Page 30
Pyramid Capstones...........................................................................................................Page 24, Page 36
Pyramid Energy...............................................................................................................................Page 24
Pyramids Found Globally................................................................................................................Page 24
Pyramid Grid...................................................................................................................................Page 26
Pyramid Power................................................................................................................................Page 24
Pyramid Power Plant.......................................................................................................................Page 24
Pyramid That Can Manipulate Sound (Teotihuacan)......................................................................Page 23
Pyramidion......................................................................................................................................Page 36
Pyroelectricity..................................................................................................................................Page 27
Pyroelectric Fusion..........................................................................................................................Page 27
Pyroelectric Gem List......................................................................................................................Page 27
Quark...............................................................................................................................................Page 10
Quartz Capacitor...............................................................................................................Page 21, Page 27
Quartz Clock....................................................................................................................................Page 27
Quartz Dielectric.............................................................................................................................Page 27
Quetzalcóatl (Aztec God)................................................................................................................Page 33
Radiant Energy Collector................................................................................................................Page 20
Radon...............................................................................................................................................Page 16
Rail Gun..........................................................................................................................................Page 22
Raygun.............................................................................................................................................Page 22
Red Fox Electroreception................................................................................................................Page 40
Religion and Sexuality.....................................................................................................................Page 47
Rhabdomancy..................................................................................................................................Page 37
Rice Experiment, Posative and Negative Thoughts Affect on Matter.............................................Page 10
Royal Jewelry..................................................................................................................................Page 30
Russian Pyramid Power Selling Website........................................................................................Page 24
Sacred Geometry................................................................................................Page 10, Page 23, Page 39
Sex and the Church..........................................................................................................................Page 47
Shapes Effect Energy.......................................................................................................................Page 23
Slaughter House Designed to Keep Cattle Calm.............................................................................Page 23
Solar and Geomagnetic Activity and their Effect on Human Physiology.......................................Page 37
Soundproofing Materials.................................................................................................................Page 23
Sound used as Energy......................................................................................................................Page 23
Spiritual Nature of Hair...................................................................................................................Page 42
Stationary Terrestrial Waves............................................................................................................Page 21
Static Horse Tails and Coats............................................................................................................Page 41
Stone Age Symbols Found Worldwide...........................................................................................Page 31
Sunspots...........................................................................................................................................Page 37
Suns Effect on Earth and Water.......................................................................................................Page 53
Sumerian King List.........................................................................................................................Page 46
Surveillance Changes Behavior.......................................................................................................Page 42
Syrian Civil War..............................................................................................................................Page 52
Tarrot Card Analysis.......................................................................................................................Page 06
Telluric Currents..............................................................................................................................Page 20
Tesseract..........................................................................................................................................Page 10
Tezcatlipoca (Aztec God)................................................................................................................Page 33
The Ark of the Covenant.................................................................................................................Page 30
The Aztec Mayan Calendar its Similarities to the Hebrew Biblical Calendar................................Page 36
The Black box of Mecca.................................................................................................................Page 30
The Black Stone..............................................................................................................................Page 30 The Eye of Horus the Connection Between Art Medicine and Mythology in Ancient Egypt........Page 43
The Influence of Electromagnetic Pollution on Living Organisms.................................................Page 44
The Leaves of Hermes, 14 Diffrent Processes of Chemistry...........................................................Page 09
The Mythological Origin of the Egyptian Temple.............................................Page 31, Page 34, Page 35
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy......................................................................Page 19, Page 29
The Ten Commandments of Masonic Dress...................................................................................Page 48
The Secret Teachings of All Ages...................................................................................................Page 03
The Significance of Hair in Native American Culture....................................................................Page 41
The Significance of Long Hair in Native American Cultures.........................................................Page 41
The Watchers Assaults on privacy in America................................................................................Page 42
Thule Society...................................................................................................................................Page 42
Tibetan Bloodletting Chart..............................................................................................................Page 37
Tibetan Monks Can Raise Body Temperature With Their Minds...................................................Page 43
Tips to Reduce Static Electricity for Horse Riding.........................................................................Page 41
To Hunt the Platypus Uses its Electric Sixth Sense........................................................................Page 40
Transmisson of Electrical Energy to Any Distance Without Wires................................................Page 19
Triboluminescence..........................................................................................................................Page 29
Trinities and Triangles.....................................................................................................................Page 10
Underwater Pyramid........................................................................................................................Page 25
UFO Sightings Over Exceptional Geophysical Activity.................................................................Page 29
Voltage Difference with and without Shoes....................................................................................Page 41
Vril Society......................................................................................................................................Page 42
Wardenclyffe Tower........................................................................................................................Page 21
What it Means When your Hair Starts to Stand on End in a Thunderstorm...................................Page 41
What is Limestone?.........................................................................................................................Page 16
Wilhelm Reich.................................................................................................................................Page 47
What to Know About Calcification of the Pineal Gland.................................................................Page 48
Whistle Jars.....................................................................................................................................Page 23
Why are Solar Panels Blue, Rather than Black, when Black Absorbs more Light.........................Page 44
Why Christians were Denied Access to their Bible........................................................................Page 46
Why Does the Hair on the Back of My Neck Stand Up..................................................................Page 41
Why Does Wool Conduct More Static Electricity than Other Fabrics............................................Page 41
Wool Forbidden in Temples............................................................................................................Page 36
Wool and Static Electricity..............................................................................................................Page 36
Xipe Totec (Aztec God)...................................................................................................................Page 33
Zeitgiest...........................................................................................................................................Page 46


  1. i've intuitively known this for years, but you have succinctly laid it out for all to understand and see.
    way to go man, great work.


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